Whispering Verse

Chapter 1844 Luvia and the Twin Witches

The 12th of the month of praying for rain, Monday, 9:30 am.

On the south bank of Green Lake, the city of Michaela Blast Furnace, which is caught in a vortex of disputes, is still under semi-martial law. The police are shuttling through the streets and alleys, posting wanted notices and searching for suspicious people to show their loyalty to the royal family.

In Green Lake City on the north shore of the lake, although it was once again shrouded in hazy light rain, it was surprisingly peaceful. The rain was not heavy, and pedestrians passed by the Green Lake Hotel in a hurry, some of them even without umbrellas.

In the corner of the first floor of the hotel, the well-fed little Mia lay on Shade's lap and dozed off. Shade opened the newspaper and looked at the big news that happened in the city on the other side of the lake last night reported on the front page -

"The Assassination of Princess Margaret!" 》

The incident happened at around nine o'clock last night, but this morning's morning paper published a detailed news report and a black-and-white photo of the night view of the "Glass Bottle Opera House". The newspaper office had obviously received the task.

Shade was holding the "Green Lake City Morning News" at this time. The front page reported the assassination incident, and at the end stated that the investigation of the matter was still continuing, and the current suspicion was "Delin Orr Zionists" He colluded with illegal cultists and tried to disrupt the negotiations between the two countries by assassinating the princess.

As for "Drin Orzionist", Miss Carina mentioned it when she explained the situation to Shade. This was the name of the principality before the establishment of the largest county-level administrative unit in the southeast of Kasenlik today.

After reading the report, Shade picked up another newspaper on the teacup on the table. Another newspaper is full of Kasenlik language. This is the Glassworker's Newspaper, the largest circulation newspaper in the City of Glass. Mr. Soren Green specially sent people to the Kasenlik Chamber of Commerce in the city early in the morning. Bought.

Of course, if it weren't for the fact that Carson's largest-circulation newspapers are all headquartered in Willendale, it would still take a while to get first-hand news there. In fact, what Shade should have obtained at this time is "Carson's News" Kechen Bao".

"Princess Margaret was assassinated, Duke Simil was shot and may face amputation, and Green Lake negotiations are at a deadlock."

He read out the somewhat long news headline and sighed softly. Reading the content of the article carefully, this newspaper probably received instructions, so it did not speculate that "MI6" led the assassination, but only hinted at it. The focus in the news was still on the "Delin'all Zionists" and illegal cultists, but even Shade could guess what the citizens would think.

"You don't even need to instigate it. Now that something like this is happening, who would not think of MI6?"

MI6 and Gray Gloves are feared not only because of their special functions, but also because they are really doing assassination and other work, and they are licensed.

"Mia, Mia, is a war coming?"

Shade put down the newspaper and sighed while touching the cat on his lap. Little Mia's cat hair felt very good and was very comfortable to touch.

"As a professional diviner, I can responsibly tell you that there is currently no strange divination method such as 'asking the cat'. If you want to know the future, please go to the Oracle Association to spend money for help. Our fees It’s very transparent, but there’s no guarantee that the divination will be correct. After all, fate is unpredictable.”

A familiar voice came. Shade took the newspaper away and saw a purple-eyed girl wearing a loose long-sleeved white top with ruffled cuffs, a sky blue skirt, and a yellow wide-brimmed hat with small flowers.

Luvia's outfit is a common travel outfit for intellectual girls from middle-class families. She smiled at Shade, obviously happy to see Shade here.

"Oh, Luvia, it's so nice to finally see you again."

Shade put the cat on the table, stood up and gave Luvia a hug. Of course the fortune teller lady would not refuse, but she was a little confused:

"Why do you say 'finally'? Didn't we just say goodbye at the door of your house an hour ago?"

The diviners summoned by the Prophet Association all came to the local area through special means, so there was no travel time at all.

"It's not important. It's just a form of welcome. Sit down."

He called the waiter over and prepared hot tea for Luvia. Luvia took this opportunity to observe this hotel located in the center of Green Lake City. The decoration was simple and had a sense of the times, but Luvia happened to like this style.

"Has the association arranged your accommodation?"

"More than ten diviners from the headquarters came and were arranged to live in the Dawn Church, which is the closest to here. There are about thirty or forty of us diviners recruited from all over the Old World and we don't live in the city. Five The Church of God has set up a camp by Green Lake, and if we live there, we can easily participate in operations at any time."


"It's not the tent you imagined. The accommodation conditions are pretty good. But by then, I may not be able to see you often. After all, I'm here to perform a mission."

Luvia picked up the tea cup. Although she heard Shade talk about last night's events this morning, it was not in detail, so she heard Shade talk about the assassination of Princess Margaret in the newspapers of the two countries. Later, Luvia followed Shade to the third floor, where she met Dr. Schneider, who had already heard that she was coming, and chatted with the doctor about the bad spring weather here.

Not long after, news of the arrival of Megan, who came to the hotel basement to arrange the ceremony, reached Shade. So Shade took Luvia to the basement to meet the great witch of wisdom and knowledge. Luvia showed great interest in this:

"Very interesting, I've wanted to meet her for a long time."

However, in just one day, the hotel basement that was originally used to store food had been cleared out, and another basement exit that was not usually used was opened, which led to the small yard behind the hotel. The girls who followed the great witch had already transported the necessary ritual materials and supplies and started working actively.

Megan also heard that Shade met a girl with short brown hair in the hotel this morning, so she guessed that it was the "rumored" Luvia Anat. When Shade took Luvia to see the witch in the very busy hotel basement, she smiled and politely extended her hand to Luvia:

"Megan Edwards, Audrey Edwards."

"Luvia Anat."

The temporary gas lamp installed above the basement illuminated their beautiful faces. When Luvia looked at the special witch in front of her with interest, Megan also looked at Luvia:

"Good temperament, but very ordinary clothes."

She said to her sister in her heart, and Audrey reminded her:

"Look at that pretty white headband."

Meghan's eyes moved slightly, and then her pupils shrank:

"A whole unicorn tail feather?"

It was a gift given generously by the elf girl Emilia when they were in the Randall Valley. This was not something that money could buy.

She calmed down:

"I've heard Shade talk about you a long time ago, Miss Anat, you are as beautiful as Carina and the others said."

Luvia smiled and shook her head:

"I've heard Shade talk about your beauty a long time ago. Shade really won't lie to me. Thank you very much for taking care of Shade in Green Lake City during this time. He is always uneasy."

The two of them didn't talk in a hushed tone, so the other girls in the basement could hear. Among them, the maids sent by Miss Carina were the most familiar with Shade's situation. They whispered what they knew to their companions, and then continued to quietly listen to the conversation together.

Shade wanted to speak, but was stopped by Luvia's smile. Hearing what Luvia said, Megan looked into her eyes, and then had to admit that those eyes were really beautiful, and she was fascinated for a moment. He moved his gaze away from Luvia's eyes and was about to speak when he heard Luvia ask softly again:

"Can I meet the other Miss Edwards?"

Megan then gave up the control of her body to Audrey, who winked at Luvia, and the purple-eyed girl praised:

"I've heard from Shade that you two are perfect as one, but I didn't expect it to be so outstanding. However, you don't seem to be very used to it yet. Please hold my hand."

The two hands were held together again, and after a moment, Audrey showed a surprised expression. Luvia smiled and motioned for Shade to take two steps back with her, and then the two of them watched the shadow squirming under the witch's feet. Then, behind Audrey Edwards, two brand new smooth arms grew out of her clothes.

The witch looked at her two brand new hands in surprise, and then took turns clasping the palms of the four hands. This is her special birthmark that shows part of Megan's limbs, but until she meets Luvia, she can only show smaller organs such as ears, nose, and mouth at most. If she needs sister assistance during battle, , and it only appears in the form of a spiritual body.

"how did you do it?"

Shade was also a little surprised and asked the smiling Luvia. The purple-eyed girl lowered her voice slightly:

"When I saw her just now, I somehow understood that my thaumaturgy [Destined Trajectory] was effective on her."

Since Luvia became a ring sorcerer, she often acquires some inexplicable magical powers due to her insights during divination. However, this is also the normal situation for diviners. There are rewards and dangers. After all, no one knows what they will see.

But when he saw Megan and Audrey, he suddenly realized that his thaumaturgy was effective, which still made Shade feel a little strange.

"Her" laughter suddenly sounded in his ears, and then Shade saw a double image of Luvia appearing in his eyes, and her hair seemed to grow longer. After taking a closer look, I realized that it was not a double image. It was clearly the long-haired Luvia's shadow and the short-haired Luvia overlapping each other, smiling at Shade. The long hair was the shadow's hair. But the long-haired Luvia only appeared for a few seconds and then disappeared.

PS: Thanks to @the idle streamer, the boss rewarded another silver leader. Since it is really impossible to add updates immediately, and the quality of the updates must be considered, it may take a week or two to complete the remaining updates. (5/20)

Thanks again for the support, much appreciated.

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