Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,762 Temporary departure

Although she said this, Miss Higgins had a vague feeling that the man in front of her would never leave with them. She could not explain the source of this inspiration. She just felt that this person was incompatible with them, this place and even this world, just like an outsider who had entered their dreams.

"Will it be so easy this time?"

Shade thought suspiciously, but there is no time this time, so all problems can only be solved next time.

Because too much time was wasted in the Black Mist Camp, he only had the last three minutes of this expedition left. While the witch was resting and recovering her strength, he also sat by the campfire and asked the boy who was secretly wiping the dagger:

"Can you tell me your purpose of coming here? The lady over there said that your country was destroyed, so you want to reverse this?"

The boy carefully hid the dagger back in his waist, glanced at the witch on the other side of the bonfire, lowered his voice and nodded softly:

"My father is the king, and I am the youngest prince in the kingdom. Because of the disaster, the entire country is gone, all the nobles, officials, people, livestock and land are gone. I want to reverse time and change this."

His wish was more difficult to realize than Mrs. Miles's, but since the tree father asked Shade to handle this matter, he had no choice but to find a way. But in this case, the boy may not have enough coins. Shade couldn't think of any way to reverse time and space. Fortunately, what the tree father asked him to do was to "help complete the transaction" instead of completing a specific transaction.

"What disaster destroyed your country?"

He asked again. The boy's expression froze and he hesitated before saying:

"Meteorite, a meteorite hit my country, yes, that's it. My country did not have the protection of the Witch Emperor, it was just a city-state, everything was destroyed."

Shade looked at him suspiciously, then glanced at the witch. Although the latter was resting, he was also listening to the conversation. She shook her head slightly, obviously understanding what Shade meant. She had not heard about the recent news of a meteorite destroying a certain country.

It's just that the witch had no intention of talking to the boy. Shade didn't have enough time left this time, and he didn't have time to use words to persuade the boy to tell the truth.

After Miss Higgins had rested, she took out the two relics from the cloth wrapping. In the Black Mist Camp, due to the suppression of power from the entire world, they could not even compare the element fluctuations of the two items. However, they could find by the campfire that the lower-priced Broken Sword's Whispering Elements were actually better than that one. The conch must be strong.

The witch couldn't think of how to use a broken sword to summon the soul, so she reached out and picked up the conch, and said jokingly to Shade:

"Look, it's the conch again. In addition to [missing the conch], I also heard of a conch that can tell the listener the answers to all the questions she wants to know."

"Are you sure that's not the whisper of something evil?"

Shade asked back, and then he really saw the red-haired witch, very, very carefully put the conch to her ear and made a listening gesture, just like she did in the market just now. But nothing happened this time, so she shook the conch in confusion, as if she wanted to make sure it was broken, but no blood or screws or anything like that fell out, so she handed the conch to Mai. Mrs. Charles:

"Madam, please try calling your lover's name to the conch. If you feel any discomfort, please throw the conch to me immediately."

The old man, who was still in a bad state of mind, steeled himself and took the conch.

Shade and the Witch both stood up and stood behind Mrs. Miles, and the boy looked over cautiously.

Mrs. Miles took a few deep breaths to calm down her excitement and sadness, and then said in a very steady and clear voice:

"Richard Knight Jackman."

Shade's first reaction was that he had never heard of this name before, and then he looked around nervously. Miss Witch Higgins' attention was on the conch.

Nothing happened, at least the few people around the campfire didn't notice anything strange happening.

So for the sake of safety, the witch took back the conch from Mrs. Miles, and then sat down glumly.

The silver-haired old woman comforted her, her wrinkled face showing no signs of loss:

"It doesn't matter, we can keep trying. To be honest, if it was just so simple to see him, I wouldn't be ready. Even to achieve a miracle in the story, we need to complete multiple tests. We want to find the ones who didn't go home. Man, how can it be so easy. I’m patient and we can keep trying until I can’t walk anymore.”

"But I took such a big risk just now..."

Miss Higgins also knew that Mrs. Miles was right, and looked at the severed sword again, probably thinking of trying it next.

But before she could take action, she saw Shade standing up.

"Are you rested? No, please don't go to the camp alone, it's very dangerous there."

The witch reminded her kindly, but Shade shook his head:

"I'm going over there."

He pointed in the direction he came from:

"It's not easy to explain. It's probably... I'm going to leave for a while and I'll be back soon."


The witch blinked her beautiful golden eyes suspiciously, but Shade did not continue to explain:

"I will try to find out the specific functions of that conch and the broken sword. You'd better not act arbitrarily while I'm away. I promise to come back."

As he said that, he tossed his only coin to her:

"Keep it safe for me."

When I got up, I was about to leave the bonfire camp. Twenty minutes was short, and the white mist had already appeared.

Miss Higgins stood up and tried to pull his sleeve:

"Wait a minute, what do you mean? You can leave here?"

"I don't have enough time."

Shade smiled and waved to them, and the boy and Mrs. Miles also stood up to say goodbye to him:

"Anyway, I'm here to help you this time, please believe this. In addition..."

He walked backwards into the dark fog when he came:

"Don't spend the black coins in your hands casually, that thing is weird. When I come back next time, I will bring you new news."

As he spoke, his voice completely disappeared into the black mist. The witch took the risk and walked over with a torch to take a few glances, but did not find the strange man.

"What is he?"

When she sat down by the campfire again, she cooed softly, but Old Mrs. Miles was not worried at all. She looked at the fire in front of her with bright eyes:

"Maybe he is really someone sent by the gods to help us."

"Then why not a pretty girl, but a strange man?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the boy who tried to minimize his presence.

The silver-haired old woman did not answer, but looked at the firelight in front of her with a smile, as if she could see the lover who separated from her more than fifty years ago.

The separation at that time seemed to be at an intersection covered with weeds and flowers, and near a lively market.

(Little Mia is running...)

After returning from the past, little Mia, who was waiting for Shade, immediately came over and meowed around Shade. After Shade picked up Mia, he quickly came downstairs. Sure enough, within a few minutes, Luvia was seen running over in a hurry:

"Oh, Shade, just now..."

"it's me."

In this way, the person who just talked to Shade was indeed Luvia at this time. [Missing the Conch] Although the "signal" is not good in the chaotic land of time and space, he actually managed to reach the person Shade missed.

Now that she's here, Luvia listens to Shade's account of what happened in just twenty minutes. She was not interested in the market or Shade's companions this time, but she was very interested in "Missing the Conch":

"I know that this kind of relic exists in our time. But it's hard to get. I can think of a way, and maybe I can communicate with different times again."

She looked at Shade with some excitement:

"If every time we need help, like at the end of the Battle of Pantanal, the Witch Emperors show up, then you won't have to work so hard in the future."

Luvia came and left in a hurry. As for the little Mia who was clinging to Shade, when Shade asked if she wanted to go out with him, the cat also ran away.

After preparing lunch for Xiao Mia in advance, Shade headed to Green Lake City from the basement. Although he had already made his identity known to the hotel owners, Shade still chose to leave the hotel through the back door of the kitchen.

When he was going out, Little John, the garbage can boy in the back alley, happened to be "going out" with his puppy. The two sides greeted each other and then went in different directions.

Shade did not immediately go to Michaela Blast Furnace City on the south bank of Green Lake to find the believers of the God of Love. Instead, he first went to the Kingfisher Tailor Shop on Royal Mail Street to find Granny Natalie.

Grandma Natalie, like Mr. Edmond and old John who owns the antique shop, are members of the Priory of Light Guides. Shade happened to want to ask a few questions, but he did not go to the lighthouse in Coldwater Harbor or the antique shop in Tobesk because those two places were too far away.

"Good morning, Grandma Natalie."

"Good morning, Mr. Watson. I met Megan a few days ago, and her relationship with you seems to have become good. You see, I introduced her to answer your story about Green Lake Central Island and the Edwards family. It was indeed true. Bar?"

Mother-in-law Natalie said when Shad first came here that she and Megan had been friends for many years. She most likely knew that Megan was a witch, because she once reminded Shade not to mind if Megan was indifferent to him.

Shade smiled and nodded:

"Your recommendation is indeed very good. I didn't expect to meet such a... friend."

The old woman from Gaohuan gave him a meaningful look, but did not delve into the relationship between Shade and Megan:

"Isn't it Edmund who comes to me this time to buy fish bones again?"

"No, no, I want to get information about two relics. Oh, and there is also a strange coin, but that coin is not a relic. I don't know the functions of the three items."

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