Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,795: Fight between corpses and ghosts

The most important raw material for making glass is sand, and the sand in the City of Glass comes from the Yarrahan Desert just south of the city. But the production of glass does not only require sand. The most important reason why Michaela Blast Furnace City became the "City of Glass" also included the large amount of local lime mines.

Of course, the transferred servants, attendants and helpers were not driven by Gray Gloves to work in the mines, but were moved to live in the Hessenger mining area on the south bank of Green Lake. It was the largest countryside in the north of the City of Glass. Gray Gloves found a small farm at the end of a country road far away from the village. In fact, even if Shade doesn't come to investigate, the people who are cleared of suspicion soon will be free again.

The journey was a bit long, so Shade borrowed a horse and rode to the outside of the city. With the "powerful spatial perception" and the map, he doesn't have to worry about getting lost even in unfamiliar countryside.

Only at 10:30 that morning, while riding a horse in the countryside and approaching the farm, Shade saw abnormally thick smoke coming out of the building surrounded by fences on the ridge of the field.

He was worried that the borrowed horse would be harmed, so he hid the horse in the nearby woods. After quickly approaching the farm, I discovered that the farm was indeed on fire.

The farm is located on a hill in the farmland. Shade ran up the road and saw a man stumbling with blood on his face, holding a pistol and running towards this side as if he was running for his life:

"Monster! Monster!"

He was so badly injured that his hoarse voice when he spoke indicated that he was nearing the end of his life. He fell to the ground before he even got close to Shade, and when Shade ran over to check, the man was already dead.

"The magazine of the pistol is empty, the muzzle is overheated, and the bullet is empty. The black mark on the face... Poisoning?"

There were no fatal injuries on his body, just a bite mark on his neck. The stench came from there, and Shade knew it was the toxin of the ghoul after just a sniff.

"what's the situation?"

He abandoned the body and continued walking towards the farm, while preparing the casting materials. In just a few minutes, the fire had engulfed the entire farm. Shade saw dozens of corpses lying in the farm yard, and saw a large number of dead corpses burning in the burning building.

Close your eyes, there is no heartbeat still beating on the ground. There seemed to be a warehouse at his feet, and there was still a weak heartbeat in the warehouse, but he was obviously dying.

At the same time, from the firelight of the burning barn, low house, and stable, three hunched figures slowly walked out. The fire licked their bodies, but was unable to cause any harm to them.

These are three corpses, but they are similar to Mr. Green. Their corpses have not mutated much and basically retain their human form. However, his skin was gray-white, his eyes turned cloudy yellow, and his skin was wrinkled like an old man in his eighties or nineties.

All three of them have strong traces of elements, even including whisper elements. One on the left, one on the right, and one in front, the three monsters walked slowly, but their eyes were fixed on Shade, and they cooperated with each other and approached him step by step.

Shade, who was standing at the door of the farm, reached out and held the pendant on his chest, silently counting three, two and one in his heart. When the corpses rushed towards him in an instant, he pulled off the pendant and held it forward:

"Praise the angel of death...what?"

Even when faced with hundreds of water ghosts, the blessing power of this badge can sweep away all the undead in one blow. But this time, facing the light of the badge, the three corpses just subconsciously dodged and did not even show much discomfort.

Xia De was surprised and suddenly understood. He put away the pendant and took a step back:

"Gentlemen, can you introduce your identities? Perhaps I know your relatives?"

The corpses didn't answer and pounced on Shade from three directions again. Shade raised his hand to cut out the cross moonlight, but found that there were only two corpses rushing towards him.

His eyes widened while he stepped forward, and then appeared deeper in the courtyard of the burning farm. The corpse that tried to attack Shade from behind through space movement also missed the target.

The battle had just begun, and the rolling heat wave enveloped one person and three corpses in the spring breeze. The three corpses crawled on the ground, intertwined, and then disappeared together.

The yellow moonlight sword appeared in his hand, and then the flowing light of Heaton's seal blocked the corpses that appeared from the left, right and back. In the burst of golden light, the corpses flew out together, and the "space stabilizing halo" that followed completely eliminated the possibility of their next space transfer.

"Jump from Raghu!"

Shade's figure appeared next to the corpse flying upside down on the left, and the falling yellow moonlight was so bright in the crackling fire.

With a clang sound, the long sword hit the ghoul's neck, but it only left a white mark on the opponent's skin.

"Blade of Disarrayed Time!"

The second sword light slashed down, but only cut off two slender fingers of the corpse. The corpse opened its mouth and bit Shade's neck, but was then kicked away by Shade. It penetrated the wall like a cannonball and flew into the burning barn.

The remaining two corpses behind him did not continue to approach Shade, but instead entered the burning barn along the broken wall on all fours. Shade took a deep breath, held his sword and chased in the rolling heat.

There were fires in all directions, and the crackling sound seemed to be the only sound in the world. Shade, who has been blessed with many blessings, is not afraid of high temperatures and heat waves at all, but he needs to be more careful with the clothes he wears.

And in this burning building, there is still space in the center of the building where nothing is placed. Three corpses gathered at the edge of the central open space and wandered alternately. They were not ordinary undead creatures. Although any one of them faced Shade alone, Shade could easily deal with them, but three of them together would be quite a trouble. .

"The Thorns of the Moon."

The long sword in his hand poked back at the wall, and bright silver thorn bushes quickly emerged from the ground, blocking the doors, windows and holes in the wall. Then, the yellow moonlight sword disappeared, and the silver moonlight sword was taken out by Shade from the fire.

The crackling flames covered the sound of footsteps, and the sound of the sword being swung again after disappearing could not be heard from the burning house. The three ghouls who are temporarily unable to move in space alternately fight against Shade, who is constantly moving in space. If one is attacked, the other two will rescue them together immediately. The advantage in numbers was offset by spatial movement, but not only did the three ghouls have similar behavioral logic, Shade even discovered that they could share each other's vision and even injuries.

But even so, in this closed environment, subject to Shade's "space stability aura", the corpses gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Suddenly there was another clash between the claws and the sword. The moonlight sword chopped off one of the ghoul's hands, but the squirming body was quickly recovering again. The three corpses retreated into the fire again. One of them puffed up his mouth and blew loudly, causing the raging sea of ​​​​fire to rush towards Shade.

While Shade slashed the sea of ​​fire with his long sword and prepared for the final blow, the ghouls put their hands together. In an instant, the four elements suddenly expanded. Amidst the shaking of the ground, the scene of the burning granary gradually disappeared, and was replaced by the scene of the abandoned town on the central island of Green Lake that Shade was extremely familiar with.

【Mysterious lock. 】

"Although I know these ghouls are unusual, they can even use the Mystery Lock. Isn't this an exaggeration?"

Sharp perception told Shade that the three ghouls were all the owners of this mysterious lock. The three were obviously different individuals, but their connection was like one person. They were casting spells together. At the same time that the town was taking shape and the fog was coming, the corpses also disappeared in the fog.

The entire world is oppressing and weakening Shade, but the environment in Mystery is much better than the places in "Time Adventure". These weakenings are completely negligible for Shade. He did not panic, and observed the surroundings in the town that was gradually taking shape. The effect of "Mysterious Green Lake Town" appeared almost immediately. At the height of the mist, under the pale sky, three huge black figures appeared. Gradually approaching Shade in the town.

Looking up, they were clearly three ugly corpses, transformed into giants. As they grew larger, the details of their corpses became clearer. Their ugly faces and cloudy eyes were as terrifying as the man-eating devils in the story.

The three giant corpses leaned over and looked at Shade from three directions. Like humans fooling ants, they stretched out their claws to grab Shade. For a moment, it seemed as if the space was locked. Although Shade still maintained his ability to move, he was strangely unable to move.

The glowing key in his hand quickly turned into a long staff at this moment. As the long staff was raised into the sky, the huge rotating light wheel faced the six giant hands of the three corpses.

Because this was Shade's hasty cast, the six hands of the Mystic Lock masters grabbed the nimbus, and with a heart-breaking sound, they actually tore the nimbus into pieces. The time gained was enough for Shade to mobilize his remaining spirit, hold the [Stand of Yectrasil] with both hands and strike it towards the ground:

"Key to the door!"


Centered on the location where the long staff struck the ground, dense cracks spread toward the entire world. As Shade twisted the long staff in his hand like a key, the Mystery Lock instantly collapsed, and he and the corpses returned to the burning granary.

"Huh? How can you use [Yuktrasil's Staff] to cast [Key to the Door] to forcefully break the mystery lock with such little consumption?"

He originally planned to take out the pink bottle and take a sip.

[Is it possible because the staff itself is the key? 】

What "she" said made sense, so the staff that the long-haired Luvia called an "angel-level relic" was discovered to have new properties.

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