Whispering Verse

Chapter 1836 The troubles of seventeen years old

Iluna said these words in one breath, very satisfied with the solution she came up with. She only had three chances, although she really wanted to understand what happened to the lost Sixth Age and why Shade only existed in the "now". But since there are not enough opportunities, we can only seize the most critical problems, and the remaining problems can be left to Shade and Luvia to solve.

[You asked the Lady of the Lake your doubts, but the angel remained silent for a long time. 】

[The angel was silent for a long time. 】

[The angel was silent for a long time. 】

The sound of "what if" and the golden light mark in front of her were describing the same sentence repeatedly. Iluna, who was bored by this, turned her head slightly to look at the street scene. The night was getting darker and darker, and the people who had just walked out of the train station gradually disappeared into the city. Only a few carriage drivers who continued to wait for their guests gathered together and talked with each other.

The night wind blew up the flyers on the ground, and Iluna's dynamic vision helped her capture sentences such as "The territory cannot be reduced at all." The police patrolling at night passed by from the other side of the street carrying kerosene lamps, but they did not look at the "two people" under the street lamp.

Iluna turned her head to look at the golden text that was still pulling down, and then unexpectedly discovered that the many white feathers that were originally just shadows had become more solid at this time. She reached out curiously and touched it. The words had no touch, just light, but the feathers actually had touch. It was a pity that although she could touch them, they could not stay in her hands.

[The angel asked you if you need to change a request. 】

[He can guide you to gain power beyond the thirteen rings. 】

[He can tell you the whereabouts of the remaining eleven chosen ones. 】

[He can give you wisdom that is enough to defeat all powerful enemies: the unknowable relic - the Matte Crown. 】

[He can help you break through the secrets and lies of the world. 】

"No need to say so much, I just want to know how I can save Shade Suellen Hamilton. When you came to me, didn't you say that only I could help him and save him?"

Iluna raised her head slightly:

"Tell me the answer. If even Cherubim can't tell me, then in the next game, I will ask the gods for help. There will always be someone who can give me a hint. If no one can help me, I will not rely on others but myself. Help Shade.”

There was no one she knew well here, so she could say this. This was a small romance that belonged exclusively to Iluna Emilia Bayas.

"If" looked at the girl at the edge of the streetlight, he did not continue the story, but frowned and asked:

"The chosen hero, do you like him so much?"

The seventeen-year-old girl smiled:

"This is my privacy. I won't tell others casually. Please continue. What did the angel say?"

[You informed the Lady of the Lake of your persistence. 】

[The Lady of the Lake did not tell you the answer you wanted. 】

After the words "what if" fell, the continuous golden cursive text exploded silently in front of Iluna. The golden debris that exploded made Iluna subconsciously take a step back. Then in the golden light, many white feathers gathered into a transparent figure. If it were not dark, Iluna might not even be able to see it.

The white figure holding a long staff said to Iluna:

"Chosen hero, balanced chosen one, protagonist of the stage, what you are exploring is the deepest and final secret of this world. Fate guides, wisdom enlightens, but this is still not enough. You still need at least two helpers , Time and Space, the Guardians of Doom, or the assistance of the Fire Keepers. Find who you can find, and you will get the answer."

Iluna blinked:

"The Guardian of Doom and the Guardian of Fire, I can probably guess that it has something to do with Sister Devlin. What are time and space?"

Then, she thought that the "guidance of fate" refers to the "what if" in front of her, and the "enlightenment of wisdom" is this wise angel:

"So, I need to find an existence on the same level as 'angels' and unknown-level relics?"

The transparent white figure shook its head and disappeared into the night of Green Lake City. Iluna frowned and took out her five "Wise Man's Pyroxene" from her pocket. The blue stone exuded a faint light. She still didn't feel that she had become smarter, but she vaguely understood that she had touched the truth.

"What if" continues the unfinished game:

[You were forced to leave the Lake of Cherubim. 】

[You met Agelina Cavendish, who asked you why you eavesdropped on her affairs. 】

Iluna looked up, she had a bad feeling.

[Enter the battle, Agelina Cavendish launches an attack on you. 】


Iluna immediately raised her hand to interrupt him. She looked at the unknown relic in front of her:

"I know that there were many things in that lost time that I can't imagine now. But it doesn't matter if I was killed by some doomsday gatekeeper, the guardian of the sanctuary, or the undead of eternal humanity last time. It's impossible to beat Agelina Cavendish, right? After all, I am also the chosen one, and she was still an ordinary person at least when she met Shade in 1853. Even if there is no time for Shade, She suddenly became a ring sorcerer when she first met Shade. It was less than a year ago in the spring of 1854. There is no way she could kill me, right? Don't tell me, is she really a witch and a creature of chaos? The Chosen One.”

"If" smiled at her:

[After a difficult battle that lasted three hours, you barely defeated Agelina Cavendish, who wanted to teach you a small lesson. 】

"Hardly. Hardly. Next time in the game, I won't be surprised even if you say that I am defeated by Shade's cat, Little Mia."

"If" looked at her with a smile:

[Your battle alarmed the Orthodox Church in Huntingdon City. 】

[The church discovered that you were seriously injured, and you were forced to return to Green Lake to face a situation that was completely out of control. 】

[Space is chaotic, and the exiled enemies from the back of the world have returned. Evil creatures, demons, undead, dragons, the enemies entrenched above Green Lake are no longer something you can fight against. 】

[You were forced to join the battle late, and you faced Laplace Klein Edwards alone. 】

[You know his secret. Due to the witch's escape, the Chosen One incompletely absorbed the entire family. But without the Witch Edwards, it is more in line with the imperfect image of the ancient god's "connection and rupture" - [primordial rift]. 】

[You were defeated by the Chosen One of Space. 】

[You failed. The space chosen ones retreated to Green Lake Town. In the mansion covered by white mist, they waited for the arrival of the final day with their family members in the banquet of the wine of immortality. 】

[The Green Lake incident is over, and you returned to Tobesk City in despair. 】

Although Iluna did not "die" this time, the second game ended abruptly. Iluna was not disappointed. Instead, she was satisfied because she knew a series of key information. So the scroll was put away, and the middle-aged man with white robe and blond hair bowed slightly to Iluna:

"Thank you again for everything you have done for this world, Chosen One of Balance. Please let us look forward to our next meeting, which will be the last game."

"I see."

Iluna, who was still thinking about who she should go to, nodded and watched the other person take a step back into the night until the figure was completely invisible.

She sighed softly, emptying her head for a moment, looking up at the night sky covered by clouds, and then at the three moons. Suddenly, she was stunned because she saw a silver-haired woman curled up in the silver moon. Her head was tilted and she was sleeping leaning on the hands that were held together.

But before she could see clearly, the strange figure disappeared.

The gentle moonlight shone on Iluna's body, and another voice in her ear reminded softly:

[Eluna, you have some insights into "Silver Moon". 】

After a short pause:

[This is the second time you have had special feelings about the "Silver Moon" since you held the Chosen Ceremony and saw Shad. Next time, you may be able to obtain the miracle - Silver Moon. 】

The long brown hair swayed slightly with the night wind, and the young girl had one more thing to worry about.

Of course, Shade on the other side didn't even know that Iluna had arrived locally. After the tentacled man Sloth Edwards retreated, the doctor had no intention of letting more people see him, so he prepared to leave:

"Come to me in my room after you go back, and I will extract the demonic remains for you. In addition, the demons in the labyrinth imprisoned many souls. Now these souls are in the demonic remains. Let's discuss how to deal with them."

He was a little tired, but more excited. He waved his hand to Shade, and then took the glowing bottle containing the wish demon and stepped on the coffin that resurfaced, as if on a skateboard. He left. This was very funny. Shade was glad that the doctor didn't look back at him when he left calmly.

However, Dr. Schneider won't leave Green Lake so soon. He also has to make coins to fool the greedy demons of the Fifth Age. If we return to Tobesk now, the train journey will take a lot of time. So he planned to make it here, and it happened that the sage-level relic [Greed's Reward] beside him could also help.

But in this way, the day after tomorrow, that is, the 12th day of the rain month next Monday, when Luvia and Priest August arrive at Green Lake, there will be four people in the group here.

He stood on the lake and sighed:

"May 12th, March 12th, doesn't it happen to be"

[Randall Valley, the banquet of the earth. 】

Two months have passed since the end of the story of "The Chosen One of the Earth", and the situation in the Green Lake area today is no better than it was then.

Shade didn't sigh on the water for too long, and quickly returned to the boat, telling the ladies on the boat about the conversation he had just had with Sloth Edwards. Miss Benenice, Miss Sylvia and Megan all agreed with Shade's judgment. Compared with capturing two members of the Edwards family who are temporarily unable to fight, it is of course more important to obtain news about the chosen one.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "The Moon and the Goddess".

It seems that after the title of the figure chapter, there will automatically be a symbol, I will not add an asterisk in the future.

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