Whispering Verse

Chapter 1849 The Night of the Dead

"I find this city really magical. Not only can you see trains on the streets at night, but now just walking around, you can also meet friends who shouldn't be here."

The doctor was joking to liven up the atmosphere. Seeing that Shade wanted to thank him, he shook his head and said it was nothing:

"But now, except for the priest, all our people are here. Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?"

"Doctor, this is superstition, don't believe it casually."

Shade responded casually, and then asked the girl in his arms:

"How did you get here? And, where is she?"

He let go of Dorothy and asked nervously again. Dorothy and Lesia could contact each other at any time, and it was impossible for them not to know each other's condition.

The blonde girl also knew Shade's worries:

"I was writing a manuscript at home, and then I suddenly appeared here, but it was not in the city, but outside the city in the southeast corner. That was an hour ago. I knew where this was from the children in the village. I originally wanted to I had to ask for directions and find out how to get into the city, and then I met the doctor coming out of the market.”

Dorothy explained the situation as briefly as possible. She was not a weak girl. When she saw Shade, she calmed down:

"It's strange that the contact between me and her was blocked by a very strange force. But it's not that we can't communicate at all, it's just that we communicate through a window. She said that she was in a foggy place, and there was white everywhere. Fog. It was an abandoned town without anyone. I knew you would definitely be able to find us, so I asked her not to move and found a house to rest first."

Shade looked solemn as he took off the pendant from Dorothy's waist and handed it to Grace and Helen. The Hongdie girls used the pendant to do some sensing, and then combined with the map, they immediately came to a conclusion:

"The other pendant is on the island in the center of the lake."

"I will go with you."

Dorothy said immediately, but was stopped by Shade. It's not that I don't trust Dorothy's power, but for other reasons:

"I will definitely be able to find her, but once I find her, you two can't be together. Isn't this more dangerous?"

The last Red Butterfly Day was the farewell party for Miss Carina and the second group of negotiating delegations to leave Tobesk. The next Red Butterfly Day will be this Saturday, the 17th of the Rain-Praying Month. And now, it's only Monday, the 12th of the month of praying for rain.

Dorothy bit her lip unwillingly, but she also knew that Shade was right.

Shade looked at the doctor, who nodded and asked in a low voice:

"No problem. I'm here to help you. I can leave at any time. However, have you discovered anything is wrong in the city? The wandering souls wandering in the sky are becoming more and more real."

"I noticed that too."

Dorothy also nodded, making sure that the guests on the first floor were all in the corner and no one was nearby to hear, before continuing to explain:

"It took the doctor and I more than half an hour to get here from the city. At first, there was no difference between the ghosts and hallucinations, but now any magician can see them."

Helen, who was wearing a black skirt, held up the hem of her skirt and trotted outside to take a look. Although most of their memories have been sealed, as part of the seal of the "Challenge of Life and Death", they are all too familiar with this situation:

"This is a sign of a problem in space. It's hard to say what is in the void beyond the material world, but at least tonight, the fragile space of this city is connected to death."

This fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl said the results that the church has not been able to investigate so far:

"The instability of space has accumulated to a certain extent, and now large-scale changes are beginning to occur. No, it is not that the dead soul can really leave death, that is absolutely impossible. This is like a mirror, the instability of space , like a mirror, projects the soul in death into the material world, these are the reflections of ghosts.”

"Connecting Death? If that wasn't tonight, would there be undead walking in Green Lake City at night?"

The doctor asked in surprise. Grace on the side carefully moved away from him, and then nodded:

"This will definitely happen if it is not stopped. We don't know how big the scale will be yet. Fortunately, it is not a complete fragmentation of space. At dawn, the authority of the sun and the moon will change, which will re-stabilize the order of the world. By then It will be over.”


Mia yelled lazily, and Shade also remembered that more than one person had said that the light of the sun and the moon was one of the important foundations for stabilizing the material world, which was why there was so much movement on the night of the lunar eclipse.

"The church should be able to solve the problems in the city. This is the first wave of disaster caused by the unstable space. The church can withstand it."

Shade said, and then motioned for the doctor to set off immediately with him. This place is very close to the basement. He is at his strongest when he goes home and takes the relics with him.

"Sir, my sister and I will go with you."

Helen tugged on Shade's sleeve, raised her head and said to him, but Shade shook his head:

"How long can you exist?"

Use the [Butterfly Summoning Flute] to summon Grace and Helen. Their appearance has a time limit. Although the Battle of Randall Valley shows that this ten-minute time limit is most likely because they were worried that Shade would not use the flute. But the restrictions definitely exist, just not as harsh as ten minutes.

Helen was speechless for a moment, so Grace also grabbed Shade's sleeve and looked up at him with watery blue eyes:

"No matter how long it takes, we will stay with you until we disappear."

The doctor secretly took a look at Dorothy's performance and unexpectedly found that the writer didn't care about this conversation at all.

But Shade still doesn’t want them to land on the island:

"You stay here with Dorothy and protect this hotel. The other ladies should also send people. I don't know what will happen tonight. I need someone to protect this place."

After saying that, he gave the cat in his arms to Miss Writer:

"By the way, help me keep an eye on this cat and don't let it run loose tonight."

Seeing Xia De's resolute attitude, they could only agree to stay here. However, they processed the red butterfly pendant in Dorothy's hand so that it could locate the other pendant at a short distance to facilitate Shade's search. This is not difficult, after all, the two pendants are a pair.

Later, Shade asked Mr. Solon Green to send someone to Megan's cruise ship and inform her to take people to the lake to pick up Shade and his party who would be back at any time. He himself went home to get the weapons he needed, and then Together with the doctor, he went out under the worried looks of the girls.


The doctor suddenly spoke in the darkness, and his expression was very serious.

"Please say."

Shade thought he had something important to confess.

"If one day you are stabbed to death by a girl, I will not help you. I am a psychiatrist and I have seen many such cases."

"I will protect myself from this."

The Green Lake Inn had a small backyard for unloading goods, where the wagon horses happened to be resting. Shade and the doctor each rode a horse out of the city. On the way, they noticed that there seemed to be not many police officers patrolling tonight, because the church's team was already out in full force, preparing to face the ghost projections in the sky.

After leaving the city, the two didn't need to worry about causing too much noise, so they tied the two horses to a tree, and the doctor used his newly acquired thaumaturgy "Dark Maze" to protect them. Then a pair of strange wings grew from the doctor's back, and Xia De relied on [Raglai's Jump] and his own speed to quickly approach the lake.

Not only were there dense ghosts floating in the sky over the city, but there were also ghosts floating above Green Lake, but Shade didn't care at all. The lake was extremely quiet at night. He originally planned to step directly onto the water to land on the island. There was not much difference between the water and land to him, but the doctor had a better idea:

"Look at me."

His hand was lifted up, and then a black cube appeared in his palm. The cube was thrown to the lake casually, and after touching the water, it turned into the coffin made to deal with the labyrinth demon Yalu.

"Space items? Or storage-type space magic?"

Shade was surprised. This was the ability he had wanted from the beginning, but the doctor shook his head:

"It's just a very simple usage developed after gaining the power of the devil. It can only have an effect on non-relics with the power of the devil. Come up, let's go."

"Wait, how do you get a coffin up?"

Before Shade finished speaking, he saw the doctor jumping on the coffin. Shade jumped up, and after the doctor reminded him to stand firm, the coffin flew over the water toward the fog in the middle of the lake like an arrow from its string.

Even though Shade was still worried about Lesia's condition at this moment, he still felt that this scene was weird.

Dr. Schneider's "transportation" is extraordinary. It would take a long time to reach the island by boat or walking on the water. However, after stepping on this coffin, within three minutes, the doctor followed Shade's instructions. The coffin was parked firmly on the pier on the north shore of the island that Shade was most familiar with.

After both of them jumped onto the dock, the coffin turned into a black cube again and was put away by the doctor. Shade felt that this ability was quite useful:

"Doctor, there may be space confusion on this island. You stay close to me, and we don't leave each other's sight. If, if we are really unlucky to be separated, you should leave the island first."

Doctor Schneider made a no problem gesture to Shade:

"I have a certain resistance to spatial confusion now, don't worry."

After devouring the demon in the labyrinth, although the doctor failed to obtain the "space" spirit rune, he obviously gained something else.

Shade is now very familiar with this island. The pier is connected to the path in the forest, and through the forest is the town of Green Lake located in the mist.

Although Dr. Schneider had seen this place in Mr. Solon Green's dream, he was still quite surprised to see this town this time:

"The atmosphere here is truly unique. I can only describe it as 'chaotic silence.' Even my craziest patients would calm down if they came here."

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