Whispering Verse

Chapter 1843 Night of Chaos

"It's okay here, they are just ordinary people."

Shade explained. The long-blond Miss Benanis looked around and nodded:

"There's already a fight in the opera house, but it should just attract attention. The fight tonight is really big. Margaret, you stay here, I will make you unconscious."

"Yes, teacher."

said the princess on the carriage.

"Shadow, use Moonlight Slash on us."

The silver moonlight flew towards the witches, and the three of them raised their hands together. The broken moonlight flew into three parts and flew towards the side wall of the alley, leaving deep, glowing marks on the wall:

"That's it. Margaret, you don't have to explain anything. You are the victim. The ordinary people who attacked you were just unlucky enough to meet people who were trying to save the beauty heroically."

Then he said to others:

"I will stay here and wait until the people from Gray Gloves come to find me before returning to the Opera House. Siris is now controlling the memory of me in the Opera House, so I will not arouse any suspicion. Audrey, you go where you should go now. , remember to explain why you are late for the meeting with the princess. Sylvia, you and Shade should investigate."

This is Miss Benenice's home court, so she will arrange the next steps. Everyone else nodded in agreement and then took action.

Miss Sylvia reached out and grabbed Shade's arm:

"Don't resist."

Shade's eyes only dimmed when he realized that the two of them were already standing on the highest point of the spire-like roof of the opera house, with a stone statue of an owl next to them. The view here is extremely wide. Although it is night, Shade's eyesight allows him to clearly see groups of police and large numbers of troops approaching with the Glass Bottle Opera House as the center.

However, this attack was purely caused by ordinary people, so there was no movement in the church's ranks.

"How are we going to track it down?"

Shade asked, and Miss Sylvia replied:

"Before I came over with them, I bumped into a gunman outside and asked about some things. Now use your senses to cooperate with me to determine whether there is an abnormal space area nearby."

She put her right hand on Shade's shoulder, and then the two of them cast spells together:

"Spatial perception."

"Enhanced spatial awareness."

Two extremely powerful mental powers swept across the entire area. This time, the Great Witch of Space and Shade cast the spell with all their strength. Looking down from a high place, Shade even felt that he had completely mastered all the terrain details of the nearby area. It was simply It's like having an accurate real-time map in your head.

"What thaumaturgy did you use?"

Miss Sylvia was a little surprised. She also saw a similar scene to Shade:

"You don't have to answer me, you can talk to me later, it's not important. I found it, come with me."

The witch's golden eyes looked towards the destination, and then she took another step forward. The two disappeared from the roof of the Opera House and appeared in a closed watch shop on the southeast side of the Opera House.

Although the store door was closed and there were no lights on inside, there were actually three men sitting inside the store who were constantly checking their pocket watches. After Shade and Miss Sylvia appeared out of thin air, the three of them immediately raised their guns and pointed them at them, but there was only a click, and the three heads turned back almost at the same time.

The sound of the corpse falling to the ground was a bit dull, and the abnormal space zone was located on the wall behind the counter of this watch shop. The great witch of space just checked and found out what was going on:

"The spatial anomaly that was accidentally linked here was originally quite weak. It was almost the same as the crack you saw after eating the mushroom Audrey mentioned. It will be fine if you leave it alone. There have been many such things recently. . However, someone used special space power to fix this link point into a temporary space door. Although it cannot exist for a long time, it is still no problem to maintain it for a few hours. It is amazing. I want to see who is on the other side. ."

She was not worried about encountering an ambush. The other party only sent ordinary people, which showed that they still did not dare to violate the Official Secrets Act, so there was absolutely no strong enemy on the other side. The life ring appeared behind her, and Miss Sylvia and Shade walked through the vaguely door-shaped area on the wall. The feeling of weightlessness only lasted for a short second and then ended. Lights appeared overhead, and a wooden door standing in the center of the foyer was pushed open. Shade and Miss Sylvia walked out of the door one after another.

"The door opened, are they back? No, no, they are not our people!"

Panic screams came from around the foyer and from the fence on the second floor above. After a series of crackling gunshots, dozens of bullets lay still around Shade and Miss Sylvia. The witch looked up and looked around. As she waved her hand, all the bullets returned along the same path and hit everyone who was shooting around.

"Be quick, the church will be able to find out here soon."

"Yes, I understand."

Both Shade and the Witch knew what they were going to do. After scanning the building with spatial perception and powerful spatial perception, they each took a step in different directions and disappeared into the foyer together. In the room upstairs, panicked shouts, gunshots and other sounds of fighting followed.

Just five minutes later, with a shocking loud noise on the third floor of this secret manor hidden in the northern suburbs of Michaela Blast Furnace City, three figures broke through the glass and fell into the yard in embarrassment from the third floor. Then Miss Sylvia flew out surrounded by red butterflies. Shade appeared among the red butterflies and dropped the evil holy emblem in his hand on the ground:

"The Tyranny Club."

There are a large number of ordinary people and a few ring warlocks in the manor. The three people in front of them are all middle ring warlocks, and none of them can beat Shade. The highest among them is the eighth ring, but even in total, it is no match for Miss Sylvia.

"Who made that space door?"

The witch asked a crucial question, and the three people who landed on the ground got up without answering. The eighth-, seventh- and sixth-ring life rings appeared respectively, and the blasphemy-[fear][fog][poison] respectively emitted dazzling silver auras:

"Fear Aura!"

"The fog of war!"

"Deadly Mercury!"

The silver mist with the power to corrode the body and soul floated away, but Miss Sylvia just waved her hand, and the deadly silver mist disappeared as if it had been erased.

The three of them each held the Holy Emblem and praised the evil god - [God of Tyranny] in unison. However, as soon as they started to speak the words of praise, the chest of one of them was pierced by the thunder gun thrown by Shade. The silver thunder exploded, blowing away the entire right side of his body, but he was only unconscious but not dead.

The remaining two people used the evil god's magic together, and the giant black hand condensed out of the air and struck Miss Sylvia, but the witch just stepped lightly and avoided it, causing the mansion behind her to burst into black flames. impact.

She raised her head and looked into the distance, then raised her hand to imprison the sixth-ringed woman in place using a space seal. The remaining eight-ring warlocks turned and flew into the distance, and then ran into the church's ring warlocks coming from the night sky.

They were two twelve-ring warlocks. Neither Shade nor Miss Sylvia knew them, but the traces of divine magic on their bodies that symbolized the Righteous God [Peaceful Father] could not be forged.

The two easily caught the injured Eighth Ring man. After landing, they looked at the remaining people in the hidden manor. After considering it for a moment, the old man with glasses said:

"Is there any information you can share?"

Miss Sylvia looked at Shade, and Shade said:

"We have been tracking the [Tyranny Club] for a long time. Tonight, we encountered them assassinating Margaret Anjou and found their stronghold outside the city. The church should already know that there is an Edwards in the [Tyranny Club]. We I suspect that the space door connecting this manor to the clock shop in the city was the work of Edwards. This special power that is different from the ring warlock system should be the talent of Edwards' bloodline."

Among the three prisoners, Miss Sylvia will take the woman with the sixth ring back for interrogation, and the church can take away the other two. The two twelve-ring warlocks from the Peace Church looked at each other:

"Who are you?"

"Witches' Council."

Miss Sylvia admitted generously that although there was a man standing next to her, no one knew whether it was an illusion:

"We shared the intelligence, it's your turn, what happened tonight?"

The church's ring magicians are not stingy with information that can be easily found:

"[The Tyranny Club] planned an attack on Princess Margaret of Anjou. Not only her, but Duke Simil and Prince Samuel Anjou were also attacked at the same time. Samuel Anjou was knocked down by the guards , he was lucky to escape, but Duke Simil was shot in the right leg. Bleeding from the aorta was very dangerous, so it was good to deal with it in time. The body left behind by the attacker had the identification mark of MI6. As for whether it was They, this has nothing to do with us people.”

MI6's operations will definitely not allow their own people to wear identification tags, so they must not be from MI6.

Miss Sylvia nodded:

"The two fifth-generation Edwards of the Tyranny Club and the Dragon Eater Order may have important information about that island. If you can get it, the Parliament is willing to exchange it for other information."

This once again confirmed her identity.

The old man wearing glasses nodded and suddenly asked:

"Are there any of you in the Edwards family?"

Miss Sylvia smiled and took the hand of the immobile woman with six rings:

"You guess."

After an explosion, a golden-black vortex appeared behind her. Shade nodded politely to the two high-level warlocks and walked in first, followed closely by Miss Sylvia.

Several more gunshots were heard in the distance, startling the birds in the woods. To the north is the calm night Green Lake, and to the south is the City of Glass. Just in the direction of the city, burning black smoke appeared from unknown time.

The silent night may not be silent anymore.

PS: Illustration "City of Glass at Night"

PS2: It’s still an update from the Silver League, thanks to @the idle streamer. (4/10)

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