Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,784 The Second Past Life·The Sixth Era

"Although fortune tellers always say that fate cannot be changed, fortune tellers also believe that no one can be sure that what they see and interpret is the true fate. The Speaker will likely influence the Laplace Klein Howard Plan List the things here and let us solve them."

Miss Carina handed the "task list" to Shade, and Megan added:

"These things may have nothing to do with our family, and the impact may not be seen until decades later. Maybe the Speaker has made a mistake. But a little change combined is enough to shake the most sophisticated plans. In Benani We will arrange for our followers to handle these matters before Silk, Aurora, and Granny Cassandra arrive. You can do it if you have time."

"I don't have many followers around me, and I'm very free, so I will handle these things personally."

Miss Sylvia said, then pointed out with a smile:

"The Speaker has set up rewards for everything this time, and they are very generous rewards. The parliament has accumulated a lot of wealth, relics and rare materials over the years. Shade, you can give it a try."

This was a good suggestion, so Shade wrote down the "Witch's Task List". He could try to resolve these matters before Dr. Schneider arrived, while also waiting for other keys to appear.

He has already made a plan. Landing on the island again is not something he will do in the near future. He will step by step outside the island to cut off Laplace Klein Howard's followers and power. The successive arrivals of Doctor Schneider and Priest Augustus will definitely make the fortune teller reveal more power. Once all the opponent's trump cards are determined, the candidates for the "space chosen" this time will be clarified. That is to concentrate all the strength and land on the island for the last time.

Shade chatted with the witches until late that night, but he did not spend the night in Michaela Blast Furnace City. Instead, he waited until Margaret came back from the banquet and said goodbye to her before throwing away the glass slipper and returning home.

The shoe landed on the first floor of the house. After transforming into little Mia, and walking towards the stairs with the cat in her arms, she noticed that the house was silent and no one was visiting tonight.

There were no lights in the house, and he was walking in his own big, quiet house with his cat in his arms. The restlessness, pressure, and hesitation gradually disappeared, and he felt like he had once again become the same person who was worried about making a living when he first came to this world.

After touching the little cat's little head, Shade did not go up the stairs, but opened the door in the hall and walked into the warm breeze of the spring night.

It was late at night, and most of the neighbors in Saint Teresa Square had turned off their lights, but the gas lamps surrounding the square were still on. The warm light made the night a little blurry and blurry, making the fountain statue of a girl holding a water bottle in the center of the square look even quieter and more strange than before. The gas pipes and steam pipes climbing up the walls of the buildings are almost integrated with the night. The spark-like light shining in the distance of the square street is probably the cigarette of the carriage driver waiting for the guests.

There was the smell of spring in the air, but there was also the burnt smell of steam factory exhaust. The night was foggy because of this, but Shade liked the night in St. Teresa Square, liked this steam age, and liked everything he had now.

"Will the days of peace last forever?"

[Of course not, peace comes at a price. 】

"That's right."

Shade nodded, and while touching Mia, the cat's soft "meow" sound could be heard far away in the night. Immediately there was the sound of a wild cat in heat, coming from an unknown dark corner, but it was immediately repelled by little Mia's "ferocious" cry.

Shade smiled, returned to the house and closed the door. His right hand had already pinched out the pitch-black time key. It was the fourth day of the Rain-Praying Month of the Sixth Era. He wanted to go to the destroyed Sixth Era for the second time to witness the end of peace. It’s time for the last doomsday.

"Mia, wait for me."

He threw little Mia onto the stairs. The cat squatted obediently on the dark steps and looked at him, its big amber eyes seeming to glow in the darkness.

Shade then pointed the key at the keyhole of his door:

"May the World Tree protect me in infinite time."

After a clicking sound, the door, which was obviously opening outward, now opened inward. But behind the door is not the night of Saint Teresa Square, but thick white fog.

He reached out and touched the white mist——

[Outlander, please take note. A message from the "Father of the Infinite Tree": This time you are allowed to carry 1 additional relic. 】

"this time?"

He hadn't heard about this last time.

[Due to the instability of time in the "Past Life·Sixth Era", when using a special time key, the tree father will give new restrictions every time. 】

With a crash, Shade threw the coat behind him, and the cat immediately jumped onto the warm clothes and squatted down. Shade, who was wearing a shirt, waved back, made up his mind about his choice, and walked towards the door.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[The past life, the sixth era, the old continent, the city of the end, Tobesk. 】

[Event: Tobesk, the Last Era. 】

[The duration is arbitrary (2/∞). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[You have stepped into a history that does not exist. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[Note that during this exploration, you cannot leave the area of ​​Saint Teresa Square. 】

[Note that you are allowed to bring any casting materials into this period of time. 】

[Note that you can return to the "now" time by defeating any powerful enemy with the Time Key. 】

Throwing the black key in his hand, Shade continued to move towards the past time in the white mist. The fog dissipated, and the dilapidated home was revealed bit by bit. This place is still so sad, with the sofa covered by white cloth in front of it and the dark and damp fireplace behind it.

For a moment, Shade closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists to resist the power from the chaotic elemental environment and the world itself in the apocalyptic world. After opening his eyes, he immediately checked the traces he left on the wall last time, and sure enough, they were all gone.

"It's not linear time, or there's no concept of time here. Every time I appear, it's a brand new time."

The only goal in the past and the Sixth Age is to defeat powerful enemies. Apart from that, there is nothing of value here. But even so, Shade still entered the basement, and then started from the basement and walked through this home that was not his own.

"Luvia is still not here..."

Finally, I climbed up from the attic to the roof, looking at the doomsday era where the sky was full of yellow sand, and looking at the black sun with its red light flowing downward.

The gravel was mixed with the wind and hit Shade's face. He squinted his eyes and looked at the floating city surrounded by storms in the distant sky, and doubts arose in his heart:

"Long-haired Luvia, how long did she live in this environment before time was restarted? Will she feel lonely... she will definitely."

Holding the key tightly in his right hand, he held it in front of him:

"May the first silver moon guide the final direction."

In an instant, it seemed as if the world turned black, light spread out from between the fingers, and a huge golden sun, moon and star ritual array unfolded under his feet. The light extended into a long black staff. Shade waved it a few times. After preparing the casting materials, he jumped off the roof and arrived at the square that was filled with garbage and had become pitted.

Driven by the wind, the yellow sand rolled in the cracks of the broken floor tiles in the square. Shade looked in the direction of his next-door neighbor, the Smith family. The last time the "Twin Lovers" monster rushed out of the house, it smashed the door into pieces, but at this time the door was clearly intact:

"Sure enough, time and space are chaotic."

He waited patiently for the powerful enemy to appear, listening to the unusual sounds in the howling wind. The more you pay attention to the world itself, the more you can feel the huge loneliness and sadness.

"The world is coming to an end, a world where all the familiar and accustomed good things have disappeared. Is this also the ending that I must face?"

With the emergence of these negative thoughts, the dim sky quickly darkened, the cold darkness pressed down, and the visibility quickly decreased.


Strange noises came from all directions, Shade raised the long staff in his hand, and the silver moonlight on the top of [Yucdrasil's Staff] illuminated the surroundings as he slowly turned in circles.

The sky has turned completely black, and even the gravel mixed in the wind has become dark. Gurgling sounds, together with whispers and murmurs that made his heart restless, appeared from around him. Shade immediately understood what kind of power corresponded to the powerful enemy he was going to deal with this time.

"Silver Moon."

Close your eyes and sense the fleeting inspiration among the chaotic elements and seductive whispers. Suddenly he turned around to face his house and raised his staff high. The bright silver moonlight burst out in an instant, finally illuminating the scenery under the black apocalyptic sky.

A huge black shadow like a mountain was standing behind No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. It was obviously afraid of the holy and cold moonlight, but the moonlight could not illuminate its entire figure. Even though Shade was sure that before he jumped off the roof just now, there was absolutely nothing behind the house but the dim sky and the wind and sand, but at this moment he couldn't help but imagine that the black shadow had been watching him since just now. all actions.

The silver moonlight only shone for a second. At that moment, Shade saw that the giant-like black shadow seemed to be a huge fish-man. Even the outline of a fish's head is very different from that of a human. And the next second, darkness swallowed up the light of [Yectrasil's Staff].

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