Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,713 Thaumatology-Powerful Spatial Perception

Shade believed that after what happened last time, Dorothy and Lesia would not do such risky things again. Now he only needs to quickly resolve the matter in the Green Lake area so that the princess and the female writer have nothing to do with it. Then the matter can be safely over.

After sending Lesia away, Shade didn't have anything important to do all day Thursday. He wrote a letter to Miss Danister and made an appointment to visit the library in the evening. Then he took advantage of his free time today to handle trivial matters such as studies and reports at home.

Of course, he did not forget to check out the rewards after completing the new time key. Two brand new [Eternal Youth Leaves] were placed in front of his eyes one after another. As the golden light traces flowed along the veins of the leaves into his eyes, first the knowledge of [Dragon] was learned by Sha De, and then he automatically learned the correlation. [Time and Space] The thaumaturgy of core spiritual runes - powerful space perception.

"Oh? This knowledge..."

Prior to this, Shade had obtained racial knowledge of elves, vampires, and mermaids. This knowledge included but was not limited to information about texts, history, customs, etc., and of course also included information to enhance spellcasting. As for the [Dragon] race information this time, Shade only had a rough feel for it, and then he got a method on how to make the relic [Higgs Dragon Head Stone] exert a stronger effect.

In addition, many ritual information related to "dragon" also represent the preciousness of this knowledge. It seems that as Shade completes the keys again and again, even the rewards with the same specifications contain more content.

"Then there's enhanced spatial awareness."

The use of thaumaturgy does not require casting materials, gestures or specific movements. Shade stood in his living room and used thaumaturgy in a daze posture.

The effect of [Space Perception] that Ring Warlocks can learn is that without holding a map, Mohu knows the nearby terrain. As long as there is no force affecting the space nearby, even the thickest fog or thick iron plate can block it. Can't stand this effect.

And when Shade used the thaumaturgy with the "powerful" affix, he was just like a normal thaumaturgy. The model lake terrain of the entire building automatically appeared in his head, and then the scope expanded to the neighbor's house, and then extended to less than half of the building. Teresa Square, and the streets beyond the square.

This kind of "spatial perception" does not allow Shade to know the movements of nearby humans. It only works on the "terrain" itself and large obstacles such as bookshelves. After casting the spell, it did not give him the ability to "see through", but rather gave him the sixth sense to know the situation nearby, as if he knew that little Mia was watching him behind him.

The "powerful" effect makes this perception even more exaggerated than the normally learned thaumaturgy. Shade did not feel that the range of his perception was limited. As long as he was willing to spend extra spirit, the effect of this perception could continue to spread.

He wanted to try his limit, but was hindered when his perception spread to the vicinity of Yodel Palace. This represented the protection of the royal family by the church and the existence of some space powers.

Normal "spatial perception" cannot be like his, and he can even perceive the corridors and room separations in the building. Although Shade cannot easily detect small spaces such as "hidden cells" in the wall, it is at least stronger than ordinary thaumaturgy that can only perceive a large range of terrain.

After all, this is "spatial perception" and not "treasure exploration". Finding hidden grids requires more sophisticated thaumaturgy.

"Then there's the handheld map situation."

He found the extremely accurate Tobesk city map left by Detective Sparrow, held the map and cast the spell again. As if it had the normal effect, he knew his precise position on the map. But other than that, there seem to be no other special effects.

"Strong spatial perception has enhanced the effect on the basis of [spatial perception]. Although I have not landed on the island now, I should be able to obtain a wider field of vision in the environment of the central island of Green Lake, even when I am lost. find a way under the circumstances. But are these the only effects?"

He kept the thaumaturgy activated and looked around. His field of vision did not change in any way due to the thaumaturgy, but he clearly felt that the world he "saw" was different.

Shade thought for a moment, took out the extract of [Wind Vane Blue Grass] from his pocket and dropped it on his tongue. Then he took a step forward and appeared directly in the second room next door. He was counting down in his heart. This time he was just waiting. After five seconds, he took another step forward and appeared in the living room on the first floor downstairs.

He looked around at the first floor of his house with a smile on his face:

"That's it. [Rag Lai's Jump] originally could only move to a place that could be seen with the eyes, or could be sensed such as behind. But with [Powerful Spatial Perception], although it is still limited to a range of 20 meters , but you can still move even if you can't see with your eyes. There are many ring warlocks who have learned [Spatial Perception], but no one has mentioned this, which shows that this is the effect brought by 'powerful'. There is also a cooling time. reduce......"

[Large's Jump] The original waiting time was one hour. After Shade possessed the "Space Stable Halo" enhanced by the "Divine Afterglow" status, he applied the halo effect to himself, thus shortening the waiting time. For ten seconds.

Ring sorcerers such as Miss Sylvia who have also learned "Raga's Jump" also use the method of finding a stable space so that they can use this thaumaturgy more frequently. The witch found a Keeper-level relic, which reduced the waiting time to twenty seconds.

Of course, she also has other spatial movement thaumaturgy.

It is worth mentioning that in the Sixth Age today, the difficulty of space movement thaumaturgy is definitely not "how to move in space", but "how to move in space safely". If you are not afraid of attracting strange things, you can use [Rag's Jump] as if you are walking, but no one would do that.

With the "powerful space perception", Shade can effectively avoid things that may come from the space gap or even the subspace when using the "Rage Jump". Although you still have to wait five seconds before casting the spell for the second time, it is already a considerable improvement compared to the original ten seconds.

In this way, even if Shade doesn't learn other spatial movement magic, his short-range spatial movement speed can barely keep up with Miss Sylvia.

Calculating the cooling time, he took another step forward, this time appearing from the first floor to the third floor. Shade was quite satisfied with this, and after taking another step, he appeared next to Xiao Mia.

The cat was already aware of Shade's elusiveness, so it didn't panic. It just said "meow~" without knowing what it meant.

"Interesting, I even feel that now I can even use the 'jump from Rag' to lead a ring warlock that is no larger than myself to move in space."

Shade looked down at his hands in disbelief, but there was no one at home now, so he couldn't experiment with this new skill.

But no matter what, the enhancement of "Strong Spatial Perception" to "Rag Lai's Jump" has far exceeded the value of a new magic technique.

"In this way, does the powerful spatial perception seem to enhance all spatial powers?"

Shade's [Time and Space] spiritual rune contains the meaning of both "time" and "space", but in fact, compared with his many time-related thaumaturgy, strictly speaking, the only thaumaturgy related to "space" is "Lage". "Coming Jump" and "Space Stable Halo".

Then I experimented with the "Space Stabilizing Halo" and found that not only did the coverage area become larger under the same consumption, but the effect was also enhanced.

"Mysterious locks should also be considered space powers."

Then the ceiling melted to reveal the starry sky, and snowflakes fell from overhead. Shade stretched out his hand to catch the snowflake. Although the Mystery Lock did not become easier to release due to the "powerful spatial perception", he felt that his Mystery Lock was more stable.

"And then this."

He took out Lesia's glass slipper, threw it out, and then appeared in the basement. Taking the glass slipper, he took one step back from the basement and returned to the second floor. After many experiments, Shade found that when he held a map that contained both "current location" and "No. 6 Saint Teresa Square", he lost the glass slipper and went home. consumption will be greatly reduced.

In other words, as long as he holds a map of the Old World, the casting loss when he uses "Cinderella" to go home can be greatly reduced.

"To sum up, the most valuable feature of enhanced spatial perception is to enhance the effects of all thaumaturgy related to space that I have. If I am not mistaken, [Key to the Door], a thaumaturgy that has nothing to do with space, You can also get enhancements when you crack the mystery lock... which is quite interesting."

Shade couldn't help but smile, and his fighting power and escape ability increased a lot. He couldn't wait to go to the island with Megan again and experiment with how effective his thaumaturgy could be.

In addition to knowledge and thaumaturgy, the other gain is two brand new [Eternal Youth Leaves]. Shade's original leaf was consumed after the deified state ended in the Battle of Randall Valley, and now he can keep one for himself.

As for the other leaf, Luvia, Lesia and Dorothy now have it. Yin Luna has the one that Shade gave her a long time ago, but Shade is not sure whether she has consumed it.

Although he wanted to give another leaf to the red-haired beauty Duke, it was obvious that Yin Luna, who was often exposed to danger, needed this more. So Xia De planned to ask Yin Luna when she had time. If her piece was no longer available, he would give this to her again.

"It's really a huge gain. Sure enough, [Time Key] is the safest, most effective and most interesting way to improve yourself."

Thinking in his mind, he looked at the card lying on the coffee table. On the card, the figures of Shade and a group of animals were frozen under the moon. He sighed softly and put the card away:

"Definitely, see you again."

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