Whispering Verse

Chapter 1834 Candidates and the Second Game

The girls in the sky have fallen to the deck, and Shade, who jumped off the deck, has also walked towards the doctor. On the deck, the beautiful blond witch held her waist with one hand and fiddled with her long hair sideways with the other hand, letting it fly in the night wind, and then asked rudely:

"Audrey, long time no see. What's your relationship with Shade?"

Her politeness was short-lived.

Behind her, Sirius shook his head to the great witch of "knowledge and wisdom" with an expression that was half-smiling and half-helpless. Miss Edwards also asked rather politely:

"Vanessa, what's your relationship with Shade? Speaking of which, we are all sisters in the Council. You can't hide any secrets from others, right?"

After experiencing the "joke" at the banquet that Miss Carina specially arranged and planned for them, the great witch is no longer afraid of other questioning. The last time I was caught off guard by the duchess's shameless sneak attack, now that I was well prepared, how could I fall into a disadvantage:

"You guys haven't hidden anything from me, just like I haven't hidden anything from you, right?"

Looking at the double gazes of Megan and Audrey, Miss Benanis blinked her eyes. Under the hint of Miss Sylvia, she also understood that Audrey Edwards already knew all the secrets:

"Of course we are sisters of the Council. Therefore, everyone must keep Shade's affairs a secret."

So the two hands were held together, and then Miss Sylvia's hand stretched out and connected with the other two. The way the witches shake hands is the ancient etiquette of the Fifth Age. It is not palm to palm, but the hooking of thumb and little finger. Because in addition to the three witches, there is also the hand of the spirit Audrey, so the scene becomes a little strange.

Siris, Tifa and Margaret watched this scene behind the three of them, and everyone was quite satisfied with it:

"The Parliament is more united."

As for Shade, he was already standing with the blue-eyed psychiatrist on the gradually calming lake.

"very smooth."

The doctor said with a smile, and threw the black cube that sealed Gratoni Edwards and Pride Edwards to Shade.

"New skill? Sealing technique?"

"It's almost the same, but it's not easy to seal a being that's stronger than me. This time, thanks to this friend's illusion, I was able to confuse the dragon."

He pointed to the bottle to the side. Although the blue giant spirit in the bottle did not appear, the speed of the colorful smoke spinning accelerated a bit. It doesn't seem to be so reluctant to help the doctor.

They stopped talking, turned their backs to the cruise ship behind them, and looked in the direction of the foggy islands. Regardless of the situation of the battle just now, there was no abnormality on the island.

But at this moment, at the edge of the thick fog, a figure walked out from the direction of the island. This was of course not Laplace Klein Howard, but a man whose entire body was made of wriggling tentacles.

According to the corpse Mr. Nicholas Green, he should be the younger brother of the second-generation Edwards, Sloth Edwards, who gave birth to the third generation of three people. When he was old, he was injected with the power of evil because of the fear of death. .

This was not the first time that Shade saw the opponent. When he saw it taking the initiative, he was immediately ready to continue fighting.

But Sloth Edwards was only here to deliver his father's words:

"Please give me my son and my daughter back."

He stood on the edge of the thick fog and said to the two men under the moon:

"In exchange, you can know who the second candidate for the Space Chosen One is."

Shade frowned slightly and looked at the doctor. The doctor didn't care about it:

"That is your trophy, you can do with it as you wish. But you don't have to worry, the demon that gave them power has been sealed by me. In a short time, they will no longer be able to fight. Who is the chosen one in the space?"

After just thinking about it, Shade bent down and placed the black cube on the lake. The underwater tentacles pulled it underwater. The tentacles were raised at Sloth's feet and handed the cube into his hands:

"Father said that the second candidate is related to my sister and the man she chose. The candidates involved in the family are limited to this and are no longer related to other candidates in line."

The sister of Sloth Edwards is Rusty Edwards, who is still in the spirit state.

Shade nodded. The wonderful connection and fate of Rust Edwards and Durut Gilles had already pointed out the future they might encounter. But the individual Rusty Edwards is related to both the first and second candidates. Shade can only say that the eldest daughter of the Edwards family is worthy of being the first descendant cultivated by the fortune teller. .

Just a few minutes before Shade and the doctor were talking to Sloth Edwards on the lake, at the Green Lake City Railway Station on the north shore of Green Lake, a seventeen-year-old girl with long brown hair stepped out of the train car. She was very unladylike. Stretched:

"I'll definitely take the airship next time. Train travel is really boring."

"I do think it's fun to take the train once in a while. When I was your age, I didn't have this kind of convenient transportation."

The librarian of St. Byrons walked out of the carriage behind her with a smile. On this train were not only Iluna and her team from the Church of the Sun, who came from the Holy See, but also professors from St. Byrons Comprehensive College who came along with them.

Iluna was unconvinced about Miss Daniste's opinion. She was standing on the platform at the moment, and the hot white steam mist on both sides that was constantly spraying from the bottom of the train to both sides made the air moist.

Together they looked up at the southern night sky:

"It looks really lively tonight."

A huge black cube stands under the southern starry sky. Even though they can only see one-third of the cube from their current angle, Iluna and Miss Danister can feel the feeling that can be seen almost at a glance. The power of a foul soul.

"what happened?"

The ring warlocks who had just arrived in the city met up with the team from the local church, and then quickly contacted the church to confirm what had happened.

However, Iluna was not very interested in this. She said goodbye to Miss Denister and her group, but did not return to the church with the Sun Church team. Instead, she said that she wanted to walk around the city alone and see This city at night:

"I want to understand this place from my own perspective. As for what happens in the south, I don't think I have to do everything, right?"

This request sounds strange, but Iluna is the chosen one, and she has such a privilege. So her luggage was taken away first, and the seventeen-year-old girl waved goodbye to her companions temporarily at the door of the train station.

The gas street lamp on the side of the train station illuminated Iluna's delicate profile. Her shadow fell on the long road paved with stone bricks. She looked up at the city. It was old and shabby. It was neither as warm as the hometown where she grew up nor as prosperous as the city of Tobesk where she worked.

Taking a deep breath, the hazy night fog is filled with the unique stench of urban pollution, but it is not as pure as the "Steam City" Tobesk. Inspiration can be felt, the depressive and heavy atmosphere is hovering in the sky, and the smell of fear and tension is lingering in the streets and alleys.

Iluna Bayas admitted that she didn't like it here. She never loved everything in the world equally. She only liked what she liked.

He sighed and asked the blond man in a white robe who appeared next to him at some point:

"Can the second game start?"

The man stepped out of the shadows outside the bright gas street lights. His attire was incompatible with this era and the current street scene. He was holding a rolled parchment roll in his hand. The bottom of his simple yet mysterious robe almost touched the ground. .

He looked at Iluna with an enigmatic expression that suggested he was only speaking half of his words:

"Good evening, chosen hero."

"Good evening, if. To be honest, I originally thought you would show up earlier."

Facing this unknowable relic, Iluna still spoke in a relaxed tone.

"So you're ready?"

The seventeen-year-old girl smiled, walked a few steps forward and came under the street lamp. Amidst the slight sound of insects hitting the lampshade, she said what she had been preparing for a long time:

"Let's get started. Let me see what you want to tell me."

"Should I remind you, this is the second of three games."

The blond man in white robe nodded and unrolled the parchment under the streetlight at the entrance of the train station in this ancient but dilapidated city.

Although it was already dark, there were no other people at the entrance of the train station, but no one saw this strange scene under the street lights. The golden thread was in the air between the two people, using beautiful floral Delrayon letters to outline what was being read:

[You are Iluna Emilia Bayas, the chosen hero, the balanced chosen one, and the protagonist of the stage. 】

[On the 10th of the month of praying for rain, you completed the half-week training at the Holy See and arrived in Green Lake City by train to participate in the investigation mission of the Space Chosen Ones. 】

[You bid farewell to your companions temporarily under the night and plan to walk around the city by yourself. So what are you going to do now? 】

[1. Go alone to investigate the anomalies in the south of the city. Maybe I can solve the matter myself. 】

【2. Go to Green Lake Hotel, I know there is someone I miss there. 】

[3. Walk around the city as planned. Depending on my luck, I might encounter relics. 】

[4. It’s already late at night. It’s better to go back and rest. It might be a good idea to take a carriage. 】

[5. Maybe there are other ideas. 】

The golden letters floating in front of her illuminated Iluna's face. The light was no brighter than the light in the dirty gas lampshade, so most of her face was still in shadow.

Iluna noticed that this time the "what if game" was a little more complicated than the last time. Last time there were no such options and it was purely up to her.

No need to think, Iluna Bayas already knew what she was going to do:

"I had my own idea. I went back into the train station, covered my face with magic, and then bought a train ticket to Carson Creek-Huntington. I looked at the train timetable and there will be a train in half an hour. Train. Since it’s a game, be bold. Why do I have to stay here?”

PS: The picture of this chapter is "The Promise of the Witches".

I know the fingers are weird. Fortunately, the content of this chapter can explain it: in addition to the three people, this is also the hand of the spirit Audrey.

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