Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,722 The Devil’s Tips

The conversation between the cat and the devil finally became explosive. Megan and the brother were both ready for battle, but the cat and the devil looked at each other for a while, and then plucked another hair.

After the cat hair rubbed against Megan's clothes, the white and silver crown of thorns covered with rust fell on Megan's shoulders. The strong miraculous element made Megan and Audrey's weak souls almost see angels coming for a moment, but it was all false, and what fell on their shoulders was just a ring of thorns.

Shade said nothing. "Djinn" was silent for a moment and nodded to express his understanding:

"Since you are so confident, let's resolve this matter peacefully. But it's different from last time. Last time, I made you leave with just one wish. Now that I am stronger, you must make three wishes. Still It is the desire not to change reality, not seek material things, and not pursue change. This kind of desire costs the least for me to take away from you... Speaking of which, you have committed more sins than last time."

It probably saw "indifference", but Shade did not continue the topic:

"What price are you taking?"

"You are really careful. It's not souls, it's sins. You don't have a lot of them, do you?"

Shade nodded and looked at the two brothers on the other side of the giant spirit:

"Do you have anything to ask?"

Shade just wanted some reference, but the two brothers just shook their heads quickly and kept their mouths tightly closed to ensure that they would not make any sound.


I wanted to say "Ms. Pharmacist", and then I thought of their current role-playing relationship:

"Sister, do you want to ask something?"

Although both Megan and Audrey were older than him, he was not willing to pretend to be the younger one.

Meghan was indeed shocked by this title. She looked at the cat on her shoulder with wide eyes, but still replied:

"Listen to you."

"Okay, first wish: I want to know, does your appearance here have something to do with the island over there?"

The cat's paw pointed in the direction of the central island, and the giant spirit nodded:

"It's related. The fortune teller on the island discovered me and deliberately put me here to lure the earl who once owned this land to make a wish. This was fifty years ago. He had many reasons for doing this, but I I can only tell you one reason. If you want to know more, you can continue to make a wish: He knows that his descendants will come here fifty years later, and he knows that his descendants will see me. I am waiting for you here on purpose."

That's why Xia De hates dealing with those high-circle soothsayers. Fortunately, this time he is the chosen one from space and not the chosen one from fate.

Edwards had different expressions, and Shade asked the next question:

"Please tell us as much information as possible about the fortune teller on the island."

The blue giant smiled and clapped his hands:

"It's really a greedy wish, but I appreciate this greed. The diviner is very thoughtful, very thoughtful, and very courageous. He has many strange collaborators, and he himself has even transcended the human form. And his real purpose is actually very great, maybe he is the righteous party...by human standards. There is only so much I can say, but you can make a wish and continue to ask."

The djinn suggested.

"Beyond human form? I understand..."

Shade carefully considered it and still did not choose to continue asking the question he had already asked:

"Last question, who are your compatriots on that island?"

The air seemed to freeze for a moment. Megan was the first to understand what Shade meant, while the twin brothers once again widened their eyes in surprise. They had no idea that their ancestors were cooperating with some kind of demon.

And Shade knew very well that the devil on the island was definitely not the one in front of him. After all, although the blue giant spirit is also a demon, its essence has been transformed into a relic. He can still clearly distinguish between the curse released by the relic and the curse released by the evil spirit demon.

The giant spirit showed a grinning expression again:

"You really know, I know, you must know. It's really interesting, really interesting. But I can't tell you the answer directly. Do you like riddles? I can give you three hints: the evil curse, the huge maze, The path without solution.”

Shade couldn't understand these hints, but maybe the doctor would understand something this afternoon, or at least narrow down the target range.

After asking the three questions, the blue giant fished for Shade's cat. Shade suddenly felt that his soul was much more relaxed, as if something had been taken away.

"She" reminded softly in her ear:

[Outlander, you have sensed the "whispering". 】

[Your "Greed (Perfection)" sin is reduced by 0.9 ticks. 】

If Shade remembers correctly, when he encountered the "Sin Mansion" in the Sikar Mountains last fall, his greed was 9.9 points, second only to the treasure-level "Gluttony". After less than half a year, the sin of greed must have increased. After all, Shade wanted more, so it didn't matter if he lost 0.9 seconds at this time.

"Are you OK?"

Megan was nervous about the "price" charged by the devil, but Shade shook his head and said he was fine.

"She" continued to prompt:

[Outlander, you have some understanding of "salvation". 】

"Do you still want to know more? For example, what did the fortune teller on the island do, why did he ask you to come here, or what else is there besides my people on the island. Want to know? Maybe? We can continue trading."

The blue giant spirit continued to look at Shade:

"Next, I don't want your sins. Maybe you can help me collect souls. Yes, ordinary human beings' obsession, greed, desire for war, and pursuit of power are all concentrated in the sky above this lake. More Needless to say, the great music of destiny will be played here, and many, many interesting souls will gather here. Help me collect souls, and I can tell you more things."

The twin brothers kept their mouths shut consciously, but they still secretly shook their heads at Shade, indicating that he would never make a deal with the devil. Megan was also a little worried, but these worries were unnecessary. For this kind of demon that could not even be swallowed by the doctor, Shade was too lazy to deal with him:

"You can tell me anything?"

"Yes, I know almost everything."

"Djinn" said, and then heard the silver cat ask:

"That's right, for the legendary Demon King..."

Colorful clouds and mist instantly got into the bottle, and then the bottle suddenly jumped to the water next to the ice. But before the bottle touched the water, slender black chains shot out from the cat's claws, tightly binding the bottle.

When Shade had four runes of the Sin Chain, he was able to completely limit the severely injured demon Panni with the desire to proliferate. Although the current state of the cat restricted his spellcasting ability, the six runes of the Sin Chain limited the ability to cast spells in the bottle. The sealed demon is still fine.

"What else do you want to do? I don't want to answer your questions."

The clouds in the bottle gathered into the face of the blue giant spirit. It looked at Shade against the bottle. The face was so distorted and ugly that it made people sick. The bottle kept shaking, trying to break free from the chains, but the chain, which made the three people present feel extremely dirty and heavy, was not easy to loosen:

"If you can't answer the previous question, I can change it."

The silver cat looks at the devil in the bottle:

"I know a mermaid, I..."

"While I don't know if that's the woman you're referring to, for everyone's sake, don't say that name, absolutely, absolutely don't."

The blue giant spirit shook its face desperately in the bottle. They are both humanoid relics, and the unknowable level [Desire] suppresses a sage-level relic like it completely, especially since both of them are related to "water" Relatedly, the devouring principle of relics makes [Desire] almost its natural enemy:

"I'll tell you another piece of information. How about you let me go?"


As he spoke, the burning flames of the cat's paws drew a series of devilish runes in the air. This is the knowledge that Shade learned from the "Book of Demons of Malbas". This passage can ensure that he does what he says.

"Once a descendant of the Edwards family meets me, the ritual arranged in advance will start. Don't look at the surroundings that seem to have changed little. In fact, this place has become a space anomaly zone. He is forcing his descendants, and more before the family reunion. Discover and use talents, tap into the power of blood. Only in this way can we leave this abnormal area."

The voice of the blue giant spirit in the bottle was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. After speaking, it looked at the silver cat. In fact, Shade still had many things he wanted to ask, but he also knew that the other party was not really afraid of him. It would be useless to have more contact with such things:

"You are free, don't meet me next time."

"You think I want to meet you?"

The slender chain was retracted, and the bottle fell into the water with a thud. When I looked under the water again, the bottle disappeared as if it had melted into the water.

"It can move in the water and selectively allow people to fish it. The wishing devil turns out to be willing to take the bait..."

Shade thought in his mind, and then looked at the two brothers opposite:

"Do you want to cooperate and get out of here?"

After the strong whispering elements of the relics slowly dissipated, the spatial abnormality mentioned by the demon was also clearly perceived by them. Shade has encountered many abnormal space areas before, but this one is particularly different.

To the naked eye, the lake surface is quite calm under the sun near noon, and the sunlight reflected on the lake surface is even a bit dazzling. You can't see any abnormalities with your eyes alone, but the three of them and the cat are all ring warlocks with unique spatial talents. When the consciousness comes into contact with everything around them, they immediately find that the space that should be stable is actually as fragile as glass around them. , even the slightest movement may cause cracks in the space.

This is equivalent to that, as long as you move nearby, it may cause an effect similar to the continuous use of "Rag Lai's Jump".

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