Whispering Verse

Chapter 1827 The doctor’s sense of humor (please vote)

Doctor Schneider and the one-eyed brother were both stunned because they didn't react, and the last time they met was many years ago, so they just subconsciously felt that the other person looked familiar. But soon, the three of them realized who was in front of them almost at the same time:




The two brothers held hands without thinking, stepped back into the mirror that suddenly appeared, and then disappeared with the sound of the lenses shattering. Dr. Schneider looked at this scene in shock, then looked around blankly to confirm that they had left, then took off his hat and walked towards the door of the hotel.

Seeing Shade standing there looking at him, the doctor waved to Shade without asking what the two people were doing here:

"You will never imagine what I just experienced. No, I don't mean meeting those two brothers, I mean five minutes ago."

The doctor gestured and became a little excited:

"I was just walking in the city and almost got hit by a train head-on!"

This sentence almost choked Shade:


"Can you believe it, detective? Yes, right in town, just five minutes ago, I was doing nothing but walking down the street, and then a train hit me!"

Mia on Shade's shoulder looked at the glowing bottle in the doctor's pocket with interest, while the doctor continued to trace the trajectory of the approaching train with his hands. He was really quite angry:

"Who would have thought that something like this could happen in a city? There are no railroad tracks there. God knows where the train came from. I don't care who did it, I will definitely take revenge!"

"Well, doctor, listen to me. If I try to explain this matter, I'm afraid it will be quite complicated."

With a tangled expression, Shade asked the doctor, who was still quite angry, to go inside the hotel to discuss it again. At this time, there was no one on the first floor of the hotel, and the previous guests had all gone outside to watch the fun.

"Then I'll explain it later, but I have good news."

The doctor said, waving his hand:

"The location has been found. Let's hold a dream ceremony tomorrow, Saturday, right? It's best at night, on Green Lake. If you say you have helpers, then call them all. We will arrange a very complicated ceremony on the surface and bottom of the lake to ensure that nothing goes wrong this time. ."

The middle-aged man who had just been nearly hit by a train on the street promised.

"no problem."

With that said, Shade led the doctor to the second floor and entered the restaurant just now.

Meghan was still sitting in the main seat, but Durant Giles and Rusty Edwards were no longer there, leaving only the Green siblings at the table.

"Meghan, let me introduce to you, this is my psychiatrist. Tomorrow night he will perform the dream ritual and lead the capture of the devil."

After that, he introduced to the doctor:

"Doctor, this is a very good friend I met in Green Lake. She is a high-level warlock, very powerful, and she is also a member of the Edwards family I mentioned. She will be by the side to ensure our safety tomorrow, which is considered insurance. means."

Megan was not interested in greeting men, but for the sake of being Shade’s friend, she still said hello softly. As for Dr. Schneider, although he was curious about the relationship between Shade and the noble lady in front of him, he saw that the other party was Gao Huan, and he knew she was very powerful at first glance, so he greeted him respectfully:

"Hello, ma'am."

Then Shade introduced Mr. Soren Green to the doctor as the subject of the dream. Because Shade had greeted Megan and Audrey in advance, Mr. Soren Green also knew about it. Although he was a little nervous , but no problem with that.

So everyone agreed to set off to Green Lake to prepare after lunch tomorrow. Although the doctor never made mistakes when hunting demons, for safety reasons, Shade decided to call Miss Sylvia tomorrow in addition to Megan and Audrey.

As for Carina, she had been busy negotiating for a whole week, and finally it was the weekend. It would be better for the Duchess to take a rest.

"Do you need to prepare anything in advance?"

Mr. Green, who had never done anything like this before, asked the doctor before he was about to go back to his room. The doctor thought for a while:

"Which god do you believe in?"

"The god of war and peace."

As he spoke, he also drew the Holy Emblem on his chest.

The doctor nodded:

"Then before going to bed tonight, don't forget to pray to the gods."

"This will make it impossible for evil spirits to harm us?"

"No, no, if something happens tomorrow, since you have prayed, maybe God will really rescue us."

The doctor still has a great sense of humor.

Now that he was ready to fall asleep on Saturday night to find Yalu, the demon of the labyrinth, the date at the opera house that Shade had agreed with Lesia on Saturday night could not go ahead without Agelina as the doorkeeper.

After he returned to Tobesk that night, he turned into a cat and went to Yodel Palace to find Lesia and express his apology.

Her Royal Highness the Princess is very reasonable and knows that Shade must have something important to do, so the date can be moved to next Monday - she will accompany Queen Diana to the banquet on Sunday night.

Of course, as compensation for postponing the date, Lesia wanted to pet Shade, who was in cat form, but unfortunately Shade refused:

"Why do you have the same idea as Carina?"

The red-haired girl sat on a chair by the window of her bedroom, leaning on the window sill with her right hand to support her face, smiling as she looked at the silver cat standing between the flower pots in the night outside the window sill. The moon shone on the cat and the flowers, and she wanted to draw the scene in front of her:

"I feel relieved knowing that Carina didn't succeed either. Good night Shade, I wish you sweet dreams. I hope you can see me in your dreams, just like I always miss you in my dreams."

No one came to visit the house that night, and both Shade and the cat on the pillow went to bed early. However, early on Saturday morning, Priest August came to visit him early in the morning. The old priest changed out of his usual clerical robes and put on an old-fashioned brown coat and black trousers, with an unlit pipe in his mouth.

If he had another cane, he would look exactly like a wealthy old gentleman:

"I'll leave by train at noon. If nothing happens on the way, you can see me at Green Lake on Monday evening."

Priest Augustus has already taken care of other things in the church. The purpose of this trip to the church is that he wants to go outside to relax after a long absence, and he will be back in half a month to a month.

The priest is already very old. Bishop Owen of the Dawn Church in this diocese originally wanted to send someone to go with the priest August, but the old priest finally refused.

"This trip will probably be interesting. I wonder how the spring at Green Lake compares to the fall at Fort Midhill."

After seeing off the priest, Shade went to the Prophet's Association to meet Luvia and informed her of tonight's actions before setting off for Green Lake.

He did not take the initiative to mention Dr. Schneider. He only said that a friend of Tobesk was there to help him. However, since the doctor who rarely postpones group meetings is not here now, the purple-eyed girl can naturally guess who Shade is talking about.

But she didn't ask any more questions, and just told Shade to be careful:

"Next Monday, as soon as the secondment letter arrives, I will leave for Green Lake. The association has a way to open a temporary channel without me having to take the train. Next Monday, you can see me in Green Lake."

"Well next Monday, the Green Lake Hotel will probably be very busy."

Shade was thankful again. Fortunately, Miss Writer had not had any thoughts of leaving the city recently, otherwise things would have been really bad.

After returning home from the Prophet's Association, it was time to prepare for departure. Little Mia must not be taken with her. This cat has no ability to face the devil. Shade had agreed with Lesia yesterday to let Dorothy take care of it today.

As for the relics to be carried, the [Demon Hunting Seal] and the [Night Watcher], which Shade has not taken out for a long time, are of course the most important. To be honest, although during the Green Lake incident, Shade's most commonly used weapon was the [Yectrasil Staff], he still felt that the [Night Watch] was easier to use.

It's just that as a sword, it's really inconvenient to carry it around with you.

After Dorothy arrived at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, Shade set out from the basement. The doctor, the Green siblings, Megan, and Audrey were already ready. They all had lunch together at the hotel and then set off in a carriage.

At almost 12:30 noon, a group of people boarded the witch's luxury cruise ship at the city pier. After the cruise ship carried a group of people to the shore of Kawakou Lake, Megan personally used magic to create the illusion that the cruise ship was parked near the shore. Then the rituals engraved inside the hull were activated layer by layer, in conjunction with the documents Megan specially brought. The super relic [The Silver Flute of the Day-Wandering Soul] allows the cruise ship to truly hide in the sun.

The coffin specially prepared by the doctor was moved from the reeds to the cruise ship. After the cruise ship entered the area selected by the doctor, the witch's followers started busy on and off the water surface according to the drawings drawn by the doctor in advance. Arrangements were made.

Originally, there was only one doctor. No matter how familiar he was with the devil's methods, he could only act alone if he wanted to counterattack. Now with the help of a group of ladies from the middle and even high rings, the doctor can better implement his plan.

However, he did not participate in the early ceremony arrangements. Instead, he entered the cabin with Mr. Green. He wanted to adjust Mr. Green's mental state in advance to ensure that there would be no other accidents in the dream when he fell asleep at night.

As for Shade, he and the witch, now Audrey, stood in front of the railing beside the deck, overlooking the thick fog in the center of the lake. In the past, even on a clear day, the fog covering the island in the middle of the lake could not be observed from a distance. But since the sudden change on the island in the middle of the lake on the night of the lunar eclipse, on a clear day, the Ring Warlocks can still vaguely see traces of fog even if they stand on the dock of Pukhov Village on the shore.

"There's something wrong with that friend of yours."

Audrey said suddenly, interrupting Shade's thoughts.

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