Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,782 Doomsday, Gate and Thirteen

Nicholas Edwards looked at this beautiful lady quite unexpectedly:

"Yes, you are right. The ancestor really wanted to diversify the family members, including living people, dead people, souls, evil things, even demons, etc. He was planning some kind of large-scale ritual, and he thought he was saving This world. I don’t know his true intention, but he once mentioned a very powerful ritual name——"

He took another bite of the food in his hand before saying the name:

"Edwards Den Magic."

"He wants to become a god?"

Shade was even more surprised, because in the current Sixth Era, this is absolutely impossible to achieve. He had been in contact with divinity and knew what power it was. Except for him, a special foreigner, it was impossible for anyone to become a god in the sixth era. This was not arrogance, he was sure of this.

"It's not about becoming a god, it's about saving the world."

The corpse shook his head:

"I don't know much about it. I only know this from a few words of my ancestor. You may think that your ancestor is a madman, but in my opinion, he is a gentle and knowledgeable person, like a university professor."

"Are you scared by him?"

"No, at least he is really nice to us family members. However, I did not accept the invitation to come to the island, so I don't know what other family members he has around him... Oh, I also know one thing, through my ancestors From the books left for me to study on my own, I think my ancestor seemed to want to imitate a certain ritual. He wanted to use an alternative way to complete the large-scale ritual and use fake cultivation to achieve his goal. I don’t know much, but there is another important thing. clue."

"What conditions?"

Shade asked.

"Can you tell me about the current situation of Sauron and Helena?"

The corpse ghost asked, holding the roast chicken in his hands, with sadness in his words. Shade and Miss Sylvia looked at each other and understood that this was also a poor person.

Nicholas Green was just an ordinary person during his lifetime, and it was only after his death that he came into contact with the extraordinary world. Relying on the research information provided by Edwards' ancestors, the outstanding talents given by his bloodline, and the advantages of the undead race, he has become an outstanding occult scholar through self-study for more than 20 years. In addition to the talent of spatial movement, he even has a fifth-level ring warlock level. He is a genuine necromancy ring warlock with superb skills.

Of course, Mr. Green's ability to achieve such a high level of achievement is inseparable from the help of his Thirteen Rings ancestors.

Shade invited it to sit down at the table, and then talked about the current situation of the Green Lake Hotel and the Green siblings. Old Mr. Green listened silently, taking a few bites of roast chicken from time to time. By the time Shade finished speaking, he had almost finished eating.

"They are living a good life and they all have families, which is great. Ugh~"

After sighing softly, it made a motion of vomiting. Just when Shade thought that ghouls could also eat into their stomachs, a small key, wrapped in the corrosive and viscous gastric juices of ghouls, appeared in his hand.

Nicholas Green placed the key on the metal laboratory table. The key was the same size and shape as the four keys Megan and Audrey had obtained so far, except that the gemstone decorating the key handle of this one was green opal. .

"This is the ultimate answer to the riddle in the book left by our ancestors. It took me more than ten years to collect all the materials and synthesize this key."

He did not give the key to Shade:

"This represents a certain qualification, and I will keep it in my own hands. But if I am not wrong, this key should have a significant relationship with the ancestor's [Edwards Den Magic]. That ritual can benefit more than one person , and only those who have mastered the key are qualified to transform with the help of their ancestors. I am sure that there is more than one such key, and I am also sure that you must have seen something similar."

Shade nodded, he almost had an answer at this time:

"Thank you for your help. So, do you really plan to do nothing before the Edwards family is reunited? Do you really think that your ancestors are very good to you, rather than wanting to use you to climb him? Your own ladder?”

The corpse ghost nodded silently, and then suddenly said:

"Don't tell Sauron and Helena about my situation, just say that my bones have disappeared... I can't see them in this state. Let them know nothing and have no worries. After living for more than 20 years, this is the only thing that my father can do after his death."

"If your ancestors were going to harm your two children, wouldn't you do anything?"

Miss Sylvia asked suddenly. She stood behind Shade who was sitting, slightly away from the corpse.

Mr. Nicholas Green remained silent, just swallowed the key again, then lowered his head and sighed:

"If you need my help, come to me at any time, but please also help my children when the time is right. I will not betray my ancestors, but I am willing to help both of you at the same time."

This is already a very good result.

Later, Miss Sylvia arranged for someone to send the corpse away. But in order to prevent it from knowing where this place was, and to prevent others from seeing it, the witch got a wooden box, put the corpse into the box and transported it to the outskirts of the city. As for the ghoul who is very familiar with this area, he will be able to return to the cemetery on the north bank when the time comes.

Shade didn't go to the door to say goodbye, after all, he couldn't be seen.

He waited in the laboratory. When the black-haired witch came back, the smiling lady opened her arms and gave him a big hug:

"Long time no see, Shade."

"Long time no see, Miss Sylvia."

Shade also said with a smile, gently smelling the perfume on the witch's long black hair, and waited until she let go of her hand before saying:

"There are some things you probably don't understand. Mr. Green just provided very important information. Megan once said that a blood-red door appeared in her dream with thirteen keyholes. Edwards Chapter Similar things also appeared in the memory of the eldest daughter of the second generation who died young."

Although the youngest witch is greedy for hugs, she also realizes what Shade is saying:

"Thirteen? Diversity? Gate...you mean..."

"Yes, I highly suspect that Laplace Klein Howard is imitating the "Mumbling Psalms" and the Chosen Ceremony, imitating the Thirteen Chosen Ones and forging thirteen keys to achieve general means. An unattainable miracle. Edwards Den Magic is such a powerful name. If he wasn't going crazy and wanted to become a god, what on earth would he want to do?"

Luvia introduced the past of this soothsayer. When Laplace Klein Howard was still in the Soothsayer Association, he believed that the invention of "Rhode Cards" was related to the end of the world, so he made a pre-theft plan. The president’s tomb and the act of stealing the All Things Impermanent Card. And now his behavior is connected with the murmuring poem and the final "door".

Either he's completely crazy, or he really knows the truth about the world. Even Xia De found it difficult to explain clearly what was going on at this time.

"There are no such professional diviners in the parliament. This matter still has to wait for the reaction of the Prophet Association."

Miss Sylvia said softly, her golden eyes looking at Shade's face with a smile. She didn't care about Edwards at all now, she cared more about the person in front of her:

"I haven't seen you for a few months, and you haven't changed at all. I was worried that Carina didn't take good care of you. I was really worried about your serious illness some time ago."


Since the separation in Randall Valley, Miss Carina has taken very good care of Shad. Of course, Shade also knew that he couldn't say this now.

"Are the diviners of the Seer Association the opponents of Laplace Klein Howard? Although the current president is also a Thirteenth Ring, Laplace Klein Howard has made some changes to himself. After transformation, he is probably no longer human.”

The witch shook her head with a smile and gave Shade a hug again:

"Don't worry about this. Do you know the reason why the Prophet Association and the three major academies were originally established?

Shade, like-minded travelers, gathered together to support and help each other on the way forward. This is the reason why the ring warlock group that does not take faith as its core was established. Some people firmly believe that education and knowledge can change children's lives, while others firmly believe that in the uncertain future, there must be the truth about the world.

We are never alone in this world. The fortune tellers who support each other have gone through many epochs and long years. And when these soothsayers work together, they can know almost everything except God. "

She gently left a kiss on the side of Shade's face:

"Don't worry about the strength of the Prophet Association. You don't really think that they are just card dealers selling Rhodes cards, do you?"

Shade also laughed:

"That's right. The Prophet's Association itself is a remnant of the Ancient God's Order, which has been passed down from the First Era to the present day. I would actually worry about them?"

"Calculate the time, there's still an hour left, it's almost lunch time."

The young witch's golden eyes blinked at Shade:

"Do you want to stay for dinner? Since you are coming here for the banquet tonight, don't leave. It just so happens that we haven't seen each other for so long, so I can... talk to you about what happened recently and about us. A factory that we invest in together.”

Shade invested 5,000 pounds at the time, which seemed like a lot, but in fact it was only a drop in the bucket for Miss Sylvia's business. However, the Witch always insisted that he provided the original idea and was therefore one of the inventors of the product.

"The cat at home hasn't arranged lunch yet. I thought I would be able to go home at noon today, so even the clothes for the banquet are still at home."

Miss Sylvia asked with a smile:

"Oh, I remember that cute cat, so how about bringing her to have dinner with her? I'll wait for you to come back."

Xia De was also very happy when he heard others praising Xiao Mia. He counted the time:

"No problem. I'll come back as soon as possible. I should be able to catch lunch."

As he said this, he took out the glass slipper from his pocket, and then realized that Miss Sylvia had never seen his ability before:

"This is the secret key I learned during the Battle of Randall's Valley, and it will allow me to go home directly."

He briefly introduced the function of throwing glass shoes, and then to demonstrate, he threw the shoe forward, and the whole person disappeared.

The witch blinked at the place where Shade disappeared:

"The fairy tale lock is really amazing. I can understand his obsession with home, but that shoe just now... he actually carries the girl's crystal slipper with him?"

This is why Shade will not use this magic in front of others easily.

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