Whispering Verse

Chapter 1835 Red Hair and Iluna

[You chose to leave Green Lake City beyond everyone’s expectations. No one noticed your departure without saying goodbye for the time being. 】

[The long train journey bored you, but you still managed to reach the city of red wine - Huntington. 】

[After a night’s rest, what are you going to do next? 】

[1. Maybe it would be a good idea to visit the underground wine cellar of the White Valley Vineyard. 】

[2. I did something wrong and left Green Lake City without reporting. I should have gone to the local church to inform me of my whereabouts. 】

【3. This is a city I have never been to. I want to take a walk around the city. 】

【4. This is a city I have never been to. I want to go shopping outside the city. 】

[5. I have my own ideas. 】

"I have my own idea. Go to the city to catch a wild cat, and then spend money to rent a horse. I will ride out of the city. The target is the lakes on the outskirts of Huntingdon, one after another."

[You rode the horse with the wild cat in your arms and spent a day wandering around the outskirts of Huntington. Nothing happened. 】

"Continue the next day."

[You rode the horse with the wild cat in your arms and spent a day wandering around the outskirts of Huntington. Nothing happened. 】

"Continue on the third day."

[The wildcat escaped, and you rode your horse and spent the day wandering around the outskirts of Huntington. You encounter the evil spirit in the lake and the battle begins. You win. Your horse died as a result and you paid a large sum of money. 】

".Catch another cat on the fourth day, rent a horse, and continue."

[You rode the horse with the wild cat in your arms and spent a day wandering around the outskirts of Huntington. You meet Professor Kansas Drake, who is disabled in both legs. You and he are strangers, but he refuses to talk to you about the rumors of the "Lady of the Lake." 】

Iluna remembered this name. Shade mentioned this professor who pursued the mystery, but after he really found the mystery, he voluntarily gave up because of fear and fear. According to the current time, the other party should have moved to Willondale City and lives with his son:

"Continue on the fifth day."

[You rode the horse with the wild cat in your arms and spent a day wandering around the outskirts of Huntington. You met a vampire noble who ran a winery. You didn't know each other. He seemed to be afraid of you, and you failed to talk to him. 】

"Continue to catch another cat on the sixth day."

This conversation was repeated for a long, long time, but Iluna did not give up under the street lamp. Even though as time went by, she was under increasing pressure from the unknown relics, but she still did not give up. She still remembered "If" said that the purpose of this game was to save the one she loved. Iluna knew what she loved and she would not give up this opportunity.

"On the ninety-ninth day, hide from the church's team after disguise, replace with two new cats and a new horse, and continue."

[You rode a horse with two wild cats in your arms and spent half a day wandering around the outskirts of Huntington City. While having lunch at the country village tavern, you heard the villagers talking about the rumor that someone had witnessed a barefoot red-haired girl standing on the lake. 】

Iluna smiled, knowing that she had finally found a clue, but she had no way of guessing who the "red hair" was:

"Ask the villagers what they are talking about. Convince them with a few coins if necessary."

[You inquired about the specific information from the villagers. In the afternoon, you held the cat and rode a horse to wait on the shore of the lake near the village. 】

[On that evening with the brilliant orange sunset, you were at the lake and found a red-haired girl in white clothes and bare feet who stepped into the water from the shore and walked towards the middle of the lake. What should you do? 】

【1. Hold the cat and chase after it. 】

【2. Hold the horse and catch up. 】

【3. Give her a hit with your best "sunshine gun". 】

【4. Call her name. 】

[5. I have my own ideas. 】

"Well what do you mean holding a horse?"

The girl with long brown hair looked at the golden light in front of her and asked suspiciously to the blond man in white robe holding the scroll. He stood under the street lamp, his whole body was illuminated, and smiled at Iluna:

"Look, with the second option, you won't question why you used the sun gun on her."

The corners of Iluna's mouth trembled:

"I want to call her name. Since there is this option, it means that I must know her. Although I know many red-haired girls, there are not many ring magicians among them. Who is the red-haired Kavin? Where’s Dish?”

It's definitely not Miss Carina. Iluna doesn't think that the duchess can still be called a "girl". Of course, she only dares to think about it in her heart. There are still one and a half ring warlocks left in the Cavendish family, one is Lesia and the other half is Agelina.

From the last experience, Iluna has guessed that the "what if" game probably happened at a time that has been annihilated in the past, but the date should still be 1854. Although what happened in 1854 in "What If Game" is very different from what happened now - for example, there was no Shade, Iluna still believed that Agelina would not have awakened as a ring sorcerer so early:

"Calling name: Lesia Cavendish."

[You faced the back and called out the name you recognized in your heart. 】

[You were watched by the red-haired girl on the water. Agelina Cavendish didn't know you, but she was curious why you called out her sister's name. 】

[You had a conversation with her. 】

[You tried to ask her to help you meet the Lady of the Lake, and Agelina Cavendish asked you to give a reason. 】

【1. I fell in love with your sister. 】

【2.I fell in love with you. 】

【3. I fell in love with the Lady of the Lake. 】

[4. I’m in love with your cat. 】

【5. I have fallen in love with the person you will fall in love with in the future, and I will take him away, so please let us save him together. 】

【6. I have my own ideas. 】

"Oh, I guessed the name wrong."

Iluna said softly, and then glanced at the "what if" under the street light:

"The first five options, the banter is fun."

"Yeah, I've always had a sense of humor."

Iluna took a deep breath to prevent herself from showing a rude expression. She was actually very smart. It was just because Shade and Luvia had been rushing to do various things that she didn't have the chance to express herself:

"Agelina appeared in Huntington in the spring of 1854. Without Shade, no one would help Lesia and the female writer, so what can this little princess do? Guessed."

Shade talked to her about the Red Butterfly Twins last year, so she became one of the few people who knew the general outline of the matter:

"I have my own ideas. I'm going to tell her that I came to see the Lady of the Lake because I saw all the tragedy. Coldwater Harbor, Tobesk, Fort Midhill, Pantanal, Randall Vale I want to solve the tragedy of it all, including the tragedy of her sister and the other Goldilocks. I want her to help me."

Iluna said seriously, and with the "what if" narration, the story continued to develop:

[You gained the trust of Agelina Cavendish, and she allowed you to release the two poor wild cats. 】

[Under her leadership, you entered the Lake of Cherubim. 】

[You have met the Lady of the Lake - the first wise angel, and you feel that you have become smarter. 】

Iluna did not feel that she had become smarter. She only felt that after reading these words, the throbbing pain in her temples was relieved a lot.

[You entered the heart of the lake, the island in the center of the lake, and you saw Agelina Cavendish speaking first, talking to the angel holding the staff. 】

[1. Turn around and leave for now. I won’t eavesdrop. 】

[2. Turn around and pretend not to eavesdrop. 】

[3. They didn’t drive me away, so I don’t need to avoid them. 】

[4. Be the first to speak and tell your own story. 】

[5. I have my own ideas. 】


Iluna said, and then saw "If" glanced at her, the seventeen-year-old girl pretended not to see:

"keep going."

[You turned around and could only hear a few words "butterfly", "death", "natural formation", "save the world", "space" and "the chosen one of the witch" in the conversation behind you. 】


Iluna was slightly surprised, but she knew she was not here to hear this. Moreover, even if what she heard was not necessarily true, otherwise she would not have died so quickly the last time she went to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

[You have learned that Agelina Cavendish is completing the mission of Cherubim in search of answers. 】

[She discovered your eavesdropping, and her liking for you has dropped. 】

[Agelina Cavendish leaves temporarily. 】

[You faced the Cherubim, and the angel asked you why you came here. 】

There was no option this time. The blond man holding the scroll looked at Iluna. The seventeen-year-old girl spoke directly without thinking. Since she last saw "If" and asked Shade how to see "cherubi", From now on, Iluna has thought about everything:

"Hello. My name is Iluna Emilia Bayas, and I would like to ask for your help."

She looked at the golden words floating in the air and found that at some point, there were some shadows of falling white feathers in the words. Although she was a little surprised, Iluna continued:

"I'm not talking to you directly, I'm playing the game of unknowable relic [what if]. This game seems to be simulating a lost time. And from my perspective in the future, the time you were talking to me at this time Among them, there is missing a crucial person who can reverse the tragedy of those who are bound to happen. I don’t want you to help me find him, I want to save him, because he may have saved everyone, but only He alone cannot save himself. Please give me guidance and praise the God of Knowledge and Wisdom - [Guardian of Secrets]."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the blond man in white robe under the gas street lamp:

"If you can't give me guidance, then please tell me how to deal with the unknown relic [if]. I really need your help."

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Sunset, Lake and Girl".

The maximum width-to-height ratio of the illustrations in this article is 16:9. In a longer format, this picture actually looks better.

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