Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,785 Flamel and the Dark Murloc


The piercing screams attacked Shade's eardrums as the moonlight went out. The grunting sounds disappeared. The sharp screams first shattered the remaining glass of the buildings around Saint Teresa Square, and then even suppressed the sharp wind. Howl.

Blood flowed from Shade's ears. He endured the severe pain in his head, faced the tall monster behind the building, and used the long staff in his hand to spit out the silver moonlight:

"Moonlight Slash!"

But the moonlight arc only flew halfway, and was shattered into light flakes by the invisible tentacles dancing in the darkness on the roof. Shade's eyes had also adapted to the darkness at this time. In the space behind the fish-man that he originally thought was just darkness, tens of thousands of oozing tentacles emerged behind the mountain-like dark figure, as if it had added a pair of Huge black wings.

Looking at this scene in a completely dark world, a weak-minded person may immediately fall into never-ending madness. Shade bit his tongue, estimated the remaining amount of spirit, and understood that he might only have one chance.

The moisture in the air was growing, and the dancing tentacles pointed their ends at the square behind the fishman. After less than two seconds of accumulation, tens of thousands of black water arrows were shot at the square that served as the arena.

"Moonlight Great Sword!"

Shade held the holy silver sword in his left hand, and a golden shield emerged in the darkness. The scattered stream of light formed an eggshell shape to protect Shade, and then the water arrows that shot quickly completely destroyed the few intact floor tiles left in the square with a rumbling sound.

The jet-black water arrows with corrupting and destructive properties bombarded the shield. As dense cracks appeared, Shade and the Seal Shield uncontrollably fell backwards due to the momentum. Even if they stabbed the left sword into the ground, they couldn't control it at all. Stay on the retreat trend. The boots rubbed against the ground until the soles of Shade's feet touched the ground, and his feet drew two straight traces in the ruins of the square——


It wasn't until the back legs supporting his body hit the broken fountain behind him, causing the base of the fountain to completely shatter in the darkness, that Shade finally stopped retreating.

"Jump from Raghu!"

He looked up, and then his body appeared above the continuous rain of arrows. At the same time that he appeared in the sky, Shade seized this only opportunity and raised his staff in his right hand to draw a circle:

"Moonlight Ring·Second Form!"


In the scorching steam mist, the six-ring life ring appeared completely behind him, illuminating the square in the darkness. When the spirit and air oscillated, it even made a hum that shook the space. The light trace left by the tip of the staff in the air quickly gathered into a moonlight ring, and as the staff continued to rotate, it grew larger and larger, until it covered half of the square.

At the same time, the screams of the fish-men struck again from the darkness. As the water arrow under Shade's feet rose upwards, the houses across the square were destroyed from bottom to top, and the hands of the huge fish-men's black shadow also Sweeping through the air.

All these things that existed in the apocalyptic era of [the past] can be called evil things. Although the level of power is not as exaggerated as the "Evil Thing of Pantanal", it is definitely not something that normal people can come into contact with.

The evil creatures in the doomsday era are also in a weak state, and in the special doomsday environment, the power of these disaster evil creatures will not have a direct impact on the environment, so Shade is qualified to fight them.

At this time, he could no longer stop charging the "Moonlight Wheel". The price of the exaggerated size and attack power of "Moonlight Wheel Second Form" was that the huge consumption did not allow him to use it a second time in a short period of time. Therefore, facing the giant hand roaring in the darkness and the thousands of water arrows below, he could only choose to resist.

So, as the huge light wheel spinning in his hand flew forward vertically with a buzzing sound, Shade was also hit by the giant fishman's attack.

The halo cuts the black shadow vertically, and the holy moonlight is the nemesis of darkness and shadow. As the black shadow collapsed in the wail, Shade's entire body was corroded by the black water. Even if he avoided it at the last moment, he still had five or six penetrating wounds on his body.

Amidst the rumbling sound, he was directly photographed by the giant hand onto the building on the side of Saint Teresa Square. The surviving buildings in the Doomsday Era have become extremely strong, so they did not collapse under such bombardment.

The life ring was forced to disappear, and Shade, who was seriously injured to the point of "false immortality", fell from a high altitude to the edge of the square together with the construction debris, but he tried hard to support the ground with his hands and looked at the sky. The darkness did not dissipate, and the whispers in the darkness came to him. Being mentally distracted and seriously injured also affected him more seriously:

"Not dead?"

The severely injured body began to heal under the powerful self-healing power, but this was not enough. The spirit consumed by the "Moon Wheel" with all his strength was no longer enough for him to use another powerful attack.

The bumpy square was now filled with filthy black mucus. Shade waved behind him, and the pink perfume bottle that had just fallen flew into his hand.

For the relic he brought in this time, of course he did not choose [Night Watch], but chose [Perfume Vial of Desire]. Although the Night Watch is extremely powerful, in a special doomsday environment, supplies are obviously more important.

Since recovering from a serious illness, Shade has experienced two Red Butterfly Nights, experienced many exciting nights, and experienced a special relationship with Megan and Audrey. At this time, the liquid in the perfume vial was emitted directly in the darkness. There was an ambiguous light. Shade was confident in his current resistance to poisoning, so he drank half the bottle in one gulp, and then his skin suddenly turned pink.

He felt as if hot flames were rising from the inside of his soul, and then he jumped up from the ground uncontrollably:

"Call water!"

Clear water poured over his body from the air. While the [Blessing of the Deep Sea Drowned] took effect, he grabbed a handful of black soil from the ground and filled the penetrating wound on his body. The "active soil" turned into flesh and blood to accelerate the healing of the wound.

While recovering, he walked towards the square with bare feet, and a dark figure of a humanoid figure of average height also walked from the other side of the square.

"The second stage, right..."

He waved his hand again, and the black wooden stick that fell not far away flew into his hand.

The light from the top of the staff shone around, revealing the true identity of the enemy. It was indeed a dark fish-man, with a human head and a human body fused with fish. As it walked, black corrosive liquid dripped from its body. Because it is illuminated by the light, the wriggling shadow sways and swallows objects on the ground. It is like a dark abyss itself, capable of swallowing everything.

The fish-man is relatively thin and can be seen as a thin woman in his human form. Looking carefully at the ugly face, Shade finally recognized who the evil thing in front of him was:

"Are you...Mrs. Flamel? (Chapter 174)"

Mrs. Flamel came to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square last summer because of an advertisement that Schade had placed in the Daily Steam Bird. She asked Schade to investigate the sailor Jonathan Flamel, a distant relative who had left her property. whether the thing is a scam.

Shade later discovered that Jonathan Flamel was also a ring warlock and found his safehouse in Coldwater Harbor. From this, he learned about the curse of the "Song of the Mermaid" and came into contact with "Miss Princes" who returned from Willendale City's visit, that is, Lecia, which later led to the shadow incident of Coldwater Port, the fish Human Conspiracy and the "Sea Return" Ceremony of the Scarlet Esoteric Cult.

That was a year ago. The life of the woman who received the inheritance improved a lot. At the end of the year, Shade even received a greeting card from her. But Shade was certain that Mrs. Le Maire had never been to Coldwater Harbor because of her thorough investigation.

He really didn't expect that when they met at this time that no longer existed, this poor woman who raised her children alone would turn into such a terrifying fish-man:

"Father Tree arranged for me to meet an acquaintance again... In the Sixth Age without me, Mrs. Flamel actually went to Coldwater Port and became a fish-man? In the Sixth Age without me, how many more... tragedy?"

She is not just a fish-man now, the darkness and shadow power entangled in her body is more terrifying than the strange shadow creatures and lower-level demons combined in the out-of-control angel-level relic [Dark Realm]. Looking at it from the perspective of a "seeing demon", she is clearly entangled with countless vengeful spirits and demonic powers, which is even more serious than the situation of Yin Fan Darkness, the Dark Chosen One at the time.

"Does this enemy correspond to a dark disaster?"

There was an obvious laceration on the middle line of the fishman's body, which was obviously caused by Shade's "Moonlight Wheel" just now. She staggered towards Sha De, who was also staggering, and then suddenly turned into a pure black light and rushed towards Sha De's head.

"Moonlight Slash·Third Form!"

Shade also rushed forward violently, holding the sword and staff in both hands and crossing them in front of his chest. His body turned into a cross-shaped light mark and flew forward. So the black light and the silver cross collided in front of the damaged and crooked statue of the girl, the black shadow confronted the silver moon, and the black light flow and silver light and shadow sputtered in all directions.

In just five seconds, Xia De, who couldn't hold himself any longer, appeared in the light first. He did not give up the fight. He stood with his feet on the ground. When the power of the red dragon was activated, he bent forward and crossed his hands in front of him to rely on his own arms to resist the approaching black light.

He saw countless evil spirits grabbing hold of his whole body, and he felt the darkness and shadow swallowing his own existence.

"Go back!"

So the moonlight sword in his left hand was first swallowed up by the shadow, and then even the silver moonlight attached to his right hand [Staff of Yggdrasil] gradually faded away.

Shade's feet were now submerged into the ground, and spider web-like fragments spread toward the earth centered on his feet. The origin of the earth that he once swallowed allowed him to work hard to support his body and not fall down, but the darkness had corroded his hands and gradually approached his front half.

"This darkness..."

The skin of flesh and blood was melting, as if an abyss had opened in front of him, and countless hands stretched out from it, trying to drown Shade in the darkness. But his eyes were already dimly lit at this moment:

"I already have the courage to fight against the darkness!"

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