Whispering Verse

Chapter 1865 A gift to Hongdie

The conversation with the two old men was more of an attempt by the church to show the three colleges that it could share information. In fact, they themselves cannot provide much valuable information to St. Byrons. On the contrary, some interesting information is recorded in the books they gave to the church. This is the most important source of information.

Therefore, the conversation between Miss Danister and her group and the [Twin Gods] believers did not last long, and they politely ended the meeting and stood up to leave.

Shade also followed Miss Daniste, thinking about Grace and Helen, whether he would be interested in meeting these two. The Hongdie girls have quite complicated views on the [Twin Gods]. It is indeed this god that gave them the power to be together forever, but it was also this god that led to their fate of suppressing the seal of Mount Sikal.

The conversation at St. Byrons ended relatively quickly. The conversation between the professors at Serkses Medical College and the believers of another old god had not yet ended, so Miss Denister and others had to wait. .

The professors at the Zarath School of Literature also knew that the old lady was of little value, so they did not rush to visit them, but started chatting with the professors at St. Byrons. They had learned in advance that among the people who sealed the central island of Green Lake in ancient times, there were believers of the old god [Yahua Gate], so they might be able to obtain important information by contacting the believers of the old god here.

"Miss Denister, I want to go to the bathroom."

After saying hello to the red-haired sorceress, Shade temporarily left the reception room. In order to show respect, the church did not arrange too many people in the nearby corridor, so when Shade saw the twin old women in the corridor in front of the bathroom, he thought they were lost here.

He walked up to say hello, but the two old men seemed to be waiting for him here. The old face was still smiling in the thin sunlight outside the window. They seemed to be the embodiment of the ancient but dilapidated image of the Declined Order. Looking at them, one can see that a once prosperous organization has now reached its final stages:

"Holy Sons, did you originally choose you?"


Shade looked back behind him, and then confirmed that no one was around, and that the old people were indeed talking to him. The word "saint" they use does not contain a gender connotation and has a meaning such as "saint".

"Sorry, are you talking to me?"

Shade was confused, or so he acted. The old man on the left squinted his eyes and put his stubby fingers in front of his mouth, making a gesture of silence. The man on the right smiled kindly and took out a cigarette from his pocket with a trembling hand. The small box was handed to Shade:

"They have been taking care of the Order in secret for thousands of years, but we have given them such a heavy responsibility. It is the Order that has failed them. The ups and downs of thousands of years are not something that our generation can explain clearly. Now Hongdie finally gets It's a miracle to be free, to be free from that alcoholic Duke, but it's so good."

She motioned to Shade to open the red jewelry box. Shade looked left and right again to confirm that no one was nearby before he hesitated to open the lid. He saw lying inside was a weapon with no elemental reaction, but no matter how he looked at it, he knew it was not an ordinary weapon. Item of crimson beads.

The bead was crystal clear and its surface was extremely round. If he hadn't known that there was no silver or red version of the "Source of Chaos", Shade would have even thought that the bead was related to the sage-level relic in his hand.

"What's this?"

The two old men were silent, and when Shade pointed the round and warm red bead at the sun outside the window, in addition to seeing a scene like a swirling red mist inside the bead, he also unexpectedly saw Red butterfly pattern. And in the absence of light, nothing can be seen inside the beads.

"What's this?"

He asked softly in his heart, and "she" answered gently:

[A specific gift left to a specific being, this does not belong to you. 】

Shade understood something in his heart and put away the red beads. I also wanted to ask the two ordinary old people in front of me what else they knew, but they just shook their heads.

There were footsteps from the other side of the corridor, and Shade walked into the bathroom. Not long after, the ring magicians sent by the church to take care of the two old people found them and left with them.

He was very confused, but he did not tell anyone what had just happened, and soon returned to the waiting room to join Miss Danister and her group. At this time, the professors from Zarath School of Literature had already set off to visit the two old Gemini women, while the meeting between Serkses Higher Medical School and other believers of the old gods was still not over.

The Peace Church probably also considered not to waste the professors' time, so it temporarily hired other people to meet with the St. Byrons group.

The door of the waiting room was pushed open, and Mr. Wood, the eleventh-circle warlock of the local Peace Church who was responsible for entertaining the group, walked in with Brother Fulan and introduced their status as "Edwards descendants" to the professors.

Behind the obviously nervous Fulen brothers, Iluna walked in looking bored. This is not the first time that St. Byrons has cooperated with the Church of the Five Gods. Of course, Miss Denister knows this original chosen one.

Iluna exchanged some polite words with Miss Danister, and then looked at Shade behind her.

In order to prevent Shade's identity from being exposed, Shade's face was not only covered by his own illusions at this time, but Miss Danister also used illusions to protect him. But even so, Iluna still recognized who it was at a glance.

As a result, her boredom about this meeting immediately disappeared, and she looked much more energetic.

Most of the information about the Fulen brothers came from Shade or Megan, so Shade was not very interested in them. He just took a look when they took out the key that had been made.

Iluna kept winking at him, so Shade once again used the excuse of "going to the bathroom" to leave the room. Miss Danister knew that Shad knew Iluna, so she helped him cover up, which also prevented Shad from being considered "physically ill" because of his frequent visits to the bathroom.

"I only heard about the situation of the believers of the old god - [Yahua Gate] last night."

In a quiet place in the corridor, Iluna explained the situation quickly:

"The church used some special means, well, some unnamed relics, to investigate who originally sealed the central island of Green Lake. That was something that happened in a very ancient time, and the results obtained after the investigation were very vague. , the only ones who can be sure are the believers of the old god [Yaochangmen]. But the ones who are not sure should also be the sect of the ancient god - [Original Rift]."

Although the thirteen ancient gods left one after another at the end of the first era and the beginning of the second era, most of the orders of the ancient gods continued to exist in other ways. For example, the origins of the Church of the Five Gods are all closely related to the Ancient Gods. The "Prophet Association" is basically the [Destiny] Order with a different name. The believers of the "Father of the Infinite Tree" are still there today. Existing among the ancient elves, the order of the ancient god "Ancient Death" split and partially became today's "Spiritual Order".

But no matter how much Shade thought, he could not imagine where the believers of the ancient god who symbolized the authority of "space" were hiding now.

Iluna saw Shade's doubts, which was also what made her confused when she heard the news last night:

"The investigation on the Ancient God Cult is not going well. This matter can be traced back to the beginning of the Second Era. Even the Orthodox Church today cannot give an answer. But what is certain is that the problem on the island is indeed that ancient It existed since the 2000s and could not be suppressed in the middle and late third era. This led to those unknown people working together to seal the 'other island' and use two overlapping islands to maintain the space. balance.”

"Have you, the Church of the Sun, already talked with those Old God believers?"

Iluna nodded:

"I remember that you once searched for clues and information about the old god - [Yahua Gate], so you should know that the number of followers of this god is not large. Although the one found by the church now has some information, he is also very Limited. For example, he knows that 'fire' is the key to maintaining the seal, and he knows that Green Lake turns green intermittently, not because of algae reproduction, but because the power of another island intermittently affects reality. However, he knows the most critical thing The two pieces of information are actually.”

Iluna lowered her voice:

"First of all, even if you find a way to another island, you must use some kind of special means of transportation to get there. Otherwise, even if you see the 'entrance', you won't be able to access it. This is the wonder of space; secondly, no matter what, you can't reach it. The spatial anomaly in the Green Lake area cannot be allowed to reach its final stage, otherwise the problem will become serious."

"What does the last step mean?"

Iluna frowned and replied:

"Green Lake folds from north to south, and Green Lake City and Michaela Blast Furnace City become a whole."

She paused and looked into Shade's eyes:

"Because of the existence of the national border, the developed industrial cities and poor ancient cities on both sides of the north and south are obviously close to each other, but they are the 'most distant neighbors' in the true sense. If they really folded into a whole, then it would be devastating Yes, it may not just be these two cities. The entire world will slowly but unstoppably fold towards the Green Lake area.

The church even believes that now in the sixth era, the area of ​​the material world is far less large than what is recorded in the materials of the fourth and fifth eras, because similar things have happened before. And this time, I'm afraid it's more than just a reduction in the size of the world. "

PS: 12/20. Updating 9K a day is really too much. This will definitely be the summer I will remember the most in the future.

Picture of this chapter "Red Butterfly's Orb"

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