Whispering Verse

Extra 4 Ice and Dragon

(The story of this chapter takes place in Chapter 1712, after the witch and her party bid farewell to Shade and before leaving the Lost Forest.)

"Your Majesty Marquez?"

Seeing the silver-haired demigod witch turn and look behind her, Miss Andreana called out to her. The short witch said without looking back:

"You go first, I will leave before this road disappears. If you don't see me after that, go to my territory."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

With that said, the brown-haired witch pulled her maid and apprentice, and ran quickly to the end of the forest path with the bard holding Qin.

The camp did not disappear just because the story ended. The snow stopped falling and the wind became calm. The departure of living people and gods makes the silent Lost Forest become more and more strange. Lost souls flickered in the forest, trying to get close to here, but when the coldness on Croyin spread and even covered the ground with frost, those souls who were supposed to rest here before they could truly die, temporarily Waited in the woods.

In the fog, the big-tailed red dragon girl looked at the scene in front of her nervously, looking at the demigod witch with slightly glowing eyes. Fiona Drago, who was wearing a hat and carrying a backpack, even felt that the golden eyes of the ancient demigod in front of her directly passed through the barriers of time and space and saw her soul.

Although before departure, Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode said that because her time power had been strengthened in [Eternal Night City], she might be able to directly contact the ancient witch this time, Fiona did not expect that You can succeed the first time by yourself:

"When did I get so lucky?"

She pinched the buttons of her blouse with both hands, not knowing what to say, so the frowning Chloe Yin took the initiative to speak:

"Space-time dragon? Brass dragon? Or star dragon?"

"No, I am a red dragon."

Although she was a little overwhelmed, Fiona still tried to defend her lineage:

"I'm a half-blood red dragon, and my mother is a half-elf."


Croyin frowned deeply, and the chill emanating from his body had frozen the entire camp except for the bonfire. Even Fiona in the fog felt cold:

"Appearing here in such an unusual way...the power of time...are you...a witch from the future? In order to find traces of that man?"

The big-tailed dragon girl was a little surprised, but she nodded quickly:

"Yes! Do you understand all this? Excuse me...do you also know Shade?"

Although the silver-haired witch in front of her was not tall, Fiona knew who she was. During the most powerful period in history, the other party could even freeze time - just like it does now. She was one of the most powerful Witch Emperors from the Fifth Era to the era when Miss Feliana was active.

"Shad Hamilton? Yes, I know him, and I have tried to find traces of him in the long river of time, but all I saw were different witches... To be precise, He just left twenty seconds before you appeared... It turns out that the time disturbance when he left gave you the opportunity to appear here. Because he was blessed by the power of the tree father, and you also have him. The smell of blood, so Tree Father will not hold you accountable for violating time travel for the time being."

When Fiona was in [Eternal Night City], Shade used his personal, degraded version of the sleep growth ritual of "Book of Dragons: Breeding and Growth", in which Shade used his own blood. Chloe Yin drank Shade's blood directly when he was in the Silver Mountains, so he was very familiar with the unique taste.

"is that so?"

The red dragon girl in the mist blinked her eyes, and then regretted again:

"He just left...it was a miss."

After saying that, I finally remembered the purpose of coming this time:

"Your Majesty Cloyin Marcus Marquez, I have been entrusted by the future demigods - Teacher Feliana and Teacher Olanode, and I hope to establish contact with you. We are looking for Shade in the echoes of time and space. Traces of Suellen Hamilton. Apart from you, the witches from the end of the fifth era have already contacted us."

Because the Yellow Moon Witch forced her to recite this passage many times before setting off, Fiona didn't pronounce it wrong.

The face of the silver-haired demigod was illuminated by the flickering bonfire:

“What do your teachers want to do?”

She asked a question that made Fiona blush:

"Stealing a man?"

"No, why do you think so? We are just Shad's... friends. The teachers said they saw bad signs from Shad. The old days are over, and those of us living in the First Era The postponed ending that the living beings will face in the future is about to come."

Chloe Yin's golden eyes were really shining:

"Your teacher also knows? But that doesn't matter. The Witch Council has its own responsibilities. We are the last insurance measure."

"But Shad is from the Sixth Age."

Fiona said with certainty:

"Teacher Feliana said that the Witch Emperors of the Fifth Era eventually forgot and gave up on their responsibilities because they were greedy for everything in their hands. Although in the end, someone still started the Witch War, forcing the end of the Fifth Era and the beginning of the Sixth Era, but the situation in the Sixth Era is even worse than in the Fifth Era.”

Fiona didn't quite understand what this meant, and this was information she only got before setting off. If they had not gained so much from their adventure in Evernight City, Miss Feliana and Miss Olanold would not have informed her of these things.

"What? The fifth era is over?"

Chloe Yin was shocked:

"I originally thought Shade was from... damn, he's so far away from me."

She took a deep breath:

"Since the demise of the Fifth Era is an established fact, we witches living in the Fifth Era can indeed only intervene in the more distant future through the favored son of the [Father of the Infinite Tree]... The future Witch Emperor actually gave up on her responsibilities? Do they know what decision they made?"

Fiona didn't know what to say anymore. She had already finished all the lines she had memorized for this conversation.

Chloe Yin nodded towards the figure in the white mist:

"I understand, I will think of a way to find a way to communicate directly with you. Connect the entire fifth era, and prepare for Shade in the sixth era in this era that will eventually perish. But in this way... ....”

She pursed her lips:

"The responsibility that Shade has to bear is too great."

The heart of the red dragon witch in the fog jumped, and the tail behind her gently wrapped around her ankle. She heard the meaning of these words:

"You and Shade...um..."

Chloe Yin's lowered eyes suddenly raised, and his golden eyes looked at the red dragon girl in the fog again:

"I knew you were lying just now. We were just friends? Ha, you also said you weren't robbing men? What did you do to him?"

"It's just a kiss... The teachers said that saving the world and finding your true love at the same time is what an elegant and decent noble lady should do."

The tip of her tail lightly touched the ground behind her black leather shoes. This was actually her own idea, but Fiona forgave her little lie.

The corner of Chloe Yin's mouth trembled:

"If he can really fulfill that responsibility in the end, or at least help the future Witch Council complete that important task, even if he keeps the entire Council at home, that will be the reward he deserves."

She took a deep breath:

"I can only see in the long river of time that the witches of the future have gotten to know him, but my time is the farthest away from him after all. Do you know what the witches of the sixth era in the longer future think of him? "

Fiona nodded, her tone very dissatisfied:

"The teacher said that the witches of the Sixth Age did not take good care of him at all, whether it was psychologically, physically or otherwise. They did not take good care of Shade."

"Don't all the witches in the future see how special Shade is?"

"Teachers say that the great witches of the Sixth Age are all soft-footed shrimps. They are so timid that they dare not do anything. They have lost the pride and bravery of witches and only focus on reserve and caution."

"Isn't this better?"

With a chuckle, her long silver hair spread behind her, Croyin raised her head slightly. Although she was not very tall, her arrogant expression fully showed the pride of the Witch Emperor:

"The witches of the future don't seem to understand that you have to grab what you want, and the happiness you want will not fly into your hands. So, your teachers, do you know how to see him again? "

"It can only rely on luck, but his soul already has our reverberation. Our destiny is tied to him. We are destined to meet. This is the future chosen by fate."

Fiona said softly, and then a smile appeared on Chloe Yin's face:

"That's good, otherwise, I will send my girls to repeatedly go to those unknown and terrifying 'border' areas."

The term "border area" puzzled Fiona, but before she could ask, she noticed that the white fog around her became thicker. The forest scene is in Yidianmo Lake, and she is about to leave this time and space.

"Red Dragon, I will join this cooperation."

Chloe Yin promised, and Fiona hurriedly added:

"Thank you. The teachers also said that if you meet Shade again in the future, don't say that we have met before. Time and space are extremely fragile. Except for a special soul like him, none of us should try to break the existing rules. "

"I understand. However, I will not promise that I will not do anything to Shade next time I see him. If there is enough time..."

The silver-haired witch smiled:

"I will let him know how a witch takes care of her lover."

These words reminded Fiona of her performance in Evernight City. After she broke out of her shell, if it wasn't for lack of time, she would have almost had something more passionate with Shade (Chapter 1392).

"If we encounter Shade again, we will not promise not to do anything."

Representing her teacher and teacher's teacher, Fiona also expressed her thoughts in front of the demigod.

The part of her that was a dragon told her that a dragon would not give up easily on a mate that it likes, especially one that has been tainted with its scent. And the part of her that is a witch tells her that all witches understand that happiness must be earned by oneself.

Waiting and hesitating without doing anything, you will only see the snacks at the afternoon tea party being taken away by other hateful women:

"Then we'll see you next time, Your Majesty Marquez."

"See you next time, the red dragon from the future... I can see that he likes cats, but I didn't expect that he even likes half-dragons... Could it be that what he really likes is those with tails? girl?"

Muttering to himself, Croyin waved his hand and turned towards the forest path opened by the gods.

The red-haired red dragon girl pouted slightly in the fog, feeling that she had been underestimated. But she lowered her head and looked at her big tail, which was wrapped around her legs wearing white socks. She blushed again thinking about Shade's curiosity about the tail when he was in [Eternal Night City].

"Next time we meet, if he takes the initiative, let him... touch it again."

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