Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,775 Everyone’s Preparations

After bidding farewell to the doctor, Shade met Priest August downstairs who had not yet left, and then left in a carriage with the priest.

Priest Augustus specially waited for Shade, and of course he had something to say:

"Wednesday, you used the ring of thorns I gave you?"

"Yes, I used it to use the power lent to me by others. Now there are many cracks in the thorn ring, and it is estimated that it will be damaged next time it is used."

Shade sighed at the effect of the halo:

"It really helped me, otherwise I really can't imagine how to solve the situation at that time... Regarding the skull, I don't have any clues yet. Priest, can't you make an alchemy tool that can track bones from a long distance? "

"Young man, don't think that alchemy is omnipotent."

The priest smiled and shook his head:

"You don't have to be too anxious about this matter. Whether we can find it or not actually doesn't have much impact on us. In short, if I need to go there, I can go there at any time. If I don't want the church to know where I have gone, even I can ask the church to reimburse the train tickets and accommodation expenses... The young people who are now in charge of finance in the church were all brought out by me back then."

At least while Dr. Schneider was in Green Lake, Shade didn't want Priest Augustus to go there. But judging from the current situation, Shade really needs to rely on the strength of the entire team this time.

The carriage first took the priest to Dawn Church, and then took Shade home.

When I went upstairs, I found that the house was quite busy. Dorothy, Luvia and even Yin Luna are here. The purple-eyed girl is preparing tea in the kitchen. Yin Luna talks excitedly with Dorothy about the details of the serialized story published in "Steam Bird Daily" this week:

"Is this going to be a long story that will be serialized for five or six issues? The story this time is so interesting. The missing pet dog and the strange cat must have very important stories. If it is just the top, middle and bottom It’s such a shame that it ended after three chapters.”

Dorothy's most recent serialization, "Cats and Dogs and Detectives," is based on Shade's experiences in the Randall Valley. The demon summoned by Stone Oxenfurt in order to deal with the Stoneheart Demon transformed into a butler and maid, and gave him important clues about the final puzzle after being liberated by Shade. After Dorothy heard this story, she cleverly changed the identities of the two people into a cat and a dog. This story has been published twice in newspapers so far and has been widely praised.

Seeing Shade coming back, the girls all stood up to say hello. Miss Writer saw that Xia De and Yin Luna had something very important to talk about, so she said goodbye temporarily and went to the publishing house to deal with the matter, and agreed to come back in more than an hour.

After all, it was Saturday and she wouldn't miss her date.

"What is this painting?"

When Shade went downstairs to see Dorothy back, Yin Luna on the sofa curiously pointed to the picture frame covered with black cloth on the wall and asked Shade. With a casual finger, Shade opened the canvas to both sides, revealing the brightly colored oil painting of an underwater mermaid.

Yin Luna was shocked immediately:

"This... I have never seen such a beautiful painting. I'm not saying that I don't have artistic appreciation, but this painting... no one will deny its artistic level, and I have never I have seen such a work of art. Even the broken-arm statue that Shade once gave to Princess Agelina Cavendish...is it also Shade's work? "

She looked at Shade in shock, and Shade immediately denied:

"I don't have this kind of skill, and besides, I'm not that unlucky."

"Shade said you shouldn't look at this painting too much."

Luvia, who came over with a saucer, reminded that she had never seen "Desire" and it was impossible for Shade to describe it to her in detail, so she only knew roughly:

"But Shade said that you have seen the existence depicted in the painting."

"On the shores of the Pantanal."

Shade also reminded.

Yin Luna thought for a moment, first shocked, and then showed a dissatisfied expression. Apparently she still remembered that the woman's head in the water made a very wrong evaluation of her. Although "innocent" is a word with a neutral and positive connotation, she didn't want to be judged as innocent when she was already seventeen or close to eighteen...especially when Xia De was also:

"Actually, this painting isn't very beautiful either."

She whispered again.

Luvia laughed, and Shade also looked up at the painting. There was indeed nothing unusual about the painting hanging here for half a week, but he would not let down his guard. The strange idea of ​​"desire" was always elusive to him. well.

Leaving Mia in the living room, Shade went to the bedroom to change clothes, and then sat down to talk.

"The church has given me orders. I'm leaving on Monday, but I won't be able to get to Green Lake next week."

Yin Luna shook her head:

"The church arranged for me to go back to the Holy See for half a week of training."

"Training for what?"

Shade asked curiously, but Luvia had some guesses:

"A way to fight against space power, right?"

Yin Luna nodded:

"Yes, that island is dangerous, but as a chosen one it is impossible not to go to the island. In order to prevent accidents, I need to conduct some safety training, at least to ensure that I have a chance to fight back when facing a chaotic space."

This is not difficult for her. The power of "balance" can maintain the stability of space. Although the release effect is not as good as Shade's "space stability halo" that specializes in dealing with unstable spaces, a little training can also allow Yin Luna to master the method of self-protection. .

"Although it's not my first business trip, it's early June and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back until at least the end of the month."

Yin Luna said this and glanced at the two of them quietly. Luvia gave Shade a look, and of course Shade understood what she meant:

"If you haven't come back by the time of your birthday, I will go celebrate it for you on Luvia's behalf."

"I didn't mean birthday..."

"I've prepared the gift."

The purple-eyed girl said, and Shade nodded:

"I want to prepare some unexpected gifts this time. The eighteenth birthday is very important."

He has already looked for a gift, but he is not sure whether he can get it yet. After all, the gift is still in the fifth era.

Yin Luna expressed her thanks somewhat sheepishly, and Luvia took out the small bag that Priest August gave to her at the group study meeting just now:

"It just so happened that Yin Luna was here, and I got enough coins. Before Yin Luna set off, we have to find out some things. For example, is the traitor from the Prophet Association who calls himself the 'Space Chosen One' who he said he is? identity."

The bag at the top was opened, and inside were four coins. Three of them were identical and brand new coins that Shade had never seen before.

The coin was quite large, as big as half a palm, made of brass, and quite thin in thickness. The front side that Shade thought was a picture of a house, while the back side was all text:

[A house is not a home, but without a house there is no home. 】

"Poet-level relic [Home Coin], a very simple and straightforward name. Its function is to throw the coin into a lake or river at midnight on a night when the yellow moon is full among the three moons, and it will be legal within a month. Get a house of your own."

Luvia introduced that both Sha De and Yin Luna were very interested in this, and the female diviner added:

"It may be a simple straw house, or it may be an expensive real estate like No. 6 Saint Teresa Square that most people can't afford in their lifetime. A poet-level relic, not very dangerous, just a house obtained with this kind of coin, some It’s easy to attract unclean things.”

She gave an example:

"For example, if a humanoid relic visits the neighborhood, there is a high probability that it will go straight to the house obtained with such a coin. Although the house is important, no one should take such a risk."

"No, I thought there would be someone...oh, I recognize that last coin."

The stranger took back his nostalgia for his hometown and twisted the remaining coins in the bag:

"Clerical relic [Soul Coin of Fanatic Believer] (Chapter 796). This coin can be used to trade with demons or some humanoid relics, but once you do so, you will be contaminated with sins that cannot be washed away. Unexpectedly, Priest August They actually found such coins for us.”

"The priest is an amazing man."

Luvia said, and asked Shade to take out the only remaining [Ghost Iron Coin]:

"In this way, in addition to the [divorcer's silver coins] that we are not willing to consume, we have five coins that we can consume. I want to try to perform a super-standard divination, Shade, Yin Luna, I need your help I."

"What are you trying to divine?"

Shade asked.

"I still can't directly divine the identity of the chosen one, but as my level increases, I can already access the information about the chosen one. Since this time the chosen person in space has the function of 'E Pluribus Unum' ' characteristics, then I will divine how many people there are in those 'United People' components, and who they are."

Together they went to Room 2 on the third floor. This room that had not yet found a use was very empty and very suitable for holding a ceremony.

Theoretically speaking, Luvia's special divination method cannot be enhanced in any way. Even the relics that can assist in divination, such as the [divineer's silver coin] and the [obsidian pendulum] in her hand, have no effect on it at all.

Both Sha De and Yin Luna vaguely knew that Luvia's special divination was related to her powerful power in the past. Therefore, if you want to enhance this power, you can only use extraordinary power.

Just like the power of the chosen one.

Shade followed Luvia's instructions and drew the sun, moon and stars pattern that he and Miss Daniste had been investigating on the floor. Luvia vaguely felt that this ritual array had great potential, so she decided to give it a try.

As for Yin Luna, she summoned the life ring behind her and turned the brass life ring into a dark golden scale. Then he carefully held his scale and handed it to Luvia.

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