Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,776 Family Roots·United as One

Shade had been exposed to Sister Devlin's dark golden scythe, so he was not surprised by Yin Luna's actions. Unexpectedly, Luvia tried it, but her palm actually passed directly through the middle of the scale.

"As expected, this scale is essentially a product of the combination of part of Yin Luna's soul and the power of the ancient gods. Of course I can't touch it."

When Shade felt suspicious, Luvia nodded:

"Yin Luna, let this scale float above my head. Don't resist my mental power to touch it."

[Because of divinity, you can come into contact with things related to ancient gods. 】

"I think so."

Shade quickly sketched out the ritual, thought for a moment and then revealed the [Stand of Yggdrasil] and handed it to the purple-eyed girl. Yin Luna heard that Shade had obtained another weapon that was not inferior to the [Night Watch], so she just took a curious look at it. As Shade bent down and picked up the cat that had wandered into the room, she let the scales symbolizing the balance of the chosen ones float above Luvia's head.

"Do I need to use the Philosopher's Stone to assist in the ritual?"

Shade asked again, pulling out the silver pendant on his chest. The pendant was dotted with the Philosopher's Stone that he got from the stone mirror demon Goethe:

"Adding this to the ritual should enhance the effect of the ritual."

"Xia De, I don't want to divine the future and the truth of the world. There is no need to be so exaggerated."

Luvia declined Shade's proposal, and Yin Luna also smiled and wanted to say a few words. Then, what no one expected was that little Mia, who was held by Shade, suddenly thrust her head forward, opened her mouth and bit the red stone.


But fortunately, this cat, which never made Shade angry, did not swallow the precious alchemy materials in his hand this time. Although the cat opened its mouth, it just stuck out its tongue and licked the stone, then "meow~" and looked at it with bright eyes. It's not like he wants to eat it, nor like he's not interested in it.

Shade was frightened, and quickly put away the Philosopher's Stone, and decided to take out such things that could easily be eaten by Xiao Mia in the future.

Then it was time to get down to business. Luvia held a black staff in her left hand and stood in the center of the ritual array on the ground. She was surrounded by images of the sun, moon and stars. The dark golden scale above her head shimmered like a point of light. Sprinkle it all over her body. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She raised her left long staff slightly and hit the ground with it. The ritual base array, which had no reaction at first, actually lit up with a faint light.

At this time, all the curtains in the room were tightened, and in the dark room there was only the light of the ritual array on the ground and the dark golden scales. Luvia raised her right hand slightly, and the five coins placed at her feet rose into the air.

One of the [Ghost Iron Coins] and one [Home Coin] flew in front of Shade and were caught by him. Luvia then flicked the remaining three coins away in turn.

As the coins spun into the air, they made a trembling sound. After the first one reached the highest point, it actually spun and stopped at that height. It was not until all three coins flew to that position that they fell together.

Mottled rust appeared on the metal surface, and continued to spread as it fell, until the entire coin was corroded.

The fly ash dispersed in the air, and when Luvia opened her eyes, the purple brilliance in her eyes was charming and alluring.

"How about it?"

"There are results."

After tidying up the room, the three of them returned to the second floor. Luvia took a sip of tea and told them the result of this divination:

"Not bad. At least we have clarified the biggest question: who is the first candidate for the selection of this space. Laplace Klein Howard did not lie, at least not completely. He did and It’s related to the first chosen one, and the number of the first chosen ones actually exceeds 10 individuals.”

Yin Luna glanced at Xia De:

"Besides the fortune teller himself, how many members of the Edwards family are there alive?"

"The unknown tentacle man, the two fifth-generation witches, the sixth-generation Fulan brothers, the brothers from the Mirror Association, and the six Grimm sisters."

Shade replied:

"Including the soothsayer, there are exactly ten alive alive."

"Luvia said it was more than ten people, which means more than ten. So, this group includes dead people? Like the little girl Rust Edwards that Shade mentioned?"

Yin Luna asked Luvia again, and Luvia nodded:

"Including Rusty Edwards, that's 11 people. Since it can include one dead person, it means there may be more dead people. Do you remember the family tree that Shade mentioned?"

Shade then reached out and took out the large transparent starry sky-colored book from the air, and handed it to Luvia and Yin Luna respectively:

"One person in the first generation, two in the second generation, and so on. In total, there are 1+2+3+4+5+6=21 members of the Edwards family. The deceased in the second and third generations They were all buried on the island, and then the Edwards family fell and the town of Green Lake was abandoned, so the fourth and fifth generations of deceased were buried in different places.”

Yin Luna took a deep breath:

"Ignore the ones buried on the island, so this root family tree is some kind of large-scale ceremony? Edwards, who took root on the central island of Green Lake, spent hundreds of years absorbing the nutrients of the island for reproduction, and at the same time, he also deeply The family brand is imprinted on the island, and finally they unite as one on that island and realize the upgrading of all things? This picture really represents some kind of ritual or even a diagram of how to make the human body. So what about the two generations outside the island? Will the bones and souls have to go back sooner or later...or have they already gone back?"

Luvia and Shade looked at each other:

"If this picture represents the ceremony of the chosen ones in space as Laplace Klein Howard believed, then I suspect that the bodies of the fourth and fifth generations of the deceased are no longer in the graves. This cannot be What happened so recently, it is even possible, that the Edwards who left the island were never out of sight of their ancestors.”

Yin Luna had a look of shock on her face, and the map, which was like a root system rooted in the ground, seemed to her to be more and more terrifying:

"Six generations, nearly three hundred years, just to unite as one and achieve the identity of the chosen ones... Although we have experienced so many things, this time still surprised me .Laplace Klein Howard, what did you see back then?"

"According to the association's current investigation, the evil thing [The Door in the Bottle] most likely came into contact with him before he defected from the association. He heard the so-called 'truth' and was convinced of it."

Luvia had a melancholy look on her face:

"But did he foresee the future and breed the mysterious Edwards family, or did the destined future fool him and make him the starting point of the family? Fate and time, this needs to be respected."

The girl who had destroyed the integrity of time several times said that she made a request to Shade:

"It's not too late tonight. You can go to Green Lake tomorrow to confirm whether the bones of the fourth and fifth generations of the dead are still there."

"No problem, but I can't contact the brothers from the [Mirror Society]. The bones of the Fulen brothers from [Rosicrucian Society] and the elders of the Witch are in other places. It takes time to confirm. I can only go check on Green tomorrow." The situation of the elders of the two siblings.”

Luvia nodded:

"It doesn't matter. As long as the bones of one family are gone, the others are probably gone too. Although the situation of the chosen ones this time is a little more troublesome, it also has advantages. As long as we can ensure that one of them does not return to the family, we can guarantee the ceremony of the chosen ones. It cannot be held.”

This sentence is true, but no matter who you want to protect, I am afraid that you will have to face Laplace Klein Howard in the end. And there is no point in hiding now. They will definitely return. This is not only the prediction of the Thirteen Rings Soothsayer, but also the fate of the chosen ones.

"I want to give my opinion."

Yin Luna suddenly said:

"Just like we don't want Yinfan Darkness and Qiaoyin Barton to become the chosen one, this time, we also want to prevent Laplace Klein Howard from becoming the chosen one."

"Of course."

Shade nodded:

"I don't think he wants to accommodate his children peacefully, but wants to devour his own blood descendants. This kind of person is too dangerous. But it is not easy to defeat him and send him to death. Wait until you get to Green Lake We will discuss the area again.”

Yin Luna nodded, and the three of them talked a few more words about the Edwards family. Then Yin Luna asked Xiang Luvia:

"Besides number one, Luvia, have you divined anything else?"

After all, three coins were consumed this time.

The girl with purple eyes nodded:

"This is my first attempt to directly predict the situation of the selected person. I can do this because the situation of the selected person is special this time. There are two other pieces of information: First, the candidates who are ranked later are also e pluribus unum. , a certain sequence of components included members of the Edwards family."

"It is understandable that this also symbolizes the subsequent order of the selected candidates, which is actually inextricably linked to the first candidate."

Shade said, then thought of Lesia and Dorothy. He can almost confirm that they will definitely be involved in this matter, but so far there is no information pointing to them, and the two of them have not even thought about going to the Green Lake area in the near future.

"Second, the candidate who is ranked second is related to the old gods - the Twin Gods."

After Luvia finished speaking, she and Yin Luna looked at Sha De, and then they saw Sha De's sighing expression.

The Old Gods - The Twin Gods, also known as the Guardians of the Twins. At the end of the drinking party of the vampire gods in the distant fifth era, the vampire duke who liked blood brew guided Helen and Grace to find the [Twin Gods] for asylum.

Now the old god is long gone, and his followers are nowhere to be found. What is certain is that the power of the old gods - the Twin Gods, is closely related to the ancient gods [Primary Crack], whose holy symbol is the butterfly. As for the current Grace and Helen, it is no exaggeration to be called the "Scrollers of the Twin Gods".

In the [past life] time without Shade, Grace and Helen had a high probability of dying at the end of the Battle of Sikal and were taken away by the blood-sucking god. Therefore, there is a high probability of being chosen in the [past life·sixth era] space. It has nothing to do with them. It's just that the appearance of Shade has indeed changed the order in which the chosen ones appear - in the past life, long-haired Luvia and Sirius mentioned in the chat at the Night Temple that the chosen ones of the earth came second.

In other words, in today's "present world" where outsiders appear, the poem is most likely to directly point to the Hongdie sisters who are still alive and in good condition. And involving them in the fate of the chosen ones is what Shade has been trying to avoid.

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