Whispering Verse

Chapter 1828 Sauron Green’s Dream

Chapter 1828 Sauron Green’s Dream

"Doctor have a question?"

Shade looked at the brown-haired girl doubtfully:

"Is something wrong?"

Audrey saw that Shade's expression didn't look like he was pretending, so she said as briefly as possible:

"Does he know a little too much about demons? It's the sixth era now. Although evil spirits and demons can still appear occasionally, the probability is almost the same as the probability of angel-level relics appearing. In this era, such demons really exist Hunter'? You know my seat on the council, but I feel like even I don't know as much about those evil spirits as you do your friends."

After speaking, he added:

"Sorry, I'm not questioning your friend. I can see that he really wants to help us catch that demon, but"

Shade shook his head slightly:

"I thought something was wrong, but it turned out that this is what you said. Don't worry, I can completely trust the doctor, Audrey, I know what I am doing. As for the doctor's matters, that is his own personal secret, you don't have to Thinking about exploring. After tonight, please forget who came to help us, it doesn't matter. Someone once said that the power of sin is also power, not to mention that the doctor is just an ordinary ring warlock who just happens to know a few more things. "

"Sin is also power" is what "Desire" says.

So the witch nodded, hugged Shade's arm again, and looked with him toward the island shrouded in mist.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Miss Sylvia arrived at the cruise ship with her three Central followers to join Shad and Audrey as planned. But in addition to the three young ladies, Margaret also came with her.

The blonde princess explained her purpose very well:

"I am Miss Benenice's apprentice. The teacher has not come yet. I think it is necessary for me to take part in this important operation in her place. Please don't treat me as a princess. Since I am determined to become a teacher's apprentice, I will definitely Do what an apprentice should do.”

As he spoke, he smiled sweetly at Shade. Audrey on the side, even though she had heard about the relationship between Shade and the princess, still sighed in her heart about Shade's clever methods.

Although Miss Carina was not allowed to attend this event considering that she was very busy recently, the Duchess still asked Tifa to bring two ladies with high rings to help at around five o'clock.

As a result, not counting Shade, Doctor Schneider, and the two great witches, there were already 11 high-level warlocks and more than thirty middle-level ladies on the cruise ship at this time. With a team of this strength, even if they were to land on the island again, there would probably be no problem.

The arrangement of the ceremony is actually not troublesome. The real difficulty is how to counterattack from the island after the plan is successful. The group of people worked from noon to evening, had a hurried dinner and then made the last step of safety confirmation.

When the sun has completely sunk below the horizon, March is hanging behind the clouds, and the stars are obscured by dark clouds, tonight's action will officially begin.

Three coffins were placed on the deck of the cruise ship. The largest one was prepared by the doctor, and the other two were improvised on the ship in the afternoon. But except for size, the appearance of the three wooden coffins is almost identical. Densely packed demonic runes were carved on the inner wall of the coffin, while fine linear notches were carved on the outside of the coffin, and processed gold threads were then embedded in the notches.

Mr. Sauron Green, who was well prepared, drank the sleeping potion, held the [Demon Hunting Seal] that Shade lent him, and lay down in the specially made coffin. The seal was used to ensure his life safety. . Shade and the doctor entered the other two smaller coffins respectively.

The coffin was sealed and the lid was quite flat. On it were written line by line the secret text of the dreamland that had been lost since ancient times. The three coffins were then connected to each other with black iron chains. The three sections of chains ensured that the three coffins formed a triangle.

After confirming that everything was ready, Audrey and Miss Sylvia raised their hands to let the coffins slowly rise into the air and then fall into the water. The ripples spread around in circles, forming a translucent silver halo due to the influence of the ritual on the water surface.

"start the timer."

The two great witches said.


Tifa and Margaret each held a pocket watch and pressed the button on the watch head.

"Be alert."

The girls on the deck jumped off the deck and spread out around the side of the ship. Their high heels touch the water, and the ripples like ink stains interact with each other, completely spreading out the ritual traces hidden in the water.

Audrey sent a signal, and the girl who was left in the city was ready to tell the church that something big would happen in Green Lake soon. Miss Sylvia pulled off a piece of hair and blew it gently, and the black hair flew to a high place with the night wind on the lake. At the moment it was level with the mast, it merged into the fine dark golden grid that flashed in the air.

All defense and reconnaissance rituals have been started, and the relics ready to be used have been put in place. All that is left is to wait.

Under the water, the coffin shook when it touched the bottom of the lake, giving Shade the signal. He closed his eyes, and the potion he drank in advance smoothly led him into dreamland. While the demonic inscriptions inside the coffin shone with a ghostly light at the frequency of breathing, Shade held the [Night Watcher] in his hand, allowing his consciousness to completely enter other people's dreams.

It was as if a big hole was exposed at the bottom of the coffin. Shade fell from the hole into the bottomless abyss, and his consciousness gradually sank. The outsider in the dream world has visited many times, so when his body fell lightly from the sky, he immediately looked around to confirm the environment, and then found that he was actually sitting on the first floor of the Green Lake Hotel, next to the table near the counter.

The air smelled of wet earth, it was dark outside the hotel, and the pouring rain gave this dream a dark tone. There were no other guests on the entire first floor of the hotel, and there was no one behind the counter. The gas lamp on the wall emits a dark light like a horror story, and the humid air makes people particularly uncomfortable:

"Why are you here?"

"This is the scene that sticks out most in his memory."

The doctor's voice came. He was sitting on the left side of Shade. He took off his hat and put it on the table. The dim light shrouded most of his face in shadow. Only his blue eyes had some light, but the doctor didn't care about this.

Bill Schneider looked around carefully. As the leader of the ceremony, he could observe more than Shade:

"It seems that the place I chose is very good, and your friends arranged the ceremony very accurately. In this dream, we have the following privileges: 100% restoration of the magic and thaumaturgy in reality, and the casting materials No materials are needed, the relics at hand can be realized, and there is no need to worry about harming the owner of the dream. Except for you and me, any extraordinary power will be suppressed. "

Shade immediately reached out and made a move, and the silver sword [Night Watcher] appeared in his hand. When he saw the doctor instinctively hiding, he knew that the doctor next to him was not pretending:

"But the location of the door we are looking for is in the old Edwards house on Central Island in Green Lake. It is not close to this hotel. I thought that even if the place where the dream started was not the pier on Central Island, at least it was On the boat on the lake.”

"Detective, in the world of dreams, distance is not a problem."

The doctor shook his head, tapped his fingers on the table twice, and a pocket watch appeared out of thin air. He picked it up and took a look. The pocket watch had only one hand, which was pointing at "1". He tapped the table again, and an identical pocket watch appeared and fell into Shade's hands:

"Good, now this dream has not been invaded by any other power or soul except the two of us. Now you can relax a little, this journey will not be long. You can treat this dream as a game, the pocket watch pointer represents the distance purpose The distance to the ground and the possibility of encountering danger. With so many preparations, the possibility of problems is very small."

"Doctor, please don't say such things."

As the master of the dream, Mr. Soren Green's projection in the dream world is not by their side. But there was no need for them to take the initiative to look for it. The doctor, who was more comfortable in the dream world, called out against the background of the sound of rain outside the door:

"Is the hotel owner here? We're ordering food."

After the words fell, Mr. Soren Green straightened up and appeared behind the empty counter. He strode towards the two of them with a smile on his face and a menu in his hand:

"Guests, what do you want to eat? Look at the damn weather. Do you want a cup of hot tea to warm you up?"

"Look, he was really impressed by this place the most."

The doctor said to Shade, and then said what he wanted:

"I want the following: sun, daisies, lipstick, fat cat, smoked salmon."

This is a mental hint set by the doctor in advance to ensure that Mr. Soren Green can wake up from his dream.

As his words fell, the middle-aged man holding the menu was in a daze for a while, and then he almost lost his balance while holding the table with one hand.

He looked around in surprise, and then looked at his hands in disbelief:

"This is actually a dream?"

"Yes, your dream. But do you like rainy nights? Look outside, it's raining really hard."

Mr. Green immediately shook his head:

"Of course I don't like rain. If it rains, there will be no guests."

"Megan also said that when she took the initiative to enter dreams in the Green Lake area, her dreams were always gloomy and dark."

Shade added, and the doctor nodded:

"It doesn't matter if it rains. Let's set off now. Although I have already emphasized it in reality, I would like to ask you to repeat the next key points."

"I have to follow you all the time. No matter what happens, I can't walk alone."

Mr. Green said very carefully, not saying a single word wrong.

"Until we see that door, doctor, you won't take action. I will handle the battle."

Shade also said.

"Very good, as long as you stick to these two points, the rest will be fine."

"So how are we going to land on the island? Do you need me to imagine a carriage and go to the dock first?"

Mr. Green asked curiously. Although he had been trained by a doctor on the basics of dreams, his understanding of dreams was still quite superficial.

"No, no, it's not that complicated. Look, where are we now?"

As he spoke, the doctor suddenly waved his hand in front of him. After less than a second of obstruction, when Mr. Green looked in front of him again, the surroundings were already the lake in the night rain. Shade and the doctor were holding umbrellas, and the doctor also handed him an umbrella. At the feet of the three of them was an old wooden boat that was automatically heading toward the white mist in the distance.

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