Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,715 Rosicrucian Society (asking for votes)

Miss Denister nodded. She felt that Shade's arrangement was very reasonable:

"You must be careful in your recent actions in Green Lake. The appearance of the followers of the evil god shows that this matter is more involved. It is impossible for the Thirteen Rings Soothsayer who has been lurking for more than two hundred years to say that he is not prepared."

Shade even knew that there was at least one evil spirit demon helping Edwards' ancestor, but he could not find the right opportunity to speak out for the time being. Besides, he didn't want to say that it was Dr. Schneider's intended prey.

"When you go to Green Lake, you must take the red-covered book I gave you. In this way, even the power of that book cannot make you completely safe. At least I can know where you met. Danger."

She was silent for a moment and looked at Shade's projection:

"Again, I have lost my teacher, and I don't want to lose my students again because I am looking for my teacher. Safety first, Shade, as long as you are alive, no matter where you are in danger, I can find you."

Miss Denister's words were a bit heavy, but her worries were justified.

Shade nodded to express his understanding, so the librarian lady said again:

"In addition, you should know from Luvia Anat that Wednesday next week, the last day of the month, is the night of the lunar eclipse. You must be careful that night, and it is best to stay at home and not go out. The lunar eclipse is good for those who are good at the power of the moon. The influence of ring warlocks, especially the influence of low-level and middle-level warlocks is relatively large, and your investigation is not bad that night."

"I understand. That night I was still thinking about learning the [Black Moon Talisman]."

Shade said with a smile, and then called out his life ring:

"I recently obtained another spiritual rune. This way, the progress of the sixth ring can be considered more than halfway."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you suddenly said that you have reached the seventh ring."

Miss Danister said with a smile, looking at Shade's life ring, she always felt that it was a little different from the life rings of ordinary students. But except that the life ring is slightly larger, which means that his soul is extremely strong, there are no other abnormalities:

"The Church and the Prophet Association have launched operations in Green Lake. You must avoid them during the investigation. In addition to concealing your identity, it is also to avoid being regarded as the chosen one in the space. As for the three major colleges, it will take about ten days. Only in time will someone lead the team to the local area. Now everyone else is guarding against us, and we don’t know what they are guarding against."

She leaned back on the sofa slightly, showing a rare tired look:

"Shad, you said the Godcaller, what will he be doing now? Will he explore new clues for the chosen one, or find a new enemy? On Monday, he was suspected of using the power of the evil god. If it weren't for Rand After the Battle of the Er River Valley, the righteous god, the god of the sun and the earth, gave an oracle, telling believers not to care about the god-caller. This time, the church may regard him as a dangerous person."

This question is really hard to answer. Shade thought for a moment:

"It's getting late. I think the God Caller should be at home or in the hotel, ready to drink hot milk and rest."

Miss Denister smiled:

"Stop talking about this, how is your recent studies? Next month I am going to start a new elective course at the United Astronomy College to explore the relationship between astrology and lunar magic. Do you have time?"

What followed was a discussion about Schade’s plans for the second half of the spring semester.

By the time Shade stood up from the chair during the projection ceremony, it was already half past nine that night. He stretched out, glanced at the cat sleeping on the sofa, and then walked up the stairs to the third floor:

"Louvia, I want you to use coins to divine something for me."

"Have you finished talking to Miss Danister? Is it a new clue? What are you trying to divine? There are only two ghost iron coins left. I think it must be something very important, right?"

Luvia, who was leaning over the telescope to look at the stars, asked without looking back.

"I'm not sure if it's important, but it's definitely not a waste. I want to know how to find the most convenient way to find believers of the God of Love."


Luvia finally turned around and looked at Shade curiously with her purple eyes:

"If I remember correctly, this great one is in charge of faithful love and guards those marriages worthy of blessing."

She asked Xiang Xia De teasingly:

"Aren't you afraid of searching for followers of this god?"


Seeing that Shade was speechless for a moment, the smile on Luvia's face became even brighter:

"Okay, okay, I'm kidding you. But I need to take a rest before doing divination. I have to draw star charts after working all day. This kind of life is really hard."

It was said to be a break, but in fact it was just that he and Sha De went back to the second floor to drink a cup of tea. Before taking out the [Ghost Iron Coin], she also asked Shade if he had any specific requirements. Shade hugged the soft cat and thought for a moment:

"Looking for the Eros believer who is closest to me, the friendliest to me, and has a lot of religious knowledge, who can just answer my questions... It is best to be a ring magician, and knows a lot about ancient things, and most importantly He was able to answer all my questions at once, and he even knew what I wanted to ask when he saw me.”

"I need to remind you: I can only divination, not make wishes."

Luvia warned.

"Then it's most convenient for me to find him. If he finds one person, it will be very convenient to find someone else."

"Okay, that's easy."

Luvia closed her eyes and threw the coin. When the rotating coin reached its highest position, it began to fall and scattered into fly ash in the air.

This means that the divination is going well.

She opened her eyes:

"I really didn't expect that, strictly speaking, the believers of the God of Love did not die out, they just integrated into other ring warlock organizations."

Shade expressed his understanding:

"This is very common. Isn't Siris's [Order of the Forsaken] also integrated into the followers of the Great Witch of the [Golden Dawn Opera Troupe]? So, what group of ring magicians are the Eros believers in now?"

he asked curiously.

"You should have heard of the Rosicrucians."

Luvia answered, Shade thought for a moment, and then nodded clearly.

[Rosicrucian Order] is a large group of ring warlocks currently active in the Wilundale area of ​​the Kingdom of Carsonric. Of course, this "large" is not actually particularly large, but is compared to other small groups.

Shade's friend, the vampire Mr. Bernhardt, is a member of the [Rosicrucian Order], but he is just affiliated there. According to Mr. Bernhardt, there are many vampire members in the [Rosicrucian Order], and that is why he joined.

Of course, [Rosicrucian Order] is not a simple vampire group, nor is it a church group that gathers because of its belief in a common old god. Their predecessor was the [Knights of the Rosicrucian] in the old era. The old era and the new era maintained very similar concepts, that is, through alchemy, they broke through the limitations of the Whispering Elements and artificially created items containing the Whispering Elements.

This is of course very difficult, and it even challenges the four-element theory, one of the foundations of the Ring Warlock system. Therefore, artificially making items containing whisper elements is only the ultimate goal of [Rosicrucian Order]. As a group of ring magicians in the royal capital of Willondale City, they are more interested in the study of alchemy, healing, astrology and other techniques, and are willing to explore the influence of "emotion" on extraordinary abilities.

Therefore, [Rosicrucian Order] also has a certain influence among the big shots in the upper echelons of Willendale City who are aware of the existence of extraordinary beings. However, it is worth mentioning that although [Rosicrucian Order] is keen on the study of "emotion" and "lust", it has strict "desire control" requirements for its core members.

If you see leaflets promoting low desires and caring for the body in some public places in the Willendale area, most of them are distributed by the Rosicrucians.

"If I remember correctly, this organization also belongs to a group of scholars. Although it is also an unrecognized organization of magicians, the church has not specifically hunted them down. They maintain a delicately balanced relationship with the church - a unilateral relationship maintained by the church. ."

Shard recalled, then added:

"Margaret and Miss Sylvia seem to have said that the [Rosicrucian Order]'s ability to operate in the Willendale area is also related to the Anjou royal family. The royal family did not support them, but only provided some conveniences."

"This is normal. Although the royal family knows that the Zhengshen Church is very powerful, they will definitely have their own little tricks. As long as they don't do too much, the church will turn a blind eye. Speaking of which, we Delari The Cavendish royal family seems to be very 'obedient', but doesn't it actually have a great witch? By comparison, it is obvious that the Cavendish family has done more than the Anjou family."

Luvia said with a smile.

Shade nodded:

"Then I will find a way to go to Willendale. No, let Margaret help me find out the information first. No, I don't know if she will participate in the negotiations in the Green Lake area. If she also participates, maybe now Already set off."

In her last letter, Margaret said her father had not yet made a decision. Because the Anjou royal family has very few heirs, at least one member of the royal family will be sent to Green Lake on this trip.

Luvia stopped Shade, who was very active:

"Wait a moment, you don't need to go to Willendale. There are members of the [Rosicrucian Order] in the Green Lake area, and they are relatively core members. You can easily find them, or in other words, you actually know them. Think about it carefully, Shade, who are the ring warlocks you know who are relatively strong but don’t know their specific background?”

Shade understood now, and he asked Luvia in surprise:

"Wait, you mean Brother Fulan?"

The purple-eyed girl smiled and nodded:

"It's them. It seems that your adventures in the past are related to the present time."

Then he looked at the last [Ghost Iron Coin] in his hand:

"Xia De, while you have time now, do you need to do another divination? For example, how to enter another island, or what you said about human body refining?"

Shade shook his head:

"Wait a minute, wait until Megan and I land on the island for the third time before making plans. This time, the fortune teller of the Thirteen Rings has laid out the plan for more than two hundred years. We must be cautious in everything we do. Leave the last One piece can be effective at critical times.”

Although he believed that even if the opponent lived for more than two hundred years, he would definitely not be as powerful as Long-haired Luvia, but it was a pity that Long-haired Luvia could not take the initiative now.

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