Whispering Verse

Chapter 1815 The fortune teller of the circus

Shade had just known that the four target apples were not normal fruits. First of all, they were incredibly hard, and secondly, they had whispering elements attached to them, which meant that these apples were also one of the items produced in the "Dark Moon Circus."

Seeing that the "game" was over and the onlookers under the stage dispersed, Rusty Edwards floated up to Shade and walked around, praising him for his outstanding performance. Tifa walked onto the stage with the two maids, and explained to Shade in a low voice:

"The Darkmoon Circus produces a variety of unique derivatives and specialties. Such event relics are always like this. They are dangerous but also of great value. Just like this - the golden apple."

Shade picked up the apple and found that it had turned into a heavy piece of pure gold. But if you smell it carefully, you can still smell the fragrance of apple.

"After being consumed completely, it can cure almost all injuries, including irreversible injuries caused by relics. It is a top-notch healing item. In addition, using specific techniques to make potions can temporarily increase luck. However, this requires Only a master pharmacist can make it.”

Fortunately, although Priest August is not yet a true master potion master, neither Granny Cassandra nor Audrey and Megan are.

So Shade temporarily put away the golden apples, discussed with Tifa, and first treated the target boy's injuries, but did not rashly remove him from the many nails. Those nails were all attached to elements and were far away from his body. The vital point is very close, and it is difficult to carry out subsequent treatment if it is rescued hastily.

However, Shade promised the boy that he would come back to rescue him after solving the troubles at the circus, and also helped him remove the match stems from his eyes and the thread from his mouth. The boy had just experienced a nightmare, and now he was satisfied with the promise.

He told Shade and the maids what he knew:

"I just saw that after the group leader came back from the village, he was dragged into the tent by a centaur, oh, yes, a strong female centaur! Oh, I also saw our new accountant, Mr. Merkel , rushed out of his tent with two guns in his hand, and was killed by a man with parrot wings! Yes, those were the wings of Kreacher, the parrot raised by my teacher. It must be those wings! Mr. Merkel was killed by a man with parrot wings. The winged monster captured him and flew to the south!"

He sobbed while providing important information to Shade. Regardless of the situation of the circus leader, the new accountant should not have mastered the skill of "using two guns". Accountants should not have this skill.

Therefore, the unlucky Mr. Merkel was most likely the Gray Glove agent sent by Samuel Anjou to the north shore of the lake that Margaret asked Shade to find.

"This is God's punishment, and we deserve it."

At the end, the boy with a nail in each hand said something shocking:

"I have known for a long time that if you recruit children into the group and then take them to the next place to sell them, you will definitely be punished by the gods. Even if this allows some children who may starve to death to survive, more boys and Girls have lost their lives because of us. Their parents probably thought that they really had the skills to eat, but they didn’t know that they might go to other villages and work as slaves. This is our sin. , I helped them guard the children who wanted to escape, I, I deserve this punishment."

Shade opened his mouth, and Tifa, who was listening to the conversation next to him, said softly:

"Detective, we can't spend too much time here. Diviner."

"Do you have a fortune teller in your circus? Where is he? Have you seen him today?"

The boy was sobbing and finally answered the question:

"Yes, in the pointed tent over there. I haven't seen her today. She doesn't like to be disturbed. She is an old woman with a bad temper."

The fortune tellers in the circus are different from the regular fortune tellers like Luvia who are registered with the Oracle Association and are actively preparing for the "Registered Fortune Teller Examination". The latter rely on real talent, outstanding talent and hard work to achieve their success, while the former are a group of liars.

If anyone dared to compare Luvia with the fortune teller in the circus, even the purple-eyed girl who always had a good temper would definitely teach the rude guy a lesson.

In short, this is Shade's first impression of the circus fortune teller. As for the abilities of the fortune teller after being associated with the relic "Dark Moon Circus", he can only go and see for himself.

After leaving the magician's stage with the girls and Rusty Edwards, the group discovered a stall in the camp that was originally selling normal souvenirs. At this time, they were stopped by a guy with an octopus head and a body dripping with foul-smelling black mucus. On guard, he was selling vicious charms with curses in them.

As for the circus leader that the boy said was taken away by the female horse, Shade originally wanted Rust, who had the most mobility here, to check on the situation. But later, he was worried that something inappropriate for children was happening in the carriage, so he went to check it out himself. Later, he found that the centaur only tied the chubby leader wearing a top hat to the cage door and kept beating him with a bloody whip.

If he didn't know what was wrong with this circus, Shade might have considered rescuing him first. But now that he knew what the other party had done, Shade decided to deal with the fortune teller who was the core of the "Dark Moon Circus" first.

"What did you originally think would happen in the carriage?"

Tifa, who was walking beside Shade, asked softly. Seeing Shade hesitating and not speaking, a bright smile appeared on her face.

The diviner's pointed tent is located in the northwest corner of the entire camp, between the open space where the circus members dry their clothes and the circus leader's exclusive carriage. Because the "Blue Star Circus" itself is not very wealthy, although it can be seen that the owner of the tipi tent has carefully maintained the tent, the age of the tent cannot be concealed.

"There is not a lot of information about the members of the relic [Dark Moon Circus]. This is contaminating knowledge. However, the information the lady gave us shows that we must first defeat the fortune teller and then face her fortune telling before she can be exiled. "

Tifa provided information, while Shade directly felt something was wrong with the tent:

"Space power. The space inside is probably much larger than what we observe outside."

"Be careful."

The black-haired maid said softly, getting ready together with the two girls behind her. Shade looked at the girl's soul floating aside. She looked very interested, and she obviously understood that the worst enemy was inside.

"Let's go."

Shade opened the curtain of the tent and was the first to walk in. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

Above his head, in front of him, on his left and right sides, and even under his feet, were the endless rivers of stars in the deep black sky. The stars twinkled with each other at a strange frequency, and the sea of ​​stars seemed to flow in all directions. The four vibrating elements and the wonderful spirits that made up this space made Sha De actually feel the power of the starry sky for a moment.

"No, it's not a real starry sky, I can't feel the moon!"

The three girls and souls behind him also followed in. The entrance was a curtain that seemed to be integrated with the deep space, but they could no longer be found after entering. They were also surprised by the sight before them, but then they and Shade saw a woman with three heads riding on a broom.

She is wearing a purple-red robe, and each of her three charming and beautiful heads is wearing a black pointed hat decorated with sun, moon and stars. Of course, this kind of clothing that only appears in fairy tales is very effective for scaring country people, but in fact the fortune tellers of the city's prophet association will definitely not dress like this.

"Wearing something so tacky and weird to work will make your colleagues laugh."

This is what the purple-eyed girl said when Shade once asked about Luvia.

"riding a broomstick"

Shade resisted the urge to comment on the other party's image and saw the three-headed fortune teller in the starry sky, riding a broom and circling around the crowd. The three heads each speak different words, and they are all in the language of an older era that is extremely difficult to distinguish:

"You will all die!"

"You can all live!"

"I'm going to make your life worse than death!"

The noisy noise made people upset. The laughing fortune teller shook his fingers. The galaxy, which was originally magnificent and beautiful, was heading into chaos due to her command.

Shade was about to take action when Tifa beside him said softly:

"Can we do it?"

She clasped her hands together and hung them in front of her:

"Since the maids are here, you don't need to take action. Of course, if the maids are not strong enough, please help with this little Miss Edwards."


Shade then gave the opportunity to the three girls. Since they were assigned by the big witch to accept the task, they were naturally prepared.

The three of them faced each other and held hands, forming a standard triangle. Then they closed their eyes and turned their faces upward.

Tifa's eight-ring life ring appeared behind them together with the other two's seven-ring life rings, and the light of the life rings illuminated their beautiful faces. But what lit up was not any of the spiritual runes on the three people's life rings, but the life rings themselves flickering with an ambiguous white light that was difficult to distinguish.

Those rays of light gradually converged into the center of each person's life ring, until they formed an abstract question mark representing the holy symbol of the ancient god "Chaos Witch". Although the symbol in the center of Tifa's life ring is still translucent, it is relatively clear. She is a witch's apprentice after all, while the symbols of the other two girls are extremely blurry.

Although it was the first time they met, Shade also understood that they were using the power shared with them by the Great Witch of Balance.

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