Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,797 A Tipsy Afternoon*

"Shade said that the three ghouls cooperated well and had very similar powers. Since the first two are the second and third sons of the fourth generation, the remaining one is most likely the eldest son of the fourth generation. Hohenheim Edwards is right Bar?"

Miss Sylvia asked, Shade nodded slightly:

"The three of them grew up together on the island, and after their death they were made together into ghouls. This is logical."

"But it's not in line with family ties."

Megan pursed her lips and said, Shade had nothing to say to this and could only hold her hand:

"Megan, please find a way to contact the [Mirror Association] and make sure to determine the identity of the third ghoul. Before the final battle, we need to know the whereabouts of every Edwards."

Megan nodded slightly, looking at the current appearance of her father on the book in her hand, the sadness in her eyes gradually turned into a deeper hatred for the island.

"The three ghouls must have been assigned by the man on the island. The question now is, what do they want the body parts of the descendants of the citizens of Green Lake Town? Is it related to the 'Edwards Den Magic'?"

Shade took the initiative to change the topic. He saw that Megan didn't want to continue talking about her father turning into a ghoul. He just asked casually, but to his surprise, Miss Sylvia actually answered:

"Remember that wight you brought last week?"

"And there are ghouls?"

Megan asked in surprise, Shade respected Nicholas Green's request and has not explained its existence to others yet. But now that Meghan had realized it, Shade briefly described it.

Later, Miss Sylvia provided brand new information:

"Ghoul Green said that he would occasionally receive orders from the island to steal some of the bodies of people buried in the Green Lake City Public Cemetery and send them into the lake, where they would be brought to the island by the water ghosts in the lake. I asked Margaret checked the identities of the corpses and found that they were all descendants of the townspeople of the abandoned Green Lake Town."

Meghan thoughtfully:

"It seems that not only our family, but everyone related to that island is involved."

Xia De couldn't tell what the other party wanted to do:

"The fire at the farm will definitely attract the church. I left clues there and told the church about the targets of the ghouls. The church will also use this as a clue to investigate... His arrangement is still It’s really clever, no matter whether the corpse Green is willing to return to the island with him or not, Green will definitely be able to help him.”

"This is a good clue. I will follow this line to investigate recently. There should be many living descendants of the islanders. Maybe I can find one or two."

Miss Sylvia said, and asked about the mysterious lock that Shade encountered. She was quite interested in the mythical lock used by the three ghouls, and even regretted not following Shade to see it in the morning.

"That Mystery Lock is the weakest Mystery Lock I have ever seen. They have not mastered this miraculous power at all. They just rely on their blood to use it forcefully. This is of little value."

This is no consolation, the mythical lock is indeed pitifully weak.

Shade planned to take little Mia to have dinner together in the City of Glass so that he could meet Margaret. Megan still had things to return to Green Lake City and was leaving at around three o'clock. Miss Sylvia specifically asked Shade to go to the door alone to see her off.

The carriage had stopped at the door of the mansion. Shade hugged Megan and wanted to comfort the girl who was sad because her father's body was desecrated. Although Megan said she was fine, Shade could see that she was in a very bad mood:

"If we really capture your ancestor, what are you going to do to him?"

Schade proposed this hypothesis.

"Just let him die. I wouldn't do what he did. That would make me like him."

The brown-haired witch pursed her lips and said, looking deeply at Shade:

"I have never hated a person. I don't know if this kind of hatred is normal, but even when I was insane and did many wrong things, I have never wanted to kill someone. one person."

"Emotions inspire power. Maybe your ancestor wants you to hate him. Control your emotions and everyone will help you."

Shade could understand her, and Megan sighed:

"Everything now seems like the ancestor's plan, which feels really uncomfortable."

"That's why we have to do things beyond his expectations. Don't worry, I promised to always protect you, and I will definitely do it."

Megan nodded, she didn’t know the weight of what Shade said. So the body with brown shawl hair became Audrey's leader again, asking Audrey to say goodbye to Shade, and then she boarded the carriage and left.

After the carriage drove out of the manor, Miss Sylvia walked to Shade from behind the door:

"Poor Megan and Audrey."

She whispered, and Shade asked curiously:

"Pity? Is it because of family matters?"

"No, unlike other great witches, Megan and Audrey don't know what they want. Everyone becomes a witch for their own goals, such as Carina for strength and the power to dominate, such as I do it for knowledge and my teacher’s last wish, like Xiwei for her family’s tradition and her own desire for mystery. But for them, if they only want strength to fight against the fate and curse of their own blood, it will be difficult for them to continue on.”

After hearing this comment, Shade once again felt that the seats of "space" and "knowledge and wisdom" really should be changed.

"Let's go, your cat is still sleeping in the study. I just have time in the afternoon. Let me show you the current progress of our business. My goods have also arrived."

Miss Sylvia said, taking Shade's hand and turning with him towards the stairs.

With Margaret's help, the preparations for Miss Sylvia's "Fabric Factory" went smoothly. She has formulated a formula that can mass-produce nylon. Although the quality is much worse than those expensive first-generation "experimental products", the yield rate is very high, and the quality, appearance and feel are sufficient for this era.

The progress is faster than originally expected. The factory will probably produce the first batch of goods this summer, which will only be a month or two later:

"I'll probably be able to turn my current financial situation around pretty quickly... I'll be rich."

Miss Sylvia is not exaggerating at all. The trial works currently leaked from her hands to the nobles of Willondale City have caused a great sensation. The question now is not whether she can make a fortune, but how much she can make.

Of course, the young witch did not forget the important partner who provided her with this idea and joined the business with 5,000 pounds. In order to show that she did not spend money carelessly and to let Shade know what effect she had achieved by iterating the product, she also specially showed Shade the product she brought from Willondale this afternoon. Various fabrics of different qualities.

Miss Sylvia was probably a very ritualistic person. When she ordered her assistants to move the goods in, every piece of fabric was placed in a slender cardboard box.

This high-quality thick cardboard box is generally used to hold clothes such as ties. She smiled and opened one of the boxes, letting Shade see the thin black fabric lying on the lining.

The intertwined elastic lines are delicate and transparent, and it is not pure black. Golden silk threads outline the shape of the phoenix on it. Although it is still lying in a slender paper box, Shade can completely use his imagination to construct what they will look like when attached to his legs.

"its not bad, right?"

After all the hundreds of fabrics of different quality and color were moved in, she drove away her followers, raised her hand, opened the boxes displayed on the coffee table, sofa and even the desk, and even took a nap Little Mia was startled.

"Which one should I check first?"

The black-haired girl whispered in Shade's ear. Seeing his appearance, she raised the corners of her fair mouth and gently hugged his neck:

"It's okay. We have plenty of time this afternoon... help me see if I have gained weight recently."

Although Shade still insists that what happened in the few hours between the end of this sentence and Margaret's return to the manor are all commercial activities, and the investment partners' reasonable behavior to check the quality and design ideas of the goods. , but what he couldn't deceive himself was that what happened that afternoon was indeed not what should happen in normal business activities.

But the good news is that Shade believes that Miss Sylvia's body shape and weight have not changed since they were separated in Randall Valley. He sincerely praised the young witch's figure, and let the black-haired witch with one white leg and one black hug him. He was even more grateful that he brought these things to the City of Glass before setting off.

In the spring afternoon, the sun is slightly drunk, and the smell of incense in the study is fascinating. The soft sofa, gentle hug and equally gentle kiss will probably become one of Shade's memories of this spring many years later. But speaking of it, his memories of spring in Green Lake seemed a little too much.

The shy witch is also greedy for the enthusiasm of strangers. She is quite satisfied with this way of celebrating the reunion after a long separation. While experiencing the charm of the exquisite fabric, they talked about business, life, the chosen one, and the witch. Shade was even a little embarrassed and mentioned what Megan and Audrey's birthmarks had done to him. This topic also caused a shy blush on Miss Sylvia's face.

The room was warm, even a little hot, shadows trailed on the ground, and even time slowed down in the warm sunlight. Little Mia, who was entangled in two golden fabrics that she had not yet tried on, was using her claws to destroy high-end products that could not be bought for 100 pounds. On the sofa, Miss Sylvia was rubbing her legs and feeling the passion. , while the confused lovers were exchanging love words, a question that Shade didn't expect suddenly came in:

"How far are you and Carina?"

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