Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,745 Light and Light

Fine silver-white snowflakes suddenly appeared above the large lake in the night sky. The bright "snowflakes" stood still in the night sky, reflecting the light from the moon and stars together with the lake water.

But soon people discovered that they were not "snowflakes", but fragments of mirrors. After the mirror emerged from the void, it solidified in the air. Then, the face of the person hiding the mirror appeared in all the mirror fragments of different sizes.

Those faces slowly approached the mirror, and then thousands of "mirror-hiding people" of different sizes walked out of the mirror together, holding the mirror fragments behind them, looking toward the sky above Green Lake.

"Notify the church in the city that there is a problem."

The news was immediately conveyed to the city, but in fact there was no need to convey it deliberately. The church could definitely detect the elemental traces of the Thirteen Ring Warlock's unabashed attack.

Following the line of sight of the thousands of figures looking higher into the night sky, the figure of a man with a normal body shape has jumped below the three-wheeled moon that was swallowed up by the shadow.

His whole body was shaking, but it was definitely not because of worry, let alone because it was too cold at high altitude. He could feel that the eclipsing moons were having some influence on him. He couldn't explain clearly what the impact was. He could only feel that his spirit and elements were boiling, and even his soul felt like it was about to get rid of this physical body.

It didn't have any impact on what he was about to do, but it made him feel like he was in the best shape he'd ever been. This was not a burning of divinity, nor an overflow of divinity, but it made him feel that he had once again broken through his limits and touched a more real power.

Originally, he thought that he could barely manage a draw, but now that he had grasped this feeling, he felt that he might be able to gain the upper hand.

The blood-stained angel thorn ring floated above his head. He raised his hands in the air. The gold bracelet on his left hand emitted the light of the sun, and the small red book on his right hand emitted the scarlet color of the red moon.

And below Shade, the thousands of mirror-hiding men Al Haken raised their left hands and pointed them at him in the air. Fragments of silver-gray light appeared on the fingertips of each mirror image, and then connected into a piece. The refraction between all mirrors is enhanced.

Both sides were gathering strength, and the man hiding the mirror also took this opportunity to ask a question. Thousands of voices overlapped, and even the people on the shore of Green Lake could hear:

"Godcaller, are you a descendant of the Edwards family?"

"I am not a god-caller."

Shade said softly, looking up to higher ground. The sun's rays on the left hand are rapidly expanding, and the small red book on the right hand melts completely, making the shadow of the red moon become clear bit by bit.

He looked past the two rays of thaumaturgy that did not belong to him, past the soft light emitted by the angel halo above his head, and looked higher in the starry sky, looking at the three-wheeled moon whose small half was infected by shadows:

"Lunar eclipse...the shadow of the moon...what is in the shadow of the moon?"

【Are you asking me? 】

"What's behind me?"

"She" smiled softly:

[Stranger, I am with you. 】

The shadow caused by the lunar eclipse clearly divides Green Lake into light and dark parts. At this moment, the shadow partially swallowed up most of Shade's body above the lake, but could not swallow up the two rapidly spreading lights held high in his hands.

He closed his eyes, but he could still clearly feel the three moons above his head disappearing little by little. And in his hands, the light has risen:

"Power of the Earth·Earth Energy Cannon."

The yellow light is like the sun appearing in the night sky, shining on the starry sky and the earth on lunar eclipse nights. Although Shade did not touch the ground at this time, the power of the "filthy earth source" that he had absorbed continuously supported him in using the thaumaturgy at this moment.

Yin Luna's spirit manifested in his left hand in the form of miraculous elements. He seemed to really see the seventeen-year-old girl with long brown hair smiling in front of him and willingly giving him her power.

This is not as simple as an alchemy item at all, this is a girl's heavy heart.

"Thumbs: Red Moon Falls."

The scarlet light turned into a brand new red moon on the night of the lunar eclipse. The glass-like spherical light grew bigger and bigger, replacing the moon that had mostly disappeared, dyeing the large area of ​​Green Lake red.

Although the dazzling red light cannot be compared with the light of the sun nearby, it is the color and power of the night. This is the most important strength that teachers give to students. It represents the determination not to face regret again.

The red and golden light appeared under the starry sky on the night of the lunar eclipse, and the "Angel's Ring of Thorns" shattered little by little on Shade's head, giving him more understanding of these two powers that were not his own. of certainty.

As a result, the illusive phantom stretched behind him, and cold scarlet wings and violent flame wings appeared behind him. The light of angel wings and the light of thaumaturgy merged into one, completely illuminating the entire lake.


I don't know who was sighing in the darkness, but the two huge wings had indeed completely blocked the starry sky above Green Lake at this time, blocking the figures of thousands of mirror-hiding people on the lake.

Priest August was right. This halo did not make Shade stronger. It only allowed him to better control spirits and elements, allowing him to use the Thirteen Rings and the Chosen One's thaumaturgy more effectively. good.

Fortunately, the man hiding the mirror is not the strongest of the Thirteen Rings.

The dazzling silver-gray light constantly reflected in the thousands of mirrors finally gathered in one place, and all the "mirror-hiding people" raised their hands together, allowing the gathered light to combine into a third round of huge light balls.

And Shade, who transformed into an angel, has now completed the accumulation of two different thaumaturgy techniques in his hands:

"It turns out that this is a giant energy attack..."

"She" smiled gently in Shade's ear;

[Outlander, you have some insights into the "sun" and "moon". 】

The next moment, the bright yellow sun and scarlet moon fell from the dark night sky with their wings flapping. The silver-gray ball of light held up by the people in the Hidden Mirror also rose into the sky at this moment.

The speeds of the three were very slow, or at least they seemed very slow. Amidst the horrified expressions of all the ring warlocks in the waters of Green Lake and the shore, they were slowly moving in the same direction, that is, above the fog area of ​​the central island, at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three huge rays of light touched each other. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen, but then the light seemed to illuminate the entire world, temporarily blinding anyone who dared to look directly at this scene at this moment.

The earth was shaking, the starry sky was trembling, eardrum-piercing noises and violent winds were mixed with water mist, sweeping across the entire area like a storm.

After that scene that seemed like the end of the world, the three-round moon that was being swallowed by the lunar eclipse did not change at all. All the clouds in the night sky above Green Lake disappeared, making the gradually darkening starry sky clearer, and the moist air made breathing easier.

The terrain has not changed, the surrounding temperature has not changed, only the violent fluctuations of elements that have not subsided, proving that it was indeed two top thirteen-ring warlocks who were fighting with all their strength just now.

Sheltering the entire Green Lake, the aftermath of the battle will not affect the retraction of the surrounding angel wings. Yin Luna's gold bracelet and Miss Danister's little red book disappeared at the same time. The angel halo above her head, which was covered with tiny cracks, was taken off by Shade and held in his hand.

He floated down toward the water like a feather, but the man hiding the mirror had long since disappeared.

"Is it a tie, or do I win?"

Golden, scarlet and silver-gray light spots, as the aftermath of the thaumaturgy spread, floated in the air for a long time and refused to dissipate, illuminating Green Lake shrouded in darkness. The water was extremely calm, with only the central island. The thick fog above was moving strangely. Most of the moon has been swallowed up by shadow, but as the light of thaumaturgy gradually disappears, a deeper darkness is once again covering the lake area.

There was silence everywhere, even the chirping of insects completely disappeared. On the water, the brown-haired witch jumped out of the boat. She reached out to catch Shade, who was falling with the help of the "Feather Falling Technique". She stood with him on the lake and hugged him tightly.

The Mirror Hidden Man and the Mirror Association have retreated, and the thirteen-ring warlocks of the church have not yet arrived. She hugged Shade tightly like this, hugging the man who was once again in danger because of her.

The remaining part of the moon was getting less and less, and she also felt Shade's trembling becoming more and more intense. The great witch of knowledge and wisdom, although she didn't know exactly what method Shade used to once again use power beyond her own level, she believed that he must have paid the price.

"Let me take you back and I will cure you."

She said to Shade, looking into Shade's eyes in the increasingly dark night. Shade's eyes did not look tired at all, but seemed to be shining brightly.

For a moment, she even thought she saw the silver moon in Shade's eyes:

"I'm not hurt, don't worry. I said, I will protect you no matter what."

He said it wasn't a lie. He didn't use any of his power just now. Even because he put on the angel halo, his condition was restored to its best. All the spirits consumed today have been replenished.

The witch pursed her lips and looked at him, then fiercely hugged his neck and kissed him on the water.

She closed her eyes and just wanted this moment to last forever. Everything about the Witch Council was unimportant. Before, she was hesitant about how to get the Council to accept all this and accept her and his affairs. But now she had made up her mind. Even if she left the Council, she could not let go of the man in front of her. What he did must never be forgotten.

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