Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,749 Moonlight Wheel·Second Form

The rotating light wheel illuminates Green Lake and everyone's face on the night of the lunar eclipse. The huge spirit rotates with the light wheel and cuts the space. Even if you just look directly at the shining moonlight, you will feel the pain and illusion that your whole person is about to be cut open.

At the same time, the position of the fortune-telling card thrown into the water by the Thirteen Rings fortune teller, and the black light and shadow in the water finally revealed the full picture.

The dark shadowy bone giant rose from the lake, roaring and raising its four big hands covered with bone spurs. Laplace Klein Howard, who originally had no intention of taking action again at this time, looked at the huge light wheel that replaced the moon in the sky with a serious face, then took out a glass bottle with a small black door and put it in. Throw it at the shadow giant.

The giant's eyes opened and he punched four of his fists toward the sky at the same time.

"Space bombing·Titan power!"

Shade opened his eyes under the night sky, with an attitude overflowing with divinity, recalling how he had just held up the sun and the red moon, and the techniques of gigantic energy attacks taught to him by Yin Luna and Sister Devlin, holding up the The rotating light wheel was thrown downward:

"Moonlight Wheel·Second Form!"

The light wheel rotates vertically, drawing a bright silver arc in the air. At the same time, the huge door that suddenly appeared behind the shadow giant opened a gap, and thousands of tiny black hands floated into the sky along with the giant's four fists.

There was no stalemate between the two sides. The huge rotating light wheel first cut open the two bone dragons flying in the air, then neatly divided the shadow giant into two. Finally, it bombarded the dark door with spiral patterns and followed it silently. annihilation together.

The air shock wave swept across both sides of Green Lake. Amidst the silver light in the sky, the small bottle containing the door leaf fell from the air. It was caught by Laplace Klein Howard. Shade also recognized that it was Dave. The "door in a bottle" mentioned by Sister Lynne and Father Augustus.

His whole body exuded a silver glow, and he slowly fell to the water and stood with Audrey. The three huge circular emblems composed of the blessing "Holy Silver Glory", "Chengyang Guidance" and "Blood Red Blade" spread out on the water, and even the witch felt the power of the moon.

Mr. Minsk Todels, the "White Dove Messenger" of the Peace Church, and Miss Maria, the "Dream Witch" of the Nature Church, also flew to the lake and stood not far away from the two of them to discuss the divination of the Thirteen Rings. Confrontation at home.

The latter did not retreat, but looked down at the stack of divination cards in his hand. At the same time, the demon who kept throwing black cubes walked out of the fog, and the tentacled man who was also of Edwards' blood.

Four people faced off against three people, but it was not over yet. Amidst the sound of the mirror shattering, Al Haken, the "Mirror Hidden Man" of the [Mirror Association] who had just ran away, appeared on the lake and stood there. Not far away from Shade and Megan, they confronted the Thirteen Rings Fortune Teller.

Laplace Klein Howard frowned slightly. The dense black shadows in the white fog behind him were approaching, but at this moment, three dazzling light spots appeared on the horizon.

In the dark night of the lunar eclipse, red dots of light fell on the lake, and Miss Danister, the librarian of St. Byrons and the thirteen-ring "Red Moon Witch", appeared; golden dots of light fell on the lake, with a dazzling red long The twelve-ringed Balance Witch appeared; a white light point fell into the lake, and the vice president of the Seer Association, Mr. Miller Lynch, a twelve-ringed fortune teller, appeared.

Not only are the eight people on the lake at this time, including Shade and Audrey, but further away by the lake, the light from the magical ritual has illuminated the night sky, and more support is arriving.

Laplace Klein Howard shook his head slightly, shook the glass bottle with the black door in his left hand, and prepared to scatter the stack of divination cards in his hand into the air with his right hand.

But suddenly, the shadow of a huge mermaid flashed under the lake where everyone was. Everyone stopped and watched in amazement as the shadow beneath their feet disappeared smoothly into the lake.

There is no element response, no traces can be sensed, as if it is really just a shadow swimming by. The demon behind Laplace Klein Howard, who was throwing the black cube, immediately whispered a few words into the soothsayer's ear, so Edwards' ancestor, who didn't know whether he was still a human being, The fortune teller finally nodded slightly:

"If that's the case, I lose this first confrontation, and there is no need to show these test objects produced by my experiments."

He put the thick stack of fortune-telling cards back into his pocket:

"There are indeed outstanding people among my descendants. Remember, if you want to stop me, let all the Edwards descendants come. I will wait for them on the island."

He turned around and wanted to walk into the thick fog, but was stopped by Mr. Lynch from the Prophet Association:

"Howard, do you know what you're doing?"

He asked this former ancestor of the association.

"Yes, I saw fate. No matter it was then or now, I am the only one who sees fate and the truth."

Laplace Klein Howard nodded seriously and disappeared into the fog. No one stopped him. The development of things tonight was very unexpected. Laplace Klein Howard was not the Thirteenth Ring. He gave up his identity as a human. He transcended the Thirteenth Ring. All plans were fulfilled. To be reformulated.

There are even greater secrets on that mysterious island and the expanding chaotic space.

The "Mirror Hidden Man" nodded to Shade, and then silently disappeared into the water. Shade glanced at Miss Carina, then grabbed Megan's hand and took a step forward. Using his super spell-casting ability in the "divine overflow" stage, "Large Jump" directly broke through the 20-meter limit. , allowing them to leave the lake.

"that's all?"

The red-haired witch whose face was covered asked regretfully, and then nodded to Miss Danister and Mr. Lynch from the Prophet Association who came with her. Xingzhishan turned into light and flew into the distance, and also No one stopped her, and the witch was obviously here to help tonight.

The ring magicians from the church, the Prophet's Association, and the college met on the lake. After a brief greeting and thanks, Miss Maria, the "Incubus Witch" with the holy emblem on her chest, said to Miss Danister:

"You showed up at the right time. If all of us hadn't been here just now, we probably wouldn't have been able to stop Laplace Klein Howard."

"It's not an estimate, it's absolutely impossible to stop him. He is no longer a human being. Besides, I'm afraid it's not us who are stopping him. That mermaid shadow..."

Mr. Lynch of the Prophet Association is quite serious. He is probably the only one who vaguely understands what that shadow represents. It is scarier than anything tonight:

"And I have a feeling that Laplace Klein Howard doesn't seem to want to kill us or expand the area of ​​​​the white mist, but more like he wants to lure us and his descendants."

Miss Daniste flipped up her long red hair:

"We'll discuss these things later. Speaking of which, I know you want to ask me why I'm here. I sensed something unusual on the night of the lunar eclipse and knew that the God Caller was about to appear, so I came over to take a look at the situation. Although I didn't inform the church, I just It’s against procedure to show up here, but it’s all a small thing, right?”

She asked with a smile, and everyone else nodded. Compared with what happened just now, the appearance of Miss Danister, who arrived in time to lend a helping hand, was indeed a small matter.

"That one just now was the God Summoner?"

Mr. Minsk Todels, the "White Dove Messenger" who had never seen the "God Caller" asked curiously, and everyone else nodded.

"Who else in the material world can use that gigantic silver moon light wheel except the God Summoner?"

Everyone agrees on this. Although the "God Caller" is suspected to be related to evil gods and evil objects, he is recognized as the most powerful ring warlock of the modern moon system. At this time, it was basically certain that the other party was the first demigod in the history of the Sixth Era.

After all, according to what the "Earth Guardian" of Randall Valley said when communicating with the church, the chosen ones of the earth believed that they could not defeat the "God Caller".

Looking up at the dark night sky, Mr. Lynch, the vice president of the Prophets Association, had a sudden thought:

"Now that I have met him, how about I conduct a divination on him now? On the night of the lunar eclipse, there may be unexpected divination results."

"Is such a chaotic environment okay?"

asked Miss Maria, the dream witch.

"You'll know after you try it."

Mr. Lynch took a handful of lake water and turned it into a luminous sphere. After looking at the "crystal ball" seriously, he quickly shook his head regretfully:

"Another very strange result. According to divination, in addition to paranoid psychosis, the 'God Caller' also has severe narcissistic personality disorder. However, did the man hiding the mirror just now say that the God Caller is a descendant of Edwards? ? This should be more accurate than the current divination, right?"

"Sure enough, this is the result... The academy still has things to deal with, so I'll go back first."

Miss Denister, who was thinking about confirming the answer in her heart, waved her hands to everyone:

"But I will personally lead the team here soon. Things here may be more troublesome than in Randall Valley."

"Goodbye, Red Moon Witch."

"Goodbye, and good luck with your subsequent investigations."

After saying that, she turned into scarlet moonlight and flew into the air.

The remaining ring warlocks, after calling the church team on the shore to search and arrange the ritual stabilization space, looked at the island shrouded in thick fog together.

The lunar eclipse is still going on, but it won't affect their vision. The thick fog has subsided, but compared with before tonight, the fog, which has not changed in more than a hundred years, has clearly advanced a hundred meters away from the island.

The entire space of the world, centered on Green Lake, was transformed by this lunar eclipse. The spatial changes that have spread all over the world will probably not subside until the space chosen ones compete for them.

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