Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,714 God of Love

So this Thursday, I spent a quite peaceful time. The only thing worth mentioning before evening came was that someone came to visit and asked Shade to find the lost pet cat. This is also the task that Sha De is best at, and he solved it by the way when he took Mia out for dinner at noon.

Since this year, he has encountered very few commissions. Now that I think about it, it probably has something to do with Dorothy's excessive boasting about him in the novel. After all, the fees of famous detectives are also very expensive.

After Luvia got off work at the Prophet's Association, she came to Shade to continue her stargazing work as she had done a few days ago. She saves time, so Shade packed food from outside and brought it back to eat with Luvia. During the meal, they naturally talked about Shade's time travel experience this morning:

"I found that the witches of the Fifth Era are very proactive, which is completely different from the ones we know."

Luvia expressed her opinion. When she saw Shade, who was feeding the cat across the dining table, looking at her with strange eyes, she smiled again and said:

"As long as you have the ability to let them come here across time, I will never mind having a few more demigod-level witches in my family. In other words, I am happy to see this kind of thing."

That's why Shade believed that Luvia definitely had a mental illness.

Miss Denister's notice of permission to meet was also sent after dinner. Shade tidied up, and at eight o'clock that evening, he appeared again on the open seat under the astrology of St. Byron's Library.

Opposite him, across the coffee table, Miss Denister and Miss Asberg were sitting on the soft sofa. After Shade greeted the two sorceresses of the thirteenth ring, he went directly to the topic:

"Ms. Asberg, I think I have the key to unlock that sealed object."

"Then let's take a look."

The card "Moonlight Traveler" was sent to St. Byrons through the poem manuscript pages. Although this card is a divine creation, in addition to being not easily damaged, it is actually just an ordinary item, otherwise it would not have been brought to the present place. time.

Miss Denister and Miss Asberg examined the card and both had guesses about the card's contents, but no one asked Shade about the origin of the card. Just as Shade had guessed, Miss Danister once again allowed her students to have their own secrets.

As for the treasure belonging to the [Winter Chorus], it is a piece of ice in the shape of a book. The ice was not completely transparent, so just like what I said in the morning, I could only see that there was a card sealed in it.

"Since you said this is the key, let's try to open it and take a look."

Miss Denister showed quite a strong interest, and it was obvious that she had a good relationship with Miss Elsa Asberg, the "Winter Singer", so the latter did not mind her being here.

So, the sorceress took Shade's card and placed it on the huge piece of ice. The card touched the ice, and everyone heard the clear sound of ice breaking. As a result, the sealed object that had been circulated in the [Bitter Winter Chorus] for thousands of years was easily opened.

Miss Danister moved her fingers a few times, and the broken ancient ice flew aside and reassembled into its original appearance. These ice cubes themselves are of great research value. Miss Asberg picked up Shade's [Moonlight Traveler] and the card sealed in the ice respectively.

Of course it is not [Impermanent Space]. Before the adventure of the Time Key ended, the ancient witch Miss Andreana lost its ownership, so Shade was sure that even if she and Chloe Yin went to look for it later, they would not be able to find it. Absolutely nowhere to be found.

Therefore, Xia De, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was not disappointed at all. Instead, he was curious about what they left for him:

"Huh? Not a card?"

What was sealed was indeed not a playing card, but a shiny golden metal piece. One side was completely smooth and devoid of anything, while the other side had a few lines of ancient text with very simple grammar.

Miss Denister read them:

"Love, the fusion of souls; sex, the collision of bodies; love, the connection of spirits; love, the promise that two people become one person."

She looked at the content above suspiciously, and when she thought about it carefully, she didn't expect what it was:

"I thought that what the ancient witch passed down to people today would be more important information, such as the secret of the era... What is this? The content of the Pink Book?"

"It should not be the content of the Pink Book."

Shade said with certainty. Seeing the two sorceresses looking at him in surprise, he added:

"I borrowed it for reference when I was writing my course paper."

So Miss Denister gave him an ambiguous smile.

Not only Miss Denister, but Miss Asperger and Shade also completely failed to understand what it was. Shade only guessed that Chloe Yin would find a way to leave something for herself, but the legibility of this information was far lower than the power left by Miss Feliana in the dream and the power left by Fiona in the mural. one's gift.

As for the fact that he was able to confirm that it was left by Chloe Yin, not only because of the special way of opening it, but also because in addition to the words on the metal surface, there was actually a cat engraved in the corner.

"Shad, what is this? Do you have any idea about this?"

So Miss Denister asked Shade, but Shade really didn't know.

Subsequently, the sorceresses of the Thirteenth Ring examined it more carefully and concluded that although the metal reacted with elements, that was only to allow the card to remain undamaged for a long time. The material of the metal itself is a fine gold alloy. Because it is mixed with other metals of unknown composition, the value of the material itself is not very high.

Shade thought that there would be no clues, but fortunately the librarian lady was indeed very knowledgeable. After trying to search a few books, she found the clue:

"It's really interesting, Elsa, Shade, guess what I found? This passage actually comes from the religious classics of a certain Old God Order. But the Old God has gone far away, and her believers have long disappeared, so I didn’t think of this the first time.”

"Which great one is it?"

Miss Asberg asked. Although she uses the power of ice, like the Ice Witch Cloyin, her personality is not cold. On the contrary, Sister Devlin, who guards the flame, has the cold personality.

"The God of Love and Emotion, who was directly called the 'God of Love' or the 'Lock of Hearts' in the Fifth Era, was the guardian of loyal and sincere love and marriage. This god left in the Fifth Era There is very little information about the order formed by her followers. However, when people in the Sixth Age now pray for love, if they try to find some related prayers and prayer rituals, most of them are related to this great one. "

Miss Danister said, still not understanding what the meaning of the metal piece was.

Shade tried to ask:

"Miss Daniste, is it true that there is not even a single disciple of the Great One to be found now?"

"Unfortunately, at least I haven't heard of it. But I can try to find it. After all, it is related to ancient witches. Maybe I can make valuable discoveries in the end?"

As for the metal piece itself, since it was Shade who opened the seal with the key, Ms. Eisberg gave it to Shade according to the order's record of the object. It’s just that Shade still thinks that the metal piece itself is not important, just like the [Dream of St. Barrons] and the passage connecting Randall Valley-St. Byrons are not important. What is important is what is contained in it or information.

Fortunately, Shade knows how to find the believers of the God of Love.

After dealing with the metal piece, Miss Asberg left temporarily, leaving Chard and Miss Denister to continue talking.

Shade had not reported on the progress of the investigation in the Green Lake area for more than a week, so Miss Denister's first question did not surprise him at all.

"Shad, have you heard about the suspected God Caller who appeared on Green Lake on Monday night?"

"Yes, of course, I am very well-informed. I didn't expect that there is another island on the back of the normal island. I will try to find a way to get to the island next."

Shade nodded, and the red-haired sorceress gave him a meaningful look, still not looking into it as before:

"So, have you found all the descendants of the Edwards family?"

"Yes, there are eight surviving descendants of the fifth and sixth generations. Except for the one-eyed twin brothers from the Mirror Association, I have confirmed that none of them recognize the image of the sun, moon and stars. In fact, I I think the one-eyed brothers probably don't know each other either. The four Edwards of the fourth generation who left the central island of Green Lake all kept secrets about the island and their families, so the fifth and sixth generations of Edwards basically didn't know each other. I don’t know anything about it.”

"So, the investigation is extending to an earlier Edwards?"

"Yes, I think the four members of the fourth generation are all dead with a high probability. As for the first three generations, let's not worry about the first generation of Thirteen Ring Diviners..."

"How do you know Laplace Klein Howard is the Thirteenth Ring?"

Miss Danister asked suddenly. Last time, Shade only said that he discovered that the first generation lord of the Edwards family was once a member of the Prophet's Association.

Shade blinked:

"Miss Luvia Anat from our group said that this matter has almost gone viral. The Prophet Association has obviously made a decision to catch the traitor."

"That makes sense...please go ahead."

"Among the six people from the first three generations, Klein Edwards is definitely alive. Of the remaining five, I have confirmed that Rust Edwards, the eldest daughter of the second generation who died young, is indeed dead."

He even saw spirits:

"You are not in Green Lake. I certainly can't find Klein Edwards to ask about the map. Therefore, my current investigation focuses on two things. First, how to board another island; second, determine Who among the first three generations of Edwards is still alive?”

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