Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,783 The Gathering of Witches

In short, after Shade went home and picked up the cat who was not very willing to go out, he rushed from the Green Lake Hotel to Michaela Blast Furnace City without stopping.

The weather was obviously very good in the morning, but when the carriage carrying Shade returned to Buck Manor where Margaret was staying, the sky was already shrouded in clouds, and the falling raindrops dispersed the steaming heat of the spring afternoon.

Amidst the patter of rain, Shade trotted into the manor holding the cat, and later had lunch with Miss Sylvia and enjoyed a nice afternoon in the study. Of course, the two of them mainly talked about the situation in the Green Lake area. Miss Sylvia wanted to use other methods to express some warmth. Unfortunately, although she arrived in the Green Lake area, the goods she prepared were still on the way.

At four o'clock in the afternoon on this Sunday, Margaret returned to the manor to change into the long dress for the banquet and prepare for tonight's banquet. When she saw Shade in the study, she was extremely surprised:

"Xia De, long time no see. How are you lately?"

She also gave Shade a warm hug, and then spoke quickly about the various changes she had made since becoming a witch's apprentice, as well as the new skills she learned from Miss Benanis.

Miss Sylvia smiled as she watched their communication, but still reminded Margaret not to delay the banquet.

However, Shade and Miss Sylvia only participated in the first two hours of the banquet that night. At about eight o'clock, they said goodbye to Margaret, met up with Meghan, who also appeared at the banquet, and returned to Buck Manor early.

The carriage left the manor where the banquet was held in a low-key manner. Meghan and Sylvia, who had no time to talk at the banquet, also started chatting. However, the two of them had only met in the parliament the night before, so there was no need to exchange too many pleasantries.

The young black-haired witch smiled and said:

"I heard Shade talk about you in the afternoon, how do you feel now? Shade only said that your soul state has stabilized, and refused to say what happened to you. Now it seems that you are ready to advance to the twelfth level Already?"

Megan did not answer her question first, but looked at Shade unexpectedly:

"As expected, you still remember to keep my secret... It's good. This was my weakness before, but now I don't have to worry about it."

Illusive pure white light particles appeared behind her, and then Audrey's soul appeared behind her, and then waved to Miss Sylvia. Even though the great witch was well-informed, she was also shocked by this scene.

Then, seeing Audrey in her spiritual state reaching out and holding Shade's hand, she was even more surprised:

"The spirit body can actually directly contact the entity? Is this a perfect two-in-one? I have only seen this state in the documents left by the teacher. If you were like this from the beginning, maybe you should sit in my seat. "

Megan smiled and nodded:

"This is all thanks to Shade. Emma, ​​recently, I want to ask you some more questions. I don't know if it's the ancestors who started the action, or the influence of my soul after it reached its perfect form. The knowledge about space power these days , always appears automatically in my sleep, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never learned this.”

Shade asked suspiciously:

"Similar to the racial talents of alien creatures?"

Spirit Audrey thought for a moment:


"Your ancestor's transformation of the family lineage was really thorough. Maybe he should not become a prophet, but should join the Serkses Medical School. They have studied this kind of knowledge."

Miss Sylvia said, still looking at the colleagues in front of her with great surprise and admiration:

"I don't think there will be a soul like you in thousands of years. It's incredible. Speaking of which, since you can enter the Witch Council, it means that no matter which soul it is, it will be regarded as a witch, and the identity of a witch cannot be separated. Therefore, you are actually one person, but you have two soul appearances, just like two people carved on a piece of jade, but they are seen differently from different angles... What is the perfect two-in-one body? Only coincidence and fate can give birth to an existence like you."

When she said this, Megan and Audrey felt a little embarrassed. The carriage jolted on the road, and she turned her face slightly:

"I thought you would think I looked strange."

"Strange? You don't know how many people will envy you. The Ring Warlock is a profession where the soul and body are unified. Deformation of the soul or body will cause one to lose control; as for the witch, it requires 'perfection'. Your soul And the body, even in this form is still perfect, this is definitely not something that can be created by man, it is a miracle of the world."

From Miss Sylvia's tone, she seemed to be really envious of it. Shade looked at the young witch with some worry, and the latter signaled to Shade to feel at ease:

"Don't worry, I'm just envious. I don't really want to make myself like this."

With that said, he curiously asked Megan:

"Your soul is two-in-one, so what is the physical manifestation? Your body will definitely not be the same as ordinary people like us!"

Although she is young, this great witch of space is indeed very knowledgeable. Shade didn't tell me about Meghan's birthmark in advance, but she actually took the initiative to guess it.

Audrey's soul returned to her body, Meghan nodded gently, and did not hide it from Miss Sylvia:

"Look at my face."

The birthmark squirmed and "crawled" to the center of her eyebrows, and then, a golden vertical child appeared from the center of her eyebrows. Now not only Miss Sylvia was shocked, but also Shade was greatly surprised:

"so amazing!"

"Don't praise me like that, it makes me feel like I'm a monkey in the zoo."

Megan raised her hand and wiped it on her forehead to erase the eye, then opened her palm and let the two of them look at her palm. This time, an eye appeared in the palm of her hand.

"It's really amazing. This is not just looking at weird creatures, it's admiration from the bottom of my heart!"

The black-haired witch said, then stood up and leaned over and asked in Megan's ear:

"In that case, can you..."

Even though Shade was so close, he didn't even hear the last half of the sentence. Megan's face turned red, and she gently pushed Miss Sylvia away:

"Why did you think of that first? Isn't that a little weird?"

"Is it really possible?"

The black-haired witch was shocked, and Shade asked curiously:

"what are you guys saying?"

"Xia De, don't ask."

Megan stretched out her hand to ask Shade to turn his face back, but when her palm touched the side of Shade's face, Shade clearly felt himself being licked.

When they returned to Buck Manor, Miss Carina, who had secretly come from the north shore of Green Lake, was already waiting for the three of them in the study. Tifa also came with her, holding little Mia who was left here by Shade. Shade couldn't tell how the cat felt about this, but at least it didn't object.

They haven't seen each other for a long time, so there is no need to say hello to each other. After sitting down, Shade first explained the investigation of Nicholas Green's body this morning, and then talked about the key:

"Although I don't know if the thirteen keys really correspond to the thirteen chosen ones, but based on the reaction of 'Bad Eyes Barry' when Megan and I took away his keys, these keys must be very important."

Megan's four keys come from the blacksmith and mineralogist on the island, Bad-Eye Barry from outside the island, and the tomb robber Durut Giles. The three witches each took one and looked at it carefully, but they could not see the uniqueness of these keys. Megan described to them her dream about the bloody door, but she couldn't see the door and no one knew what it meant.

"There's something to do next."

The duchess said lazily:

"No matter what these keys are used for, even if they are the traps of the thirteen-ring fortune teller, we have to find them all first. There are five keys now, and there are still eight to go. Brother Fulan, sister and brother Green , and the two brothers from the [Mirror Association] should have some clues, and even according to Shade’s investigation today, the dead Edwards should also have clues, these are the focus of the investigation.”

"I will have people investigate my father's graveyard. I will also handle the clues from Sauron and Helena."

Megan said proactively.

"The Rosicrucians have probably informed the church about Brother Fulen. It is better for the Witches' Council to reveal the keys and bones to the church and let them take action."

Shade suggested, Miss Sylvia nodded:

"Meghan and Carina are too conspicuous, I will do this."

"As for the Mirror Association, to be honest, I haven't seen them since the night of the March eclipse last week, but they certainly haven't retreated. Let's find another way."

Shade sighed:

"It's really annoying to be an enemy of this kind of fortune teller. You don't know what to do if it's not the opponent's plan. It is said that the president of the Fortune Teller Association is coming to the local area, but I don't know when."

Miss Sylvia smiled and said:

"We know what you are worried about. Don't worry, no matter how strong he is, he is not a god. Do you still remember what the speaker's seat is?"

Shade thought for a moment:


"Yes, the thirteenth-level Time Witch is completely comparable to that antique from hundreds of years ago."

"So she..."

"Of course not."

Miss Carina interrupted Shade's conjecture:

"It's not yet time for the Speaker to appear, but she and the Great Witch of Destiny peeked into the future in the parliament. You also know that the venue of [Witch Parliament] can enhance our power."


"The Speaker has a to-do list for us."

With that said, the duchess took the parchment roll from Tifa's hand, while Mia was still lying lazily in Tifa's arms.

Miss Carina showed Shade the rather long piece of parchment, which was densely packed with information about various times and places.

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