Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,786 [Shadow of the Deep Sea]

At the critical moment, Shade opened his hands in front of him to protect himself, and took the initiative to embrace the darkness in front of him. The moment the darkness swallowed him, silver radiance lit up from his body, and then the burning primordial fire even suppressed the light of the silver moon, making Shade like a burning orange-red torch, and the fire that shot up into the sky was instantly lit. Light up the whole sky.

This was something that even Shade didn't expect. He originally wanted to use the light on his body and the afterglow of his divinity to fight against the darkness after he fell into darkness. Unexpectedly, Chu Huo was actually more sensitive to the darkness after the end of the world.

Without even having to do anything on his own initiative, the blazing flames dispersed the dark fish-man in front of him who transformed into black light with a loud roar.

The fish-man ignited by the flames was forced to retreat, turned into black water, and then re-condensed into the fish-man appearance transformed by Mrs. Flamel. It made a threatening cry towards Shade, who was burning with the first fire, but neither its own shadow nor the tentacles lurking in the darkness dared to get even closer to Shade.

Although Xia De didn't know why Chu Huo had such a big reaction, he also knew that this was not the time to investigate. The sin chains on his left and right hands flew out at the same time, and were instantly entangled with the tentacles behind the fish man. The fire flow of the original fire followed the six runes of [Gluttony], [Greed], [Sloth], [Rage], [Arrogance], and [Indifference] and spread towards the black shadows, illuminating the entire square in the fire. , the fish-man's body continued to retreat in horror before it came into contact with the first fire.

But soon it adjusted its state, the tentacles and shadows were absorbed into its body, and all the darkness covering the sky returned to its body. When the yellow sand once again enveloped the sky, returning Saint Teresa Square and the City of the End that were submerged by the yellow sand to their original state, the fish-man's head opened its mouth, originating from the final darkness of the doomsday era, and turned into terror. The flow of light converges with a point.

This blow was enough to corrode and penetrate any resisting object in front of him, and Shade knew that he could not block it no matter what. But fortunately, he didn't have to block it, because the only drawback of the fish-man's nearly world-destroying blow was that it was too slow.

All the sorrow and pain in the doomsday era, the wailing and changes after the earth and sky were shattered, finally converged into Shade's feelings about the power of the end:

"Black Moon!"

His whole body was covered in wounds, and his right eye could barely see Shade in front of him, holding the middle part of the black wooden staff in his right hand and making a javelin-throwing motion. After taking his last breath, the brass life ring reappeared and floated behind him. While the [End] spirit rune flashed, the huge black moon rune flashed past his feet. And as the long staff was thrown, the blow caused a sonic boom by sheer force alone.


[The Staff of Yggdrasil] turned into black light and penetrated the fish-man's charged mouth, nailing it directly to the ground. The dark power gathered in the mouth of the fish tried to destroy the staff, but could not shake it at all.

The long staff pierced the ground, and the "Black Moon Symbol" symbolizing the end appeared completely at the feet of the fishman. As the Black Moon Talisman appeared, the black fish-man body, starting from the mouth, gradually turned into ashes and was blown away in the strong wind.

As its body dissipated in the wind, its two hands covered with fish scales actually made an upward slapping motion, which was clearly the instinctive struggle of a drowned person.

Shade looked at this scene in the yellow sand with a confused expression, but in the end, no one saved it, and it completely disappeared.

The accumulated darkness turned into chaotic energy and returned to this dry doomsday era. Shade, who threw this blow with all his strength, had no time to check the result, so he lay on his back on the ground, never wanting to move again.

Time exploration in the past and sixth era does not limit the time Shade can stay. Even if he defeats a powerful enemy, as long as Shade does not confirm the situation, Tree Father will not force him to leave. But staying here is a punishment in itself, and his physical strength and spirit cannot be replenished at all, so Shade just lay on the ground to rest for half a minute, then he coughed up blood and forced himself to stand up, limping to the place where the dust had dispersed. The original position of all the murlocs.

Just like last time, due to Shade's strong throw, [The Staff of Yggdrasil] was directly nailed to the ground. Next to the black staff, the strong wind could not move the cards falling on the ground.

The back of the card is exactly the same as the "Rhodes Card" and "The Impermanence Card". Pick it up and turn it over to the front. It is written in gilt Delarian language on the top of the card:

【Shadow of the Deep Sea】

On the card, a huge black fish-man transformed by Mrs. Flamel looked up from the bottom of the water. Its figure almost blended into the darkness of the bottom of the sea. Just looking at it would make people feel instinctively uncomfortable.

Below the front, there are three lines of sentences written:

[Before the end, the soul melts in the deep sea and falls into darkness. 】

[The dark disaster that swallows everything comes from Coldwater Port. 】

[Desire to hide in the deep sea to avoid disaster by incarnating into darkness, but not knowing that it is itself a part of the disaster. 】

After reading these sentences, two memories of Mrs. Flamel suddenly appeared in Shade's head.

The first memory undoubtedly took place in Coldwater Port.

In the final battle of the Scarlet Secret Cult instigating the Mermaid Song, Mrs. Flamel and countless citizens who were infected with the curse or had murloc blood, stepped into the same world step by step against the background of the dim sky. Dusky ocean.

Not only the power of the [Lord of the Scarlet Spiral] that the fishmen believe in, but also the power of [The Furious Storm] and the [God of the Drowned in the Deep Sea], one of the three evil gods of Coldwater Port, are also affecting the Coldwater Port that turned into a turbid yellow color. sea ​​area. The fishmen, the cultists who controlled the water ghosts, and the ring magicians who instigated thunder and storms all fought against the Righteous God Church.

Of course, the battle of the Ring Warlocks has nothing to do with the drowning woman. Stepping into the sea is a painful drowning, and in the deep sea, under the deep darkness, is an all-devouring darkness that cannot be seen.

Shade was greatly surprised:

"Wait a minute, during the Battle of Coldwater Port last year, wasn't there only the Scarlet Secret Cult of [Lord of the Scarlet Spiral]? Didn't the other two sects not even show up?

I don't remember it at all, there were two other orders at the time, why...did Luvia the Long Hair do something extra that made it more difficult for her to deal with the Coldwater Port incident? Or maybe she handled the Coldwater Harbor incident not in the summer of 1853, but in the year or two after that, so she allowed the three feuding religious sects to collude, causing additional cultists to appear? "

There are too many possibilities. It may be that the fermentation of time has allowed the three cults to unite for the same interests; it may be that the order of the chosen ones handled by Luvia is different from what Shade experienced. The appearance of the chosen ones made the three cults unite for the same interests. The group was forced to cooperate. The only thing that is certain is that the troubles faced by Coldwater Port in [the past] are far more terrifying than Shade's experience.

The second memory obviously took place in the city of Tobesk, which Shade was familiar with.

He still used Mrs. Flamel as the first point of view, watching "himself" get off the boat on the Terrarel River on a starless night with dim yellow marks in the sky, and then enter the city to start the massacre, and Soon they fought against the Zhengshen Church.

The strength of "Mrs. Flamel" at that time was even stronger than what she showed just now. This shows that in the doomsday era, even those evil creatures with doomsday power cannot reach their peak state.

Therefore, even if Shade's familiar Thirteen Rings "Sunshine Sword" of the Church of the Sun appeared, in Mrs. Flamel's memory, she could not be suppressed for a while. But when the battle was at its most intense, a dazzling golden meteor flashed across the night sky.

Subsequently, the huge "sunshine gun" dropped from the sky, while destroying half of the street, it penetrated and pinned the terrifying giant fishman.

At the end of this memory, in the dazzling golden thunderbolts, Yin Luna appeared with a serious face and looked completely different from the lively seventeen-year-old girl Sha De knew. She looked obviously over twenty years old, and her childishness had completely gone. Her sharp temperament and unabashed power made other church ring magicians, including the "Sunshine Great Sword", bow their heads to her. .

The long-haired Luvia also appeared wearing a hood at this time. Yin Luna nodded to her rather coldly. It was obvious that although she knew the female fortune teller, her relationship was definitely not harmonious.

The memory ends, and the contents of the second memory show more information about the past life and the sixth era:

"The cultists actually took the initiative to attack Tobesk?"

This was completely unimaginable in the Sixth Age that Shade had experienced. Although the church has not played a decisive role in the stories of the chosen ones, the church has not suffered much losses so far. Instead, it has the upper hand over the cultists and illegal ring warlock organizations.

The order of ring magicians and occultism in the old continent, dominated by the three major academies and the Five Gods Church, still cannot be shaken by any force in the "present world".

This information is combined with the mature look of Yin Luna in the memories of "Mrs. Flamel, the Fish Man". If the "Opening of the Whispering Poems" in the past life is also in the summer of 1853, then it means that the "Murtering Poems" in the "past life" 》It lasted for a long time, and it was absolutely impossible to be like what the outsiders experienced, with six chosen ones appearing in less than a year.

As for the church in the past and the sixth era, it was obvious that in the long confrontation, it gradually lost its dominance and control over the situation.

Shade took a deep breath and looked at the cards in his hand, filled with endless worries and troubles. After witnessing the end, I am even more worried about the destined future:

"Last time there were two memories, and this time there are two memories as well. These are the [Key to Yggdrasil] and the Tree Father. Do you want to give me a hint?"

White mist is sweeping in from the surroundings, and the square that was corroded by black water and destroyed by energy bombardment is being repaired as if going back in time. He looked at the familiar square that was gradually turning into a lake in front of him, and at his dilapidated house, and his desire to stop all this and protect everything he had at this time became stronger.

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