Whispering Verse

Chapter 1,798 The Gray Eagle’s Mission*

Sylvia's question was asked suddenly, but the foreigner who was always vigilant did not lose his vigilance even during a date with confusion and infatuation, let alone blurt out the facts.

He had promised the Duchess not to tell other witches about them, but looking at the black-haired girl in front of him, he didn't want to lie to her, so Shade remained silent. The young black-haired witch did not ask further questions. She just remembered the last conversation she had with the Duchess in Parliament. She was shocked and couldn't believe that Carina Cavendish had really gone that far.

[Maybe I can too. 】

The "other me" reminded softly in her ear, and Sylvia knew that this was the bold and unrestrained side of her soul at work:

[Now, the difference between you and that thing is only one layer of fabric. 】

But the young girl, who was shy by nature, still failed to make this decision. Unlike Megan and Audrey who thought it was not the right time yet, she purely felt that this was not the right place.

In short, when Margaret returned to the manor in the evening and excitedly opened the door to the study, what she saw was Miss Sylvia leaning on Shade's shoulder, sitting behind the desk with Shade. Looking at the book.

The room has been tidied up, and the neatly stacked boxes are placed in the corner of the room, stacked up like a hill. One of the two manor maids was watering flowers by the window, and the other was preparing tea at the round table nearby. The cat, who was very energetic after waking up, was lying on the top of the boxes, with its front paws hanging down from the edge of the box, looking at the entire room with satisfaction from a high place.

Margaret sniffed subconsciously, then waved her maids out. After politely greeting her math teacher at the door, she walked in while carefully observing her surroundings.

She originally thought she would see a very unsightly scene, but fortunately Miss Sylvia still ensured her impression of the "pure", "elegant" and "decent" witches.

The room is very tidy, and the cushions and pillows on the sofa have been tidied up and look brand new. Although there are many books on the desk table, it is not cluttered, and the air is fresh and elegant. Margaret could simply imagine Shade and Miss Sylvia spending the whole afternoon reading and learning together.


Suddenly she heard a cat meowing. It was Xiao Mia calling at her from the top of the stack of cartons. Margaret waved to the cute cat, feeling that the fatigue of the day had faded away.

When I walked to the table, I saw that Miss Sylvia's expression was a little lazy, but the charm between her eyebrows seemed to be even more attractive. Margaret was suspicious, and while asking Shade and Miss Sylvia if they wanted to have dinner now, she suddenly walked around behind the table and looked down.

"What are you looking at?"

The young witch asked curiously. It was normal under the table. She just sat on Shade's lap, and the clothes that should be there for everyone were there. Even though the fabric on the young witch's legs was quite charming, Shade's two hands were always holding books on the table.

Seeing Shade looking at her curiously, the blonde princess immediately blushed. She was thankful, but she hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"I have been busy packing my things recently and came here from Willendale. It seems that Vanessa and I haven't disciplined you enough. Did you come into contact with unhealthy books from the maid?"

Miss Sylvia asked teasingly. Seeing Margaret blushing as if she was going to explode, she let her go:

"Let the servants prepare dinner. Shade and I have been busy all afternoon today, so it's time to eat some food."

Although she was curious about what she was "busy" about, Margaret would never ask again at this time.

Dinner time was pleasant, and neither Shad nor little Mia was bothered by not being able to eat at home. At the dinner table, Shade talked about the work he was doing for MI6. Of course, he did not leak the confidential information of MI6, or even mentioned the character "Mole".

Margaret listened with interest, and before Shade left after dinner, she asked a question:

"Grey Eagle, are you still willing to work for me?"


Shade, who was holding the cat, stood in the night on the second floor terrace and said, Miss Sylvia gave time to Margaret, after all, the afternoon was enough for her.

"Is there a task for me to do?"

Shade asked. Her Royal Highness the Princess nodded slightly, turned around to confirm that her teacher was not there, then moved closer, hugged Shade's neck, and put her ear against his chest to listen to his heartbeat. She likes this kind of intimacy, and even more likes the sound of a powerful heartbeat:

"I know the current situation in the Green Lake area from the council, and I also know that you are very busy, so asking you to help is not a big deal."

She explained softly:

"You know my embarrassing status in the Kasenlik negotiating delegation. Although this time I am working with my brother and Duke Simil to preside over all major negotiations, but in fact I am a very marginalized figure... ..Probably when I was in Randall Valley, I acted too forcefully and made some people feel threatened. I also hope you can help me investigate the identities of some people."

"Grey Gloves or MI6?"

"Gray Gloves, I got the news. My brother secretly arranged for elite agents to lurk in Green Lake City on the north shore of the lake. I hope you can help me investigate what the purpose of that person is... life or death."

She spoke softly but was not gentle at all, and added under the cover of night:

"This is not something that must be done. After all, you are active on the north bank of Hubei. If you encounter someone, just help me without going to investigate. I don't want to be said to be ignorant by the teachers and bother you at this time. "

"Now not only the situation on that island, but also around Green Lake, the situation between the north and the south is also very delicate. No problem, I will pay attention to it."

Shade nodded slightly and smelled Margaret's jasmine-scented perfume:

"Even if I am the Sixth Ring, I can't change the situation in the North and South of the Old Continent on my own. Conspiracies and wars are really not far away from us."

"But for us, whether it is peace or war, life must go on. Shade, let's watch all this together...Watch where the tide of time will lead us. Although we cannot always Standing on a high place overlooking all this, sooner or later you will also walk into it. But standing in the era and witnessing all this, wandering in the chaos, using your own meager power to influence everything that will and will happen, isn't this what you want? Responsibility?"

Margaret used Delarian when she said this, and Shade laughed:

"This is the description of Mr. Detective in The Hamilton Detective Stories."

"Yes, I enjoyed this book."

Margaret said softly, raised her head and left Shade's arms:

"It's a pity that Princess Lesia didn't come this time, otherwise..."

Her eyes under the night sky seemed to be shining with the light of her soul. She did not say any more, but stood on her tiptoes slightly and kissed Shade. Little Mia jumped quickly and jumped onto the balcony railing behind the two of them. She swung her tail and screamed. She already wanted to go home.

It was a long way back to Green Lake City from the City of Glass, so Shade still took Mia's glass slippers back home.

When I emerged from the kitchen on the second floor, the lights were on. While Shade breathed the atmosphere of home with satisfaction, Luvia walked out of the study and greeted Shade:

"New news."

"We'll talk about it later."

Shade stuffed the cat into Luvia's arms:

"I'm going to Green Lake City again to meet someone. I'll be back in half an hour."

"be safe."

Shade did not go far. After coming out of the back door of Green Lake Hotel, he walked in through the front door:

"Psychiatrist Jason Silver, are you here already?"

He asked Ms. Helena Green behind the counter, and walked upstairs after receiving a confirmed answer.

Count Petrarch, who was reported by Shade for "illegal use of mushroom powder", has been taken away. Although the missing member of the delegation cannot be seen on the news, at least his hotel room has been sealed. When Shade passed by, he glanced at the door with the metal sign "No Entry" on it, and then knocked on the door opposite the Earl's room:

"it's me."

After a moment, Bill Schneider opened the door and revealed his face. The middle-aged doctor with blue eyes has a smile on his face. He is not wearing his usual formal clothes - he needs to be ready to receive patients at any time, but a loose and casual blue plaid shirt, which looks like he is on vacation:

"Detective, this city is really nice."

To suit the occasion, he even allowed himself to adopt an accent from the Green Lake area, but unfortunately it was not authentic.

"Good evening, doctor. Let's go for a walk outside. In fact, I rarely appreciate the night view of this ancient city."

Dr. Schneider took his coat and went downstairs with Shade. As they passed the door, Ms. Helena Green behind the counter asked the doctor if he would be back soon and if she wanted to prepare a midnight snack for him in advance.

Shade and the doctor went out together, turned left under the streetlight and headed towards the city hall. Shade also made a joke:

"Doctor, that female shopkeeper has never been so enthusiastic to me. You have just arrived here...are you being taken in?"

The doctor waved his hand:

"I won't think about these issues until I have fulfilled my responsibilities."

Shade saw that the doctor didn't want to talk more, so he didn't continue. The two walked in the night, sighed softly, looked up at the thin stars in the fog, and both felt relaxed:

"How was your train journey?"

"It went well. Apart from someone trying to cut off the chain of my wallet and encountering a robber who stole the train, there were no other accidents. I really came to the right place for this trip. This place is really nice."

After speaking, he took another deep breath of foggy air, and Shade asked curiously:

"This is the second time you've said this, doctor, why do you think this place is good?"

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