Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,723 Special “Treatment”

This is a very sophisticated trap. It is not a direct puzzle, nor is it directly lethal. Others cannot rescue it. Even as time goes by, the space forcibly shattered by the ritual will return to normal.

But they can't wait here, because there must be other creatures in this area. Once fish or beasts drinking water by the water make too much noise, something terrible will appear in the broken space.

Although the two sides are hostile, since there is already cooperation, there is no need for a second time. What's more, the conversation between Shade and the devil just now was full of all kinds of strange information, and the two brothers did not dare to be dissatisfied with this "elder":

"We are willing to cooperate. We are on the same side when it comes to fighting against our ancestors."

"Don't do it."

Shade could see that Megan's condition was very bad now, so he warned him uneasily, and then said to the two brothers:

"Let's solve the problem quickly. I'll cast a spell to stabilize the surrounding space, and then you use the ability to lock the space to fix a safe way to leave. Wait until we go out, and then seal the surrounding area together to prevent anything from breaking in before the space is completely stabilized. Come in."

"No problem, uncle, please cast the spell."

Shade felt strange being called "uncle", but the silver cat nodded anyway, then jumped down from Megan's shoulder and transformed into a young and handsome man.

This was the first time the two brothers saw Shade's disguised human face up close, but before they could feel it further, Shade had already carried Megan on his back. The witch blushed and hid behind his back, embarrassed to say anything.

Shade said apologetically to the two brothers:

"My sister is much worse than me in ring magician level and soul resistance. The demon just had a strong influence on her. Let me carry her on my back. It won't be a problem."

The two brothers couldn't say much. When Shade pulled the key from his chest to reveal the staff, they each dug out the artificial eyes in their sockets. The two prosthetic eyes were just ordinary items, but when they left their sockets, Shade clearly felt that the dark sockets were filled with special power.

"Their spatial talent is more evident in their eyes. It seems that the lack of treatment for the blind eyes is not just because of the doctor's special methods back then."

Xia De thought in his heart, and then reminded the two of them:

"Get ready, three, two, one! The space is stable!"

Megan hugged Shade's neck tightly, and Shade slammed the staff into the water with both hands. The bottom of the staff touched the water under his feet, and the swaying ripples instantly filled the entire water area.

With the blessing of "powerful space perception", the space stabilization halo stabilized the fragile space with a power far exceeding the original level, and even made the two brothers who were about to cast the spell feel that their own power had stagnated.

The effect of "powerful space perception" was even better than Shade thought. He even "saw" the most stable area in the fragile space around him:

"This way!"

Pointing to the left, the two brothers' hands had been put together, but this time they closed their normal eyes and pointed at the frame with their blind eyes, and the frame composed of fingers immediately moved towards Shade indicated direction.


The inaudible sound was captured by four people at the same time. The water surface spread ripples, but only in the left direction appeared an extremely narrow strip-shaped ripple-free area. This represents the space stabilized by the "space stabilization halo" , a channel that is almost completely back to normal has actually appeared.


The figures of the two brothers shattered like glass. When large pieces of mirror fragments fell to the water, they had already appeared outside the space fragmentation area. At the same time, Shade, who was carrying Megan on his back, looked in the only safe direction, then took a step forward, and after using "Large Jump", he also carried Megan out of the danger zone.

I thought I still had to deal with the dangers in this area, but after all four people left, the broken space was repaired instantly, as if everything was just an illusion.

The subsequent aftermath work was much simpler. They also found very hidden traces of the ritual in the underwater mud. This means that all this is really arranged by the thirteen-ring fortune teller half a century in advance.

The hearts of the Edwards were very heavy. After the two brothers expressed their gratitude to Shade, they left with awe:

"Uncle, aunt, we can cooperate again next time. We have the same position when it comes to dealing with family past events. We will convince the Mirror Hidden Lord to let the Mirror Association cooperate with you. We have always been relatives, please believe at this point."

Megan's condition was really not good. Shade waved goodbye to the two frightened brothers, and quickly took her to find the carriage waiting for the two of them in a hidden place. Then he took the carriage back to the Duin River and returned. Arrived on the witch's ship.

In the room of the cruise ship, Megan, who still looked a little ugly, was lying on the bed. The maids were busy selecting suitable potions at the long table. The witch looked at Shade who was standing beside the bed.

She forced a smile:

"Don't you have something else to do in the afternoon? You go back first. I'm fine. I just need to... take a rest."

"Your condition doesn't look like it's okay. I know demons very well, and I know what kind of harm they can do to people with fragile souls."

He took out the "Moonlight Water" again, Megan pursed her lips and shook her head:

"I said, don't waste such precious materials. If you want to help me, you can keep it and prepare it into a potion when I feel better."

He then gave the small bottle of moonlight water to Megan's head maid, Miss Gill, who took it very cautiously. Although she had come into contact with many rare materials around the witch, such precious materials were rare.

"Also, the fine gold you put here last time..."

She mentioned this matter again, and Shade shook his head:

"We'll talk about it after you get better, and have a good rest. Don't cast spells recently. You see, I expected to recover soon, but now it has become like this. The plan to land on the island next week can also be backwards... ..”


The brown-haired lady shook her head, and looked at Shade with her golden eyes that had taken off her disguise:

"You have been investigating all this time. If I can't complete the matter of landing you on the island, then what value do I have in your eyes?"

Shade shook his head, sat sideways on the bed and held her hand. Megan's face turned red, and then she motioned to her head maid to take the other maids out first.

The footsteps faded away and the door was closed. Shade looked at her and asked:

"Value? In your eyes, do we still have a purely cooperative relationship?"

"of course not!"

The witch blurted out her thoughts, then pursed her lips and looked at Shade with stern eyes:

"Actually, there's something I've been lying to you about...I won't be able to tell you until next week."

"I also have something I've been hiding from you. I won't be able to tell you until next week, but it will definitely not be detrimental to you... You can give me a punch then."

Shade said, looking into the witch's eyes, as if he could see the two entangled souls:

"Meghan, or Audrey, have a good rest. We still don't know what the thirteen-ring fortune teller on the island wants to do, but at least you have to regain your strength before you can help me."

She nodded slightly:


I am already eager to wait until next week to tell Shade everything.

Following her own will, she raised her arms and put her arms around Shade's neck, then stood up and kissed Shade. My heart almost jumped out of my chest at this moment, but the feeling at this moment was also amazing.

She enjoyed this moment of passion and tranquility, and Shade felt even more amazing.

[Outlander, you have more in-depth contact with them. You sense the state of their souls. 】

"What state?"

[Go deeper, but you’re not deep enough. Judging from the current investigation, there is actually only one soul in her body, but this soul is for two people. Audrey Edwards and Megan Edwards can be seen as two people, but they can also be seen as one person. 】

"So, the truth behind them being injured and crazy for more than ten years is..."

[The soul has dual tendencies of independence and fusion, causing the soul to constantly injure itself. Now they have stabilized, which is the self-healing nature of the soul. 】

From this point of view, the situation of Megan and Audrey is completely different from that of Lecia and Dorothy, but it is very similar to Helen Grace in the fusion state.

"She" continued to remind gently:

[The soul caused by the devil is injured again and can be treated in a very simple way. This is not a permanent injury. With intense stimulation, stabilizing chaotic and restless souls, you have done it once. 】

"Oh, are you thinking about other girls?"

Megan suddenly pushed Shade away, with blushing and a little sullenness on her face:

"Why are you so inattentive?"

"I was thinking that I have a way to treat you, at least to get you back to the state you were in before setting off this morning."

Shade said firmly, but hesitantly:

"It's just...this method is a bit..."


"It's safe, it won't hurt you. But it will hurt, a lot."

Sorceresses and witches don't care at all:

"Believe me, any pain is nothing compared to the soul pain and mental turmoil I've been through."

She motioned to Shade to try it:

"You can just cast the spell. Although I don't really believe that you can really heal me in one go. I've been looking for it for many years and haven't been able to find a way, but I'm still willing to give it a try."

"It's not about healing, it's just about stabilizing the soul from the chaos caused by seeing the devil...it really hurts."

"I don't care, please don't underestimate me."

Shade then dropped the silencing spell, but still hesitated:

"I warn you again, it's really..."

"If you say that again, I'll get angry."

"Oh well."

Shade bit his finger and then looked at the brown-haired lady who had been put on pajamas by the maids and was sitting on the head of the bed. There was a warning in her eyes that Shade would really get angry if he spoke again, so Shade raised his hand:

"Soul whipping!"

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