Whispering Verse

Chapter 1850 Space Distortion

Standing at the entrance of the town, Shade took out the red butterfly pendant. It slowly trembled in Shade's hand, and then, as if it had turned into a living butterfly, it flapped its wings and left the palm, flying to the southwest of the town.

In the fog, the red butterfly pulled out a dazzling red light trail, allowing Shade and the doctor to follow behind and look at the path clearly pointed out by the red light and shadow. But they had just entered the town when the night sky changed.

White fog obscured the sky above the island, and visibility was reduced to the minimum. There was no moon or starry sky to be seen here, but when the doctor raised his head, like Shade, he clearly saw something green and green falling from the sky.

"Evil spirit."

The doctor said softly, and Shade nodded:

"The space is unstable. This is what the twin girls said in the hotel just now, the projection of the dead soul."

The spatial chaos on the central island of Green Lake is even worse than that of the surrounding areas. Therefore, what happened here may not have happened in the city, but it will undoubtedly have an impact on the two moving forward at this moment.

There was not much green light in the sky, so Shade and the doctor could only speed up their pace and follow the red butterfly forward, hoping to avoid the battle. But Lesia's location was on the other side of the town, so before they saw Lesia, the first soul projection in the air had already landed in front of them.

Rather than saying that this is an evil spirit, it is better to say that it is a space distortion caused by the influence of space forces. It was a spiritual body covered with dense cracks, with three heads, four hands and three legs. These limbs are not evenly distributed around the spirit body, but are quite disordered. There are even arms waving around the waist and neck, which once again proves that it is forcibly pieced together by the projections of multiple spirit bodies.

It had no sense at all. After landing, it immediately floated towards the doctor and Shade. Its powerful malice indicated that the battle was inevitable.

"Moonlight Slash!"

Shade raised his hand and a ray of moonlight flew into the fog. The blow was accurate, but after the arc-shaped moonlight hit the target, the space distortion modeled on the spirit body only broke off one hand. The destructive effect of Silver Moon Slash was still effective, but the purification properties did not appear.

"This thing cannot be considered a complete evil spirit. It has stronger spatial attributes."

Shade reminded the doctor in a low voice, and the doctor nodded:

"This island is too strange. Let's hurry up and don't stay too long."

As he spoke and started working together with Shade, the doctor stretched out his right hand and pinched forward. His originally normal arm was instantly wrapped in the pus of "Human Pus" and then swelled into the shape of a giant tree. The giant black hand pinched the floating evil spirit, but when the doctor tightened his grip, the evil spirit disappeared into the palm of his hand.

"Moonlight Slash!"

Shade held the [Night Watch] in both hands and turned around to slash. The dazzling silver light traces were drawn out in an arc. Amidst the ear-piercing wails, the multi-headed space aberration that had just appeared was cut off half of its body by this powerful sword. .

The black cube was thrown out by the doctor and turned into a gurgling fountain of black pus after landing. The aberrant body above the pus wanted to move through space again, but was controlled in place by Shade's magic:

"Space stabilizing halo!"

The jet-black pus fountain turned into spikes on the ground, piercing the aberration's body from between its three legs. Then, centered on the pierced location, the entire spirit body was infected by densely packed tiny black cubes.

Shade and the doctor each took a step back, and then jointly carried out the final attack:


The doctor opened his mouth and spit out a stream of red flames, and the fire of the Balrog with the smell of sulfur completely engulfed the aberrant body.

"Moonlight Great Sword!"

Shade pointed his toes and appeared in the fog above the front of the aberration. He held the [Night Watch] with both hands and raised it above his head. Then the "Moonlight Sword" was attached to the [Night Watch], allowing the length of the silver sword to move out of thin air. The front extended several times.


The silver moonlight split open the monster in the flames, leaving a brilliant silver light trail in the air. The two-part aberration wanted to rely on its own characteristics to become two smaller separate individuals to continue fighting, but the pink crystal and the small black cube together completed the infection of the entire spirit body. After the doctor's flames disappeared, only a few ashes remained.

"Troublesome monster."

Although he worked well with Shade, the doctor knew how disgusting it would be to encounter this thing alone.

"It is indeed troublesome, but what is even more troublesome is that this may be the most basic kind of monsters that appear as the instability of space increases. The environment outside the island is not so bad, so there should not be such strong distortions. body."

Shade bent down and collected the ashes left after the aberrations were eliminated into the test tube. Megan, Audrey, and Granny Cassandra who would arrive soon, might be able to analyze something based on these.

While Shade and the doctor continued to move forward, in a mediocre three-story building in the southeast corner of Green Lake Town, the red-haired princess wearing a gorgeous dress opened her eyes in the living room on the second floor. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lesia did not light up the lights here, but the surroundings were not dark at this time, and the pendant around her waist was emitting a soft red light.

Through communication with Dorothy, she knew that this meant that Shade and Dr. Schneider had arrived nearby. The knight who promised to protect them always did not break the promise.

After a brief whistle and bell sound, the five-ring life ring appeared behind her. Lesia looked at her spiritual rune with some regret. She had already prepared the ceremony to be promoted to the sixth ring. She didn't expect to be so unlucky to encounter such a thing before her promotion.

Because before she suddenly came to this weird town, she was still preparing for a date with Shade, so even the clothes she wore were a cumbersome red dress. She didn't bring too many spell-casting materials with her. Fortunately, the most important relics and the documents needed to perform fairy tale magic were always kept close to her.

Although she knew that Shade might appear in the next second, she still felt that the more this happened, the more careful and cautious she had to be.

Standing at the window and looking out at the thick fog, he frowned and looked at the somewhat terrifying green light in the sky. Patiently listening to all the sounds around him, he was almost startled by the clear sound of footsteps behind him.

The princess turned back and by the light of the pendant on her waist, she saw a middle-aged man with neat gray hair, wearing a decent black formal suit and a monocle, appearing not far behind her.

Lesia's first impression of the stranger was that he seemed to be a learned person like Dorothy's father, Professor Louisa. But she knew that it was impossible for ordinary people to appear in this place.

The stranger took the initiative to express his greetings to Lesia. He placed his left arm flat on his chest and bowed deeply:

"Your Highness Lecia Cavendish, welcome to my territory."

Lesia retreated to the window and frowned slightly:

"you know me?"

"When I noticed you coming here, I already knew who you were. You and another girl I didn't know were the world's chosen saviors, the world's last attempt. No, no, no, please don't Nervous, I don’t want to reveal the mission that you and she have. In fact, as long as you survive, you have completed the mission of coming to this world.”

Lesia didn't care what he said:

"Are you Laplace Klein Howard?"

She had heard from Shade about the Edwards family. After all, the land owned by the Edwards family was also part of Delrayon.


The elegant and easy-going middle-aged man looked at the princess at the window:

"I have no ill intentions towards you, I just can't help but want to see what kind of last attempt the world makes before the end."

He shook his head slightly:

"But please allow me to give you a suggestion - if my plan fails and I fail to save the world, then you and another girl must become the chosen ones of the space. You shoulder a great mission, although it is not You should be easily involved in the whirlpool of the fate of the chosen one, but time is running out. Becoming the chosen one can better demonstrate your characteristics. Please become the starting point of a leafy tree. This is what you must Things to do."

The upbringing of the royal family has allowed Lesiya to master quite a lot of conversation skills, so she knows that she must not get into the other person's train of thought at this time:

"If you just want to see me, your purpose has been achieved. Please go back. I am not here to collect taxes from you, the lord."

The man wearing a monocle smiled. He didn't look like the lunatic described by Shade:

"I want to talk to the God Caller who is holding the [Night Watch] among the two people who are coming. Although my divination cannot know his true identity, I think he must be an acquaintance of yours. I want to talk to He talked about it carefully, not as an enemy, but calmly."

Lesia's back was already leaning on the window sill:

"But I don't trust you, let alone let someone as dangerous as you see him."

"Your Highness Lecia Cavendish, please allow me to point out a mistake of yours. I am not dangerous to him. If he wants to, he can actually kill me at any time. My divination will not be wrong. "

But Lecia ignored him at all, turned over and jumped out of the window. Even though he is wearing a complicated skirt, when he jumps off, he is as light as if he were performing acrobatics in a circus. This is also a thaumaturgic effect.

After landing safely, the life ring behind him illuminated the thick fog around him. When he looked up, he found that the diviner had not caught up. Laplace Klein Howard also looked up from the window, and he reminded Lesia softly:

"Please be careful. By the way, this is not what I summoned. If you need help, I can help at any time."

The pale green light fell from the sky into the fog, and less than ten meters away from Lesia, it appeared that the lower body was made of smoke, and the upper body was made of three different spiritual bodies embedded together, so that there were six A monster with arms and three heads.

PS: Additional update from Silver League (7/20). If there are no accidents, we will continue to update three times a day until all the additional updates are paid off. For the sake of quality, I cannot write too fast, please understand.

Thanks again to @the two silver alliances of idle streamer.

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