Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,711 Two Souls in One Body

Cloyin once held [Immanence and Darkness], and together with that card, he reached the top of the demigods. Although Shade didn't know whether carrying that card helped her face her inner darkness, she also realized that this card definitely had extraordinary power.

The witch with short brown hair looked at Shade and asked cautiously:

"I know you've always wanted this card, but I have a feeling that once I use it here, it will never be mine again."

This means that this card may be consumed here.

Xia De shook his head indifferently. The Wanxiang Impermanence Card abides by the choice of fate, or the Wanxiang Impermanence Card takes the initiative to fiddle with fate, so although he wants it very much, he does not force it. If it deserves to be yours, it will come sooner or later:

"It doesn't matter. The main thing I came here to do is to complete the seven-day story. It's time to end this trip and get started."

Therefore, [Impermanence·Space] was placed on the side of the five identity cards. As the cards radiated light slightly, everyone heard the humanoid figure made of dust sigh:

"The two-person space, the broken relationship and the new blood relationship. So, you have chosen this fate for yourself and them, then take the initiative to welcome it. I hope that in the long and distant years to come, you will not I regret my choice."

All the dust that made up its body fell to the ground. At the same time, an inexplicable strong wind suddenly blew from the distance of the Lost Forest. Those with strong winds, even Shade and Chloe Yin, had to raise their arms and turn sideways to avoid it.

The bonfire flickered under the strong wind, and all the cards flew in the wind. The strong smell of dampness and rancidity in the Lost Forest surrounded everyone as the wind blew in, making people even wonder whether this small camp would be completely destroyed by the wind.

[Outlander, you feel your destiny. 】

Fortunately, when the strong wind subsided, the campfire and tent were still there. Shade hugged Mia and held Chloe Yin's hand, and then heard the heartbreaking voice of the witch Miss Andreana:

"Clara, no!"

Turning around to look, the maid in black skirt had turned into a stone statue. And not only that, the stone statue turned into fly ash bit by bit starting from the top of its head, and just dissipated in the forest.

The long table was gone, as was the original stone statue of Miss Lux, leaving only playing cards scattered on the floor. Shade just glanced at it and knew that [Impermanence and Space] was not among them. It must have left with the strong wind just now.

"I lost them both?"

At that moment, the spirit in the witch almost burst out in an explosion. Her despair made her soul unable to withstand such a powerful force. Fortunately, Chloe Yin was still here:

"Don't be so nervous, believe in the fairness of fate."

She patted the shoulder of the witch who also belonged to the Zarath Academy:

"Look over there."

Shade and the bard Mr. Enriquez also looked towards the edge of the camp.

The footsteps became clearer and clearer, until the girl, whose face was almost the same as that of the maid Clara, but wearing a dark blue dress instead of a black maid dress, walked out of the foggy forest.

She practically rushed to Miss Andreana and hugged her, and the witch cried and hugged her. This is Miss Lux, the stone statue from before. She is indeed back.

"I don't understand. Because of using that special card, doesn't Miss Clara need to pay a price? Where did she go?"

The bard asked in confusion, Shade stared at the newly appeared girl:

"It's not that you don't have to pay a price, but that you have to pay less. This Miss Lux is not just Miss Lux."


The witch let go of her apprentice, and then she was shocked to discover the fact that Shade discovered:


"Yes, teacher."


"Yes, miss."

Both answers came from the same mouth, but the expressions were slightly different.

"One body, two souls?"

Chloe Yin asked Shade, who nodded but did not make any comments.

This matter is simple to say. Because of jealousy, the twin sister forced her sister away, putting her sister in danger. Later, due to various reasons, he wanted to undo the tragedy he caused, but he and his sister could no longer be separated.

The stories of Helen and Grace, Dorothy and Lesia, Megan and Audrey, the "twin"-like sisters around him, are all different from the pair in front of him, but there are still similarities. Love and being loved, regret and infatuation, seeking but not getting and losing and finding.

So Shade didn't make any comments. This was someone else's story. He just needed to watch it.

The group returned to their respective cushions and gathered in a circle to wait for the end of the seven-day travel story. The sobbing girl held Miss Andreana's arm, and the witch with short brown hair also understood the current situation of her beloved sister.

She seems to be very accepting of this situation. Although the two have become one person, at least they are indeed by her side:

"Never leave me again."

Mr. Enriquez, who was already familiar with the witch, took the initiative to talk and sent his blessings. Cloyin also breathed a sigh of relief at this ending. While Shade was happy that the ending was satisfactory, he knew very well that he would never accept this situation happening around him. He just wanted Dorothy and Lesia to always be two people.

"The Temple of Destiny on the top of the snow-capped mountains gives this journey a different meaning. The girl chosen by fate was finally reborn because of love and regret, and the loyal dog who was deeply involved in the sin of jealousy also gained his own redemption. ."

The god summed up the trip on the afternoon of the seventh day with a smile, and seemed very satisfied with everyone's "performance".

Then, it’s the end:

"Although the loyal dogs left, new loyal dogs arrived. The five members of the tour group knew that their trip was coming to an end, but they still moved forward. Ahead, there was no valley surrounded by green grass and flowers, and no gurgling streams flowing through Garden, not to mention the temple where gods and saints once rested. On the night of the seventh day, it was still the harsh environment of the snowy mountains. You camped in a circle between the bonfire and the tent, enduring the severe cold, and had a somewhat shabby dinner. Come to the end of the journey.”

She asked everyone kindly. For the first time in the story, she asked everyone as a god:

"Don't you feel disappointed that the trip ends in such an unmemorable place?"

“It doesn’t matter where you travel.”

The witch snuggled with her apprentice and maid said, gently wiping the tears from the eyes of the girl next to her.

“The process of traveling is the most important thing.”

The bard who recorded this story said that he had really changed a lot since before the story began.

"As long as it's over, why should we care where it ends?"

Said a stranger from the distant future.

Then God said again:

"The travelers at the dinner noticed that the travelers who had traveled a long way came from afar and joined them. As the initiator of this journey and the narrator of this story, the traveler sitting with his back to the bonfire expressed his gratitude to all A question was asked. Only by answering the question can one set out to return to his homeland."

Sure enough, at the end of the seven-day journey, they would not be able to leave the Lost Forest so easily.

Shade hugged little Mia tightly and sat up straight, and everyone else also sat up straight and waited for the god's question.

That question was a bit unexpected, but if you think about it carefully, it was just right:

"Although the scenery during the trip is important, the companions are also very important. For the three travelers who have experienced a complete seven-day trip, please each be a companion and write down a wish you want to help her or him realize."

She looked at the bard, Shade and the witch in turn:

"If the wish is just right and everyone gets a wish, then you can get out of here."

The top three cards in the card pile floated to the three of them respectively. The cards were blank, but as long as you thought about it, you could leave pictures or words on them.

The three people who had experienced this short but long journey did not hesitate, and soon the three cards came into the hands of God. She smiled as she looked at the wishes that mortals made for each other, and then revealed them one by one:

"The wish of the traveler under the moon - I hope that the parrot who has left the lost forest can still get his manuscript and remember this wonderful journey in this way."

The bard nodded gently to Shade to express his gratitude. Shade made a wish for the poet instead of the witch because he felt that the witch's wish had been fulfilled.

“The wish of the parrot—may both the unicorn and his loyal dog remember their sacrifice for each other.”

Even the proud witch raised her head and expressed her gratitude to the bard. The reason why the poet made a wish for the witch is because he felt that among all the people, this lady was the most pitiable. The man holding two cats just now was happy enough.

"The wish of the unicorn - I hope that the traveler under the moon will one day be able to meet his lover again at the other end of time."

Chloe Yin nodded to Miss Andreana to express her gratitude, and Shade also smiled. However, his time is running out. After a brief reunion, they part ways, just like every time before. And he will always remember the strange adventure of this time key just like in the past.

"Very good, you can leave. Travelers, I hope you like this little story around the campfire on this lost night. But if I really want to fulfill one of the three wishes, which one do you want me to fulfill? Woolen cloth?"

God asked a few more people.

"Please grant the parrot's wish and I will take control of my own life."

said the witch.

"Please grant the wishes of the parrots, and I believe that I can meet them myself. I firmly believe in this."

Shade also said, and Chloe had no doubts at all about the plural personal pronoun "they".

God looked at them:

"You may still not understand the meaning of travel, but at least this is indeed a good story. Confused people, the lost forest is where lost people return. This journey allows everyone to find their way, so you don't belong Here it is.”

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