Whispering Verse

Chapter 1816 Divination by three people

Under the reflection of three incomplete ancient sacred emblems, in the center of the triangle formed by the three girls, the shadow of a translucent golden scale appeared. The three maids opened their eyes together at this moment. While the strong wind from unknown origin surged in the sea of ​​stars, a white glass ball in Tifa's pocket flew to one end of the scale.

This glass ball was obviously some kind of relic. There was a clanging sound, as if it really touched the tray of the metal balance. The golden balance tilted sideways, and the whispering element of the white glass ball, which had no signs of losing control, also expanded suddenly. stand up.

In an instant, white light surged out and engulfed everything in the deep night sky. The darkness was covered by white light, and the stars disappeared in the white light. The three-headed fortune teller who was chanting the ancient language was hit by the diffuse white light. All three heads screamed at the same time. She fell off the broom, and then rushed towards everyone with the broom.

"That is a poet-level relic [Hope of the Day]. Its characteristic is to create white light. In extremely rare situations where it is out of control, it will release the light and devour everything with the light, turning all life into light. The lady has prepared this for us, come on Dealing with the power of the fortune teller.”

Tifa, who let go of her two companions' hands, softly explained to Shad that they used the power of the "balanced" witch to force the relics out of control, so the witch's power also protected them, Shad and Rusty Edwards. The latter was not frightened at all, but floated around happily, probably thinking it was some kind of performance.

"However, when they cast spells together like this, they are not merging into one like the thaumaturgy I bought - [Lian Xin], but they are resonating with the same source of power. It turns out that similar phenomena can be achieved in this way."

Shade was thinking in his mind, and the girls also faced the three-headed fortune teller who was obviously severely weakened after losing the advantage of the field.

There was no suspense about what happened next. The elegant maids quickly ended the battle as if they were cleaning up trash. They obviously knew the enemy quite well, so Tifa performed some kind of summoning magic and tied the fortune teller's hand holding the broom with silk threads emerging from the void to prevent her from using it to cast spells. The other two girls were on the left. One right separated and continued to attack with long-range magic.

The broom was similar to a staff, and although it wouldn't make it impossible to cast spells without it, it made the already weakened three-headed fortune teller even weaker. Shade originally thought that he and Rusty Edwards still had a chance to take action, but now it seems that Tifa was just being polite. Even if the three heads of the fortune teller can chant spells and cast spells at the same time, the three maids can also cooperate with each other. To deal with it together.

Before the complete sage-level relic arrived, and Tifa and the other two were fully prepared, the enemy that Shade considered quite difficult was summoned by Tifa in just five minutes wearing black patent leather high heels. And the huge right foot of the red silk wa completely disappeared in the white light.

The out-of-control relic was recovered by the maids. After the white light re-entered the white glass ball, a normal interior scene of the tipi tent was revealed. The thick tent cloth blocked the originally bright sunshine on this Thursday morning, and various strange things such as amethysts, obsidian, stone figures, onions, and silver crosses were hung inside the slightly dim tent.

The pungent smell of spices tickled the nose, and the cabinets on both sides of the tent were filled with crystal balls, plaster skulls and more decorations to set off the atmosphere.

The three diviners were sitting behind the table in the deepest part of the tent. On the table lay the body of the original owner of the tent. The old woman didn't look peaceful when she died. Her bloody body was displayed on the table like food.

The three-headed fortune teller also looks very weak, but Shade, who heard about its characteristics from Tifa, does not think that he can kill it with the next blow.

Sure enough, as the candlelight on the table swayed, three tired but still strange heads hummed softly:

"The three sisters of fate,

Weaving the future of you, me and him.

Threads of bad luck and good fortune,

Weaving the fate of all living beings.

Come on, come on,

Take a look at your future.

Everything is here,

Just waiting for you to see it with your own eyes. "

The three heads looked at everyone together. There was no resentment or malice, only the deep exhaustion as if they had lost all interest:

"Come here, the Dark Moon Circus welcomes you all. Since the leader is not here, please let me divine your destiny."

"Who are you going to choose?"

Tifa asked. Even after a fierce battle, there was just a layer of sweat on her forehead. She seemed to always have the signature elegance of a maid.

Three heads gave three answers:

"I want you!"

"I want that man!"

"I want that soul!"

This answer was also expected, so Tifa, Shade and Rusty Edwards, who looked curious, stepped forward together. The little girl's soul was not afraid of the hideous corpse at all, and did not even pay special attention to it. Like it was just commonplace.

"Three times of divination, three chances. You can let us divination anything about you. As long as you can reveal on the spot at least twice that our divination is wrong, then we will leave here."

The three heads spoke together, but in different languages. As for the "challenges" they put forward, they also fit in well with the circus atmosphere. If the scam is exposed, you can only leave the local area. This is a tacit agreement that everyone will abide by.

Tifa spoke first. She basically carried out this mission with the "Guide to the Darkmoon Circus", so she already knew what to ask:

"I want to divine my marriage. In the future, will I get married, and if I get married, who will I marry?"


Shade looked at her unexpectedly, but Tifa still had a gentle smile on her face.

The head on the left side of the three-headed fortune teller stared at her:

"You are destined not to be happy. Your master will take away all your precious things, and you can only stand aside and watch, but you cannot refute, because you are loyal to her!"

The word "loyalty" stirred up Shade's nerves again, and "she" in his ear smiled softly:

[This maid is considered to be very loyal. 】

"Well Tifa is indeed loyal."

"Am i right?"

The fortune teller asked the smiling girl, and Tifa Servit asked Shade:

"The fortune teller said that I am destined not to be happy, and 'that lady' will take away my things. So, detective, are you willing to give me happiness? Are you willing to stay with me for the rest of your life?"

Black and brownish eyes looked at Shade, with temptation, expectation and something more complicated.

The two girls waiting at the door were chattering excitedly. They were really excited.

Shade hesitated for a moment:

"'That lady' really asked you to come here with this question? Does she know I'm here?"

The black-haired girl smiled:

"What, you don't want to answer me?"

"No, no, I am willing, I am willing to give you happiness. Yes, this is my promise."

Except for the last thing, basically everything happened between him and the head maid in front of him, and of course he would not let it go.

A slight blush appeared on Tifa's cheeks. She clasped her hands behind her back, raised the corners of her mouth, and nodded gently to Shade:

"I also accept your promise."

Then he said to the fortune teller:

"You see, your divination is wrong. I don't know the further future, but at least now, I have got the happiness I want."

[So, Tifa Servit is the most capable girl around you. The Witch Emperors of the Fifth Era may not necessarily be her opponents. 】

"She" continued to tease Shade in his ear, and Shade pretended not to hear. Seeing that the left head talking to Tifa stopped talking, he said to the girl floating next to him:

"Go and try divination. Whatever you want to know, you can tell her."

Rusty Edwards immediately said happily:

"Can I be with Giles forever? Durut Giles, the man lying in the tent over there!"

She tried to trace the shape of Durut Giles with her hands, but her attempt was obviously unsuccessful.

The head on the right side of the three-headed fortune teller then spoke:

"Yes, child, you can be together forever, but after death. I can see your miserable future, it really makes people cry. He will die because of you, and he will not even be able to free his soul. He will be with you forever. Tangled together.”

"Isn't this great? Giles will be mine forever!"

The girl clapped her hands and said, and the head on the right side of the fortune teller also showed a smile similar to hers. They were both happy.

So in the end it was Shade's turn. He looked at Tifa and wanted to ask her the question she didn't use just now, but the black-haired girl smiled and shook her head:

"You can definitely come up with a good question yourself, right?"

Judging from the smile on her face, it seems that this sage-level relic has been completely solved.

Shade wanted to satisfy his little self-esteem. This problem was not difficult, so after thinking for a while, he said what he wanted to divination:

"Will the girl from the unknown past enter my dream?"

He wanted to ask if the long-haired Luvia would meet him in his dream tonight. When Luvia went to the association to inform the association about the "Fate Base" this morning, she said that she would go to St. Teresa Square tonight. Stay overnight. And Shade has completed this month's [Past Life·Sixth Era] time key, so long-haired Luvia should appear.

However, Shade did not believe the three-headed fortune teller in front of him. He knew about the existence of long-haired Luvia, and even his unknowable desires showed a blank expression when Shade asked whether this was the true Sixth Age. Therefore, if the fortune teller guesses "no", then she is wrong; if she guesses "yes", although Shade will not reject Luvia tonight, he can stay up tonight, so he will definitely not be able to sleep. .

He will make his own choice about what the future holds.

PS: Two illustrations, the contents of the illustrations are "Eye" and "Maids"

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