Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,746 The

In the night sky, the black shadow that swallowed up the three-round moon is still moving slowly, and the remaining volume of the March moon is getting smaller and smaller. Darkness is covering the Green Lake area, everything is quiet, and it seems that everything is over for tonight.

In this darkness, Megan and Shade noticed the flight traces of the thirteen-ring warlocks of the church who had appeared by the lake. So Megan let go of Shad, pressed her forehead against Shad's forehead, and felt the abnormal trembling of Shad's body:

"After I go back, I..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was suddenly pushed away by Shade. The next moment, a beam of light appeared from the center of the lake, passed through Shade's chest, and shot to the distance of the lake shore.

Megan didn't even realize what was happening at the first time. She stared at Shade's pale face with wide eyes, at the lake below the two of them that had turned into a pale green at some point, and at the clouds and mist behind them. Opening it, the top of a strange island surrounded by rugged rocks was revealed, and the ancestors looked at this scene with their hands behind their backs.

She thought everything tonight was a dream:

"This is crazy...no, no!"

Shade looked down at his chest, and then his body fell toward the water. Megan reached out to grab his hand, but missed it by 1 centimeter and saw his "body" sinking into the water.

She looked at her hand stretched forward in shock, and then heard a voice:

"Ms. Edwards, the guy who disrupted the situation has disappeared temporarily. Please look over here."

The demon of the labyrinth, the guy who appeared in the form of a bald head, threw a black cube, and appeared at the edge of the thinning fog area at some point. The fog gradually drifted farther away from the lake from behind. The fog that had shrouded the central island of Green Lake for more than a hundred years began to spread:

"On the night of the lunar eclipse, the unstable space in the material world has a tendency to become more unstable. The chaotic space on the central island of Green Lake will cover a larger area. Only the heirs of the Edwards family, relying on their own talents, can Stop tonight’s change.”

It looked up into the sky, only the last third of the moon was left:

"Please save this, Miss Edwards, that man is not important. Please don't waste time, what you have to do now is to save the world."

Under water, in dark places.

Shade is falling in the water. Although this scene is similar to last time, it is actually completely different.

The blessing given by the [God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea] to recover from injuries in the water is working, but in fact the injury is not serious at all, and it does not even appear to be "false immortality". After all, the heart on the left side of the chest was not Shade's fatal part at all.

He was just affected by the huge and twisted force and temporarily lost control of his own spirit, and then fell into the water.

As a string of bubbles floated out of his mouth and floated upward in the water, Shade gradually regained control of his body. The spirit and elements flow through the body and soul again, and the illusion that the soul is about to separate from the body becomes more and more obvious:

"You actually attacked me!"

Even in the water, he could still clearly perceive the status of the three moons in the starry sky. He could even count down and accurately know that there were only three minutes left before the lunar eclipse completely engulfed the moons.

"What does that really mean to me?"

The bubbles floated upwards gurglingly, and Shade opened his arms and paddled in the water, trying to adjust his head-down falling position to a position that would make it easier to swim up. But at this moment, a soft and charming laughter appeared first, and then as the shadow got closer and closer, he heard the hoarse and gentle voice in the water:

"Yeah, what does it mean?"

Something huge and terrifying swam under the water further below Shade. Even without seeing it with his own eyes, Shade already felt suffocated. The sense of panic made him understand that he could never continue to fall, but he had no chance to adjust his posture.

Because, the laughter was getting closer and closer from behind. While his whole body remained stiff and kept his head-down posture, and he continued to fall downwards, the warm and smooth white arms, as if they were glowing in the dark world under the water, came from Shade's Her arms wrapped around him from behind. Then, he felt something warm and soft pressing all over his back.

He felt the warm water brushing against his ears, and then the beautiful woman's head appeared on his left shoulder. His legs were being slapped by something that looked like a tail, and something swimming behind him was holding him to slow down his descent, as if what he was falling to the bottom of the lake with him was a real mermaid.

If he really fell in the water and was surrounded by a mermaid and slowed down, Shade would probably be very happy, but at this time he just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

"You performed very well just now."

The woman's head was placed on Shade's shoulder, a hoarse voice whispered in Shade's ear, and the warm water brushed his ears:

"Let that twin soul give a kiss that comes from the heart and is willing to give everything. Yes, this is what I want to see."

Even though the lake water is very cold, this does not prevent Shade's body from rapidly heating up. He was thinking about what thaumaturgy could suppress the poor physical performance at this moment. "Desire" was behind him. He never thought of encountering this level 0 relic in the water, not even when they met for the first time. So bad.

"I...can you let me go? Now I'm going back to the surface, where I'm still needed."

He knew very well that the person who had just attacked him was most likely Megan and Audrey's thirteen-ring fortune teller ancestor. Now that the latter has shown up, it cannot be just a "sneak attack". He can already clearly feel that the unstable space area covered by thick fog is expanding. He must deal with this matter now. The abnormal range of the central island in Green Lake must not expand.

"Why are you so anxious? Don't you want to seek answers from me?"

In the darkness, only the smooth arms surrounding Sha De seemed to be glowing. Desire whispered, and the hairs all over Sha De's body stood up in the water, and his body trembled even more violently. The distance between the woman's head on his shoulders and his ears was less than 1 centimeter. He even felt that the hairs on his ears had touched the other party's bright red lips in the water.

"Emotion, the fusion of souls; sex, the collision of bodies; love, the connection of spirits; love, the promise that two people become one person."

She whispered the sentence left by Chloe Yin, and Shade felt that the tail of the "woman" behind him was beating the water faster, and their falling speed was indeed slowing down:

"It's very simple. Flesh and soul merge with each other because of emotion. Just like the pair of red butterflies in the birdcage in your hand, two are one and many are one. This is the meaning of this sentence. And to achieve this point. .....”

Her voice became hoarse and softer:

"That requires power beyond the ordinary. The fusion of soul and soul first requires that one's soul is strong enough, and your soul is strong enough to bear the burden. Therefore, you only need the secret method of being closely emotionally involved. And the fusion of body and body requires The need for stories symbolized by enlightenment.”

"Lovers in the Bell Tower..."

At the end of the story, the bones of the dead knight and his lover were fused together.

"Yes, you understand, you always have."

Her arms exerted slight force, as if she wanted to rub her body into Shade's. The flowing long black hair kept touching Shade's face in the water, which made Shade feel more and more intoxicated.

"Promise me. Promise me a simple request. This is also a small test for you. Not only can I tell you the secret method of soul fusion, but I can also tell you how to deal with the current situation on the lake."

Even if he didn't dare to turn his head, Shade could still imagine the slightly narrowed blurred purple eyes of the woman's head next to his head:

"What test?"

Even though "Desire" had helped him many times, he still couldn't imagine why the other party was "so kind" this time.

"Stories carry emotions. You have proven your compassion, courage, sacrifice, wisdom, and honesty. This time, use your 'loyalty' to prove your love story."

Shade fell silent for a moment, letting the "mermaid" behind him hug him and fall deeper into the lake:

"My loyalty...am I really...loyal?"

He has never been loyal to Delarion, no matter how much Director Anlos appreciates and uses him. As for love, it is difficult for Shade to say that he is loyal. He will never deceive himself.

"So this is the test. Interesting soul, if you really value those girls, if you really believe in your love, more than the lust I represent, prove it to me."

She smiled softly, and in Shade's ear, she took the initiative to tell the secret method of soul fusion and the method to solve the problem on the water surface, and then murmured and added:

"Of course, even if you don't prove your loyalty to love, I won't do anything. But in this case, you will lose to me, won't you?"

"Desire" asked. She saw Shade's complicated mood and said nothing. Instead, she gently separated her body from Shade behind him, and then pushed him toward the water with both hands:

"See you next time, funny soul."

With his white hands exerting force, Shade felt himself rising uncontrollably, away from the "woman" who sank deeper.

【Are you confused? Don't believe that it is love for them, or is it just lust? 】

she asked softly.

"No, I will prove to her that I will not lose to desire. I am never afraid of desire, never afraid of facing it..."

The foreigner thinks with certainty in his heart, he is never confused, and he is never afraid of his own ideas. So, under the control of unspeakable emotions, he mustered up the courage to adjust his posture while he was rising in the water, and looked underwater in the direction he came from.

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