Whispering Verse

Chapter 1804 Card Game at the Market

Although you can't see the Black Mist Camp next to the campfire where the demon lives, you can actually walk more than 20 steps along the path and you'll find the camp.

The surrounding air became colder, and the penetrating silence made the soul instinctively feel the dangerous and depressing atmosphere. Everyone kept their mouths shut, and just like last time, for safe passage and to prevent accidental separation, the four people lined up in a line, and the person behind them put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front.

The witch Miss Higgins still controlled the black scale that Shade took a fancy to and walked in the front. Behind her was Old Mrs. Miles, followed by Shade, and the last one was the boy.

Because the target was clear this time, Miss Higgins led the group directly into the camp, and then moved carefully along the path between the shadow vendors.

The direction the four of them were walking this time was completely different from the last time. This meant that although the experience gained last time could still be used, what they would encounter on the road was completely unknown.

The light of the four torches could only illuminate the goods on the stalls on both sides of the road. Under the firelight, everyone walking had different expressions on their faces. Miss Higgins is worried about herself and Mrs. Miles, the old woman is desperate and determined, Shade is frowning and thinking about the confusion in her heart, and the boy behind him is sullen and troubled.

There was silence everywhere, except for the burning flames, even the footsteps were swallowed up by the black mist. There was a faint smell of putrid smell in the air, and the black figures in different postures standing still behind the stall had no faces, but they seemed to be watching them.

The observation while walking once again confirmed to Shade that although these shadows had different postures, their postures were quite consistent. He had noticed this when he first came here, and now he noticed it again, so his other speculations that these things existed other than demons felt a little more true.

Miss Higgins, who was walking ahead, suddenly slowed down while Shade was thinking. It wasn't that they had reached their destination, but that the still black shadow in front of them suddenly started to move, which meant that they had once again encountered the "camp activities" that they had to participate in.

It was a black shadow on the left side of the path between stalls. In front of the black shadow was a rotten and peeling wooden table, with a stack of cards on the table.

When Shade looked over, the black shadow just picked up the playing cards with the golden scale pattern on the back, then picked five cards and put them in front of him, then picked five more and placed them on the table on the side facing away, and finally He put the three black coins in his hand and made a gesture of please.

"Is this... playing cards?"

Shade was a little surprised, and so was Miss Higgins:

"Can you play cards?"

She asked Xiang Xia De softly. The champion of Big City Player 1853 was about to answer, but then realized what time it was:

"But I don't know what card it's playing."

Miss Higgins then tried to ignore the other party and walked directly past the card table, but as soon as she took a step, the sound of clattering chains sounded in the darkness where the light of the torch could not illuminate.

The young red-haired witch glanced at Shade, who nodded cautiously:

"We can only give it a try. Are you coming or am I coming?"

Mrs. Miles, who was between the two, consciously retreated behind the witch, while the boy approached the old lady. Miss Higgins was obviously very afraid of this, and Shade saw her thoughts:

"You owe me a favor when I come this time."

"I see."

So Shade walked to the table and looked at the shadow:

"I'll play cards with you."

It seems that if you win, you will get three coins, but what will happen if you lose is not yet clear. Shade suppressed the anxiety in his heart and reached out to open the first card in front of him. The moment the card was revealed, his eyes widened:

"How can it be?"

The card face is the Moon 4 in the Rhodes card.

Shade is quite sure that there is absolutely no possibility of Rhodes Cards and Rhodes Cards rules in this era. Even the All-Seeing Impermanence Cards should be the rules of the "game of life" in this era.

"Because I opened the cards, all cards are the rules of Rhodes? This black shadow can give different types of cards based on my origin? Wait, it."

He suddenly realized something and quickly turned his head to look around. His pupils contracted slightly, and he immediately realized what he had thought of:

"That's what's interesting."

He took another look at his first card, and then asked the black figure in front of him:

"What rules?"

The shadow stretched out three fingers, and Shade, who was quite familiar with the rules of Rhodes, understood:

"Three games with five cards?"

The shadow nodded slightly.

This is a very special Rhodes card rule, that is, selecting a specific number of cards and then uncovering these cards in turn to complete a specific round of the game. Each card can only be used once and must be played in order. You can only check the next card in advance. That is, if three cards are viewed, the first two must be played.

It is rare to encounter similar rules in regular games. Such strange rules are more common in banquet games. Under such rules, the most important rule is that there must be cards left in the hand in the last round. Therefore, if you want to win under a similar rule system, you must not only calculate your own points, but also the number of remaining rounds. and the number of cards in hand.

After thinking about this, Shade re-covered Moon 4 and pushed it forward:

"In the first round, I play a card."

Black Shadow pushed the first two cover cards forward, and after they were revealed together, Shade's "Moon 4" really lost to the combination of "Sun 5" and "Flower 3".

Shade continued to look at his cards. The second card was the 7 of stars, and the third card was the 5 of the sun. He thought about it and skillfully used the third card to lift the corner of the fourth card and found that it was the 8 of stars.

He breathed a sigh of relief and was about to push out the three cards together, but the witch beside him stopped him:

"Although I don't understand the rules, there is only one card left in the end. Isn't it too risky?"

"I have already lost one round, and I must not lose in the second round."

Shade gave this explanation, and then saw with Miss Higgins that the black shadow pushed out two cards, leaving only the last one.

"If it only comes out with one this round, I have other options, but now I have to use three."

He said this and revealed his cards. Shade had a total of 20 points, while Sombra had Moon 9, Flower 1, and lost the second round with 10 points.

In this way, the final outcome is just the size of the last remaining cards from both sides.

There was nothing to hesitate about. The black shadow opened the cover, and the sun's 11 points made Miss Higgins take a slight breath. Although she didn't know the upper limit of 21 points, she could see that they were competing just now.

"It's too bad."

Shade put his hand on his playing cards, took a deep breath and looked at the back of the cards, then closed his eyes and threw the playing cards on the table. The snapping sound was particularly strange in the quiet camp. He was very sure that he would never lose, not because of the blessing of the God of Gamblers, but because——

"Flowers 12."

The card face is clearly the one [Origin·Earth] that Shade got from Stone Oxenfurt. His ability to reveal the five impermanent cards outside of "Original Silver Moon" at any time comes from the inexplicable "new power" after each major event of the chosen one, and this special power has not been affected for the time being. It can certainly be used in the Fifth Era, subject to any restrictions.

Shade felt the witch beside him hold his breath. None of the other cards had a card face, only this one had a card face, so Miss Higgins could see that there was something wrong with Shade's last card. Of course, if she looked at the back of the card, she would see more problems.

Shade also knew this, so he looked at the dark figure behind the table silently, waiting for the other party to make a judgment.

A few seconds later, the shadow's action was not to point at the card that Shade had drawn and accuse him of cheating, but to slowly push the three black coins in his hand to him.

A smile appeared on Shade's face. This was not because he was happy that his number of coins had become four, but because he had verified one of his conjectures. Although the Wanxiang Impermanence card is magical, it must be recognized, otherwise it will be an ordinary card, and if it is an ordinary card, Heiying has no reason to accept his cheating game.

So the current situation is that this card has obviously been recognized, otherwise it cannot be explained why the other party did not accuse him of cheating.

"Which existence can recognize the Impermanence Card?"

He initially understood what the tree father wanted him to do this time. Demons, black shadows, etc. were all just pretexts used to mislead him. The god of wealth and trade really knows how to joke.

At this time, Shade's number of coins had increased to four. After breathing a sigh of relief, the group set off in a row again, holding hands on the shoulders.

In the next few minutes, they did not encounter this kind of special stall in the market again, and the existence of special stalls was actually rare here.

After a hundred steps away from the card-playing shadow, Miss Higgins stopped again, because the black scales returned to balance here.

The devil just said that the merchant the boy was looking for was on the way Mrs. Miles was looking for the merchant, so this was the boy's destination.

Miss Higgins at the front made way for the boy to approach the stall. When the boy passed behind him, Shade suddenly reached out and held his trembling shoulders:

"Do you know what the most important thing people think about before doing something?"

"Will it be successful?"

The boy stood there without looking back at Shade. Shade always felt that he did not dare to look at him.

"No. The most important thing before doing something is to think about whether you should do it."

Shade gave his answer. The boy nodded, broke away from Shade's hand and came to the stall. Miss Higgins looked at Shade in surprise. Shade shook his head slightly and came to the boy's side.

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