Whispering Verse

Chapter 1803 The Face of the Devil (please vote for more updates)

"What rules?"

The big face made of coins asked, and the firelight penetrated through the gaps of the coins that made up its face, making Shade who stared at it feel more and more strange about the other party, because instead of feeling the heat wave, he felt the coldness:

"Since you are here and have never actively harmed visitors, you naturally serve as a camp guide. You can tell them the rules here, can't you tell me?"

As he said that, he threw the only [Power of Existence] in his hand:

"Or is there a fee for such basic and simple information?"

The face stared at Shade and said slowly:

"Everything in the Black Mist Camp needs to be paid for. A few require souls, sins, etc., and most of them need to be paid with one's own existence. Visiting guests, you can give all or part of your own existence here to me. It exists and can be exchanged into coins. And I will only charge a small handling fee."

When Xia De heard "handling fee", he knew it was true. If the other party exchanged it for free, he would have to wonder whether it was a deeper trap.

"Can I redeem part of my existence?"

"Yes, the witch behind you only exchanged part of her existence, while the old man and the boy exchanged everything they own."

At the beginning, Miss Higgins said that she had 23 coins, Mrs. Myers had 6 coins, and the boy had 7 coins. It is obvious that the power of the witch's existence is much stronger than these ordinary people.

Shade did not completely trust the devil's information. He turned around and checked with his companions who had gradually recovered their memories, and then confirmed that the other party had not lied so far. But the appearance of the devil still adds more doubts and haze to this time adventure.

The giant face continued to ask Shade:

"So, do you want to exchange your existence for coins? I can see that you can exchange for many, many coins. You only need to use a small part, and you can get whatever you want."

The last half of his sentence was almost a whisper, and even the sound of a bonfire burning was louder than this:

"I can see that you have the power of mortal sin. This is a good opportunity. It is difficult for you to find a way to improve your mortal sin power elsewhere. Didn't you already experience it last time? The chains of sin have increased, and these are just some small A small improvement. Have you heard of [Sword of Sin of the Abyss]? Man, you still need to have your own sword. Oh, how rude!"

The luxurious silver [Moonlight Great Sword] stabbed that face, but it was easily dodged.

"I have my own sword."

Shade said, "she" chuckled in his ear.

"Even if you have your own power, do you really lack nothing? There are infinite possibilities in this camp, and the knowledge and information obtained through transactions can be exchanged with oneself, and there is no need to consider restrictions. ."

That face continued to bewitch:

"Maybe you can try it first, use a small part of your existence to exchange for some coins, and try to spend it first."

"What problems will arise if one's own existence is reduced?"

Shade asked. Miss Higgins behind him turned pale. She spent a lot of coins last time.

"A small amount of consumption is not a big problem, but if a large amount is consumed, this is knowledge, and I cannot tell you plainly."

The big face said with a smile, and Shade stopped paying attention to it and stretched out his hand to the witch:

"Give me that conch and I'll tell you how to use it."

As he said this, he took out a water bottle from his pocket, and the bottle contained sea water from Cold Water Port. He allowed that face to continue to bewitch, and carefully poured the seawater onto the conch, ensuring that every part was wetted by the seawater. In the process, a layer of soul gradually emerged on the surface of the gray petrified conch. The transparent light with a similar color proves that the information Shade obtained from Mr. Edmond is correct, and the characteristics of [Immortal Longing] in the fifth era are no different from those in the sixth era.

After handling the conch, Shade briefly talked about its origin from the sea and its role in calling the soul to appear, and then handed it to Mrs. Miles.

Even though she felt frightened when facing the big face of the coin that still hadn't disappeared, the old woman couldn't suppress the excitement and nervousness on her face at this moment. She held the conch with her trembling hands. After Miss Higgins nodded to her, she called out the name to the conch:

"Richard Knight Jackman."

Her voice formed a huge echo through the influence of the conch, spreading in the black mist that originally suppressed the spread of sound. Shade, the witch and the boy all looked around, but could not see any souls appearing.

After a while, there was a strange sound in the sky, and then a rusty knight's sword fell from the sky and was inserted at Mrs. Miles' feet. She stared blankly at the long sword that was almost broken, knelt down, held the sword and cried:

"It was his sword, I remember it, I always have. But why don't you come to see me?"

"The relic didn't work?"

The witch asked Shade, who shook his head hesitantly:

"If the soul has turned into a powerful resentful spirit, been captured, imprisoned or even destroyed, naturally it cannot be summoned."

Miss Higgins frowned deeply:

"This was not in my plan. I originally thought that the gentleman just died on the battlefield and turned into an unknown corpse. Things have become more troublesome."

"Don't do things half-way. Maybe I can tell you something. However, there is a price."

The face watching this scene said the right words at the right time. Mrs. Miles wiped her eyes and stood up, pulling out the sword with difficulty:

"I want to find him, no matter what, how many coins do you need?"

She refused Miss Higgins's obstruction, and of course shook her head to indicate that Shade didn't have to speak.

"Look at your pitiful look, even I was moved by you. I know you only have six coins left on you, give me half the amount, and I will tell you how to find him."

Without any hesitation, Mrs. Miles threw three coins at the face, and then swallowed the coins with her open mouth, which was the gap between the coins.

It then made a chewing motion, and then spit out a stream of light. The light fell on the black scale in the small camp, and then the scale, which was maintaining a balanced state, tilted again:

"Follow the scales and find the next merchant. Remember, He has many commodities, but only one can bring back the person you want."

It was said to old Mrs. Miles, who wrote down the words while wiping her eyes red from crying. But at the same time, both Shade and Miss Higgins discovered her abnormality. After losing half of the coins they exchanged for their entire "existence", her body actually became translucent in their eyes, but... Neither she nor the boy seemed aware of this.

Miss Higgins gave Shade a look to tell him not to point it out, but it was obvious that she was equally anxious. If Granny Miles died here, she might not be able to explain to the old woman's "cousin."

At this moment, the boy also spoke tremblingly:

"Excuse me, can I also exchange the position of a merchant from you?"

Both Shade and Miss Higgins looked at him. The boy shivered instinctively, and the giant face immediately turned to him and said in a "kind" tone:

"Of course, kid, what are you trading?"

"I want to reverse the kingdom's destruction."

He said last time that his country was destroyed by a meteorite impact, but Miss Higgins clearly had no idea that such a major event had occurred in the world recently.

The devil's face did not question the boy, but still maintained a "smile" and said:

"You little trash, even if you sell your existence and your soul, you can't even try to reverse what has happened. My child, it's time for you to accept the fact that you have grown up. Please listen: this is a fair deal. This place is not a place for you to make wishes casually, but if you want to make a wish to me, I am very interested."

The boy subconsciously took a step back, and Shade said:

"Don't threaten him, just tell him he doesn't have enough money."

"But that wouldn't be fun."

The face above the campfire smiled. The boy looked pale, but he still mustered up the courage to continue:

"It's okay sir, I accept the status quo, I understand."

His voice became lower and lower, and he suddenly raised his head again and asked:

"I want revenge, I want the power of revenge!"

"How do you take revenge on a meteorite?"

Shade asked in surprise. In fact, he knew very well that the boy must be lying, so he wanted the boy to tell the truth himself. But the boy dodged Shade's eyes and still looked at the devil's giant face. The latter laughed again, and because of his facial movements, the thousands of coins were also rattling:

"That's easy. Don't you already have a dagger?"

This refers to the gift given to the boy by the black shadow who performed the "Sword Swallowing" magic the last time he entered the Black Mist Camp:

"Give me three coins, and I will guide you to find a merchant who can better utilize the power of that dagger. Speaking of which, the merchant's location is on the same road as the merchant the old lady is looking for. You can Let’s go together.”

So the boy also threw out his three coins, and the devil's face spit out another mouthful of black light and attached it to the scale.

"let's go."

Shade said to Miss Higgins, who nodded, and everyone picked up torches from the fire. The demon did not stop them, but said to Shade before the group was about to leave:

"Invited guest, although you have rejected me now, I believe that you will come to me sooner or later. I am looking forward to that moment. Although this camp cannot give you everything you want, but At least it answers most of your questions. I'm looking forward to seeing the look on your face when you discover the true value here."

Shade ignored it and walked into the fog with his companions holding a torch.

PS: It’s the last day of this month, please vote for more updates!

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