Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,725 ​​Farewell and Aftertaste

"He's using skeletons? So what do I do?"

Priest August thought for a moment:

"The gift I gave you that has been integrated into your badge can suppress the skeletal power of the 'Death Angel' other than me at close range. But this may not be enough... This way Well, you can investigate more carefully. If I can determine the location of the bones, I can take a trip to the Green Lake area."

Seeing that Shade wanted to object, the priest reminded again:

"I have completed the ceremony of being promoted to the third ring, so don't underestimate me. And I haven't used my church vacation this year. It's very simple to take a week or two off. Green Lake City is not very close to us. But isn’t there a steam train? This era is really good.”

Shade was actually more worried about the collision between the priest and the doctor:

"Well... that's fine, then just prepare yourself. I'll continue the investigation. Maybe I can bring the bones back on my own... Oh, if I accidentally get sent in again Real death..."

"It's unlikely, but if you're really unlucky, even if your nun friend can't find you, I can still bring you back."

Now that Sister Devlin was mentioned, Shade thought of another thing:

"Priest, are you free tomorrow morning? I made an appointment with Sister Devlin to go to the Three Cats Inn tomorrow morning to see the soul of Rusty Edwards. There may be Edwards's soul hidden in that little girl's soul. Secret, this is currently one of the few ways to gain access to Edwards’ secrets outside of the island.”

The priest nodded:

"No problem, then we'll see you tomorrow morning."

Informing Sister Devlin about meeting tomorrow morning, Shade had already asked Miss Carina to do it at the banquet last night. Therefore, after leaving Dawn Church, he returned home without stopping to change clothes. He had extremely important things to do in a while.

"There's really a lot to do today."

Negotiations on the Pantanal border and trade routes have fermented to this day, and have become the most important diplomatic event in the eyes of the people after peace between the North and the South. Before Shade set off, he had thought that the train station would be very busy today, but he was still surprised when the carriage was blocked and unable to move two blocks away from the train station in Tobesk North District.

Little Mia was not brought out at home, so Dorothy set off with Lesia in advance and met Shade at the train station, so Shade was the only one on the carriage. Seeing that he couldn't move forward, the driver had no choice but to let Shade walk the rest of the way by himself. But even so, it was not easy to move forward among the crowds of people who were crowded and shouting.

Shade even felt that half of the city had gathered in this neighborhood today. Since he came to this world, he has never seen so many people on the street except at the end of the year.

I originally wanted to find a place with no one and turn into a cat, on the roof near the train station, but finding a place with no one around here was even more difficult than moving on. The people, shouting words such as "Long live Delrayon," "Sacred territory is inviolable," "The great Cavendish will lead us to defeat the old South," crowded forward, and the people specially assigned to maintain The police and military officers who maintained order could only barely ensure that stampedes would not occur.

Although Shade arrived a little late, fortunately he was lucky. On the central road reserved for royal carriages, carriages guarded by royal guards soon arrived. The three princesses, who were younger than Agelina, recognized Shad in the crowd, and asked the accompanying attendants to pick him up.

"Thank you so much, Your Highness Alice, Your Highness Elena, Your Highness Anastasia."

The three little princesses giggled and asked Shade to sit down in the carriage. They talked with him about Agelina, who was about to set off with Miss Carina. They also talked about Shade and Lesia who seemed to be very familiar with each other. Shade was quite interested.

In short, despite a lot of trouble, Shade entered the Tobesk train station that had been placed under martial law around five o'clock.

First, they met Lecia and Dorothy with several princesses. After a few pleasantries, they were called away by the maids led by Tifa.

The red-haired duchess had already taken a seat in her carriage. The luxurious decoration made it more like a well-decorated manor living room than the carriage, but the area was smaller.

For a while she still needed to speak to the people together with His Majesty the King, and at this time she was being interviewed by a very beautiful young female reporter.

Seeing Sha De coming, the witch raised her hand to indicate that the interview could stop for a moment. The reporter picked up her pen and paper and stood up to leave. When she passed by Sha De, she cast an interested look at him.

"Train travel would be boring."

Except for Tifa, all the maids exited the carriage together. The witch gave Shade a hug, then hugged him and sat on the sofa:

"If I were not asked to go to Green Lake with a public identity, it would actually be more convenient for Sylvia to open a portal."

She complained dissatisfiedly, and her tone sounded a bit like coquettishness.

"How many days will it take to arrive?"

Shade then asked, to which Tifa answered:

"Because it is a special train transporting delegations, the train is running at a reduced speed for safety reasons. In addition, it will temporarily stop in two big cities so that the lady can give a speech there. If nothing goes wrong, it should arrive in Green Lake City next Wednesday night. Or Thursday morning.”

"That is, around the lunar eclipse at the end of the month?"

"Yeah, yeah, about four days of boring train travel, that's a lot."

The witch put her head next to Shade's neck and took a deep breath:

"If I hadn't thought that I could tease Audrey well after arriving in Green Lake City, I might have been even less energetic."


"I know you don't want to embarrass her too much, don't worry, I'm measured."

She said with a smile, but the more she said this, the more worried Shade became.

"Don't think about Audrey. I can probably rest for half an hour, and I will go out to give a speech in half an hour. Before that, Shade, is there anything you should do to say goodbye to me?"

She winked at Shade, her golden eyes were quite beautiful:

"Perhaps you have noticed that you have not looked for me in the past week."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and Tifa also exited the carriage. Shade heard the sound of the door locking - it was the first time he knew that the door of this kind of carriage could be locked from the outside, and then he had to face the passionate witch:

"It's only half an hour, just treat it like a dessert. When I get to Green Lake City, you have to look for me."

Shade had been busy in the morning and afternoon, and was not idle in the evening. After spending half an hour saying goodbye to the beautiful witch, while the duchess went to speak to reporters and "citizen representatives" with His Majesty the King, Shade thought he could take a rest, but he sat on the slightly messy On the sofa, when I lowered my head to button my shirt, I looked up and saw the black-haired maid quietly walking into the carriage.

She blinked with smiling eyes and locked the door from the inside of the carriage this time:

"Knight, do you want to say goodbye?"

The tender farewell was impressive, but it was also a private farewell. Before the train set off, Shade took his female companion Dorothy with him to say a formal farewell to Miss Carina and Agelina.

Queen Diana was beside Shade. She hugged Agelina very worriedly and told Miss Carina to take good care of her. Agelina's brothers and sisters showed no special reaction to this scene. Obviously, the queen's slight preference for Agelina was not shown for the first time.

"With this, today's matter is finally over."

This was what Shade, who had been busy all day long, thought as people waved goodbye to the train after the train started to slowly start.

But then, Dorothy whispered in Shade's ear:

"We met last night at 7:10 after the banquet started. There is still more than an hour before the end of the Red Butterfly Day. Knight, Lesia said, see you at home later. She has prepared dinner in advance and sent it to her home."

All in all, this is probably the busiest Saturday that foreigners have experienced since coming to this world, but it is also quite fulfilling.

And since it was Saturday night, it was also Dorothy and Lesia's teaching time as usual. Therefore, five minutes before the official end of the Red Butterfly Day, Shade, who was holding Lecia and Dorothy tenderly, mentioned his study plan for tonight.

This surprised the two girls:

"You actually want to study at this time...Xia De, we have indeed underestimated you."

"What are you looking down on?"

"Don't worry, there are still five minutes. Time flies really fast. If we didn't have to send Carina and Agelina off, we would have more time."

At around seven o'clock, after kissing Lesia goodbye in the foyer, Shade returned to the second floor and continued studying with Dorothy.

Because at the end of the seven-day trip, he received a reminder about "two persons in one" from the God of Journey, Shade was very interested in studying "Lovers in the Bell Tower". After class, Dorothy and I also speculated on what would happen if two different individuals merged with each other.

"I can understand the superposition of powers, but what will the appearance look like?"

Shade asked the question, and then immediately thought of the "Twin Lovers" card.

"Don't think so scary. Aren't the two red butterfly sisters Grace and Helen the best example?"

Miss Writer reminded, and then said with a smile:

"I'm curious, if Lesia and I become a person, will you feel fresh when you spend the night with us?"


"I know, it's just a joke. We learned enough lessons last time, and I don't want to be...punished by you again."

She kissed Shade gently:

"Never again."

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