Whispering Verse

Chapter 1851 Fireplace Chat

After the new space distortion appeared, it immediately launched an attack on Lesia. Lesia, who had already revealed the life ring behind her, quickly started burning the parchment in her hand:

"Princess Sleeping, Match Girl."

Two phantoms quickly solidified in the white mist, and the princess holding a spindle and the barefoot girl carrying a small basket appeared in front of Lesia.

The five-ring life ring rotated slowly behind her, and the spiritual runes corresponding to thaumaturgy shone with an extremely dazzling luster. Even Lesia herself didn't notice that her life ring completely overlapped with a similar but different life ring shadow, but the most important thing now was to defeat the enemy in front of her.

The space aberration floated closer to Lesia, and the girl carrying a basket came up to meet it. Behind the match girl, Lesia took a deep breath and stretched out her hand to let Princess Sleeping put her hand with the long white lace glove on hers.

The blond Sleeping Princess turned into light and entered Lesia's body. Her outfit quickly changed. The original bright red dress was now decorated with a sky blue skirt, and her long red hair had golden highlights. There was golden light in the green eyes, and there was a golden spindle in his hand.

Every Saturday taught Shade the power of fairy tales, and the princess and the writer also felt a lot from Shade.

In the heavy fog at night, the space aberration did not come into contact with the match girl. Instead, it disappeared out of thin air and appeared behind Lesia, opening its six arms in an attempt to hug her. It really caught something, but for a moment the positions of Lesia and the match girl were swapped, and then the flames ignited all over the body of the little girl holding the basket, completely igniting the chimeric spirit body.

"Thaumatology - Lullaby."

The spiritual rune [Sleep] that was already blooming glowed even more dazzlingly. The spindle in Lesia's hand fell to the ground, and then, with her feet as a dot, everything within a radius of twenty meters was enveloped. In a layer of gray mist. This mist entangled with the white mist, Delarian's traditional nursery rhyme-lullaby sounded, and the struggling movements of the aberration's soul, which was ignited by the flame, actually slowed down a bit.

But it still stretched out one of its arms and pointed at Lesia. The curse from the soul made Lesia's movements stiff for a moment. Fortunately, she immediately raised her hand to touch the sage-level relic on her earlobe - [Saint's Curse Breaking Stone], and then softly recited the incantation, enlightening-[Knight] to bloom, making her shadow falling on the ground longer.

In the shadow, a dark figure on a horse jumped out, slashed at the burning spirit body with a sword, and neatly divided it into two. The horse seemed a bit like a cat.

Seeing that the spell casting was successful, Lesiya breathed a sigh of relief. She alone was almost equivalent to two five-ring warlocks, and with Shade's help, she was able to use the magic of fairy tales to the maximum extent without using the word of sublimation. Only with strength can you gain the upper hand unexpectedly in this battle.

Seeing that the battle was over, unexpected changes suddenly appeared at this time. The flaming girl hugged by the aberration finally exploded completely because she could not withstand the erosion of the undead. When Lesia spat out a mouthful of blood due to the backlash of the thaumaturgy, the split flaming aberration faced the body that had not yet disappeared. The black knight waved an arm, and the black knight was erased by the power of space.

The two bodies on the left and right came close to each other again and came together. The body was still burning with flames. The six arms were fully opened and hugged Lesia from the front. The red-haired princess endured the severe pain in her head and was about to cast the spell again. At this moment, a familiar voice came from the distance:

"Thunder gun!"

White thunder streaked across the night, and amid the thunderbolt explosions, the thunder gun penetrated the white mist and struck the evil spirit's back.

The flaming monster immediately disappeared, letting the silver-white thunder gun fly towards Lesia. Behind Lesia, the aberration appeared again, with six arms aiming at Lesia and closing inward.

In the oppressive white fog, the sound of the thunder gun explosion could not travel very far. But the jumping arc still paralyzed the flaming monster for a moment.

In front of it, pink crystal thorns pierced out of the smoke generated by the explosion of the thunder gun, and then penetrated straight through the deformed body, nailing it in place. Even if it is contaminated by the power of chaotic space, the essence of this monster is still a spirit body, and its biggest nemesis is still thaumaturgy, which is also the power of the soul.

In the smoke, Lesia, whose skirt was decorated with pink crystals, raised her hands, piercing the pink crystal spikes upward from the ground, and intersecting one after another to fix the aberration in place.

At the same time, with the flying red butterfly appearing in the distance, Shade and the doctor finally arrived. The roaring flames of the Balrog and the sword slashed from the air once again destroyed this monster that did not belong to this world.

The two sides met, Lecia dispersed the thaumaturgy she was maintaining, and opened her arms to hug Shade, but Shade just patted her on the back, and then, together with the doctor, looked up at the person above. window.

Laplace Klein Howard still stood there, looking at the three people from top to bottom.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Shade comforted Lesia softly, and then motioned for her to let go:

"You go first."

The doctor looked at him in surprise, and nodded when he saw Shade's serious expression. Lesia, who had just met Shade, held Shade's hand tightly, unwilling to leave him alone, but Shade said:

"Didn't you promise me after what happened last time? Listen to me and I will join you soon."

"Last time" refers to the risky move of the two of them when Dorothy used [Ghost Iron Money] to try to separate their souls from the body. The whip that Shade then pulled out to separate them was still fresh in Lesia's memory.

The princess's body trembled for a moment, then she nodded with her lips pursed, and left with the doctor along the way they came.

The man upstairs did not stop the two from leaving, he just made a gesture inviting Shade at the window. Shade held the night watchman and stood still. He waited until the doctor and Lesia really left, then took a step forward and appeared in the living room upstairs.

He was a little nervous at first, but when he faced the man wearing a monocle at close range, he realized that something was wrong with him:


Laplace Klein Howard nodded:

"If I appeared directly in front of you, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind annihilating me immediately. Although you don't show the power of the Thirteen Rings now, I am a diviner and I can see what is dangerous. You are more powerful than the rumors say. It’s even more dangerous.”

He snapped his fingers and lit the fireplace in the living room that had not been lit for who knows how many years.

The jumping firelight illuminated the profiles of the two men, and the diviner said to Shade:

"This is a good opportunity. I thought I would have a chance to talk to you until the end, but I didn't expect to meet now. Even if you didn't show up just now, I would protect the princess. This is my sincerity. "

He took the initiative to come to the sofa in front of the fireplace, and Shade asked:

"What would you like to talk with me?"

"Some very interesting things. You should have a lot of things you want to talk to me about, right?"

Shade then walked over. The dirty sofa and coffee table were instantly cleaned up by the fortune teller. They sat face to face on the single sofa with the wooden coffee table separated from each other. The red butterfly pendant belonging to Dorothy in Shade's hand was getting darker and darker at this time. It seemed that the doctor and Lesia had really left.

"What do you think of tonight's events?"

Shade pointed upward, and the middle-aged man with a fine beard but gray hair put his hand on the back of the sofa:

"The Green Lake area, as the center of the unstable state of space in the material world, has reached a certain limit. This is easy to understand, and there is no need to worry. This is a natural phenomenon and one of the signs of the end of the world. You There is nothing I can do to stop it, things will get worse step by step, and the situation in Green Lake will gradually happen around the world.

Unless the chosen ones in the space hold a ceremony and use the power of the ancient gods to temporarily suppress the situation in the Green Lake area, the situation can be temporarily relieved. If you have experienced the Randall Valley incident, you should know what I mean. "

He looked at Shade who was frowning:

"I know what you are thinking, but it has nothing to do with me. Even if I hadn't spent the past two hundred years repairing ancient rituals on this island and suppressing the chaos of space, the disaster in Green Lake should have happened long ago. God Summoner, my purpose is also to save this world."

Shade also looked at him:

"You want to tell me that you are actually a good person, but you are just not understood?"

The fortune teller knew what he wanted to say and could also hear that it was sarcasm:

"Are you Shad Hamilton?"

"Sorry, what?"

"The detective who possesses the Impermanence Silver Moon, Balance, Darkness, Death, Knowledge and Tobesk of the Earth. I think you should know the reason why I left the [Prophet Association] back then. Regarding the Impermanence card, I'm afraid I am this He is the person who has done the most in-depth research on the era. I have been paying attention to that detective since the Ayutthaya Players Rhodes Competition in the autumn of 1853. Because of Princess Lesia just now, I thought about whether you could be him."

Shade asked:

"Since you knew Shad Hamilton last year, why don't you go and meet him? Even if your body cannot leave here easily, I think the clone and phantom should be fine."

The firelight illuminated the profiles of the two people, and the diviner's eyes were quite sharp:

"Because I'm scared."

"Sorry, I still don't understand."

"The Impermanent Cards. When I was young, I naively wanted to take them away from the association, but later I realized why the association was not afraid of them being stolen. Those cards cannot be owned by active pursuit, but the cards choose their owners. Therefore, they have been stolen by six Shad Hamilton, who was chosen by a card, guess who he is? Maybe even the Prophet Association itself can’t understand this. They are in awe and fear of that deck. But I understand, so I choose to wait here with peace of mind. It is the beginning of a poem, not an extraneous one.”

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