Whispering Verse

Chapter 1847 Strong Enemy and the Missing Princess

Iluna patted her back gently. Luvia coughed a few more times, swallowed the blood in her mouth, and then rinsed her mouth with the tea handed over by Shade. She was not a delicate girl:

"Five powers beyond the thirteen rings, not even including himself, this is just what I saw.

The first is the evil thing Sister Devlin saw from the memory of Rusty Edwards - the door in the bottle. That thing has self-awareness, and the soothsayer's initial madness is related to it;

The second is a third of a pale skull. I don’t know what it is, but it shouldn’t be a relic. This thing is related to death. When I saw it, I felt like my whole body was frozen;

The third is a book, a book that is praised by many souls and seems to have the power of destiny. It may be angel level (level 1) or even unknowable level (level 0);

Then there was a person who was locked up and locked in a coffin. Something was wrong with him. Time and space overlapped on him. He seemed to be in the present but also in the past. I don’t know what he had experienced. Maybe Relating to experiments and human refining;

Finally, there are cards."

Shade suddenly looked at Luvia. The purple-eyed girl shook her head:

"It's not the Impermanence Card. I know that card. This is the angelic relic [Poetry Card] that he took with him when he defected from the association. Shade, do you still remember that he used a stack of cards on the night of the lunar eclipse? Summoned a monster?”

Shade nodded:

"Of course I remember it. I guessed it was his alchemy item at the time."

"Later, the church came to us to verify. In fact, when he defected, he took away an angel-level relic of the association. However, the association did not inform the church and the college for the sake of face."

Shade and Iluna had the same expression at this moment.

"There is only one [Poetry Card]. It is said to be one of the game cards that imitated a certain unique card in the Fourth Era, but only this one was later turned into a relic. Its function is to call out those who have been A hero recorded in poetry. This is a relic that is extremely suitable for ring wizards like Dorothy, who take the enlightening elements of stories as the core system. If you guessed correctly, the deck used by Laplace Howard is based on It was developed based on this angel-level relic. As for the [Poetry Card] itself, the association’s containment record states that it can summon demigods.”


"Don't worry, calling the heroes of the past requires very strict conditions. That card is inactive now, so I don't know how he is going to use that card. But what is certain is that the summoned ancient A hero must be quite something."

The atmosphere was a little heavy for a moment. The thirteen-ring fortune teller was difficult enough to deal with on his own, but now with these additions, the trouble became even greater.

Luvia then added:

"In addition, before the soothsayer arrived at Green Lake, the association believed that there was a considerable trouble on the central island of Green Lake itself, which was close to a natural disaster. We must also pay attention to this when we deal with Laplace Howard. a little."

If Shade was alone, he could not think of any other solution to the upcoming Battle of Green Lake other than burning divinity, and what needed to be burned was not necessarily just a drop of divinity. But now there are many great witches around him, the Five Gods Church and the three major colleges are in full condition, and even the "Mirror Hidden Man" is willing to help secretly. There is still the possibility of solving this matter with one's own strength.

"Fortunately, Shade solved the demon in advance, otherwise the five problems blocking the road would have become six."

Iluna wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but Luvia was still quite troubled:

"The most important thing now is to figure out what I'm seeing."

Shade told her not to be nervous:

"The church noticed the [Door in a Bottle] during the battle on the night of the lunar eclipse; the relic held up by many souls is an angel-level relic [Soul Storybook]. You can think of it as a gift to the soul. The effective enhanced version is full of pages of 'The Puppet Operator's Playbook', I can tell you the specific information in a moment; I don't know the person in the coffin, but maybe it is Edwards, but..."

Mr. Nicholas Green has almost said everything about the current situation of Edwards. Therefore, there are very few targets that can be suspected. It can even be said that there is only one: the eldest son of the third generation. It is said that he died young, but in fact he was locked in a well for execution. Envy Edwards of The Elixir Experiment.

"On the night of hunting the devil, in Mr. Soren Green's dream, I once entered the dry well of Edwards' old house and saw strange murals. Half of them were Envy Edwards who was forced to swallow drugs for experiments, and half of them were him. As he passes through each door, the lines delineating his body become less and less clear."

Iluna and Luvia looked at each other:

"In addition to the elixir experiment, he has also experienced other things."

"It's hard to say, let's talk about other things first. The Prophet Association should be more anxious to deal with the [Poetic Cards] matter than us. After all, this is a relic contained by the association."

"Evil Object - Door in a Bottle, Relic - Soul Storybook, Suspected Enwy Edwards, Relic - Poetry Playing Cards. And what about the third of the skull?"

Iluna was not surprised that Shade knew so much, after all, he had always been like this every time.


He touched the cat and sighed:

"I'll get it out of Laplace Klein Howard's hands before the showdown in Green Lake."

Shade, Luvia and Iluna discussed the results of the divination all morning, and they understood very well that without the help of the church this time, even with the support of the witches, it would be difficult to win.

Luvia and Iluna summarized the information that could be shared with the church, and Iluna revealed it to increase her weight as the "Balance Chosen One" in the Church of the Five Gods. At the same time, during the discussion, Iluna vaguely mentioned a strange dream she had recently:

"I seemed to dream that Princess Agelina Cavendish was standing barefoot on the Lake of the Cherubim of the Lady of the Lake, and she was saying strange things like the witch's chosen one."

She thought this would cause a heated discussion between Shade and Luvia, but she didn't expect that they didn't care at all:

"Let's settle the matter here first. When I obtained the [Source of Chaos], didn't I still know from the ancient astrologer Mr. Euclid that the chosen ones of the moon would stay at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square? These have not happened yet. We are not sure whether it will definitely happen. Iluna, that is just a dream. Even if it is true, it is not something that should be discussed now. As for Agelina, I will pay attention to her. "

After lunch at the Green Lake Hotel at noon, Iluna and Luvia left respectively. Shade found the witches who were busy in the basement and informed them of the new information they had obtained in the morning. As for this Monday afternoon, he went to the City of Glass on the other side of the lake. On the one hand, he visited Margaret who was frightened last night, and on the other hand, he also inquired about the church's progress in tracking down the [Tyranny Club].

Although he had another busy day in Green Lake, Shade did not forget that he had to make up for his date with Lesia at the opera house tonight and his delayed fairy tale study course on Saturday.

In order not to miss the time, he took little Mia to say goodbye to the reluctant blonde princess and returned home at five o'clock in the afternoon. Lesia said that she would send a carriage to take Shade to the opera house around seven o'clock, so Shade waited at home after dinner.

But he waited until the sun went down and the gas street lights around the square lit up one by one, illuminating the edge of Saint Teresa Square in a peaceful atmosphere at night. He still saw no trace of the carriage.

Shade, who was wearing a black formal suit and wandering around the living room with his hands behind his back, gradually had some bad premonitions in his heart. Turning his head to look at the clock in the corner, he watched the second hand and minute hand move toward the top together until they coincided with the number "12".

The sound of the city bell tower chiming time came from the distance. Shade stopped and looked solemn:

"At seven o'clock sharp, neither Lecia nor the carriage came to see us. It seems something happened."

[Why isn't she late? 】

she asked softly.

"When it comes to the date, Lesia even wants to arrive an hour early. There is absolutely no way she will be late."

Leaving little Mia, who didn't know what happened, to stay at home, Shade quickly went downstairs and walked out of the house. He flashed in the shadow of the square and turned into a silver cat.

Instead of taking the normal route, he quickly climbed up the steam pipes on the exterior wall of his house. After reaching the roof, he took a look at the place where the long-haired Luvia sat in the dream, and then jumped out from the back of the house. go out.

Something was wrong with the situation in Yodel Palace. Although nothing could be seen from the outside, when the silver cat entered the palace garden under the cover of the fence, he found that the palace guards were moving around abnormally. In order to make it easier for Shade to come see her at any time, Lecia told him the duty and guard schedule of Yodel Palace, but the situation at this time was obviously not right.

Under the cover of the moonlight, the cat quickly approached the building where Lesia's bedroom was located, and then climbed up to the upper floor along the pipes outside the wall.

He peeked outside the window glass and found that there were many people in the room, but there was no Lecia. Lesia's maid, Miss Weiss Doere, was being questioned by a man whom Shade didn't know, but who looked like a colleague of MI6, while the maid in charge of Yodel Palace was leading a team of maids to inspect Every corner of the room.

They didn't rummage through Lesia's things, but seemed to be looking for some clues. No one noticed a silver cat appearing outside the window, and although the glass was soundproof, Shade could barely hear words like "missing".

The cat meditated outside the window for a moment, then turned and left. After returning to his human form in the shadow of the alley on the side of Silver Cross Avenue, Shade immediately rushed to No. 221 Quill Street in the University District in the dark.

PS: Thanks again to Silver Alliance Leader @for the idle streamer, (6/20).

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