Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,789: Love Lock and Warning

There was not much time left in the morning as it took some time to visit Mrs. Flamel in the north of the city. Therefore, Shade spent all the time before lunch in the sacrificial hall. In addition to the cold weapon combat training with Sister Devlin, he also mentioned that he had seen "Desire" again, and introduced the divine art of Cupid believers - Cupid's Thorn.

The [Spiritual Order] is extremely good at using soul-based spells and thaumaturgy, so Sister Devlin has many different views on this thaumaturgy than Shade. As for the pink crystal soul spell that the girls used after using the "Sting of the God of Love", she also selected a few books for Shade and asked him to take them back and teach them to the girls.

As for the three believers of the "Goddess of Love" who specialize in "spirit, flesh, and lust", Shade feels that they are "magical", but Sister Devlin has a different view:

"The God of Love is also known as the 'Lock of Red Hearts'. Is love precious because it is rare, or is it really extremely important? The three remaining believers of the old god do not seem to have thought about this issue. They are just superficial They want to lock the feelings between people in their own ways. They have not touched the core of the soul."

Sister Devlin, who seemed to have no experience in love, said something that Shade was not very fond of. He is not a master of soul spells, and he does not have a deep understanding of the deeper meaning that Sister Devlin wants to express, but Shade was still stunned by the vocabulary in this sentence:


Memories of his hometown suddenly popped into his head, and he thought of a story about leading to destruction and despair because of greed and desire. This story is interesting because Shade thinks of himself. However, he does not have a love-locking spell. Although he is also so greedy, he knows what love is, how to love others and love himself. He has never violated the wishes and expectations of any girl around him.

In fact, his continuous efforts and struggles are not only for the ultimate goal of becoming a god, but also for the future so that the whole family can get along well and live a comfortable life.

At this moment, the outsider felt like he understood something. Sister Devlin did not give any advice. She knew that the "hero who bears the fire" she chose could always see her own heart clearly. Shade, who was good at reflecting on every step he took, would eventually figure it out.

Shade still went to the Cassandra Auction House in Fort Midhill for lunch with the nun. When he followed the nun out of the sacrificial site, "she" was still in Shade's ears, smiling and asking the pensive stranger. One possibility:

[What would happen if Sister Devlin had just pierced the thorn of Cupid into her chest? 】

"Oh, how can you slander this venerable nun?"

Shade thought in his mind, and quietly glanced at Sister Devlin's back, feeling that it was his fault to have such thoughts.

Mother-in-law Cassandra, Sister Devlyn, Grace, Helen and Miss Swift will leave for the Green Lake area later this week. Grandma Cassandra was so proud that she actually borrowed a steam airship from the Church of Creation.

Therefore, their travel time will be short. As a large chain auction house born and raised in the Kingdom of Delarion, the business power represented by Granny Cassandra is openly supporting Delarion.

During lunch, Grace and Helen informed Shad of their travel plans. As for the two people's short-term departure from Midhill Fort and Sikal Mountain, they relied on a clerical-level (level 4) relic [Immortal Wax Stone].

The original function of this wax stone is to leave a mark on the body, allowing one to achieve a certain degree of "immortality" for a period of time. In fact, the effect is only slightly better than Shade's "false immortality".

And this relic can allow the Red Butterfly girls to leave Fort Midhill temporarily. That’s because since the Battle of Fort Midhill last year, they have sent this relic into the temporarily sealed narrow space of life and death—— They sealed Hazama for two eras, so there was naturally a way to get back in.

The power of the unknowable relic infected this wax stone, causing it to temporarily possess some of Hazama's characteristics. Although this directly caused the relic to lose control, this loss of control was nothing to the angel-level relic [Red Butterfly Twins].

With this special wax stone, Grace and Helen can leave Fort Midhill for up to two months. But as a price, they would not be able to leave Middleburg through special means like this time for a long time.

After lunch, Shade chatted with Grace and Helen alone:

"You know the old god, the Lord of Gold, right? The god of commerce and wealth?"

The Hongdie girls naturally nodded, but Shade didn't ask for anything too detailed:

"What is your biggest impression of this god? Yes, just answer this question.

Grace, who was wearing a white gauze skirt, answered first:

"He abides by contracts and agreements very much, so the followers of this great one also have a very good reputation."

Then Helen in black dress answered:

"It is difficult for us mortals to define a great person based on human kindness or malice. But what is certain is that the God of Commerce and Wealth will not refuse to make a deal with anyone who can offer a bargaining chip. ."

She is sure of this:

"A large part of our memories of the Fifth Era have been sealed away, but I still remember that one time I... strangled my sister to death and threw her body into the pass of Mount Sikar. I came into contact with followers of this great one and heard two different stories."

Helen stretched out her first finger:

"In order for his old wife to survive past midnight that day and for their marriage to cross the threshold of 60 years, the man used his remaining life as a bargaining chip to extend his wife's short life. After the midnight clock struck, The elderly couple returned to the way they had first met when they were eighteen or nineteen years old, and after drinking wine together, they entered death together."

"It's a very romantic story. Mortals gave what they could, and the gods also brought miracles to them."

Shade commented like this, and Helen stretched out a second finger:

"After the two died, the neighbor who was jealous of how happy their marriage was, used his remaining life as a bargaining chip to resurrect the dead old woman and live alone in this world. So the deal was realized, I saw with my own eyes that gray-haired old woman who was almost eighty years old, kneeling in front of the grave and crying loudly. After all these years, I still remember that scene."

Having said this, Helen was still a little sad, and Grace hugged her gently.


Shade couldn't comment.

"Trading is ruthless. As long as the chips are enough and a way to conduct the transaction is found, [Golden Lord] will not refuse any transaction. It is fair and ruthless, and sometimes you have to be careful of the traps in the transaction terms. Helen and I were in awe and even We fear such a god, so we have no dealings with this great one or their followers."

Grace said softly, and then asked tentatively:

"So sir, you have met in the past..."

Shade nodded cautiously:

"You don't need to worry about this, I will take care of it."

"Then allow us to give you a piece of advice."

The girls said quite seriously:

"A small wish requires chips as big as a grain of rice, and a big wish needs chips as big as a mountain. But if it is not necessary, please do not make any transactions. Transactions are just shortcuts. We could have used our own hands to realize our wishes. Those Never, never pray to the gods for things that we can possibly obtain on our own.”

Two pairs of beautiful blue eyes looked at Shade together:

"Mortals should not expect to be rescued by gods. The only ones who can save us are ourselves and..."

Their hands were held together, and in the light of the flying red butterflies, they transformed into seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls. The girl wearing a black and white gauze skirt stood up and gently kissed the side of Shade's face:

"...You who travel through time. May you be able to save everything."

When I returned home after lunch, because Shade had prepared lunch for Mia in advance before going out, the cat at home was taking a lunch break. When Shade appeared from the door, he just lay on the window sill and basked in the sun, lazily. "Meow~" for a moment.

After Shade returned home, he found a letter thrown into the hall through the delivery port in front of the door. There was no stamp on the letter. After opening it, I saw a message from Dr. Schneider. He came to visit Shade in the morning and would take the train to the Green Lake area in the afternoon. Since Shade was not at home, he left a letter and asked him to wait at Green Lake.

This time, the "Maze Demon - Yaru" is far less powerful than the "Stone Mirror Demon - Goethe", so the focus is not on how to win, but on finding the opponent's hidden true identity. The doctor has made three detailed plans for this, and will continue to make more plans and plans during the next short train journey. He'll probably arrive in Green Lake on Wednesday evening, and if things go well, he'll be able to take care of the demon thing this weekend.

"The doctor is indeed professional."

Shade's investigation of the Green Lake area has slowed down since the appearance of Laplace Klein Howard on the night of Wednesday's lunar eclipse last week. Now that the witches have arrived at Green Lake, they have all taken action. Therefore, Shade did not go to the Green Lake area to investigate as usual this afternoon. Instead, he dealt with the trivial matters at the beginning of the month in Tobesk, and in this leisurely afternoon, Finished writing a paper entitled "Conjectures and Translations of Unsolved Texts in the Early Fifth Age".

In the evening, I took little Mia to find Dorothy. After having a leisurely dinner together, I returned home alone and spent the night reading a book before going to bed.

This kind of occasional rest can relax the spirit very well, so when Shade opened his eyes on Tuesday morning, he actually woke up earlier than the cat next to the pillow.

One day of leisure is enough, and the witches in the Green Lake area are also looking forward to Shade's reappearance. So this Tuesday, he returned to the Green Lake area. As for today's action plan, it is to deal with the things on the "task list" given by Miss Carina that he thinks he can handle.

The witch's task list is very long, and she doesn't know what kind of future the witch of time has glimpsed. Even ordinary people can do the simpler tasks - such as entrusting a blacksmith with a task or asking a local detective to help find a cat. The more difficult tasks include but are not limited to handling certain difficult relics, and even breaking into the church at night to steal the oil paintings on the walls.

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