Whispering Verse

Chapter 1848 Hongdie’s help

Shade came in a hurry and knocked on the door downstairs of Dorothy's apartment in the dark. Of course the landlady who opened the door knew the famous Tobesk detective in front of her. Although she looked down on the rumored romantic affair of Mr. Detective, she still informed Shade about the female writer’s developments:

"Lotusa has been in the room since she came back from the publishing house in the afternoon. She didn't even go out for dinner. She is probably losing weight again. This is not a good habit for a young girl nowadays. Mr. Hamilton, you have to go upstairs and see you Want to see her? But you can only stay until half past nine."

This apartment is only rented to women, and the rules when renting it out are that men are not allowed to stay overnight. Shade had known this before, so he thanked the landlady who, although she seemed stern, actually took great care of Dorothy.

But as expected, when Shade arrived at Dorothy's apartment on the third floor, he closed his eyes and knew there was no heartbeat in the room, but he still used illusions to fake Dorothy's voice and invited himself in.

"Is it Shade? Please come in."

Then there was the sound of the door being opened, forged by illusion. Shade did not have the key to Dorothy's apartment, but the "door key" could not recover as fast as it could in dealing with the energy consumed by such a door lock.

"Good evening, Dorothy."

He said to the empty room and walked inside. Shade had been to this apartment more than once. He quickly checked the room after closing the door, and then saw the manuscript he was writing on the desk.

The manuscript breaks off at the word "corpse," which is still two letters short of being written. And Dorothy’s favorite chair behind the desk is arranged as if it is being used:

"Disappear in place?"

If only Lesia was missing, then the princess should have informed Dorothy of the matter through her and Dorothy's ability to communicate across space. Therefore, before arriving, Shade had guessed that Dorothy might not be there either.

Taking a deep breath, Dorothy used illusion magic to create an illusion, and asked her to go downstairs with her. Then she explained to the landlady that she would be traveling out of town to collect materials for a few days.

Because Dorothy had done similar things before, and although Shade had a bad reputation in her private life, "Tobesk's Detective" was only discussed in terms of her private life, so the landlady, as an ordinary person, was also There is no suspicion, just asking the writer to pay attention to safety.

After giving a reasonable explanation for Dorothy's disappearance, Shade threw away the glass slipper and returned home.


"Mia, I don't have time to play with you right now. I have something urgent right now and I don't know what time I will go home tonight. You come with me."

Shade came out of the bathroom and said to the surprised cat, then picked it up and quickly went to the basement, entered the hidden space behind the wall, and picked up the [Butterfly Calling Flute] from the shelf beside the wall.

This is a gift left to Shade from the fifth era by the butterfly god [Thousand-Eyed Phantom Butterfly] after the adventure in [Worm Cave]. It is a genuine divine item. It can summon butterflies by playing it, and can enhance the power of thaumaturgy and spells related to butterflies. However, Shade has kept it with Helen and Grace to help them fight against the resurrected Whispering power of the relic.

When the Red Butterfly girls were preparing to accompany Granny Cassandra to leave Middleburg, they gave the flute to Shade so that Shade could play the flute to call them. When Xia De thought it didn't work, he didn't expect that it actually did.

Because he had a vague suspicion in his heart, he did not play the flute at home, but turned around and touched the statue and went to Green Lake. I just brought the cat to the Green Lake Hotel, and just after I came out of the hidden wall, I felt something was wrong.

"What happened in the undead space?"

He did not take the newly opened door in the basement, but still took the side door of the kitchen, and then came to the alley behind the hotel. The night was gloomy and scary, and in Shade's eyes, countless phantoms were actually hovering in the clouds in the night sky. The number was astonishing.

This is not Fort Midhill, and these souls are extremely illusory and approximate projections, which will not affect the city and residents for the time being, but this is still very wrong:

"What's going on?"

It's just that Xia De doesn't have time to deal with this matter at the moment, and the local church will naturally handle it. He said hello to John, the boy who had "come home", and asked him not to "go out" tonight. After walking around to the main entrance of the hotel, he first inquired with Mr. Solon Green and learned that Priest August had not yet arrived. He came to check in, then returned to the room on the third floor, and played the silver flute in the room.

As the flute played, hundreds of phantom red butterflies appeared around Shade, and gradually turned from illusion to reality, which surprised the cat on the sofa. But before it stretched out its claws to swoop at the butterfly, the phantoms of the red butterflies gathered in front of Shade, outlining the appearance of two girls of fifteen or sixteen years old.

The red butterflies dispersed, and the twins appeared. The black-haired girl in the white skirt and the black-haired girl in the black skirt, holding the hem of their skirts, came to Shade together:

"Good evening, sir."

"Good evening, sir. I feel the power of death outside the window, but it's not very strong."

Lifting her skirt, she curtsied and bowed, then raised her head and smiled at Shade. The young girls looked very good and smiled sweetly. Shade also wanted to smile at them, but he couldn't smile:

"Good evening, Grace. Good evening, Helen. This is Green Lake City, and we are at the Green Lake Hotel. I need help."

"Please tell me."

Overlapping voices said, and they saw Shade's anxious look.

"Do you still remember the pair of red butterfly pendants you gave me? The two pendants that can allow Lecia and Dorothy to meet each other. Can you locate the current locations of those two pendants?"

If they can't do it, Shade will have no choice but to find a way to find Luvia. There is still one [Home Coin] left in the special coin, and he will be able to divine the result.

Grace in the white dress responded:

"Without the ability to locate the entire world, we don't have the means to leave a location on the gift we gave you."

"But if it's in the same city or a very close distance, sir, we can search for those powers from the same source."

Helen in black dress added.

"Okay, now help me find the location of the two pendants."

So they held hands together and closed their eyes. After waiting for a moment, he opened his sky blue eyes:

"Sir, the spatial environment in this area is too chaotic, which seriously affects our perception."

"It doesn't matter, try again. Can't you link my power? Just like in Randall Valley, come on, try again."

Shade put his hands on their shoulders, and then the three of them cast spells together.

"Powerful spatial perception" helps Grace and Helen to the maximum extent, eliminating the influence of chaotic spatial conditions. When the cityscape centered on the three people gradually spread to the surrounding larger area, the first thing Shade noticed was that a street away from the Green Lake Hotel, a similar force was approaching the hotel.

Then the range of perception continued to spread to the surroundings, and a similar power appeared on a certain ship on the Duin River, but it was not the red butterfly pendant [True Red Butterfly], a sage-level relic, but the red butterfly pendant sent by Luvia in the morning. The pendant for Megan and Audrey.

The evidence is that as soon as the three of them sensed it, the power of the same origin was blocked, which meant that the great witch discovered that someone was spying on her.

Even if Shade cast the spell to the extreme, the final range of perception only covered a small part of the outside of Green Lake City, and did not even spread southward to the shores of Green Lake. But that was enough. The red dot moving towards the Green Lake Hotel obviously represented one of the girls Shade was looking for.

After finishing the perception, Shade took Mia, Grace and Helen downstairs. Mr. Solon Green, who was looking after the shop on the first floor, was very surprised that Shade was alone when he went upstairs. When he came downstairs, not only was there a cat, but he was also accompanied by two girls of fifteen or sixteen years old. The rules hanging behind the counter.

But thinking of the various girls and ladies around Shade and his relationship with his aunt, Mr. Green just smiled and said hello.

It took a long time to sense with the Red Butterfly girls, so when the three of them arrived on the first floor and the door of the hotel was pushed open from the outside, Shade immediately thought that it was Dorothy or Lesia. .

Just then, he saw Dr. Schneider pushing the door open and coming in. The blue-eyed middle-aged psychiatrist also saw Shade who had just walked down the stairs. He was a little curious about who the twins beside Shade were, but more importantly, he said to Shade dissatisfied:

"Detective, look at your expression now. Are you so disappointed when you see me appearing?"

"No, I am."

"I'm not joking with you. Today I went shopping from Granny Natalie whom you introduced. That old lady with a very nice personality introduced me to a store outside the city to buy scarce goods. You will never guess who I met when I came back. ."

He made way for the doorway, allowing the blonde girl with a somewhat uneasy look on her face to walk in. Dorothy saw Shade at a glance, and naturally noticed the uneasiness and expectation on his face.


There were other guests dining on the first floor. Shade suppressed the urge to call her name, stepped forward and opened his arms to hug her. Dorothy also hugged him tightly.

The doctor shook his head, not knowing what he meant. Mr. Soren Green watched this scene from behind the counter, tapping his fingers on the table while recalling which number it was. Helen, who was wearing a black dress, poked her sister's arm and quietly pointed in the direction of the doctor. Grace nodded cautiously, lowered her voice and said a few words in her sister's ear to express her agreement.

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