Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,712 The end of the journey (additional update)

"Are you no longer confused?"

The wind and snow disappeared at some point, and the camp in the Lost Forest once again returned to what it looked like when Shade first arrived. Although they are still here, everyone is relieved. The ubiquitous chaotic pressure of time and space is no longer there, and they can go home.

"it's over."

Shade stood up, and everyone else who had come to their senses also stood up. They looked to the left side of the bonfire camp together. A path appeared in the foggy forest, which was the way to leave.

Chloe Yin held Shade's hand tightly and asked softly:

"Are you leaving again?"

"Yes. It's time to say goodbye again."

"I will remember this story, sir, you are an amazing person."

The bard was the first to speak to Shade, holding his harp and bowing to express his gratitude.

"I will try my best to find that card again. You helped me and I won't forget it."

The witch with short brown hair said, and the beautiful apprentice beside her repeated the sentence twice:

"thank you."

"thank you."

Shade nodded, petted the cat in his arms, and finally looked at Chloe Yin, with those golden eyes staring at him.

"There will be another chance to see you again, right?"

the petite witch asked.

"Yes, there will definitely be."

Shade put Mia on his shoulders and gave her a hug. The demigod witch who was good at using the power of ice immediately gave Shade a passionate kiss.

Shade tasted blood in this kiss, but it was not his blood, but her blood:

"You gave me your blood last time, please remember the taste of my blood this time."

She said softly, with some imperceptible shyness in her expression. Shade smiled, and then looked at his hands. The thin white mist was already entangled. At the end of the fifty minutes, it was indeed time to leave.

The bonfire was still bright, and while the travelers were saying goodbye to each other, the dusty travelers had already put the stack of cards back into their backpacks. Seeing Shade looking at her to say goodbye, the god threw the card representing his identity as "Moonlight Traveler" to him:

"Travel souvenir."

Shade took the card and looked at the picture on it. His figure was changed from walking alone under the moon to him with a parrot, a unicorn, a silver cat, an old horse and two black hounds. He couldn't help but smile, and then asked again:

"Actually, I still have a little question. Before leaving, if you can, please answer it for me."

"What questions?"

God asked in front of the campfire, carrying his backpack.

"One body can contain two souls, but is this really a normal phenomenon?"

Everyone thought that Shade was referring to the matter of Clara and Lux, but Shade knew that God must understand that his doubts were more than that.

Sure enough, like a traveler who was about to start another journey, he answered softly beside the campfire:

"Now that you have completed this journey, I will give you some answers you want to know:

The superposition of soul and soul can burst out with more dazzling brilliance, especially when there is no choice. The starting point of the ring is right here. But what is more important to you is that you have witnessed with your own eyes the two-in-one under the guidance of fate. You know how this destiny should be achieved, and you know the meaning of rupture and rebirth, which is very important to you. "

[Outlander, you have sensed a "miracle". 】

[Outlander, you have some understanding of "two persons in one body". 】

Shade nodded silently. The god did not answer why Lecia and Dorothy had a special connection in the distant future. Instead, it seemed to be hinting that he could also use the "double body" to gain stronger power.

But the problem is that the body of the stranger does not have any twin brothers and sisters, nor does he have the kind of people who are bound to each other in destiny.

Time was running out, and without taking the time to think more, Shade finally hugged Chloe Yin. The Ice Witch, the Witch Emperor in charge of the ice and snow capital, also hugged him tightly.


"See you next time."

Shade's figure disappeared into her arms, and the god also lost its trace. The dejected silver-haired girl sighed slightly, trying to catch the white mist that she could barely see with her hands, and then said to the people waiting for her to leave together:

"Bard, after returning to reality, go find the [Travelers Association] and you will get a good job. As for you, Arela Andriana, I want to talk carefully with you and your apprentice later. Talk, talk about your previous experiences.”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

They were bolder when Shade was around. After Shade left, no one dared to regard the youngest [Witch Parliament] member of this era as an ordinary witch.

"Let's go."

She said, taking the lead towards the path in the forest. But he suddenly stopped and looked back to where everyone was sitting. A strange white mist suddenly appeared. In the white mist, the figure of a young witch with a dragon tail flashed past:


(Little Mia is running...)

It is worth mentioning that Shade did not turn little Mia back into a toy before returning this time, because the last experience in Eternal Night City had already taught him that although taking little Mia to the past era, he needed to turn it into a toy , but once the time comes, even if it still maintains the form of a real cat, this "future cat" will be "sent" back to the sixth era with him by the tree father.

Therefore, when Shade said goodbye to Chloe with a sense of loss, and saw the giant tree that seemed to connect the sky and the earth under the white mist, the cat was still standing on Shade's shoulder, Amber His big colored eyes looked curiously at the almost transparent giant tree in front of him.

There was obviously no wind here, but the tree crowns made a rustling sound. The transparent branches swayed, causing two emerald green leaves to sway and fall from the crown of the tree.

Shade held his hands together and raised them above his head, letting two leaves fall into his hands.

"The story has been completed again, Chloe Yin...two persons...involved in fate."

He murmured to himself, took the leaves and cards, turned around and walked towards the depths of the white mist.

[Outlander, you have returned to the present time. 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

【Infinite time protects you. 】

Walking out of the bedroom door with the cat on his back, home in the early morning is still so pleasant. In three seconds, Luvia had not left her original position, but she did not look at Shade, but looked downstairs.

"What's wrong?"

Shade asked curiously.

"There was a sound of the door opening downstairs, who is here?"

After speaking, he walked towards Shade and gave him a gentle hug. Then he sniffed lightly, let go of Shade and said with a smile:

"A familiar smell that appeared before. Have you seen the demigod witch?"

"Yes, I saw Miss Chloe Yin. However, I probably won't be able to get the Impermanence Card."

"That's really a pity, but I don't think you're very disappointed."

With that said, the two of them looked at the door of the room. Lecia, who came with the maids, had already reached the second floor.


Seeing that Luvia was here, Lesia subconsciously wanted to say hello in a cheerful tone, and then thought that although she and the female diviner had spent the night with Shade on the G, they probably weren't that familiar yet.

The purple-eyed girl, who had roughly guessed the secrets of Dorothy and the princess in front of her, didn't care much:

"Good morning, Your Highness Lesiya."

I looked at Shade again and saw that his expression was normal, so I knew that he had not encountered any big problems in the final adventure of Time Key:

"Shade, I'm going to work. You guys can chat slowly. I'll come over in the evening to record the star map."

So Shade sent Luvia downstairs first. When he returned upstairs, Lesia had already sat down on the sofa.

Lesia just saw Shade holding two leaves of youth in his hands, and she knew that he had just completed the adventure of the Time Key. It’s just that she didn’t ask too much. There was plenty of time on Saturday anyway:

"Shadow, Aunt Carina and Agelina will lead the negotiation delegation to leave on Saturday evening. Tomorrow, that is Friday, there will be a high-standard dinner at Yodel Palace. This is the invitation."

She placed the invitation on the coffee table, then glanced in the direction of the kitchen to confirm that all her maids were busy, and then said:

"Tomorrow, Friday, is the 25th day of the Sowing Moon, the 25th day after the last Red Butterfly Day."

She pursed her lips and looked at Sha De, with a tentative look in her green eyes. Sha De was a little confused:

"Didn't you say that the day of the red butterfly should be placed on the day of the lunar eclipse? Luvia said that the lunar eclipse is next Wednesday and the plan has changed?"

"I discussed it with Dorothy."

Her Royal Highness the Princess still looked at Xia De, as if Xia De did not agree with her, she would not blink:

"Although you said not to mention the incident last Saturday, we still feel guilty. So I think Red Butterfly Day is a good day to let you feel our enthusiasm again. Instead of waiting until next Wednesday, why not Just tomorrow. There will be a banquet at Yodel Palace, and I can also arrange for us to meet."

Since Lecia said this, Shade has more expectations for tomorrow night:

"No problem, I will make preparations in advance. Oh, I got some negotiation information a few days ago. Remember to take it with you when you leave later."

"This is the last time. When Aunt Carina arrives at Green Lake, you won't be needed to collect this information."

She gently gave Shade a hug:

"Sometimes, I really thank the gods for allowing us to meet you."

Little Mia squatted on the kitchen table and glanced at the two people on the sofa, then looked at the maid preparing tea in the kitchen.

"What you are saying is starting to sound more and more like Dorothy... Lesia, you are the princess of Delarion. Shouldn't I feel lucky to know you?"

Shade asked with a smile.

"But the most important thing the Cavendish royal family lacks is a princess, and you only have one."

It was indeed difficult for Shade to refute this statement, so he simply kissed the princess in front of him. Sure enough, what the storybook said "love is magic" was correct. After the kiss ended, Lesia returned to normal except for a slight blush on her face.

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