Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,788 The Power of Girard Stone and Cards

When he saw the nun at the entrance of the sacrificial site, which was shaded by spring trees with green leaves, Shade also thought of a strange question. As luck would have it, when he came to see the nuns, most of the time he did not have an appointment in advance, but he was always able to see the nuns.

"This is the 'Giral Stone'. Even in the fifth era, this was a very precious material."

At the bottom of the sacrificial site, a nun wearing a silver eyepatch sat on the penultimate stone steps next to the open space of the sacrificial site, rubbing the seven "stones" in sequence with her fingers:

"In the fifth era, Girardite was one of the core materials for making space alchemy tools. Yes, it's the kind you think of. A small bag can hold the goods of a carriage."

Shade's eyes widened:

"Then do you..."

"Such alchemical items no longer exist in the Sixth Age. It's not that the production methods have been lost, nor that the production materials have completely disappeared, nor that the alchemy items of the past era have not been passed down. It's just because the space of the Sixth Age is much smaller than that of the Fifth Age. It is more unstable. Therefore, except for special items such as relics, any other act of opening up an independent space is equivalent to making a bomb that can explode at any time."

The nun spoke softly, her voice echoing clearly in the sacrificial hall:

"Although it is impossible to make alchemical items, using these stones to cast spells can make it easier to use the ability to 'open up space'. Just like the Mystery Lock."

She handed the bunch of stones back to Shade, and Shade nodded clearly. In this way, the value of this gift was greater than he thought. As for the weekly task after receiving the gift, it is to clean up his room by himself.

The rooms here are limited to bedrooms, and rather than careful cleaning, it means minimally arranging clothes, making beds, and sweeping and mopping the floors.

However, Xia De made a special trip here, of course not for the purpose of appraising the materials. After putting away the stone, he said to the nun very seriously:

"Sister Devlin, I would like to ask you to help me take a look at two cards. No, they are not Rhodes cards, but very special cards. Please don't tell anyone about this."

Last night during the adventure in the past life, Chuhuo showed up and forced the fish-man Mrs. Flamel back. Therefore, Shade, who originally had no intention of telling anyone anything about the past life, thought of asking the nun.

He handed over [Twin Lovers] and [Shadow of the Deep Sea]. The nun obviously paused after taking the cards. She did not lower her head to look. After all, she had no vision at all. Instead, she remained seated, placed the card on her lap that was covered by the gray nun's robe, and touched the card one by one with both hands:

"The doomsday...the disaster of space and darkness. It is unimaginable that the power of disaster that still exists after everything is over is so terrifying."

Sure enough, Sister Devlin could see what it was.

"Sister, can these two cards be burned as firewood?"

Shade asked, and Sister Devlin actually nodded:

"You can, but it's not recommended. These things don't belong now. Burning them will only trigger the power of disaster in advance."

Dots of fire appeared on her fingers that were covered with slight burn marks. The firelight touched the surface of the card along with the nun's fingertips, but did not cause any damage to the card:

"Just by touching these two cards, I can 'see' how much despair and pain there will be in the coming doomsday era of world destruction. Fortunately, the ending of the world's inevitable demise will not change, but at least this The future represented by the two cards may not happen.”

She didn't ask about the origin of the cards, which made Shade feel a little relieved:

"I can use these two cards to cast spells to seal and release the powerful evil things in them. First Fire seems to have extraordinary damage to the evil things in these two cards."

He asked again, and the nun nodded slightly. Shade really wanted to know what kind of expression was behind the silver eyepatch:

"I once said that the original fire comes from the beginning and will burn to the end. Even if the world falls into complete darkness, the fire will definitely burn, so it is very effective for monsters in the age of disaster, especially those who symbolize darkness. The monsters have special effects."

A slight pause:

"When Yinfan Darkness, the Chosen One of Darkness, appeared, I led a team to Tobesk because I was worried. At that time, it was because the First Fire could restrain the darkness."

The nun did not immediately return the two cards to Shade, but continued to examine them carefully. She soon understood that if Shade manipulated these sealed disaster evil objects to fight, it would trigger a disaster in the material world in advance.

However, in Shade's view, the only way to use the disaster card is to "release the sealed object to fight", but the nun actually found another way to use it:

"Power exists in the cards. Don't release all of it. You can try to channel only part of the power. The text on the cards you described also indicates what kind of power they have."

She stood up, held the "Twin Lovers" between her white index and middle fingers of her right hand, and flicked it gently. The card actually rotated around the central axis and stayed in the air. She didn't know whether it was a coincidence or the power of a spell. Then, the index finger of the nun's right hand was attached to the light of the original fire. The finger moved forward slightly, but suddenly paused:

"Hero who bears the fire, please allow me to use the power of this card."

This is probably not because the nun and Shade are being polite, but because the card is sealed by Shade, so others cannot use it:

"No problem, I allow you to use the power of these two cards."

The nun's finger touched the rotating card, so the card stopped rotating and stood still in the air facing the nun's direction. The card happened to be hit in the center by her finger.

The card glowed slightly, and then the nun took a step forward, and then suddenly appeared next to the brazier with the [Ash End] sword stuck in it. This was equivalent to going from the edge of the sacrificial field to the center of the sacrificial field.

Shade's eyes widened:

"Space jump!"

Although Sister Devlin is quite powerful, Shade is certain that she would never have had this ability before.

The nun came back and nodded gently:

"Each card can channel different powers. This card is a space jump."

With that said, he threw the [Shadow of the Deep Sea] in front of him again, and tapped his fingers again with the afterglow of the first fire.

In the ancient sacrificial site, only the brazier with the [Ash End] sword stuck diagonally in the center had firelight. At this moment, except for the flame itself, all the light in other areas disappeared, and even Shade and Sister Devlin were plunged into darkness.

"Darkness. Absorb all surrounding light and create a completely lightless field."

The nun whispered, removed her fingers, and handed the two cards to Shade:

"Using cards like this, although still not too frequent, will not trigger the power of disaster. However, currently only I can do this. Heroes who bear the fire, the power of the initial fire is not enough. Unless we can find new ones again. The original fire flames, otherwise you will not be able to use the power of these two cards at will for the time being."

Shade nodded to express his understanding:

"But this is just equivalent to adding two thaumaturgy techniques that cost very little for me. In fact, this is not a big enhancement."

The nun shook her head:

"No, these powers from the doomsday disaster have a very high priority in affecting the material world. The power exerted by these cards is extremely difficult to be offset by other powers, even in the face of relics. .....In other words, they are relics themselves.”

Shade suddenly realized:

"But this time I only found a demon that can burn, and no clues about the First Fire. Klein Laplace Howard has collected a lot of strange things. Maybe he also has the Original Fire in his collection?"

"I have a hunch."

Sister Devlin lowered her head slightly:

"This trip to Green Lake will definitely have clues about the first fire. By then, these disaster cards will become your new power."

She was the nun who kept the fire, and her premonitions were sure to be unerring.

Shade intended to talk to Sister Devlin about the so-called "end" that the world was about to usher in. After all, except for the doomsdayists of the Guiding Light Priory, only the [Spiritual Order] firmly believed in this from the beginning.

But when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say. The nun also saw Shade's confusion:

"Heroes who bear the fire, don't worry about the future that is destined to come. You are already on the right path, and the [Spiritual Cult] is with you."

"Sister, since your eyes can see the past of the soul and the secrets deep in memory, what can you see when you look at me? I know that we met when we first met, and you tried this, but this time I I want you to tell me as the 'Death Chosen One' what exactly you see in me."

The nun folded her hands and hung them in front of her. This time, Shade was absolutely right. She actually smiled and shook her head. Then she walked to the center of the underground sacrificial site and held the angelic relic [Ashes].

The flames licking the sword in the brazier flowed towards her arm, and then ignited her whole body in the explosion. The remaining traces of the fiery red flame were imprinted on the nun's skin and robe. She motioned to Shade to draw the sword and spar with her.

Shade then took out the holy silver [Moonlight Great Sword] from the void. The sword, which was as transparent as glass and crystal, had more ancient runes engraved on it than before:

"Sister, on the night of the lunar eclipse, I was blessed by the moon. You have to be more careful this time."

Although he knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat the nun, Shade still said this.

The nun made no sound and drew her sword and pointed it at Shade. So within two hours before lunch, Shade once again felt the power of Sister Devlin, which was close to the limit of twelve rings.

You don’t even need to absorb the next First Fire Flame, Sister Devlin can advance at any time. After all, she is slightly different from doctors and priests. Although Sister Devlin is symbiotic with the original fire, her talents and powers are definitely more than that.

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