Whispering Verse

Chapter 1845 Mechanical Prayer

"It was the long-haired Luvia who gave Luvia the strength and tips to help Audrey and Megan? But why?"

【You really don’t understand? 】

"She" smiled softly in his ear.

Audrey was astonished and checked Megan's two arms, which were revealed by the birthmarks. After taking them back, when she looked at Luvia, her eyes showed a little more respect. Before meeting this rumored fortune teller, she originally thought about overpowering him in terms of momentum, otherwise she might be "bullied" by him like Carina.

At this time, her mentality changed. Luvia Anat was very friendly to her, and although the other party was not strong, she was definitely not ordinary. She pursed her lips and didn't know what to say, so the girl with purple eyes said softly:

"The story in the future is still very long. I can see the arc of destiny. There will be more and more dangers and tests. Shade needs the power of the witches."


Audrey nodded, looking at the person in front of her with her golden eyes, somewhat understanding what the other witches said about Luvia:

"Xia De is really lucky to be the first to meet you."

This made Luvia a little embarrassed, so she looked at Shade:

"Didn't you prepare a gift this morning?"

"What? Oh, yes."

Shade took out a small ruby ​​butterfly pendant hanging on a silk thread from his pocket, patted off little Mia's claws, and handed it to Luvia.

Luvia motioned for Audrey to lower her head, and then hung it around her neck with her own hands:

"This is the pendant that was once blessed by the Church of the Twin Gods, the old gods of the fifth era. It is most suitable for you, so give it to you as a gift."

This gift came from this morning's [God's Gift Box]. Although it was only an ancient magical item rather than a relic, it was another extraordinary gift that Shade received. Because there were traces of the twin gods' magic, Shade was familiar with them, so he recognized them easily. As for the task of this gift, it is to observe the butterflies carefully within this week. It's easy, it's spring.

Audrey and Megan accepted the gift, holding the new accessories around their necks with their right hands, and suddenly turned around and looked behind them. The eleven-ring witch's life ring was fully revealed. The huge pressure made the girls in the basement retreat. At the same time, the black iron-colored whispering aura was concentrated on the surface of her life ring. The new whispering spirit rune - red butterfly, Engraved on her life ring.

The witch looked at this scene in disbelief. Her eleven rings lacked the "whisper" and had been stuck for many years. At this time, the spiritual runes were complete and the twelve-ring road was open to her. And once the level of the ring warlock is promoted, it means that the level improvement of the witch is no longer an insurmountable difficulty:

"Is it that easy?"

She was stunned, then took back her life ring, turned around and thanked Luvia softly:

".Sister Luvia."

The strange way of addressing him made the purple-eyed girl smile even more. She smiled and shook her head to indicate that it was nothing. So the agitated Audrey left here temporarily and went to the room upstairs to change out of the damaged clothes.

After she left, Luvia looked at Shade with a somewhat proud expression. She rarely had this expression on her face:

"Don't worry, you can go and face other things, and I will take care of things at home. Although I don't have the power like you, I can still handle housework without any problem."

Purple eyes looked at him, and Shade felt like he was seeing two people at the same time.

The weather in Green Lake City is very strange this Monday. Although it is rainy in the Green Lake area in the spring, and it has rained four days a week since the sowing month, the feeling of clouds covering the sky and the oppressive and suffocating air this morning is still there. Something unusual.

It was like a sign before a storm was coming, but it was clear that such extreme weather conditions were unlikely to occur in the Green Lake area during this season.

I met Iluna at ten o'clock in the morning. She met Shade and Luvia in the room on the third floor, and greeted Luvia as happily as Shade. After sitting down, Shade informed Luvia about the view that Iluna raised yesterday about "family integration does not necessarily require everyone":

"The witches all think Iluna's idea is correct, and I also think this view makes sense."

Luvia was quite surprised to hear this information, and then praised Iluna for her active thinking:

"It makes sense, Iluna, how did you come up with the idea? It seems that we have underestimated you before, maybe we should let you make plans in the future."

The seventeen-year-old girl smiled reservedly, but was embarrassed to discuss more on this topic, so she took out a small bag:

"We can use divination later to verify the correctness of the idea, and if Laplace Klein Howard is excluded, whether other Edwards fusions can also become the selected ones, and what is the upper limit of missing fusions. Don't worry about the coins. Look, I asked my former friends to help me get three special coins from the Holy See. These were recently seized from a small stronghold of the [Truth Society]. They are very rare, and the Creation Church is willing to pay a very high price. Acquire them.”

There were three identical round coins in the small gray cloth pocket. These were not any relic coins that Shade had ever seen, but Luvia recognized them at a glance:

"It's actually them? [Mechanical Prayer]."

"That doesn't sound like the name of a coin."

Shade said, twisting a coin to look at it, and then unexpectedly discovered that it was quite heavy. Although the volume is about the same as a one-shilling silver alloy coin, its weight is almost equivalent to five one-shilling coins stuck together, which means it has an extremely high density.

Both the front and back sides are of a dusty silver-gray metal color. One side has a strange mechanism similar to a steam engine, and the other side has a thumbs up sign on the right hand. On the side edge of the coin, there is an ancient engraving:

【Praise to metal! Praise the machine! Praise to the * of all *!]

The text on the sides of the three coins all appear to be completely missing, which means that this kind of relic itself is like this.

"Secretkeeper-level relic [Mechanical Prayer]. Holding this coin and passing by an activated machine, whether it is a steam machine or other machinery, as long as the machine itself has a certain complexity, the person holding the coin will uncontrollably The coin is thrown towards the machine, and as long as the coin itself is not intercepted, it will definitely enter the machine through the gap."

Iluna explained what this was:

"People who throw coins will think that this is a customary 'blessing ceremony'. In fact, we can't find this custom anywhere. As for the coins that enter the machine, there is about a 50% chance that the coins will get stuck. There is a 25% chance that the machine will explode, even if the machine does not have the ability to explode. There is a 20% chance that nothing will happen, but the machine itself cannot be recovered even if it is dismantled. Coin; there is about a 5% probability in the end that it will cause wonderful changes inside the machine."

“This roughly refers to enhancing the operating efficiency and reliability of the machinery itself without significantly changing the internal structure of the machinery itself.”

Luvia considered her words and said the most valuable effect of this relic:

"That's why Iluna said just now that the Church of Creation has purchased this kind of coin at a very high price all year round. However, this is not something that can be used casually for experiments. The 25% probability of explosion is almost equivalent to that of a non-thirteenth-level high-level warlock. A full blow in the non-sublimated word state. Moreover, anyone who throws a coin, no matter what effect is triggered, will transform from a flesh-and-blood creature into a mechanical life within the moon phase cycle. At this time, the soul disappears and the mechanical life It only has the instinct to assemble and throw bombs out of any material, and that is a very dangerous thing."

Since the information is so detailed, it means that the Creation Church has conducted quite in-depth research on this relic.

"So, the church will use death row prisoners to test the effects of relics?"

Shade asked curiously, but he didn't mind that much. The characteristics of unknown relics must be clarified before they can be safely contained, but it is impossible to teach people to experiment.

Iluna blinked:

"We will not discuss this issue."

"In short, plus the remaining [Ghost Iron Coins] and [Home Coins] from last time, as well as the two [Fanatical Believer's Soul Coins] that Shade got from nowhere last week, we have 7 coins here. ”

Seven coins were placed on the coffee table in front of the three of them. Little Mia sniffed them in turn as if patrolling her territory, and then left with her tail swung.

"We must leave one or two as a backup to prevent other accidents. But it is enough to figure out some thorny issues now. The issues Iluna mentioned just now are very valuable. Although I don't think that without Edward My ancestors, others can also accomplish U Plurus Unum, but we have to give it a try after all.”

As she said that, she picked up a [Soul Coin of a Fanatic Believer]:

"I can't directly divine the chosen one, but I can divine whether someone is not the chosen one, so just give it a try."

The coin is tossed and nothing happens. Luvia thought for a moment, then picked up another identical coin and threw the two coins high into the sky.

The coin turned to dust as it fell, and then the dust dissipated invisible. Luvia opened her eyes and answered Shade and Iluna's doubts:

"No, he must be the first candidate for the chosen one in space. He is the core of the family. But this is not a waste of coins. I divined the upper limit of the missing fusion. Among the 21 members of the Edwards family, A maximum of 4 people can be missing.”

Shade nodded, while Iluna wondered whether there were other "survivors" besides the witch who escaped in the unknown sixth era time and space. As for Megan Edwards and Audrey Edwards being able to escape at that time, she guessed that the speaker of the [Witch Parliament] personally took action. There were only 13 people in the Great Witch. It is impossible for the Great Witch of Time to care about the life and death of the members of the Parliament.

PS: Near the end of the volume, it’s time to guess the chosen one.

A. Edwards family (all or missing some members)→Ending: Family Roots·E Pluribus Unum

B. Rusty Edwards (soul) \u0026 Trudeau Giles → Ending: Dependent on life and death, tied by fate

C. Grace White \u0026 Helen Black→Ending: Eternal Reincarnation·The Red Butterfly Twins

D. Lesia Cavendish \u0026 Dorothy Louisa→Ending: You are me·I am you

E. Suddenly appeared in Green Lake: Ms. Marilyn Handel \u0026 Joy Patton → Ending: No life or death·No regrets

F. Luvia \u0026 Long-haired Luvia → Ending: Only today do you know who I am

G. Primeval Fire \u0026 Primeval Fire → Ending: The fire is extinguished and ashes are born

H. Shade \u0026 Philosopher's Stone→Ending: Blood of the Moon

I. The author’s other ideas

PS2: Picture of this chapter "Relic-Mechanical Prayer"

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