Whispering Verse

Chapter 1837 The Harvest of Demon Hunting

"So, the second candidates are Rust Edwards and Durant Giles."

The cruise ship carried the ladies and Shade toward the north shore of Green Lake. The church team arrived belatedly again and "passed by" the group.

"I'm afraid so."

Shade nodded slightly and asked the three witches on the deck:

"Rather than integrating the entire family and holding the Chosen Ceremony with Megan's ancestors, I am more inclined to let the two of them become the chosen ones. Luvia thinks so too."

Upon hearing the name of the purple-eyed fortune teller, Miss Benanis and Miss Sylvia both nodded subconsciously. In the battle of Randall Valley, although Luvia did not exert much combat effectiveness, everyone knew that the female diviner was the one who had been providing information and direction to Shade. Facts have also proved that she His divination ability is only slightly inferior to the top ones in the world.

Of course Margaret, Siris and Tifa also knew about Luvia. When Shade said this, they knew that the matter had actually been decided. But only Megan and Audrey didn't understand what this name represented. The physical Megan and Audrey, who gradually changed from gold to translucent white, looked curiously at the changing expressions on the faces of their colleagues. :

"Luvia? Sounds like a lady, didn't know she was."

Miss Benenice and Miss Sylvia looked at each other, laughed, and then looked at their common student. Then Margaret, who also found this matter interesting, said:

"That lady is a very capable fortune teller living in Tobesk. She is about the same age as me. She is the one who guides Shade to pursue the Chosen One, and she is also the first girl to know Shade."

After a pause, he added:

"Her eyes are beautiful, that color is rare."

Everyone else nodded in agreement, and Shade then said:

"The day after tomorrow, that is Monday, Luvia will be here, and you can see her then."

Megan and Audrey understand it this way. The two sisters are actually the same person. They have the same mind in a true sense. They both know what the other person and themselves are thinking - being suppressed by Carina can still make excuses for the other person to be a witch. , but if they were just ordinary ring warlocks, the two sisters should not be overwhelmed by each other in an instant.

It was dark at night. After the cruise ship returned to Green Lake, Miss Sylvia opened the portal and took Miss Benanis, Siris and a group of followers back to the city on the other side of the lake. Tifa took the maid Let's go back to see the Duchess. Shade wanted to go back to the Green Lake Hotel to meet with the doctor, so Megan and Audrey arranged a carriage to take him back at the dock next to the river in the city.

However, when saying goodbye to the two witches, Shade rarely took the initiative to hug her, and then said in the ear of Megan, who was dominating the body:

"You were really harsh on your grandmother, Grattonie Edwards, just now."

"Even if we are a family, I won't. What did you say?"

The brown-haired witch broke away from Shade's arms and looked at him in surprise. Shade pursed his lips and decided that since it was embarrassing, he might as well say it directly:

"Remember, isn't your father suspected of being an adopted son? Yes, he is indeed a child arranged for adoption. But in fact, he is your ancestor, your grandfather Pride Edwards, and your grandfather's sister Grato Ni blood is made through the human body.”

Megan stared at him, as if she couldn't immediately understand what he said. Therefore, until Shade entered the Green Lake Hotel, it was still difficult for him to forget the two minutes when the two of them looked at each other, as if the air would freeze.

Fortunately, Megan and Audrey finally accepted this fact. However, she also wondered whether the uniqueness of the two sisters was also related to that special human body refining.

Shade was thinking about these things as he climbed the stairs. When passing by the second floor, he looked at the rooms of Durut Giles and Rust Edwards. After knowing the importance of Rust Edwards, whether to still let her stay in this hotel with Durut Giles became a very important question. However, this matter can be discussed with the witches tomorrow. The Green Lake Hotel itself has a ritual set up by Megan and Audrey to protect the Green siblings. Tomorrow and Sunday, the witches will solve the problem of their safety.

Arriving on the third floor, he knocked on the door and entered the doctor's room. The doctor, with the bottle floating next to him, handed the wine glass to Shade:

"Come on, celebrate."

He seemed to have prepared the red wine a long time ago, and never thought that this demon hunting operation would fail. Of course, it turns out that at least this time, the doctor's plan actually worked.

"Doctor, you acted very quickly. When the black cube created by the illusion appeared in the sky, I almost thought it was Yaru who had come to the real world."

"Thanks to it, it's its illusion."

The doctor pointed at the bottle. Colorful smoke was swirling in the bottle, and the blue "giant" hidden inside could not be seen:

"The demon in the labyrinth is not outstanding in combat ability. It probably didn't expect to encounter me. You attracted most of the attention, which is why we went so smoothly there."

He pointed at the bottle, and the bottle filled with smoke temporarily floated into the bedroom nearby, leaving room for the two of them to talk.

Steam mist appeared behind the doctor, and then the seven-ring life ring appeared. Of the four spiritual runes required for the Seventh Ring, currently only [Enlightenment] is lacking, but this should not be difficult for the doctor:

"I'm still digesting Yalu's power, and it will only take a month or two to reach the eighth ring. Look at this."

He pointed to the "blasphemous-maze":

"This is the most important gain this time. The ability to seal the black dragon shown to you is derived from this. Of course, I can only seal those weak and seriously injured enemies. Not everyone can seal it."

"This is very reasonable, and if you encounter enemies that are inconvenient to kill immediately in the future, doctor, your new skill will be very useful. However, I am really looking forward to doctor, you can obtain the 'space' spirit rune."

"I don't have that kind of talent."

The doctor said modestly as a new black cube appeared in his hand. The surface of the cube seemed smooth, but after falling into Shade's hands, he felt extremely slippery.

"The demonic wreckage you want. This wreckage is not as powerful as the stone mirror's wreckage, but it is equally dangerous. No matter what you plan to do with it, dispose of it as soon as possible. It's a pity. Although Yalu is also a famous ancient evil demon, this Most of the guy’s properties and collections are in a different dimension that none of us know about, so we won’t gain as much this time as we did last time.”

Shade still remembers how rich the "legacy" Goethe left to the two of them. If it weren't for it, it would have been very difficult for Shade to collect Carina's "love token" later.

Although he didn't gain much, the doctor still obtained some demonic materials and three relics. Those dangerous materials belong to the doctor himself, and even he himself does not dare to use most of them and can only destroy them properly.

The doctor originally wanted Shade to hold the three relics, but one of them was still given to the doctor by Shade. That was the clerical-level relic [Maze Candle] he had seen when he, Luvia and Iluna broke into the underground ruins of Tobesk and defeated the "Silver Eyed Man" on the night of the God's advent last summer. This relic can be used very well. Help doctors digest the power of the maze.

There are two relics left, three to be exact. Two of them are clerical-level [Soul Coins of Fanatic Believers] with hidden human faces and the text "Faith, therefore value". These are currencies that can be traded with demons, but the transaction will lead to one's own corruption. The last thing Shade also recognized was the poet-level relic [Master Key] that he once obtained from the [God's Gift Box]. The key itself was as long as Shade's hand.

The last key obtained was consumed by Luvia and Carina last autumn in order to save Shad and his gang from death. At the same time, the [Traveler's Travel Door] was also consumed, so in There is a door leading to the [Soul Cemetery] in the corridor on the third floor of Xia De's house.

"I can still understand that the demon carries the maze candle and the soul coin with him. What is it doing with the master key?"

Shade's fingers caressed the words "The only lock that cannot be opened is the lock of girls' hearts" on the surface of the key.

"I don't know. I only gain the power of demons, not their memories. But it should be important. Demons don't actually like to carry relics with them."

The doctor answered, then asked another question:

"It's strange to say that I thought that when I destroyed it, the fortune teller you mentioned would stop me. I even made plans to fight with him in the same way, but in the end he didn't show up. Did you give up on Yalu?"

"Probably because the devil is not a member of the Edwards family. The fortune teller appeared when Edwards was in danger."

"Does he love his offspring or not?"

With that said, he took out another black cube. This time, the surface of the cube is not smooth at all. Various screaming and twisted faces constantly appear on the six sides of the cube:

"All the souls imprisoned by it are here. If it is the third era now, with this thing, you can probably find a demon and change the country. Fortunately, when the third era is over, if you can't deal with it, just hand it over Give the church a headache.”

"I'll take care of it."

Shade said cautiously, and then asked about the bottle:

"Are you going to keep [The Repayment of Greed] with you forever? I see that you are very happy to work together."

"Detective, who do you think I am? I told you to leave after handling the matter here. Of course I wouldn't lie."

The doctor said it decently, but Shade clearly remembered that he said at the beginning that after dealing with the labyrinth demon Yaru, he would let the bottle go.

In short, by the time Shade returned home, it was already ten o'clock that night. He walked down from the attic with Mia in his arms and yawned, and found that there was no one else in the house. Luvia had to pack her luggage for a business trip. Lecia and Dorothy both knew that Shad would not be back until very late tonight, so they did not come to visit.

He climbed up to the third floor with the cat, turned on the gas light in the corridor, and then opened the crack leading to real death at the [Soul Cemetery].

The black cube that imprisoned countless souls was held in Shade's hand. Its mass was very light, but it was also very heavy:

"I don't know how many stories there are here."

Thinking in his mind, he made a move to throw into the crack. So, it flew from the corridor into the pale beach, and then fell silently into the calm water in front of the beach.

There was no sound, not even water splash appeared, but there seemed to be some unclear figures on the water surface that was already filled with thousands of souls. They walked towards the half-sunken moon in the distance. Shade watched the scene quietly from outside the crack, listening to some faint voices whispering gratitude in his ears.

He held the cat with squinting eyes in his arms, stood in the corridor and looked at the deserted half-moon, letting the moonlight illuminate his face, and did not leave for a long time.

PS: The soul cannot be carried through the [Space Maze], so Shade stored the photos of Haila Oxenfurt's family in the Church of the Forgotten instead of taking them back. This time I was able to carry so many souls through the [Space Maze] because these souls had no intelligence and were lost under the torture of demons. That's why Shade was needed to help them leave.

In addition, the effect of [Cinderella] can bring living people and souls home, but this is very expensive when the mystery lock is not open, and it is impossible to bring so many souls.

Finally, [Ragrai's Jump] can now bring people, but unfortunately the distance is not enough.

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