Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,796 For the Motherland

The "Key of the Door" does not consume much, and the "Moonlight Wheel Second Form" just now is not very effective because it was rushed out, but it also does not consume much.

Compared with Shade, the three ghouls are in worse condition. Shade is equivalent to cracking their mystery lock head-on. Under the backlash of casting spells, the three ghouls gather together in a depressed manner at this time, and they do not take advantage of Xia De. Germany recovered to counterattack.

Even if the opponent was an undead creature, Shade's recovery speed was faster than them. Within a few breaths, as the hot air poured into his lungs, he raised his head again and looked at the three ghouls huddled together.

They also discovered Shade's movements. Almost at the same moment, three corpses rushed out in three directions. One climbed higher along the wall, one jumped down and entered the soil like diving, and the last one rushed towards Shade.

“Don’t these things have too many tricks?”

The body of the corpse that rushed towards Shade began to expand, and at the same time, black mist emerged from the muscle cracks of the expanded corpse. Its eyes emitted a shocking green light, and while the entire corpse drew an arc in the air, it was like an eraser running over a pencil sketch, causing the space steamed by the heat to further deform.

"Black Moon Talisman."

The long staff was thrust out by Shade like a javelin. After pinning the advancing corpse to the ground, a huge black moon talisman slowly appeared on the ground.

With a soft sound from Peng~, the ghoul finally exploded. But it didn't have much power, just a big ball of white ash scattered all over the sky. Shade pulled out the staff of Yectrasil and avoided the exploding white ash:

"Help me keep an eye on its soul."

[Not observed. 】

And when Shade walked out of the burning barn and looked for traces of the other two ghouls, they had disappeared. They had to bear the damage and break through the thorns of the moon.

However, Shade didn't bother to chase the two escaped corpses. After all, he didn't think he could catch them.

Turning around to look at the fire, he first put away the severed limbs of the ghoul that he had just chopped off, then entered the warehouse that was also on fire behind the building, and then opened the cellar door and entered the underground.

The heartbeat in the ground that Shade heard just now came from here. As for the fact that he could find the cellar door, it was because of the blood on the ground.

The cellar of the farm seemed to be used to store vegetables, and was only about the same size as the basement of Shade's house. As I walked down the stairs, I immediately smelled the stench of ghoul toxin.

The firelight at the entrance of the cellar was projected into the ground, allowing Shade to see the people who died here after being poisoned. Most of these people seemed to be servants of the original manor. Their clothes were not glamorous, but they looked similar after death.

The number of people who died here exceeds thirty, and it seems that they hid immediately after being attacked by ghouls. Not everyone was poisoned when they came in. After careful observation, they saw a man lying in the corner with several steel forks stuck in his body, and his corpse transformation was the highest.

"Is he the source of the infection here?"

Ghouls are not vampires. The probability of turning into an undead creature after being bitten by them is very, very low, but very low does not mean it is impossible. In such a relatively closed place, even the lowest level "living corpse" seen today is still a fatal threat to people.

There was only one person alive in the entire basement, and that was the man leaning against the wall with traces of poisoning on his face. He was in the deepest part of the basement, just like the person guarding the corpse in a closed tomb, quietly waiting for death.

Of course he noticed Shade walking over, but still didn't say anything. Shade took out a candle from his arms and illuminated the other person's face:

"Are you...a mole?"

This is the person Sha De is looking for, consistent with the photo in the file.

The man with only his last breath still didn't speak, so Shade spoke the code word for the connection:

"Mr. Mole lives in the boot, and Mr. Mouse in the boot moves into the Spider's home."

Only then did the man's eyes, which already had traces of ulcers appear on his face, have a lively look:

"So where did Mr. Spider move?"

"Moved into the master's stomach."

Shade answered the last sentence, and the poisoned man breathed a sigh of relief. Without hesitation, he told what he knew:

"No one found me. I hid very well. The intelligence collected is in the storage cabinet No. 109 of the City of Glass Art Museum. The three monsters appeared about 20 minutes ago. They did not come to find me. They came for Two people took away the hearts, heads and genitals of those two people."

"Those two people are..."

"I have information about everyone here. The only common ground and intersection between those two people is that they are both descendants of the townspeople of Green Lake Town, yes, the abandoned town on the central island of Green Lake."

He was breathless when speaking, but still tried to provide the final information:

"Their goal was very clear, but they massacred this place because they didn't want their purpose to be discovered. They are not afraid of bullets or flames, and neither pitchforks nor sickles work. This is the kind of thing in legend."

Tong Kong was already a little distracted, and even if Shade leaned towards his ear, he could barely hear the last sound.

So, Shade put his hand close to the man's chest, but "Mole" used his last strength to reach out and grab it:

"what you up to?"

His eyes widened.

"Treat you, don't worry, I will definitely be able to resolve this poison."

Shade said it easily.

"No, please don't do that."

The man looked at Shade with almost bleeding eyes:

"If you do this, the church will know that you are among us, and the church will know that this really has something to do with MI6."

He shook his head hard:

"For the sake of the motherland, don't save me, don't take away my body, don't move my position, don't take away any souvenirs from me, please let me die here."

He seemed to be having a flashback at this moment, and the power of his palms was astonishing. Although this was not enough to restrain Sha De, Sha De did not take the initiative to break away:

"Even if I save you, the church may not be able to find out."

Foreigners admire such people very much, so they took the initiative to remind them.

"You can't bet on such a probability. My mission has been completed and the information has been given to you. Don't make any extraneous matters. Please allow me to make my final contribution to the Sixth Branch and Delarion."

"Mole" said the last words like a request:

"Please give me the last chance to show my loyalty, for the Sixth Office, for the Cavendish royal family, for Della..."

Without Shade's treatment, the toxin destroyed the brain and heart. He just looked at Shade and breathed his last.

Although many people died in front of strangers after coming to this world, this death of a stranger still made him stunned for several seconds:


As to which one is more important, life or loyalty, Shade doesn't want to impose his views on others. He respects the choice of the colleague in front of him. Although the outsiders do not have a strong sense of belonging to Delarion, it does not prevent him from admiring those who can truly "serve the motherland."

"How do you feel? Everything in the Green Lake area will eventually involve that island."

He stood up with a sigh and looked at the dead people in the entire cellar. Strictly speaking, the deaths of these people were not only due to ghouls, but also had a slight relationship with "mole". After all, if Gray Glove hadn't suspected that there were spies among the manor's servants, the servants wouldn't have been moved here for review.

Even if the negotiations between the two countries are still going on, even if the war is far from coming, the secret victims are already filling this cellar. The outsider has nothing to say about this. He knows that some things are destined to be irreversible. The secret war between Delarion and Kasenric had already begun.

After leaving the cellar, because there was no living person here, Shade did not put out the blazing fire. Instead, he threw the glass slipper and left directly.

After returning home, he changed his clothes first. The actions in the fire severely damaged Shade's coat and pants. Then before lunch, he wrote down the information about the "Mole" into a document, and then took Mia with him to Green Lake City.

First, he had lunch at the Green Lake Hotel and asked the hotel servant to send the information to the address left by Director Anlos. Then he took the cat, who had eaten a full meal and wanted to go home, on his way to the south shore of Green Lake. journey of.

When he saw Miss Sylvia again at the manor at two o'clock on this Wednesday afternoon, Shade did not expect that Meghan was here. Before Shade arrived, Megan was asking Miss Sylvia about the use of space power. After the maid informed, when Shade came with little Mia, the two witches came over together:

"Good afternoon, Shade."

The three of them went to the study upstairs together, and Shade briefly talked about what he had seen at the farm in the morning. Then, he took out a book from the illusory bookshelf next to him and handed it to Meghan:

"Please confirm, do you know these three people?"

The appearance of the three ghouls in the morning appeared on the page. Meghan's face immediately became ugly after just one glance.

Shade looked at Miss Sylvia, and the black-haired young witch tentatively asked:

"Among them...your father?"


She closed her eyes and covered her forehead with a sigh, and pointed at the one in the middle. Fortunately, this one was not eliminated by Shade, but escaped by climbing the wall.

"Do you know the other two?"

Shade asked again, but Megan nodded:

"The man on the left looks familiar. He looks a lot like Uncle Edward. My father, Alphonse Edwards, has the best relationship with his fourth son, Edward Edwards. At that time, photography technology was not as mature as it is now. My only The oil paintings I have seen of other members of the family are those of my father and Uncle Edward. But those were oil paintings of their youth, and they are somewhat different from the corpses."

Edward Edwards on the left is the one eliminated by Shade. But he suspected that it wasn't an elimination at all. He couldn't have completely killed a member of the Edwards family so easily.

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