Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,777 Visiting the Grave

"I will handle the affairs of Grace and Helen. They will follow Granny Cassandra to Green Lake soon. I know what should be done. Now, we need more canto fragments."

Xia De said softly, and Yin Luna took over the task:

"When I get to the Holy See next week, I will find a way. See you in Green Lake, Shade,"

"I'm thinking about whether I should go to Green Lake. Just like I did in Randall Valley, to help you."

Luvia said again, but was stopped by Sha De and Yin Luna. Yin Luna felt that this time was more dangerous than last time. In addition to this reason, Shade also thought that if Luvia also went to Green Lake, then there might be a certain period of time when all five members of the team gathered in the place where there were already many conflicts. An ancient city.

Although there was no evidence, Xia De always felt that when all five members of the group appeared, something major unplanned would definitely happen.

Because Yin Luna was going to another place soon, so that night, Shade, Yin Luna, Luvia and Dorothy had dinner together. Although Saturday afternoon was the exclusive date time for the princess and the female writer, Dorothy did not feel that her time was being invaded. She liked this loyal reader very much.

After dinner, Yin Luna and Luvia left, and Dorothy actually said goodbye with a smile. At about seven o'clock, Lesia's carriage stopped at the door of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. Tonight was Her Royal Highness's time.

Due to the "loyalty" challenge raised by "Desire" underwater on Wednesday night, Shade has set the goal of the final enlightenment rune of his sixth ring as the "Bell Tower Lover" who can achieve physical fusion.

So during the evening class that night, Shade asked Lesia a question:

"Do you think I'm loyal?"

"That's a weird question."

Her Royal Highness the Princess, who was sitting on the inside of the desk, was playing with the pink "Spur of Love":

"You want to ask, what are you loyal to? Country? Race? Faith? Or your love for a certain girl?"

As he spoke, he pointed the "weapon" in his hand at Little Mia, who was lying on the parchment that was said to be the transcript of "Lovers in the Bell Tower" 500 years ago. The cat did not dodge in the face of the weapon, lying lazily and squinting. Close your eyes.

"Yes, there are so many levels of loyalty... Do you think I am loyal to love?"

Shade sat obediently on the chair outside the desk and waited for the "trial". Lecia smiled and poked the cat with the "thorn of love". The orange cat called out "meow" and got up and moved on the desk. Checked the location.

"Different people have different definitions of loyalty. I heard that Viscountess La Maria, who lives in Tobesk South District, has five or six young and handsome lovers, but the Viscount still believes that his wife is very important to the family and to love. Very loyal...because she always cooks dinner for him herself.

"This...oh, stop teasing little Mia."

Shade picked up the cat who was about to be poked again, and Lecia smiled and stopped teasing the cat:

"Viscountess La Maria is a special case. In terms of values ​​​​that people can accept, of course you are not loyal to love, my knight. But loyalty is also relative, and my requirements for loyalty are not particularly high. After all, if you are really loyal, Dorothy and I haven’t had the chance yet...answer me a question.”

She pointed to the storybook with illustrations spread out on the table. This story is also "The Lovers of the Clock Tower", but it is for children who are newly literate. Therefore, it has been greatly edited compared to the story that Shade knows. The final ending is not "the fusion of the knight and the lover's corpse", but the return home. The knight discovered that his lover was seriously ill, so he found the witch in the forest and exchanged his arm for the elixir. Finally, he hugged the recovered girl tightly in the bell tower when they parted.

Lesia asked:

"Shad Hamilton, if one day I am really in danger, are you willing to risk your life to save me?"

Shade nodded immediately:

"Of course I do, I won't let you go no matter what."

"See, so at least I think you're loyal."

She took the pink crystal spike back in front of her, and then poked her chest:

"Speaking of which, one of the qualities a knight needs is 'loyalty'. Are you doubting your status as a knight?"

She smiled and pierced the sharp thorn into her heart, then opened her right hand. In the pink halo, the crystal clusters grew into blooming flowers.

“I’m not doubting this, I’m thinking about the ending of ‘Lovers in the Clock Tower’, imitating the power of the story to simulate becoming one with the girl.”

After saying this, I felt that there was something wrong with this sentence. Sure enough, the red-haired girl joked with bright eyes:

"If you want to 'become one', you don't have to pursue extraordinary power. You can experience it tonight."

Seeing Shade's embarrassed look, she smiled again and put the crystal flower in her ear:

"I understand what you mean, Mystery-Belfry Lovers, right? The miracle of love, the story is so wonderful. I will help you, Shade, Dorothy and I will help you. Just if you If you succeed, can you promise me something?"


He asked curiously, and Her Royal Highness the Princess raised her lips:

"When the time comes, I must unfold your mystery, and I also want to experience what it feels like to be integrated with you in another way. When the time comes, will you become me, or will I become you?" Or is it something else strange?"

Lesia did not leave St. Teresa's Square that night. Now the entire kingdom's attention was focused on the Green Lake area. His Majesty the King who stayed in Tobesk was also very busy with negotiations, so Lesia No one would notice if he spent the night here at Shad.

However, it was obvious that the blonde writer, who was not present tonight but was still very involved, had not forgotten what happened last week when Lesia let her sleep until noon. It's hard to tell whether this was to "retaliate" against Lesia, or whether it was just to make the Saturday date more exciting. In short, Her Highness the Princess almost didn't get up early on Sunday morning. When her maids left with the sleepy princess, they looked at Shade a little strangely.

Shade hoped that no strange rumors would spread in the future.

After breakfast, I sighed that I didn't use the black time key last night, then said goodbye to little Mia who was unwilling to move, and went to Green Lake from the basement.

He still entered the alley from the back door of the Green Lake Hotel. Today, Green Lake also looked foggy, and the stench in the alley behind the hotel was still the same. The loud shouts of the marchers could be heard in the distance. In the background of the pale yellow sky, in the distance, there were sparse black chimneys spewing black smoke into the sky.

This time Shade didn't put down the food and leave, but talked with John, a boy who was already familiar with him:

"I want to find you a job, yes, a job. Although it may not be paid, it will include food and accommodation, and it will be warm in winter."

Shade hasn't decided yet whether to let Megan help or Carina, but even if they let them help, it will be after the Green Lake incident is over and the boy will not be involved.

"John, would you like to go to work?"

The dirty boy hugged his puppy, sat on the trash can lid and raised his head and asked Xiang Shade:

"Can I continue to raise him?"


The scrawny puppy also barked at Shade. It was probably older than Xiao Mia, but it didn't look smart.


Shade nodded affirmatively, and the boy nodded quickly:

"I do, I do."

"Okay, but you have to wait for a while. Strange things may have happened in the Green Lake area recently. You can continue with your life, but never go to strange places. Remember to come back and rest at night. If you encounter anything strange, let us know at any time. Me, or leave a note.”

Although the boy cannot read, he can draw.

The boy then nodded:

"Yes, sir."

He jumped down from the trash can and wanted to bow to Shade to thank him, but Shade stopped him:

"You can thank me again after I have arranged your affairs. Then we will see you next time. I wish you good luck."

"Good luck to you too, sir."

He held the puppy and watched Shade walking away in the alley until he completely disappeared.

Today is Sunday, and there is another banquet on the south bank of Green Lake in the evening, and Shade plans to attend it. But during the day, it is better to get rid of the things at hand first, such as the bones of Edwards.

The person on duty at the Green Lake Hotel that morning was Mr. Soren Green. After hearing Shade's request, he said it was okay, but he still wrote to Megan first.

The reply came back quickly. Megan and Audrey had something to deal with this morning and were unable to participate in this investigation, so Shade was asked to take action. Therefore, Shade left the Green Lake Hotel at nine o'clock that morning, followed the cemetery address given by Mr. Solon Green, and took a carriage to the Green Lake City Public Cemetery.

It is worth mentioning that, as a relatively ancient lakeside city, the funeral traditions in the Green Lake area are different from those in other areas. In addition to traditional burials and cremations, people here also have the habit of sinking the bodies of the deceased into Green Lake. Even before the central island of Green Lake was shrouded in fog, some citizens insisted on sending the bodies of the deceased to the island for burial, but today, these traditions can only be heard from echoes of the past.

Soren and Helena Green are the sixth generation of the Edwards family. Their father, Mr. Green, and their maternal grandmother, Miss Maria Edwards, are both buried locally. Among them, the youngest daughter of the fourth generation left a request before her death that a traditional water burial be held in the hope that she could return to her hometown where she was destined to be unable to return. Therefore, the body of Maria Edwards could no longer be found.

This time Shade went to the cemetery and could only visit the grave of the old gentleman named "Nicholas Green".

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