Whispering Verse

Chapter 1864 The Declined Orders

It is a very popular view that there must be a corresponding reason for God's descent. The gods that Shade met in the past did all have their own reasons for appearing. For example, the God of Gamblers is responding to Mr. Riddle's invitation to gamble, the God of Vampires is holding a banquet, and the God of Journey is looking forward to interesting travel stories.

But thinking about this, it is worth thinking carefully about why the old god "Golden Lord" appeared in the "Black Mist Camp".

What those high-dimensional beings value is very different from what mortals think. For example, [Vampire Duke Loal], who has had several contacts with Shade, planned two eras just for a cup of blood brew and wanted nothing else. This is completely incomprehensible to mortals. .

"Then the second question is, does your religious legend ever involve a camp covered in black mist?"

The two men looked at each other doubtfully, then shook their heads together:

"Sorry, there shouldn't be any."

"Okay, those are my questions."

Shade nodded and stood up. His goal had been achieved, but the older man stopped him:

"Sir, please wait a moment. Are you interested in our inherited magic?"

"What do you mean? Are you trying to sell me something?"

He asked in surprise, and the younger man nodded:

"We are not willing to trade with anyone, but we see that you are a valuable trade partner."

He pointed at his eyes, and Shade found that his brown eyeballs had a faint light, which was probably a detective magic technique similar to [Visual Demon] and [Echo of Blood].

"If you'd like, why don't you first listen to what we plan to sell you."

Shade calculated his wealth. Since 1854, his largest income was the gold mine stake in the Randall Valley. Because the location and depth of the gold mine have been confirmed, the first output has been produced in just two months, but it has not yet been converted into cash and distributed to Shard.

In addition, when he and Iluna bumped into the flower girl's relics in the sewers of Randall Valley, they accidentally discovered a treasure from a hundred years ago. Part of that money was donated, and part was divided equally between Shade and Iluna. In addition, since this year, Shade has not had much expenses, so even though he spent 5,000 pounds in one go to invest in Miss Sylvia's business last year, he still has about 7,000 pounds in cash.

"Okay, what do you want to sell me?"

So he sat down again, and the older man took out a small, palm-sized notebook from his pocket:

"After the two of us have observed, you are more suitable for the following three magical arts. Please trust our judgment. Although we have been cursed and it has been difficult to make a fortune, we are still very accurate in judging whether others have a chance to make a fortune."

He coughed:

"Thumbacary - [Eating Gold]. Its function is to enhance one's physical strength and mental strength by swallowing gold.

After mastering this thaumaturgy, it has different characteristics depending on the level of proficiency. For example, in the early stage, you can judge the purity of gold through the smell of the nose and the touch of the tongue; in the middle stage, you can treat injuries by swallowing gold, and even the stumps can be restored; if After mastering thaumaturgy for long enough, and devouring enough, in the final stage, you can even make an extremely tough and smooth metal film appear on the surface of your body to protect yourself, and you can use gold to replace most spellcasting materials. Once gold is added as a medium when casting a spell, the effect of the spell can be greatly enhanced. "

Shade nodded:

"The only drawback is that it requires pure gold."

"In addition, it can also lead to 'gold addiction', but it can be replaced by eating other metals. Oh, it can also cause metalization of internal organs, but it will not affect normal physiological functions.

The younger man said, looking at Shade expectantly:

"Are you interested?"

"Well what's the second one?"

"Thumbacary - [Golden Cat]. This thaumaturgy requires our specially made golden cat statue, which we can sell to you at a cheap price.

Take the statue back to your long-term residence, arrange the ceremony as required, and come into contact with it regularly every day. In a complete ritual stage - about three weeks later, you can learn the passive thaumaturgy [Golden Cat] to permanently improve your luck in the place you live, especially in the direction of wealth. To give a simple example, if you play Rhodes with others at home, you will most likely not lose. "

"Yeah next one."

This thaumaturgy sounded good, but Shade suspected that the two men in front of him wanted to make a fortune by selling "golden cat statues". What's more, he didn't think that the petty little Mia would allow him to place a golden cat-shaped statue at home and touch the statue every day.

"You are really picky, but it doesn't matter, we like guests like you. You must be satisfied with the last one, [Treasure Object], which uses some inanimate ordinary object as the selected object, based on the caster's greed for the object And cherish it, so that the item will gain extraordinary power based on its own function and shape. For example, if you choose a ring, it is possible. Please don't leave, if you are not satisfied, we have other magic here."

Shade finally understood that the sales ability of the current believer of the God of Wealth was far behind that of the Black Mist Camp of the Fifth Era. If you want to get him to spend money, these temptations will not work.

Miss Danister was not surprised at all that Shade ended the conversation so quickly. Before the people from the Prophet Association left, she asked the fortune-tellers to take the two "businessmen" away, and asked Xiang Shade with a smile:

"Are they trying to sell you thaumaturgy too?"

"Yes, the two of them said similar things to you just now?"

"Persuade me to enrich the collection of the college library. As time goes by, everything is changing. The Golden Order, which was so prosperous in the Fifth Era, has finally declined."

The believers of the old god [Twin Gods] and the old god [Yahua Door] now live in the Peace Church in Green Lake City, which is the safest cathedral in the entire Green Lake area. Although the city of Green Lake is lagging behind in economic development and the size of the church is not as large as that of cities on the south coast, the city is quite old. In a mystical sense, ancient sometimes means powerful.

Shade accompanies Miss Daniste, helping her carry bags and materials. The professors at the college were not surprised at all by the sudden appearance of Sha De, a ring warlock. Sha De was curious about how she explained her identity.

The group set out at around nine in the morning and arrived at their destination in just fifteen minutes by carriage. Professors from Zarath School of Literature and Serkses Higher Medical School also came to the church at about this time.

The three parties gathered together to exchange a few words, and Shade also learned that the team led by Serkeses Higher Medical School was the dean of the Thirteenth Ring who had appeared once in the Randall Valley, and was known as "Steel Professor Miller Stewart of "The Punisher"; the team led by Zarath School of Literature this time is Professor Gost, the thirteen-ring warlock "Evocation Warlock" who appeared during the Battle of Pantanal, as well as the students of the college Office Director, Thirteenth Ring "Rune Master" Professor Caleb Scindia.

By the way, Shade's healing ability [Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift] is said to have been created by this professor's ancestor.

The influence of the "Mumbling Psalms" and the Chosen Ones is growing, and the teams of professors sent by the three major colleges for each incident are getting larger and larger. There are currently three Thirteenth Rings in Zalas Academy of Literature, and now they have sent two out at once, which can be considered a very bold decision. But this is also a helpless move. Since the Tobesk incident last summer, the enemies that have appeared in the struggle for the identity of the chosen ones and the disasters that are close to natural phenomena have gradually expanded in scope and intensity.

If it were not an emergency, the Zhengshen Church would not easily allow the Thirteenth Ring of the three major colleges to enter this area.

However, at least these have nothing to do with Shade now. He could tell that Miss Danister intended to let him know some professors from the other two colleges. When greeting each other, she also intended to introduce the high-level warlocks to him. Although the professors of Zarath and Serkses did not know Shad, they all gave Miss Daniste face.

In the territory of the church, the interests of the three major colleges can be regarded as a whole. After exchanging polite words and exchanging current information, the church also arranged a meeting with the believers of the Old God.

Because there are only a few Old God believers in total, they cannot talk to the three major colleges at once, so they communicate separately in order. In the first round, St. Byrons was assigned to the two believers of [Twin Gods], Zarath School of Literature was waiting, and Xerxes Higher Medical School went to meet the believers of the old god - [Yahua Gate].

Shade is actually very interested in the believers of the [Twin Gods]. After all, even Grace and Helen can't tell whether they still exist. When they met, they discovered that they were actually two ordinary people, and they were two twin old women who looked older than Priest Augustus.

They were so old that the church sent someone to take care of them. Because they are already married and have many children and grandchildren, their surnames are also different.

After everyone sat down on the soft sofa, Miss Denister leaned forward slightly and chatted with them on behalf of St. Byrons. Shade also learned from this that they were very similar to the old god, the old lady Ilar, the last high priest of the [Earth-shaking Worm] Order, but the old lady who lived near Coldwater Port was at least a ring warlock herself. , and found Miss Aurora, who was willing to help her keep the information passed down by the Order for generations.

The last two believers of the [Twin Gods] Order were ordinary people from the beginning. Although some of the information of the Order was preserved by them, most of the valuable information has been lost. It is no wonder that even Grace and Helen believed that the Order No longer exists.

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