Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,748 The Living Moon

As the night grew darker, Audrey and Megan turned around on the lake. Audrey had a normal physical appearance, while Megan's lower body overlapped with Audrey's, and her upper body appeared in the form of a spirit body. She smiled and nodded to Shade, then returned to her beautiful brown-haired body.

The witch also panted and nodded to Shade, the joy on her face could not be concealed:

"The problems that have troubled me for so many years have been completely solved. I can feel that my soul is perfect, and all the obstacles standing in front of me have disappeared."

The power of Cherubim is really suitable for the great witch of "knowledge and wisdom".

"We will discuss this later. Now, it's not over yet."

There was only the last trace of light left in March. In the darkness that shrouded the world, the silver light on the surface of Shade's body slowly appeared. He knew that the battle was not over yet, and Laplace Klein Howard would definitely take action again tonight.

But he had no time to care about this. His whole body and soul were urging him to look up at the top of his head, and at the "traces" left behind after the moon completely disappeared.

Although there was no moonlight, after the thick fog dissipated, Shade and Megan on the lake could already see what was happening on the shores of Green Lake. Countless water ghosts are fighting with the church's ring warlocks on the shore.

Among the two thirteen-ring warlocks, the "Dream Witch" of the Church of Nature, Miss Maria Ingram, whom Shade was more familiar with, was entangled with two black bone dragons at high altitude. Mr. Minsk Todels, the "white dove messenger" of the Peace Church who was not very familiar to Shade and was surrounded by white doves, stood motionless in the air, confronting the man who gradually emerged from the thick fog.

At first glance, he looked like a rather handsome and elegant middle-aged man, wearing a dark blue formal suit, with a pen in his breast pocket, and a pocket watch chain extending from the pocket and tied to a button. He was about the same height as Shade and had a well-proportioned build. His left hand was clasped behind his back, and his right hand held a stack of divination cards. But if you look carefully, you can find the sense of distortion and strangeness that is completely different from normal people and definitely not human.

This is not a human being, just something wearing the appearance of a human being.


The witch beside Shade said softly, but Laplace Klein Howard, who came out of the fog, just smiled at her, and then looked at everyone around Green Lake, including the sky:

"I am the chosen one of space."

His voice reached everyone's ears clearly, and then he opened the top card of the deck with his left hand:

"If you want to stop me, you have to find all the remaining members of the Edwards family. Only in this way can you stop me. I heard that Delarion and Carson Rick recently had peace talks in the Green Lake area? Well, I promise to do so during the meeting. , will not leave this island so that the peace agenda of the old continent can proceed smoothly."

He threw the divination card in his hand into the water:

"But before that, I want to try to see what kind of power the church still has in this era."

The water in the lake was boiling, and a breathtaking black light spread out in all directions. Everyone was waiting to see what would appear in the water. Only Shade looked up at the night sky where even the stars were dimmed, and looked at the moon.

Slowly, slowly, the last light of March disappeared in the shadow of the lunar eclipse. He widened his eyes and looked at the three circular shadows, or in other words, the three shadows of the moon, in the dark night sky after March was swallowed up according to his deepest thoughts at the moment.

As if a giant hammer had struck his soul, and as if his head had been shattered by a punch, Shade instinctively closed his eyes, and Shade Suellen Hamilton completely disappeared from the world.

In the void, endless white mist enveloped Shade, and then dots of silver light extended from his feet toward the end. The background of the boundless sea of ​​stars appeared all around, and a bookshelf outlined only by starlight emerged neatly from the sea of ​​stars, with Shade as the center and continuously expanding toward the surroundings.

At the end of the field of vision, a huge silver moon floats over the sea of ​​stars. No matter where the line of sight moves, the huge Holy Silver Moon always follows the line of sight and becomes part of the library in the sea of ​​stars.

This scene is very familiar, Shade knows where it is. (Chapter 1209)

[Outlander, you have entered the "Silver Moon Library". 】

[Note that because you used the Moon Shadow passage to enter the library, the library opens special permissions to you:]

[Enter the library and clear all bad status. 】

[Before leaving the library, you can take any action here. You have immortality. 】

[Acquire the "dark vision" state, which lasts until the next sun rises. 】

[Obtain the blessings of "Glory of Holy Silver", "Yellow Guidance" and "Blood Red Blade", which will last until the next sun rises. 】

[Limited to five times, consult the library about the history and stories recorded here/Limited to five times, query the stars about what will happen in the near future/Limited to once, seek eternal blessings from the moon/Limited to once, touch Touch the moon. (Choose one of four)]

Shade listened to the whispering in his ears in surprise. This was the second time he entered the "Silver Moon Library".

The first time, Miss Danister spent a lot of money to arrange the ceremony. At that time, she obtained "partial permissions" to enter the library, so she did not have those three special blessings, and the library's abilities were only "choose one of three." Moreover, the first two options are only "once only", and the blessing of the third option does not have the "permanent" affix.

"Touch the moon."

There was no need to hesitate at this moment, Shade said softly.

So the silver moon in the distance as the background of Xinghai Library got closer and closer, until it came to the top of Sha De's head.

He looked up and stared at the moon, then stretched out his right hand high into the sky.

The fingertips trembled slightly, and the moon continued to fall. His face was illuminated by the moon, and his trembling fingers represented his excited heart:

"Finally we met, finally..."

He seemed to be the most greedy thief in the world, eager for the most precious treasure to fall into his hands. But the sinking silver moon did not really let Xia De touch it after all.

Tick ​​tock~

The silver halo shimmered on the surface of the moon, and finally gathered into silver droplets under the moon, falling towards the fingertips of the outstretched stranger.

[Outlander, you have experienced a "miracle". 】

[Outlander, you have absorbed the divinity of the moon. 】

[The sealed spell "Library Search" is unsealed. The spell has been enhanced and a new feature has been added: When located in a library illuminated by moonlight, luck is greatly improved. 】

Shade looked at the moon that he had not touched with a stiff expression. The silver light illuminated his face, and his eyes held the silver moon:

"After perceiving a miracle, shouldn't we tell a story first and then absorb the divinity?"

He asked in his heart, and after smiling gently as if someone was hugging him, he got the brief story:

【The moonlight is so beautiful. 】

At this moment, there were three drops of divinity in his soul, but Shade just retracted his hand, pursed his lips and still looked up at the silver moon, without speaking for a long time.

【time to go. 】

"She" reminded softly in his ear, but Shade didn't make any move:

"The night of the lunar eclipse, the night of the lunar eclipse that Sister Devlin, the guardian of the earth, considers to be very important to me, the night of the lunar eclipse that I have always felt must be of great significance, is it just for this drop of divinity? ?”

【So, what do you want? 】

"She" is still so gentle.

"This time, maybe it's just an opportunity left by the ancient gods to give the chosen ones of the moon a chance to contact the supreme... But the lunar eclipse shows the shadow of the moon after it disappears, showing the other side of the moon. If I were Moon, I look forward to witnessing the back of me. If...you are the moon, I look forward to seeing the real 'me'."

"She" just smiled softly and said nothing more, nor urged Shade to leave.

Shade's eyes did not leave the silver moon above his head:

"Since the moon doesn't want to be touched by me..."

He jumped upward slightly, and his whole body seemed to fly into the air, flying towards the holy moon.

"Then I will take the initiative to touch her."

He stretched out his right hand again and watched himself getting closer and closer to the moon. It was not dazzling, but seemed to be able to accommodate everything. In the silver light, he felt that he was about to merge with that light, as if he was about to become a part of the moon.

This was a very dangerous sign, but he still did not give up and continued upward, and did not give up to approach and touch the moon that was so close.

As a result, Shade's body and soul became part of the moonlight. In the end, only a few remaining light particles that continued to rise touched the moon.

Circles of echoing ripples appeared on the surface of the silver moon, and in the silent library in the sea of ​​stars, someone was sighing.

[Outlander, you have experienced a "miracle". 】

[You have received a blessing: The Moon of Life: Under the moon, you will not feel tired. 】

[Your moon series thaumaturgy is fully enhanced. 】

[You touched the fragment of the original moon, Thaumaturgy-Ancient Voice triggers:]

[The Ancient God of the Moon has left, but through the remains of the original moon in the Silver Moon Library, there is a chance to see her sleeping. 】

Shade opened his eyes:

"Can we really see her? Is she still sleeping?"

But this time he didn't get any answer.

On the moonless Green Lake, only Audrey noticed that Shade suddenly disappeared beside her. But before she could express her surprise and search for the missing man, a sudden light appeared in the night sky, illuminating the dark land again.

The gentle silver moonlight appeared in the starry sky, and Shade, whose whole body exuded silver light, raised his right hand.

The rotating silver light wheel appeared in the palm of the hand, and then got bigger and bigger, until a human being the size of a grain of rice was holding a rotating light wheel the size of the moon.

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