Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,761 Dragon, Glasses and Crystal Ball

"There are many taboos in using [Missing Conch]. I can't use it anymore. The two ordinary people behind are not suitable for contacting the relics now. How about you give it a try? You have a coin, don't you? Or, I I can lend it to you, haven't you met witches before? You can ask them what relics the remaining broken sword and pink and white conch are."

The witch further explained her thoughts.

"I use this relic? But..."

Shade hesitated. Anyone he missed probably didn't exist in this era. Even the recent Kroyin was a person who lived 600 years ago. He didn't want to verify at all whether Chloe Yin was dead now. If he determined it, it was an established fact, but if he didn't observe it, there might be different results.

"Here you go, give it a try, you won't suffer any loss if you try it."

Seeing that Granny Miles was in such a bad state that she couldn't wait any longer, Miss Higgins took the initiative to pay another coin and then handed the conch to Shade. Shade hesitantly put it to his ear, and was trying to imagine the long-haired Luvia's soul in his mind - he thought he could only contact this witch who had a great relationship with time, but he didn't expect the conch to actually It rang itself:

"Huh? Who is it?"

A familiar voice sounded, and the image of the big-tailed red dragon girl immediately jumped into Shade's mind. Shade was surprised for a moment, after all, Fiona must not have been born yet in this era, but after realizing that this thing could actually communicate across time, he immediately said:

"Fiona, it's me, Shade! I'm..."

"Wait a moment, I'm going to find the teacher now. Who opened the door? Oh, Miss Feliana, why are you here? Come on! Oops, oh, it's going to break, the sound is going to disappear, Shade, Shade !”

The sound disappeared, which was much shorter than Miss Higgins' communication just now. But before Shade could take the conch away from his ear and shake it vigorously to determine whether it was broken, a new sound appeared:

"Excuse me, who is it?"

The appearance of Miss Schulz Teresa, who wore glasses and became the principal of the Serksess Medical School at the end of the Fifth Era, suddenly jumped into Shade's mind. When they first met in Lost Lake, the girl who was with her distant aunt, the demigod witch Miss Violet, was still worried about her graduation thesis at first, but during the Battle of Pantanal, she also became a demigod witch. gesture, appeared together to help Sha De.

"It's me, Shade, I'm in 1578!"

This time Shade didn't talk nonsense and explained the situation directly, but the witch still interrupted him, and Miss Theresa's voice was quite surprising:

"The experiment was successful? Did I really use the time key as the core of the ritual to open a time channel to communicate with the past?! Shade, wait a moment, Your Majesty Violet! Aunt! Come on! I really succeeded, Shade he......"

The voice completely disappeared again, and without giving Shade a chance to react, a third woman's voice appeared:

"who is it?"

The voice was extremely alert, but Shade knew it was Luvia as soon as he heard it, and it was Luvia with short hair. This time he learned the lesson from the previous two times and took a deep breath:

"I, Shade Time Key 1578, need help. Which one of the Broken Sword, Pink and White Conch can summon the spirit?"

I was originally worried whether Luvia had already met him at this point in time, but fortunately, the purple-eyed girl understood immediately:

"Xia De? Wait a minute, your description is too broad. What specific relic is it?"

"We don't have enough time, do some divination! No, don't use coins, just one. Just give an answer based on your inspiration."

"Conch! I'm going to Saint Teresa Square now. How did you do that?"

The sound disappeared. Although Shade still wanted to listen, there was no longer the fourth dialogue.

Only then did he have time to think about what had just happened. After putting the conch back, he carefully remembered all the characteristics of the relic. If he had also found [Missing Conch] in the Sixth Era, he might be able to communicate with Croyin in the early Fifth Era, Miss Feliana, Miss Olanold, Fiona and Weir in the late Fifth Era. Miss Little and Miss Teresa communicate.

[Impossible, this time it’s because of the chaotic time and space conditions here. Otherwise, they should contact you first. 】

"She" gently said something that was not gentle at all. Shade sighed and told his companion the result of the "inquiry":

"Still not sure if it's a conch or a broken sword."

If this adventure was not in the Black Mist Camp, Shade could actually wait to return to his own time to investigate what the two items were, so as to avoid wasting the coins in everyone's hands. But now there were less than ten minutes before he left, and old Mrs. Miles and the boy could no longer hold on any longer. Even if he was willing to stay and waste ten minutes waiting, the others would have to return.

And it may not be easy to come back to this stall.

"Mrs. Miles, I can't decide."

The hesitant witch thought for a long time before speaking to her employer behind her. The old woman supported by the boy shook her head:

"Trust your own judgment, you decide. I won't blame you no matter what. I just pray for a possibility. If our love is truly loyal, and if my thoughts can move the gods, fate will help me." ."

The young witch nodded helplessly and asked Shade again:

"What do you recommend?"

"Buy one piece first, and if there are a lot of coins left, buy the other one. If there aren't many coins left, just take the one you picked. It's a gamble, but I'm more optimistic about the conch. The advice my soothsayer friend gave me by inspiration was also a conch.”

"I've always hated betting on luck."

Although she said this, the witch made a decision immediately and pointed to the conch:

"I want this."

The conch was placed on one end of the scale by the shadow, and then the witch continued to add coins to the other end. This time, a full 7 coins were added before the balance was finally restored to balance.

She then signaled that she wanted to buy another piece. Fortunately, the price of the broken sword was relatively cheap, and she bought it for only 4 coins.

In this way, 17 of the witch's 23 coins have been consumed. Including Grandma Miles's 6 pieces, there are only 12 pieces.

The scales were still not taken back by the shadow, so the witch reached out to collect the three items together and then left. However, Shade stopped her and took out a piece of cloth from his pocket and handed it to her. The latter then patted her head:

"I'm so lost."

She carefully wrapped the conch and the broken sword with cloth, then grabbed the scale and kept it suspended in front of her. The group of people turned around and left along the way they came, very quickly because the light of the torches in their hands was already quite dim.

Leaving the campground is smoother than entering it, and the terrain and stalls don't change here, so just follow the old path back.

Along the way, even Shade didn't bother to observe the things on display at the surrounding stalls. Even later, the witch carried her employer on her back, and Shade used "puppetry" to manipulate the boy to grab the hem of his clothes and run forward together.

Finally, when there were only a few sparks left on the four torches, they finally left the camp and saw some light from the campfire in the distance. Even the witch was out of breath at this time, and she didn't even have time to be surprised that Shade was just breathing faster.

"That's too late!"

Seeing that there were only a few dozen steps left, Shade sped up and threw the boy in the direction of the bonfire. Then he picked up Mrs. Miles behind the witch and sent her to the bonfire.

When they turned around and grabbed the hand of the young red-haired witch, the torches in their hands were completely extinguished at that moment. The black mist surged and engulfed the two of them, but at this time they had already appeared next to the bonfire.

"Space, space jump?"

The panting girl gave Shade a good job gesture, and then had to sit down and rest. Both the boy and Mrs. Miles sat by the bonfire with their foreheads covered, unable to say a word. Although Shade was also a little tired, after being warmed by the bonfire, the effect of [Living Moon] quickly took effect.

He looked at the camp hidden in the black fog behind him, feeling that something was wrong with this adventure. Although something is not right, this time key adventure also shows great value. Judging from the current situation, the "transactions" involved in this camp involve almost all aspects. In other words, it is also possible to fulfill some of Shade's wishes here, such as "What do the patterns of the sun, moon and stars represent?" Where the Silver Moon Sage slumbers”…the latter is unlikely.

But at least this time adventure is an opportunity for him. The premise is that he can also get more black coins.

This adventure was already short, only twenty minutes, and now there were only the last four minutes left before he left here. Compared with the previous time keys, his operation this time seemed very smooth, even too smooth. But the god is still not found, and there are too many unknowns this time.

There was plenty of food and water in the small camp the witch set up next to the bonfire. After she recovered a little, she distributed the food and even gave a portion to the boy. Shade shook his head and said he didn't need it. After the boy took it, he didn't dare to eat it immediately as if he was afraid.

"I believe now that you are definitely not a bad person. Maybe the gods sent you to help us. Without you, none of us would have survived just now."

The group of people were able to return safely after breaking into the camp, which made Miss Higgins quite happy. However, in the firelight, she found that Shade, the only one standing, still had a frown on his face:

"What are you still worried about? Don't worry, although I don't know where this fire came from, it is absolutely safe around the bonfire. When I take a rest and test the functions of those two items, we can wait here for Your Majesty with peace of mind. Take us back... Do you want to leave together? Mrs. Miles and I can guarantee to His Majesty that you don't have to worry about being disliked by the Witch Emperor, and she might even give you a palace position. "

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