Whispering Verse

Chapter 1726: Spying into the Soul

Although Lesia was a little disappointed because she could not follow Miss Carina to the Green Lake area like Agelina and several other brothers and sisters, she thought that it would be more convenient to see Shad by staying in Tobesk. Lesia's mood was also comforted a lot.

I don't know whether it was because she wanted to vent her frustrated emotions, or whether she was deliberately taking advantage of Miss Carina's departure and being unable to come to see Shade. Her Royal Highness the Princess borrowed Dorothy's body to completely relax on this Saturday night.

The result of this was that early on Sunday morning, Shade had prepared breakfast, and when he and Mia called Dorothy up to eat, the blonde girl pulled up the quilt, covering the white snow that shone in the bright sunshine. Shoulders and most of the face:

"Please don't wake me up before noon...Next time, I will definitely teach Lesia a lesson."

The voice was lazy, and Shade didn't bother her considering that today was Sunday.

Because of this, Dorothy was not able to see the blind nun coming out of the basement half an hour later. Dorothy, who was so confused, probably didn't hear that Shade said he was going to see Priest Augustus. , will come back to bring her food at noon.

So Mia stayed at home, while Shade and the nun who came early in the morning boarded the carriage in front of the house and prepared to go directly to the Three Cats Hotel in the north of the city to meet up with Priest August.

It is worth mentioning that because she has to travel in the crowded Tobesk, Sister Devlin’s dress today is no longer the usual gray-black nun’s robe and silver eye mask, but the one she and Shad wore in the same place. When we were in Fort Midhill, we went to the Crow Club to visit Joeyin Patton, pretending to seek help from divination.

Sister Devlin wore a simple gray dress with a black cloth strip tied around her waist as a belt. The silver eye mask was replaced by a thin veil, and behind the veil, white cloth strips could be seen wrapped in front of her eyes to cover her naturally abnormal eyes.

This is the second time Shade has seen Sister Devlin dressed like this. What I have to admit is that this kind of dress combined with her cold and unwilling to talk temperament makes the nun become more and more...

"What am I thinking?"

He scolded himself in his mind, suspecting that he had not recovered from the hard work of the past few days, and then hesitated whether he should praise Sister Devlin's appearance today.

On the carriage heading to Anthem Square, Shade did not forget to chat with the nun about the recent events in the Green Lake area, and then happily announced that he had found another demon. There would probably be new demon remains that could be used as demons soon. The firewood lets the first fire burn. Sister Devlin's expression didn't change much, but she told Shade that although there was no Snake Heart Hospital in the Green Lake area, she would soon arrive in the Green Lake area with Granny Cassandra and her party:

"Probably next weekend, or the week after that."

Her words were still brief, and her tone was so calm that Shade wondered if she also had a spiritual rune like "indifference."

[The first fire burns brightly in her soul. 】

"She" said suddenly, Shade blinked suspiciously:


"She" smiled softly, but she refused to continue telling Shade about Sister Devlin.

"Shad, you also need to pay attention to the lunar eclipse next Wednesday."

Sister Devlin said again, and Shade nodded. The nun mentioned this matter last time. But he was obviously mistaken. Sister Devlin mentioned the lunar eclipse this time, not because of him:

"The reciprocating cycle of the moon and the sun is the most important force that maintains the material world. The occurrence of lunar and solar eclipses will cause a very short-term imbalance in the world order. For places like Fort Midhill last autumn, the order of life and death Where there is already an imbalance, there will be a greater impact.”

"But isn't it that things in Middlesbrough are already... oh, already out of balance."

He knew what Sister Devlin was worried about.

Priest August and Durut Giles were both punctual. When Shade took the "disabled" nun's hand and entered the Three Cats Hotel in his true appearance, both of them were already on the first floor. Take a seat.

Dulute Giles was sitting on the first floor near the stairs. There was a package from the doctor on the table. He was concentrating on his breakfast, while Rust Edwards kept making faces in front of him. Trying to get his attention.

Priest Augustus sat not far from them near the stage where the minstrels performed. Of course, there was no one performing so early in the morning. There was a cup of tea and an empty plate before the priest, and he was unfolding the newspaper. On the outward page, there was a picture of Miss Carina and King Larus III waving to the farewell crowd last evening.

Agelina can even be seen on the right edge of the picture.

"Two cups of tea, and then a plate of snacks, nothing too sweet."

Shade said as he walked to the counter and saw the female shop owner Mrs. Sangmei sizing up the nun who was holding her hand, so he warned Mrs. Sangmei before she spoke:

"Madam, making fun of disabled people is very immoral."

"No, no, how could I do this? Detective Hamilton, I just wanted to make a joke on you."

Mrs. Sangmei smiled happily. Fortunately, she didn't tell the joke, and Shade knew exactly what she wanted to say.

Neither Durut Giles nor the confused girl's soul could recognize Shade. So Shade sat down with Sister Devlin on the other side away from Priest Augustus, so that the two of them and the priest could observe the girl's soul from all angles.

It was not clear what method Priest August used to observe Shade, but Sister Devlin's method was much simpler. She only needed to "see" to see the deepest secrets of the soul. This was originally the nun's talent. When the nun became the chosen one of death, and recovered more than one split first flame, and had a lot of firewood that Shade found, this ability to "see" Become stronger.

She didn't even take off her veil and the cloth in front of her eyes, and looked directly in the direction of the soul. Most powerful souls can feel "peeping". Unfortunately, although Durut Giles said that the girl's soul was very strong, she still failed to notice that Sister Devlin was looking at her.

Shade originally thought that the nun would be looking at her for a long time, but she didn't expect that it would only take more than ten seconds before she withdrew her "eyesight".

"That's it."

The nun nodded slightly to Shade. At this moment, the hotel servant also brought the tea and snacks that Shade had just requested. If he got up and left at this time, he would become very suspicious, so Shade wanted to take the initiative to ask the nun to sit for a while before leaving. Unexpectedly, Sister Devlin took the initiative to reach out and pick up the teacup, and tilted her head slightly and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Priest Augustus did not communicate with Shade the whole time, and quickly got up and left. Twenty minutes after the priest left, Shade helped Sister Devlin leave the hotel.

They returned to St. Teresa's Square in a carriage, and sure enough they saw the priest who had arrived here in advance, sitting on the edge of the fountain in the center of the square where the girl was holding a water bottle, feeding the pigeons with bread crumbs.

Shade opened the door to let the priest and Sister Devlin in. The two of them had experienced real death with Shade and Yin Luna. Although they were not very familiar with each other, they were considered acquaintances, so there was no need for Shade to introduce each other:

"How is it going?"

Dorothy still didn't get up. Shade held the cat and the nun and sat down in the living room with the priest. The priest glanced at the bedroom door blocked by the moonlight thorn bush, considered his words and spoke first:

"The soul is incomplete."

His eyes are very sharp:

"The lack of memory and spirituality is because the soul is incomplete."

Then he paused and looked very serious:

"Splitting a soul is a very evil act in any era. I remember you mentioned the prophecy to me, that the Edwards family would eventually be reunited on that island. From this point of view, the other part of her soul It should still be on that island, which can ensure that she will be able to go back when necessary."

Sister Devlin put her hands together on her skirt and nodded lightly:

"Besides that, the soul of Durut Giles and the soul of Rust Edwards have a wonderful connection."

The nun didn't say much, so Father Augustus added:

"In more detail, although the two are not related, their soul fluctuations are almost the same. This is very rare, which means that their souls are very similar. Therefore, the girl's soul and Durut's soul are very similar. ·Staying with Giles for a long time can slowly repair her soul. But even if it is completely repaired, the lost memories will definitely not come back."

"Will their souls merge?"

Xia De asked suddenly. Priest August thought this question was strange:

"I don't see this sign. Why do you think two different human souls will merge? This is a strange question."

Shade shook his head hurriedly, covered his forehead and sighed:

"I've been encountering similar things lately... Sister, although Rusty Edwards' soul is incomplete, you should have seen something, right?"

"Part of an incomplete memory."

Sister Devlin continued to nod:

"My ability is not to read a person's life completely, but to see the most profound scenes in the memory, or to search for a certain memory with purpose. I don't know her well, so I see very little."

She tidied up her words:

"There are five of Rust Edwards' most profound memories. The most recent one was when she met you earlier this week and she thought you were a terrible person."

"Am I terrible?"

Shade then asked the cat lying on his lap. Mia squinted her eyes and said "meow~" and turned over on Shade's lap, revealing her white belly. This should mean that Shade is not scary. mean.

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